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the next day soobin found himself sitting at the counter of the ice cream parlor where beomgyu and taehyun worked. he rested his head on the hard surface, putting his hands on top of it. taehyun decided that was not going to be accepted. "hey, get your head off the counter! people eat here you know. i'm sure they don't want you're crusty head lice."

"and i'm sure they don't want to see your ugly face either, but i guess life is just always waiting with disappointment around the corner." soobin retorted back. behind taehyun, beomgyu gaped and tried to cool of taehyun for that roast. taehyun wasn't done though.

"now you listen up, you big punk. you have the audacity to come to my ice cream parlor, contaminate it with your disease, and then insult me for my looks. i think not, haha i think absolutely not. you better start running because i'm coming for-" taehyun began to come around to the other side of the counter, making soobin abruptly jump of the stool he was sitting on. soobin literally had no where to go without disrupting the customers too much (he at least had some respect for others, just not taehyun.) taehyun was this close to giving soobin the smack of his life when the door opened to reveal two new customers, making taehyun convert back into his employed self and not the uncivil demon trying to beat up soobin mere seconds ago. "how can i help you?"

the two customers said, "hey." even with their voices in unison, taehyun could still tell who they were. he quickly shook his head and cleared his vision. there they were, standing right in front of them, the last two members of his infamous friend group. "oh, it's just you guys." taehyun rolled his eyes and slouched back down into his usual stance. he gave one last glare to soobin, who gulped, before heading back behind the counter. then he proceeded to do the exact same thing soobin did and got yelled at for. he put his head down on the counter.

"wha- what? look at that! that isn't fricking allowed!" soobin pointed out taehyun's head on the counter. taehyun gave him the death stare. that shut soobin up real quick, and taehyun went back to taking a break from life.

"hey, don't seem so upset that we came to see our favorite ice cream parlor employee. no offense, beomgyu. you know we love you!" yeonjun clarified himself as he felt beomgyu's glare on him.

"yeah, we just wanted to check in and see how you were doing." kai smiled, but taehyun knew better than that. he looked up once again and gave kai a knowing look. "well, that and soobin wasn't checking his phone so we figured this is the first place he would be." soobin's mouth formed a straight line and he mouthed an 'i'm sorry' to kai. kai just waved him off.

"also! i have really exciting news! it's really important so we came straight here to tell you!" yeonjun was way too excited, and soobin really wanted to ruin his fun.

"oh yeah, he has a girlfr-" yeonjun cut him off before he could spoil anything.

"shh, soobin! taehyun, you'll never guess what!" yeonjun was still as excited as ever. soobin and kai shared an exhausted glance. taehyun said nothing. beomgyu was a little lost. "uh... taehyun, you have to guess something!"

without missing a beat, taehyun offered with mock enthusiasm, "you're gonna die of some terrible disease soon and we only have a few weeks left to enjoy your company?" taehyun looked so happy it almost didn't seem fake. yeonjun deflated and the other three all gave him the same look of disappointment. "sorry. what did you have to tell me?"

"nothing. it's clear you wouldn't care anyways. i think i'll just go home. c'mon kai, let's go." yeonjun dropped his head and started walking towards the door.

"not without telling, you aren't!" taehyun yelled with hope that yeonjun would come back. he didn't. "tell me before i come over there and whoop your ass, choi yeonjun!" when yeonjun still didn't stop heading for the door, taehyun had to put his final planin action. he found himself once again on the other side of the counter, launching himself on yeonjun's back. they fought each other like that, taehyun praying that yeonjun wouldn't accidentally bump into one of the customers and cost taehyun his job. "tell me, yeonjunie, i really want to know!" taehyun was trying hard to act cute, and it wasn't working on anyone except yeonjun.

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