72 11 22

chopping trees with a wooden hoe, dropping your diamonds into lava, and running away from creepers? sounds li... More



44 6 16

"what the hell get these damn hoes off me!" soobin screamed as loud as he possibly could. it was so loud that the mirror on the wall next to him shook in fear. "what the hell what the hell what the hell." right as he finished repeating himself three times, a girl with pink hair and a blocky head stabbed the three zombies that were chasing him.

"soobin, stop being so loud! and what happened to your sword i seriously just gave you an iron one like fifteen minutes ago?" sooyoung, soobin's older sister and enemy-slaying hero, questioned him. this was not the first time they played minecraft together, so she should've known he would act like a mess when his precious video game life was in danger.

"thank you, thank you, thank you!" soobin sighed out. he could finally breathe as he wasn't in immediate danger anymore. he looked at sooyoung, eyes showing complete and utter gratitude. but her eyes were the exact opposite.

"i said where's the damn sword soobin?" she threatened. soobin squirmed in his chair.

"ah well, you see, i might've maybe accidentally dropped in down a ravine? i don't know how i'm sorry but it's lost now okay i can't get it back!" soobin pathetically threw out excuses as sooyoung walked closer to him. he put up his arms to prepare for a beating, but he wasn't met with one. sooyoung calmly went back to her seat.

"agh, you're so hopeless. it's painful to even play with you." the pink haired character ran in front of him, punching grass that was in her way. soobin looked back to his own screen and followed after the warrior. they arrived upon their house in the game; it was a pretty little thing, all thanks to sooyoung's architecture skills and soobin's arrangement of flowers on the front lawn. 

"hello, kai? are you still there?" soobin called out his friend's name. they were on a skype call, but the other hadn't spoken for a hot minute.

"yeah, yeah, i'm still here. i was just busy mining some coal, and i thought you were busy getting scolded so i didn't want to interrupt." kai laughed a little. "i'm on my way back to the house now. hopefully it turns daytime soon so i don't end up in the same situation you were just in."

soobin opened the oak door to the house and ran up the oak stairs to his room. there he put two stacks of snowballs in his chest, saving them for later in case they would come in handy. you never know, sometimes he felt like leaving a prank or two for his fellow players. sooyoung's pink haired character barged into his room and threw another iron sword at him. "don't lose this one, or you'll be finding your own next time." sooyoung's voice sounded desperate. "i mean it."

soobin hit the shift key a few times to show his thanks before turning around to continue placing things in his chest. some pink wool, some redstone, a few pieces of cacti. "soobin!" kai yelled from the other side of his phone. soobin couldn't seem to catch a moment of rest before someone else needed him. gosh, the price of stardom.


"did you put these yellow flowers outside the window?"

"they're called dandelions, kai, and yeah. what about it?" soobin was ready to square up if you know what i mean.

"sorry, these dandelions. they're just cute." kai finished what he was saying and went into the block house. soobin met him in the entry way, and they both headed to the furnaces.

"oh, okay. thanks, i guess." soobin shyly accepted the praise for his gardening skills. they did some stuff in their cozy house alongside whatever sooyoung was doing. abruptly, a sentence was displayed on the bottom of the screen. 

water_youngie98 has left the game.

"that's how i'll leave it for today." sooyoung told soobin, waiting for her laptop to shut off and then shutting it. soobin looked at her with sad eyes, but there was a hint of fear in them too. who would save him from those undead freaks chasing after him if his sister wasn't around? soobin sure hoped kai was good in combat.

"aw, you're leaving so soon?" kai asked sooyoung, looked directly at the camera on his phone. sooyoung bent over to look him in the eye.

"bye kai!" sooyoung backed up and brushed her hair from her face. "yeah, i gotta go. some of us aren't jobless." sooyoung looked at soobin, who just rolled his eyes in return. 

"hey, i tried to get a job with taehyun, but he really didn't want to work with him. like he was not about to deal with me more than he already has to." sooyoung pouted at him in a teasing way. she waved her hand goodbye and went into another room of the real life house.

"bye sooyoung!" kai shouted in a desperate attempt for her to hear him after she was already gone. soobin just shook his head at him and moved his hand on top of his mouse. kai quickly looked back to the computer screen and asked, "so do you just want to collect some more flowers? or what."

"yeah, sure. let's just sleep first unless you're excited about getting harassed by some mobs." soobin's character ran up the stairs. kai shuddered as he thought about that, then ran to his red dyed bed. he liked authenticity, and the red bed really portrayed an important part of his childhood for him. with one click his character laid down, and when he woke up, there were zombies on fire outside his window.

"okay, here we go." soobin announced his departure from the house, and kai followed not to far behind him. they were running along peacefully, eating pork chops whenever they felt too fatigued. soobin punched a couple roses and they even came across a few lilacs. kai just enjoyed being outside in the daytime when nothing was likely to attack him. 

as you can tell, everything was going along swimmingly. that was until kai came to the realization that he was on his last porkchop. "uh, soobin?" soobin's character stopped and his head turned to look at kai. kai ate the last remaining pork chop in his hand which left his hand empty.

soobin just deadpanned, "oh. guess we should start heading back then." he started on his way back, but there was another problem: the sun was setting. "oh hell no! kai, my man, we need to get the hell back home before those bitches come back. i'm not about to risk my precious life again." soobin's character sprinted at the speed of light, and kai kept up with him for as long as he could. eventually, his hunger went down so much, preventing him from sprinting anymore. now he was just running normally in an once again desperate attempt to save his life. ahead of him soobin stopped sprinting too. "damn, i'm out of food too. what the-"

"soobin, watch out!" a skeleton aimed right for his head, and soobin's character took an arrow right in the earlobe. " oh my- just keep running, oh my god!" the two frantic boys were on a mission to get back to the safety of their home in one piece, but these monsters weren't making it so easy for them. after a few minutes, the silhouette of their house could be seen in the distance. "just floor it!" kai war cried, and soobin pressed the 'w' key even harder. it made absolutely no difference, but it made him feel like he was putting more effort in. like if he died, he did his best until the very end.

"when i see a het, i floor it!"

"soobin! is now really the time to be joking around?"

"but i'm not? i really do floor it."

things were looking good, great actually, like they would be safe and sound in their home in approximately seven seconds. soobin dodged a spider as it ran towards him, leaving kai to deal with it behind him. kai yelped as the spider switched targets and backed up a little to avoid it. backing up, however, was not the best idea. it was his downfall in fact. he perfectly lined himself up with a skeleton's arrow. kai's character, which was surviving with only one and a half hearts left, was soon down to zero hearts. his screen changed and a message was written on the bottom of the screen.

unipenguinkai was shot by Skeleton.

"kai, no! no kai, no! oh my god! he's really gone! oh my god. oh my- oh my, he was gone too soon." soobin cried after he watched his friend die right in front of his eyes with nothing he could do to help him.

"soobin, literally shut up."

"oh no, well i guess there's no one here to claim his stuff. looks like it's all mine now."

"soobin, no!" kai smashed his mouse and clicked the respawn button furiously as he ran out to get his items, his phone dinged and a notification appeared. "oh?"

"what?" soobin wondered what kai could be going on about now. kai ran away from the door, away from his 'final' resting place. he was bound to die again sometime; they all knew it. outside of the game kai opened the notification on his phone. after what he saw, kai wished he had some holy water to wash his eyes out with.

this is the best day of my life you'll never believe what just happened!
i have a minecraft girlfriend now

hey i'm writing a txt ff haha! i'm sorry if i got all of the members wrong or their personalities, but it is a ff, and i am just stanning them starting today! hopefully as i write this i fall more and more in love with them, that's the plan. also, i kinda feel a little bit like a clown for writing about minecraft. i have played it before so hopefully when i write about it, it doesn't seem like i'm clueless?? but idk much about the newer updates either. anyways, thank you so much for reading. see you in the next update, or in another one of my books if you check them out! bye 

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