
By CecilleKudoGawa

410 9 3

i can't say that this is a fanfiction story of heiji and kazuha since their names are different even their sc... More

Names behind Mouri Ran and Kudo Shinichi

410 9 3
By CecilleKudoGawa


its already morning and summer is totally over .. in short , back to school ..

i'm now 3rd year high school , class 2 section B .. and i forgot to introduce myself ..

my name is Shimizu Meari , 15 years of age and a CERTIFIED ANIME LOVER .. my favorite anime is DETECTIVE CONAN and yes , i join cosplay contests many times and i'm not boasting it but everytime i join cosplay contests , i'm always the winner. that makes me pretty popular in our campus.

"good morning , shimizu."

a schoolmate that i dont know who , greeted me.

i only smile as a reply.

that happens everyday and every single day when i come to school.

many students greet me even i dont know them.

thats how my life goes in school.

finally , i'm in my room. i guess, i'm too early cause of teacher wasn't around yet.

so, i went to 2nd row , 3rd chair to the front and sit.

thats the place where i decided to sit.

few minutes pass, our teacher arive with a new student.

its a handsome guy and i guess , he's a transferee. cause he's not familiar.

"okay class, let me introduce myself first. i'm Kyoumaro Miwa and i'll be your Biology Teacher." she said.

so , biology is our first subject.

"but before we start i'd like to introduce you, your new classmate. he's a transferee student." she added.

"hai , my name is Kazetsu Aikei. nice to meet you all. i'm new here so please be good to me." he introduces himself.

Kazetsu Aikei .?? sounds familiar ., like i heard it somewhere .??

"Shimizu," ms. Kyoumaro calls my surename.

I look with a little surprise, "yes, ma'am .?"

"since your a cosplay queen, will you let our transferee student sit beside you .? he's also a cosplay king so the two of you will surely get along together very much." she explains.

oh yea ., thats why his name sounds familiar to me .. i heard alot about Kazetsu Aikei The Cosplay King but I never meet him personally.

so ........ he's definitely handsome.

"its my pleasure to be a sitmate of the cosplay king." I answer.

so he went to the sit next to me and sits, silently.

the minutes, hours and time pass very fast and our class is over.

now, i'm at the school gym, sitting on a bench, listening music on my phone while waiting for our mother. thats what we call to our cosplay instructor.

and since , i'm alone sitting on the bench, i sing along with the song.

"take me to the high, we never cry on. Mada mienai ashita he. Try again, try again, try again, always. Try again, try again, Try again---------"

"Iyana koto bakari janai yo, bokura wa yume wo mite. try again, try again, try again always. Try again, try again, try again. Aru ga mama ni speak out."

i was surprised to hear a male voice. and i turn around.

"oh its you." i said.

"you look surprise, did i surprise you.?" he reply.

"a little."

"that song was try again, right .? sang by Kuraki Mai." he asks.

"yup." i answer.

"can i sit beside you?"


so he sits beside me.

that was just Kazetsu Aikei. whom i heard sang along.

now , his sitting beside me.

"now i finally meet the well-known cosplay queen." he compliments.

"its also a big pleasure to meet the cosplay king, personally." i reply and smile.

"can i sing along .?" he asks.

"of course." i reply.

then i remove the earphone and tune the volume to maximum.

"do you have any naruto shippuden theme songs .?" he asks again.

i nod.

lets see ........................

i check my music playlist and found it.

"what theme song do you want .?" i ask.


and i play his request.

"by the way, what are you doing here.? sitting on the bench alone.?" he starts asking again.

"well, i'm waiting for our cosplay instructor." i answer.

"mother chiyo, right?" he said.

I was shock, "do you know her .? how ?"

"I'm also her student." he answers, smiling.

"no wonder, you became cosplay king." i compliment.

"look what we have here. the cosplay king and queen." a female voice said.

it was mother chiyo, our cosplay instructor, standing in our front.

i turn my cellphone off then we stand at the same time and bow.

she claps her hand, "everyone, gather now."

then the cosplayers gather in our place where mother and Aikei and I.

"on saturday, we have another cosplay contest but has a little twist. you have to roleplay your character." mother chiyo paused for a minute and the cosplayers start gossiping.

"but to be organize, we,instructors, let to draw an anime series in a box. there are alot of anime in the box but i draw ......" she paused and show us a small rubber ball, "detective conan."

great .!! thats my favorite ;D

"this is the anime which we're going to cosplay and roleplay. i'll be the one who'll choose who's your character." she continues. "but we have to create our own scene using the information we know about this anime."

we all nod.

"lets start ... the cosplay king and queen will be the couple of the west." she said.

"couple of the west .?" i protested.

"we should be the couple of the east." aikei added.

"its very common to take the main character for the two of you, since your the cosplay king and queen. so we have make changes." mother explains.

"i guess your right." i mumble.

so sad ,, i cant take the role of Ran ;<

mother continues to choose characters and after , we start our rehearsal.

Me as Toyama Kazuha and Aikei as Hattori Heiji ..

after the rehearsal, i went first to the national bookstore to buy detective conan vol. 84 and strawberry panic manga.

hmmmm ... searching ...............

i found the strawberry panic but ..........

it was put on the top .. very high that i can't reach it.

"oh , strawberry panic, why your so high .?" i mumble while trying to reach it.

"need some help .?" someone spoke at my side.

"i guess." i put down my hand and step aside.

i look to my side and saw a handsome guy puts a chair and steps on top of it. he stretches his arms and gets the strawberry panic. he jumps off the chair and gives it to me.

"oh, Aikei." i blurted.

he smiles, "hai Meari. do you always drop here after school .?"

i smile, "yup. to buy new mangas, and you either .?"

"no, i work here." he answers.

"really .? i never see you here." i reply.

"today is my first day."

"i see. well, thanks for this." i said then bow.

"what else do you want .? i'll help you look for it." he offers.

"well .... i'm looking for the vol. 84 of detective conan." i stated.

"okay." he steps backward, 3 times and gets a manga from his right shelf. "here." and he shows it to me.

i smile and step forward to him then get the manga from his hand. "thanks again."

"Its my job."

"then i have to pay these to the counter." i said and wave my hand.

he smiles, "I'll see you tomorrow."

i smile and turn around then started to walk to the counter.

after paying, i went straight to home.

"mom , i'm home." i said as i enter then remove my shoes and put it on the shoe compartment ..

and i went to the kitchen ,, my mom was there preparing for dinner.

i go near her and kiss her cheek.

"hey mom."

"its already 6:30 pm, where have you been .?" she ask.

"as usual, cosplay rehearsal." i answer.

"but this time, it took you evening."

"yea, because it has a little twist. we have to roleplay our characters to create our own scene using the information we know about that certain anime." i paused then continue, "and also, i drop by at the bookstore to buy some mangas." and i show those mangas i bought to her. "what's for dinner .?"

"home made sushi, dear." she answers, smiling.

"oh, i miss that. then i'm heading upstairs." i reply and headed to my room, upstairs..

i put my bag and the mangas on my bed and change clothes.

then i sit on a chair and face at the computer.

time to log-in in facebook.

oh , 214 friend requests.

no wonder cause my facebook name is Mouri Ran. i accept it all.

1 message , and that's from Kudo Shinichi.

read it.

'Ran, it wasn't that long when we chat, lastly but i already miss you. please reply when your home already.'

then i reply.

'dont worry, Shinichi. i'm safe and sound. and i miss you too.'

oh that sweet talk .? its just a roleplay. we're pretending to be lovers as Shinichi and Ran, since he's using Kudo Shinichi as his facebook name and Me as Mouri Ran.

after a minute, he reply.

'How are you Ran.?'

i reply, 'I'm good. and you .?'

'here, missing you so bad.'

'don't be shinichi, i'm here now, chating with you '

'yea, i feel relieve. did you already eat your dinner .?'

'not yet. but maybe later.'

'be sure to eat and don't skip. it will kill you.'

'it won't kill me if i skip dinner for once.'

'don't be like that Ran, i'm worrying.'

'i swear i will.'

"Meari, the dinner is ready." mom calls me from downstairs.

"I'm coming." i reply.

its time to eat dinner, i need to tell Shinichi first before signing out.

'I shall leave for awhile, Shinichi cause i need to eat my dinner.'

'take your time, Ran. eat well.'

then i sign out and turn the computer off.

and went downstairs, to the dinning table.

"mom, where's dad .?" i ask as i sit.

"his in the middle of investigation. it will take him until midnight." she answers then sits.

and we start eating ..

"what are you doing upstairs .?" she asks.

"doing some research." i lied.

she chuckles, "your alibi is really obvious that your liying."

geez .. i blurted the wrong alibi ..

first day of class with researches .??

assignments are acceptable but researches .?? thats odd ..

"actually, i check my facebook." i said.

"oh dear, did i forgot to tell you not to use the computer when weekdays .?" mom reminds me.

"sorry mom, i just forgot it." i apologize as i take a bite.

"then be sure to sleep early and not to do it again." she said.

i nod.

"I'm watching you." she warns me.

"yea mom, i will." i answer.

i totally forgot about the weekdays-computer. i have to tell Shinichi about it.

then we eat in silence ..

after eating, i clean the table and wash the dishes.

mom went to sleep. while me, after washing dishes, i went back to my room and face on the computer.

oh, mom and i, are sleeping separately but mom's room is just next to mine.

i turn the computer on and again in facebook ..

then message Shinichi.

'sorry shinichi but i wont be online on weekdays. only on weekends. hontouni gomenasai.'

and he reply after a second.

'its okay ran, i'm also busy on weekdays.'

'but why are you still chating with me .?'

'I miss you, Ran. even i'm working, i still wanted to chat with you.'

'your boss might get mad at you.'

'its okay, the boss is my uncle. he wont.'

'you don't have to abuse it, you know.'

'but he's not here.'

'well, I'm curious about your work.'

'I'm working as a salesman, in a bookstore.'

'woow, that's cool, shinichi.'

'Ran, do you still study .?'

'SHINICHI .!! dont ask questions like that .! we're classmate .!'

'this is not a roleplay anymore, Ran. i'm serious.'

okay, things are starting to get serious.

'sorry. I'm now a junior high school in empire state high school.'

'we have the same school and year. so can we meet .? i wanted to ask you something, personally.'

'that's fine to me. tomorrow.'

'okay, tomorrow after class.'

"Meari, i can still hear the keyboard." mom said from the next room.

"I'm loging out, mom." i reply.

i need to end this.

'sorry, shinichi but i have to sleep now, okay. oyasumi nasai.'

'but before you sleep, please drop your number.'

he's asking for my number .. should i gave it .? should i .?

and i made my decision ..

i gave him my number after few seconds of thinking.

"Meari, i can still hear it." mom spoke again.

"I'm turning the computer off." i reply.

without signing out, i turn the computer off, jump to my bed and sleep.

the next day .................

after class ,, mother came very early and we started the rehearsal , immediately ..

i wonder why Shinichi didn't text or call me .. i already gave my number to him ..

we both decided to meet after class, since we have the same school and year.

maybe , his just busy .. i remember back then , last night he said, his busy during weekdays.

"okay, 5 minutes break." mother said.

and we all take a break.

then i went to the bench where i usually sit and sit there.

i study my lines and memorize it.

but i need to have a throwing-line partner to make it easier.

i guess i need Aikei to be here.

but i dont see him around ..

when i stand, mother calls me.

"Meari, come here please." she said.

"yes, mother." then i go near her.

"where's Aikei .? he has to be here, either." she says.

"okay then. i'll go look for him." i reply as i turn around and start to look for him.

gosh .! i dont know where to start ..

i have no idea where .,

searching ........................

and finally, i found him, standing inside the cafeteria .,

i take a closer look thru the window and its definitely him ..

finally , my long search is over.

i was about to call him thru the window when my cellphone suddenly ring.

unfamiliar number .? i guess its Shinichi ..

i turn back and answer the call ..

"hello .?" i answer like asking.

"Ran, is this you .?"

"yea its me." i reply.

"this is Shinichi, gomen, i didn't call right after the class. i was in middle of cosplay rehearsal." he explains.

cosplay rehearsal .? did i heard it right .?

"your a cosplayer .??" i ask.

"yea, and we're practicing for the cosplay contest this coming saturday." he answers.

cosplay contest this coming saturday .? we even have the same event ..


could it be ........???

i slowly turn around and look thru the window. And saw Aikei standing, holding his cellphone like his talking with someone on the phone.

oh goodness .!!

"hey Ran, are you still there .?" he spoke.

"yea.. Shinichi..... its not good if you keep on calling me in the middle of your rehearsal." i said.

"don't worry, we're given 5 minutes break." he reply.

chigau .!!

oh my .!! his about to look here .!

maybe, he felt that someone's watching him ..

i need to hide ..

i found a tree nearby and hide there.

i sigh , heavily.

so close ..

"your sighing, what's wrong .?" he spoke again.

"I-Its nothing, really." i answer with a little panic.

"I guess , we don't need to meet anymore."

he suddenly change his mind .. maybe .............

"why .?"

"cause i already meet you, yesterday." he said.

i was shocked, "yesterday .? i don't remember meeting someone, yesterday."

he chuckles, "we're classmates, Ran, literally."

are my thoughts right .?

i really cant believe it .. Kudo Shinichi is ..............

"c'mon, Ran. quit hidding behind the tree, it makes me feel ashamed." he speaks again when i didn't answer.

he also knew, i was hidding behind the tree ..

don't tell me ....... he saw me , when i hide ..

i slowly take a peek at the cafeteria and WHAT .??

Aikei wasn't there ..

where is he .?

where did he go .??

"looking for me .?" he says.

"y-yea ,, where are you .?" i ask.

"why don't you look at your left .?" he answers.

i follow what he said.

look to my left and ............

gosh .!!

Aikei was standing a distance away from me .

so it was really him .,

Kazetsu Aikei after all.

i hang up the phone and smile at him as i wave my hand.

he also hangs up his phone and he was smiling as he walk near me.

"It was only the cosplay queen behind Mouri Ran who was my chatmate for 2 years." he said, smiling.

"and i didn't even expect that the cosplay king was my chatmate, as Kudo Shinichi." i reply. "demo..... how did you know i was hidding here .?"

"i saw you, on the corner of my eye, standing outside near the window, talking with someone on the phone and when i turn, you immediately hide here." he explains, "thats when i conclude that it was you whom i was talking with, on the phone." he added.

"that moment, i was looking for you , it seems that mother has something to say on the two of us." i stated.

"then lets go, mother might get mad for waiting so long." he reply.

"wait , you wanted to ask me something, personally, right .? what was that .?" i said.

he was puzzled, "do i have .?"

did he forgot about it .?

i nod, "you said, last night."

his face was brighten ,, i think he remember it ..

"oh that ,, i'll tell you after the rehearsal." he said, smiling.

then after that ,, together, we went to mother chiyo and mother told us some instructions for the contest.

after the rehearsal , he finally told me that 'something' he wanted to ask.

days, weeks and months pass by, he patiently keep on courting and asking for my answer.

he didn't even get tired even once.

and asking about our cosplay contest, we won as a champion and Aikei and I, won the best cosplay couple.

and after months of asking and asking and asking ,, i finally say YES. and we're officially lovers.

and soon, the next will be I DO >;D

well ............. lets just observe the weather 'cause if its meant to be , it will be.


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