Boys Boys and more Boys Harry...

By bbybunnyxxx

296K 5.4K 2K

Boys, Boys and more boys (Harry Potter fanfic) going to Hogwarts is going to be a journey full of adventure m... More

FIRST YEAR (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chatper 7
Chapter 8
Merry/Happy Christmas
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
SECOND YEAR (Chapter 11)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
A/n Thank You!!!!!
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chpater 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Shout out! To little_cxtie
Chapter 26 (Has abuse in it)
THIRD YEAR (Chapter 27)
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Just wanted to say Thanks!
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
FOURTH YEAR (Chapter 41)
Chapter 42
Well i did this...
Chapter 43
Chpater 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
⚠️ A/n Please Read ⚠️
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
A/n ( Your Decision)
Chapter 58
Quick A/n
Chapter 59
Chapter 60 (Yule Ball Part 1)
Chapter 61 (Yule Ball Part 2)
Chapter 63 (Yule Ball Part 3)
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
A/n about rude comments (ill update a chapter soon)
Chapter 66 (Im Back!!!!)
Oneshot Request 💘
Chapter 67
Im sorry for everything :/
New book ideas :)


2.2K 56 1
By bbybunnyxxx

OOOOOOMMMMMMFFFFFFGGGGG!!!!!! WE HIT CHAPTER 50!!!!!! (Sorry :/ I'm just so happy about getting Too chapter 50 XD)

Ron's PoV (going for something a tad different)

"Which one are you?" Y/n ask's as she walked away from us three leaving us in utter confusion

All three of us gave each other weird looks before Hermione ran off too catch up with Y/n

"What do you think she was meaning by which one are you?" I ask Harry

"I'm not exactly sure what it is but I'm mostly positive it's too so worth something from her family's past." Harry says looking down

I just hummed in response

I found it rather odd too think Y/n being on you know who's side and not with us

Too be honest it gives me the creeps when I think of her like that

I never want to have too think of that thought Ever Again.

You where sitting in the Great Hall next too Hermione who was reading one of her favourite books.

You watched as a bunch of people put their names into The Goblet Of Fire

"Hey Y/n, Are you alright?" Asked Hermione

You turned your attention too her and quickly said "Yeah I'm fine."

Hermione just nodded and turn her attention back onto her book

So you decided too walk over and talk too Harry and Ron who were standing beside the Age Line.

"Three years from now when we're old enough too be chosen" Ron says dreamily

"Yeah, Rather you than me" Harry says smiling

"I'm with Harry on this one Ron, You would have too be insane too our your name into that thing." After you said that you heard loud yelling and extremely loud footsteps coming from the door

You sigh "Take your brothers for example Ronald"

Fred and George came running through the doors getting high fives from people and loud cheering and clapping.

Even Harry and Ron started clapping along you just stood there with your arms folded

"Thank you, Thank you!" They both say standing near some students sitting on benches

"Well lads we've done it-" George says

"Cooked it up  just this morning" Fred says finishing George's sentence

"It's not going too work"  Hermione said in a song song voice

The twins give each other looks and then go crouch down on both sides of Hermione

"Oh Yeah-" Fred says

"And Why is that Granger" George says finagling his brothers sentence one again

'God I hate when they do that shit' You thought rolling your eyes

"You see this" She says pointing around the Age Line with her finger

"This is an Age Line, Dumbledore drawed this himself" She says with her nose in the air knowing she's always right

"So?" Fred says

Hermione scoffs and slams her book shut onto her lap

"So,  A genius like Dumbledore couldn't possibly fooled by a pathetically dimwitted as an Ageing Potion" She scoffs once more

"But that's why it's so brilliant!-" Fred says

"Because it's so pathetically dimwitted!" George finishes

"So what your saying is you both are retards" You say defending Hermione

The twins turn their attention towards yourself

"No it's brilliant can't you see it?-" Fred says smiling at you

"Yeah Y/n out of everyone we where sure you would get it" George finishes

"No, I get that the fact you wanna risk your life and the others around you too get fucking internal glory" You puff out

"Awww, Look at that Freddie N/n worries about us~" Cooed George

"Yeah isn't that soooooooo sweet of her~" Cooed Fred

"You know if you do get into that stupid game, And when the both of you get injured. I'm not going too be worried all I'll say is I told you so, So go ahead I would be surprised if you actually get in let alone fight in the three dangerous task." You say grinning smugly

"Is that a challenge?" Fred ask's raising his eyebrow he then turns too George and says "You hear that our N/n is challenging us."

George then turns towards me and smiles snuggly "If it's a challenge you want then we take on your challenge N/n!"

Fred and George then both stand and started shaking their potions saying "Ready Fred!"
"Ready George!"

"Bottoms up!" They say together linking each other's arms and started drinking the potion

They then took a huge leap and landed into the circle

Your eyes widen a bit while they showed off too everyone how they made it into the circle

They where about too put their names into the Goblet when they slightly turned their heads towards me and both of those weasels give me that smug cheeky little smile they do when their correct.

"Ready!" They both say together and put their names into The Goblet Of Fire

Once they put their names into The Goblet Of Fire it didn't react bad..... At first.

Fred and George stared giving each other high fives then suddenly the blue flames of the fire hit Fred and George and they went flying across the room.

They both screamed and landed heavily onto the ground some people where laughing but yourself, Harry and Ron where mortified.

That's when everyone started crowding around them and started chanting "FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!!!"

You, Harry and Ron ran over but the sight in front of you was too funny

Fred and George had their hair all whitey grey and really puffy and whitey grey with long matching beards.

"Well at least you still look like twins" You say making everyone laugh including yourself

Fred and George looked up at you and slowly nodded their heads side too side in disappointment.

"Oh come one! That was a good one" Yous at giggling helping the twins up

The twins rolled their eyes playfully at you and they both punched your shoulder.

"It was alright" They both say smiling

"Well I think you both should be getting too the Hospital Wing do you want me too help you get their you might hurt yourself trying for you might walk into thing since you are getting old." You say laughing

The twins scoff at your words but then laughed and said "Sure N/n take your grandfathers too the Hospital Wing!" Fred says laughing

You and Georgie both laugh at what Freddie said and all three of you started walking towards The Hospital Wing.

Well not exactly walking more like laughing and smiling all the way there!

Word count 1,090

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