THE IMMORTAL: Dance with the...

נכתב על ידי SaraHogan84

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What conflicts would arise if you were in love with the son of your enemy? That's the predicament Samara Call... עוד

1: Graduation
2: A Familiar Face
3: The Half-Dragon
4: Chores and Training
5: Dragons
6: Playing Coy
7: Reflections
8: Rendezvous with the Dragon
9: Blaine
10: Clawesome
11: Catching up on Sleep
12: The Flight and Betrayal
13: Fight with the Dragon
14: Richard
15: Adventure Awaits
16: Company
17: Welcome Home
18: Among Nature
19: Enter Rufus
20: The Warning
21: Myths and Legends
22: Luxury Cruise
23: The Killer
24: Thin Air
25: Bear Cliff
26: Together Again
28: Dance with the Dragon
29: Toward the Sun
30: Betrayal
31: The Pull of the Orb
32: The Tower
33: Blood and Magic
34: Welcome to the Family
35: End of the Beginning

27: Awkward

19 4 0
נכתב על ידי SaraHogan84

"Get those bony bat-fingers off of me!"

Kit's voice came rumbling through the caves and right into the dining room where Samara, Leela, and Rufus were eating breakfast the next morning.

"You need to rest," came a woman's voice after.

"I've been restin' forever!"

Samara, Leela, and Rufus exchanged glances before all three jumped out of their chairs and headed in the direction of Kit's voice. Danteous and Roslyn followed. Samara half-ran into the corridor. She and Kit almost collided as she rounded the corner.

"Samara!" Kit yelled in delighted surprise.

"Kit!" Samara scooped her up into a hug.

Kit squeezed Samara so tightly she almost cut off her air but Samara was too happy to care. She had been worried Kit would never wake up. They held each other tightly. Samara then noticed the woman that had been following Kit, trying to get her back into bed. It was the half-dragon, the only one that hadn't introduced herself. When she saw Samara, she stopped abruptly and eyed her with malice.

Did she hate them because they were human? Did she know Samara was attempting to stop Cyril? Roslyn had assured them many times that all the dragons here were neutral and didn't care that Samara and the others were humans, but maybe Roslyn had been wrong about this one?

Then the woman glanced at Danteous and Samara finally understood by the pain in her eyes: she was in love with him. Just as quickly as she had glanced at Danteous, the woman went to Roslyn.

"I tried to stop her."

"It's all right, Celeste. I don't think any of us could have stopped her from being where she clearly needs to be," Roslyn said, smiling at the four of them as Rufus and then Leela grabbed Kit into a bear-hug. Kit giggled as Leela lifted her off the ground.

"I'll be back later," Celeste said curtly.

"Thank you," Roslyn said gently, touching Celeste's arm. The silver-haired woman nodded and then went on her way.

Samara had questions about Celeste, of course, but there were other more important things to worry about. They convinced Kit to get back into bed on the condition that they would bring her an entire plate of pancakes. The little girl didn't seem as drained as the others had been when they first woke up. Samara was a little jealous at the energy she had.

Once Kit was settled and happily eating her pancakes drenched in what looked like a gallon of syrup, Samara decided it was time to ask about Celeste, even though she wasn't sure she wanted to hear it.

"So ... is it just me or does that Celeste chick hate my guts?" Samara chuckled softly, trying to make light of things so she didn't seem like a jealous girlfriend.

"Don't worry about her," Danteous said, then turning to Roslyn added, "why is she even here?"

"Because she's a good healer, Danteous," Roslyn said gently. "I think the two of you can put aside your issues for the health of your loved ones. After all, she got the poor end of the deal if I remember correctly."

Danteous frowned.

Samara thought then that perhaps she should have asked Danteous about Celeste in private instead of in front of everyone. It was awkward now. No one knew what to say.

Too late now.

"Come with me, I'll explain." Danteous said to Samara with a sigh.

"Uh ... okay."

"What was that about?" Rufus said as Danteous led Samara out of the room.

He took her out of earshot of everyone else. They went around the corner and into the empty corridor. "Before I tell you anything, you have to understand that a few years ago I was a different person."

Samara furrowed her brows. Maybe she should have just kept her mouth shut.

"Celeste and I have been together," he began.

"Well, this is awkward," Samara mumbled.

"It was a few years ago, but she's obviously not over it."

"She loves you."

He nodded. "I'm ashamed to tell you this now ... considering I've already lost your respect...." His voice was so low she could barely hear him. "I never loved her and ... I sort of used her."

Samara frowned. "That's what Roslyn meant about her getting the poor end of the deal."

"I was an asshole back then," Danteous said hurriedly. "I know that, everyone here knows that. I was barely an adult and being Cyril's only son I used to walk around here like I owned everything. But that's not who I am anymore. Ask Roslyn, she'll tell you."

"Why are you telling me all this?"

"I just want to be honest with you. You should know why she's so angry with me. She may take it out on you since you're with me."

"I'm not with you," Samara insisted.

"You know what I mean. You're the only woman I've ever loved and she knows that. I've been by your side the entire time you've been here. She knows I never would have done that for her and she's feeling a little ... jealous, I suppose."

Samara wasn't sure how to feel. On one hand, it made her insides flutter to hear him say she's the only one he's ever loved. On the other hand, she felt sorry for Celeste; how awful it would be to be in love with someone who didn't return their feelings. And he had used her—whatever that meant—that made it even worse.

"What are you thinking?" Danteous asked cautiously after a few moments of silence.

She shrugged. "I don't know ... I guess I feel kind of bad for her."

Danteous nodded, looking ashamed. "I tried to apologize once—she wouldn't hear it unless I agreed to get back together with her."

Just then Roslyn came around the corner, headed in the direction of the dining room with Kit's empty plates.

"Is everything all right?" She asked as she walked by.

Samara nodded. Roslyn didn't hover or pry, she only smiled in response and continued on her way.

Samara looked at Danteous and sighed. "Come on, let's get back in there before they start talking about us."

"Probably too late for that." Danteous chuckled. He seemed to breathe a sigh of relief that she didn't think any less of him.

She wasn't sure if she should be angry. She didn't care he had a past with Celeste, but the way he said he used her ... she wondered what other "asshole" things he might have done while he was here. Would Roslyn really vouch for him if Samara asked?

She would worry about all that later.


Samara's back hit the wall of the cave, knocking the breath out of her. Danteous gripped her loosely between her neck and shoulder with one hand, the other on her waist, holding her in place. He grinned, looking malicious. Her heart slammed against her chest.

"Oh come on," Leela said, putting her hand to her forehead. "That was so weak ... Samara, what the hell?"

Samara clenched her teeth and pursed her lips before she knocked Danteous' arm to the side and spun out of his grip.

They were training. Rufus and Leela were observing. Kit was in her bed, reading a book. She glanced up every now and then but otherwise seemed bored. Samara couldn't blame her. They had been training for at least an hour. The little girl had been excited to watch at first, but soon picked up her book when she realized they weren't going to use magic here. They could only train hand-to-hand in these small quarters (not to mention they couldn't risk their powers breaking the barrier and alerting other dragons). The beds had been pushed as far back as they could go but the space still wasn't ideal. Only two could train at a time.

Samara and Leela had trained together first. Then Danteous had offered to step in so they could see what it was like to fight a dragon. He was holding back though, Samara could tell. That frustrated her. Was he afraid he would hurt them?

"That's better," Leela muttered as Samara regained control.

Samara tried to ignore Leela's comments. She would have liked to say that the reason Danteous kept gaining the upper hand was because she was still weak from being sick. But she couldn't. Truth was, she was distracted. Every time he touched her it sent a pulse of desire through her body.

Being with him so much these last few days had been difficult enough (especially when he would lie next to her in the bed), but adding these rounds of intense training was almost torture, especially when he would overpower her. They were throwing each other around the room. They were sweating. They found themselves in certain positions that made the tension thicker than the walls.

Danteous attacked again. She ducked and evaded, then swung around for a kick. He knocked her leg to the side. She swung at him. He caught her wrist and spun her around, putting her in a choke hold; his strong arms wrapped around her, her back hit his. She could feel his muscles against her through their clothes.

It was too much. Samara silently thanked whatever gods might be listening that Leela and the others were there or she might have lost control with him.

"Ugh," Leela scoffed again.

"I'm not sure you're trying very hard," Danteous whispered against her ear. His warm breath sent shivers down her spine.

She flushed, so distracted she momentarily forgot how to get out of the hold. Even though he was cruelly taunting her, he must have been just as distracted as she was because when she finally remembered, it was too easy to slip out of his arms, stomp on his foot, and shove him backwards.

He stumbled. She took the opening and kicked him to the floor. Before he could move, she was on top of him, straddling his waist and holding him by the throat. Their eyes locked. He grinned again. He wanted her. It took everything she had to keep from kissing him. Her heart pounded as they looked at one another. They must have been taking too long to make their next move because Rufus let out a "ahem" sound, pretending to cough.

Danteous flipped her, knocking her to the floor beside him. She frowned and narrowed her eyes at him. He stood and held his hand out. She took it and he pulled her to her feet.

"I guess that's enough for today," Leela said eyeing the two of them. She still wasn't entirely comfortable with Danteous being around. They barely spoke, but at least she had stopped glaring at him and making snide comments. She had been reluctant about him training with them, but ultimately decided it couldn't hurt.

"When are you going to talk to him?" Samara asked after Danteous left to shower.

"I don't know yet. I'm not sure if I'm ready," Leela admitted.

"We don't have much time left. Kit will be well enough to travel soon," Samara reminded her.

"I know...." Leela sighed. "I guess I'll talk to him after dinner."

Later that evening, they ate with the dragons in the dining cave.

Once her plate was clear, Leela turned to Danteous. "Hey ... uh ... you want to go talk?"

It took him by surprise. He glanced at Samara, confused. She nodded, urging him to go.

"Yeah, sure." He followed Leela out of the dining room.

Samara watched them leave, her eye catching Celeste, who was sitting at a table in the corner with June and the green dragon, Felix. As always, Celeste glared at Samara before turning her head and refusing to look at her.

Rolling her eyes, Samara stood. "I need some air."

Rufus watched her as she went through the double glass doors at the back of the cave. They led to a small balcony perched on the side of the mountain. It was chilly at this altitude, but thankfully the extremely cold air had moved on and the snow had mostly melted. It didn't feel like June, but it no longer felt like January either.

She wasn't out there for more than a few seconds before Rufus joined her.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah, fine. Just needed to get out for a minute. Where's Kit?"

"Still stuffing her face."

Samara laughed. "Of course she is."

Rufus stood next to her. They leaned on the balcony rail together, staring off into the distance where the moon touched the trees and the hills and glimmered off the rivers.

"So ... how are you doing?" Rufus asked.

"What do you mean?"

"That session earlier. You and dragon-boy. I almost had to leave the room." He playfully elbowed her.

Samara laughed. "Shut up, Rufus."

"I mean I know you two had a thing before, but I thought it was just a fling. Now ... I mean it's obviously way more serious than I thought."

"It's not that serious," Samara replied, rolling her eyes.

"Puh-lease." Rufus scoffed. "I've seen you two together. The hand-holding you do when you think no one's looking. The whispering to each other. You're in love with him." She gave him a Look. "I mean, nothing wrong that—well, I mean maybe there is since he is who he is and all—I'm just trying to figure out why you were gonna let me turn him in. For the bounty, I mean."

"I wasn't. I would have stopped you ... for your own safety."

"I'm not even gonna pretend I'm offended at that. I know he could kick my ass."

Samara smiled. "Probably. But he does have an advantage, being half-dragon and the son of Cyril"

"I'm glad I decided not to pursue the bounty," Rufus admitted. "Not only because I know he would kill me, even if he was supposedly 'handed' to me. But, he doesn't really seem to be all that bad of a dude."

Samara sighed, shaking her head. "He does have a way with people."

"Are you guys ... you know?" Rufus raised his eyebrows suggestively.

"Rufus," Samara scolded. "God, that's none of your business."

"You're right, you're right. Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood."

Samara laughed softly, shaking her head. She punched his shoulder. "Find another way to do it."

"Ow." Rufus rubbed his arm.

They stood outside for a few more minutes in silence. It was quiet. The air was crisp. She would miss the view when they were gone.

When they went back inside, there were new plates of food at their places on the table. Each spot had a piece of chocolate cake. Kit was already almost finished with her piece.

"Wow, I'm surprised our dessert survived," Rufus teased Kit as he sat down.

"You're lucky you came back now or it wouldn't have," Kit said with a full mouth.

As Samara ate her piece of cake, she listened carefully, trying to hear the inevitable shouting that she thought would happen between Leela and Danteous. But she never heard anything. Maybe they were actually being civil.

Several minutes later, Leela returned.

"How'd it go?" Samara asked.

She shrugged as she took her seat. "I sort of understand now why he left. What it basically boiled down to was he needed to figure out who he was."

"And? What else did he say?" Rufus asked.

"That's between us," Leela replied.

"That's what he's been saying the whole time," Samara pointed out.

"I know that was the gist, but I never gave him the chance to really explain it. I've never thought of him as a dragon before—I mean obviously I knew, but he's always just been my brother. I guess if I had been in his position I would want to learn about that side of myself too."

Samara nodded. "I'm glad you finally talked to him."

"I guess I am too."

"Aww, one big happy family," Rufus teased.

"Not really," Leela said. She lowered her voice. "We still have to find the orb. We'll see what his choice is when it really counts."

Samara frowned and pushed her plate away, the piece of cake only half eaten. All this talk was reminding her of their objective. The orb. Cyril. Conflicting thoughts about Danteous. Yes, he had rescued them, no, he didn't seem to be "all that bad of a dude" as Rufus had put it. But if Cyril were here right now ... what would Danteous do? Would he defend them? Or would he crumple beneath his father?


The next few days were uneventful while they waited for Kit's strength to fully return. She seemed to be fine, but Roslyn insisted she rest longer to make sure she was well enough to travel.

Blaine had left shortly after he and Samara had talked. Samara knew he had gone to Midland to give Kalahari an update, which she was thankful for. At least Kalahari wouldn't be wondering if they had been killed. Kalahari wouldn't be happy to know that they were in the hands of the dragons, but Samara knew Blaine would assure her they were safe. For now.

Hopefully he could also convince Kalahari not to come charging in to rescue them. Samara was pretty sure Kalahari had more sense than that, but the thought did occur to her that she might go in Mama-Bear mode to come get her girls.

They trained a few times a day, this time Samara mainly sticking with Leela and Rufus. Roslyn also practiced with them, showing them how to more effectively hide their powers, which was the only magical training allowed. In order to practice, she formed a magical dome around herself and whoever she was training at the time. The dome kept the magic from radiating, which would ensure no other dragons could sense them.

The training was more like meditation. It took a lot of concentration to push down the power. Roslyn promised that it would get easier and they would soon be able to keep their powers pushed down without any effort at all.

During their training, Roslyn had asked Samara if they were trying to find the orb. It took Samara by surprise.

"Kit let it slip," Roslyn explained gently. "She mentioned something about it to Celeste. How do you know where it is?"

"We don't ... for sure. We just heard a rumor is all," Samara lied. Roslyn frowned, not believing her. But she didn't say anything else.

They saw less and less of the other dragons as they no longer needed medical care. Celeste came around a few more times, mostly to check on Kit whom she had grown fond of. Kit chatted with her happily and showed her some of the pictures in her book, telling her about the adventures inside the pages.

It bugged Samara. Every time that Celeste would come in the room, she would ignore her, but go and sit with Kit and talk and laugh with her as if they were best friends. She spoke with Leela and Rufus on occasion. But Samara? Celeste didn't even know Samara, yet she hated her.

What made it even worse was Leela described Celeste as a warm and kind person ... when Samara and Danteous weren't around.

"She's kind of reserved, but ... nice," Leela said to Samara one day after Celeste had come in to check on her while Samara was in the shower.

"Yeah, to you," Samara said bitterly.

Leela had only shrugged in response.

Other than the tension with Celeste, Samara felt like the short time they had spent here was like being in a fairy tale. Here they were in this other world where dragons were hospitable and friendly (for the most part). Where she could be with Danteous without worrying. Everything had been put on pause. The conflicts between the Conjurers and the dragons, the orb and Cyril. All of that was on hold until Samara and her friends were well enough to leave.

In some ways, she wished they could stay in these caves forever. But she knew that couldn't happen. Soon, they would have to be on their way.


Image: Celeste. Edited (filters/color) by me. Photo by Enrique_Mesegeur from Pixabay.

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