A Wonder By The Seven (Wonder...

By Tebocchi

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The Amazons were created in the light of the Seven long before Man lost their way, they were made to guide th... More

A Wonder By The Seven
Diana And The Seven


9.2K 323 17
By Tebocchi

THE Red Woman, sat at the room she was a guest in at Castle Black. She watched the flames lick at the edge of the hearth in the chambers, her position static on the wooden chair. A knock on the door then abruptly interrupted her train of thoughts.

"Come in." She weakly said.

The door creaked open, revealing Ser Davos Seaworth. "Sorry, my lady, didn't mean to interrupt." He said.

"You interrupt nothing" Melisandre mumbled in a barely audible whisper.

"I assume, you know why I'm here." The Onion Knight spoke, almost wondering how the woman who had such fire within her seemed so broken. "I will after you tell me."

"It's about the Lord Commander" Davos started. He was appalled when he heard the news of Jon Snow's death, remembering the glint of pride that shone in Thorne's eyes as he openly admitted to murdering his Lord Commander alongside the other officers, then dumping his body at sea. He was more than glad when Ed brought back a number of the free folk to Castle Black to avenge Jon's murder, putting those traitors who stabbed their leader in the cells where they belonged.

"The former Lord Commander." The red head corrected.

Davos nodded his head. "Do you know of any magic that could help him? Bring him back?" He himself couldn't believe he was saying those words. It was impossible, he knew that. Jon's body was lost at sea, and even if they did find him, how could they raise the dead? But Lady Melisandre had done the impossible, she had drank poison and not been affected, seven hells, she even gave birth to a demon made of shadows.

"If you want to help him, leave him be."

"Can it be done?" Davos pressured.

"There are some with this power" Melisandre began but shook her head to deny the possibility in this case. "But it doesn't matter, I tried looking for him.. But I couldn't see him." She got up, her back facing him. "Perhaps I couldn't see to begin with. All that I believed, the great victory I saw in the flames, all of it was a lie. You were
Right all along, the lord never spoke to me." Now Ser Davos understood. Her faith had wavered.

Melisandre had believed that Stannis Baratheon was the Prince who was promised, that he would be able defeat all of his enemies and bring the dawn. But she was wrong. And she had seen a vision of Jon Snow fighting in Winterfell. She was wrong again.

Before either of them spoke again, the Chamber's door suddenly flew open, the two turned their heads to see a brother of the night's watch. He was panting heavily, and looked like he had seen a ghost. "There's something you need to see." He declared, his voice almost trembling, but not from the cold.

Following the frantic man through the dark corridors and out into the balcony overlooking the yard, Melisandre and Davos came to an abrupt stop. All forty remaining members of the night's watch stood there, along with a number of the wildlings, surrounding two figures. A man and a woman. At first glance the two could've been wrote off as a couple of wildlings who had survived what happened in Hardhome and were let into the castle to join the rest of their people, but as the former Baratheon supporters looked closer, gasps left their lips.

There stood the so called dead Bastard of Winterfell.

Jon looked around timidly to see the horrified and shocked faces of his brothers. He saw Tormund Giantsbane and Dolorous Ed amongst the crowd. He looked back to Diana who closely stood behind him, she nodded to him and he took her que to approach them. While Diana remained in place, she took in the different features and sizes of the men around them. They didn't pay her any attention; still taken aback at Jon's reappearance, as her eyes roamed around them like a child would upon first visiting a sweets shop.

Moving through the crowd, men parted in awe as they stared wordlessly at Jon Snow. Tormund whose eyes were the size of saucers, met Jon halfway and roughly placed his hands on the shorter man's shoulders. "How the fuck are you still alive?" He bellowed in his gravelly voice, you could tell from his tone that he was both in shock and immensely ecstatic that Jon was still alive. "Those fuckers said they'd killed you." He continued, still not believing his own eyes.

Jon looked down grimly. "They did"

Tormund looked around to the people surrounding them. "They think you're some kind of god, the man who returned from the dead."

With a hard gulp, the resurrected man recalled what Diana had told him about the gods bringing him back for reason, he didn't know if he believed her yet.

"I'm not a god." He denied.

"I know that," Tormund smirked. "What kind of god would be this small." He joked, and Jon chuckled. The latter moved to make his way to Ed, one of the two living closest brothers of his from the night's watch; Samwell being the second. The brothers hugged, Jon slightly wincing at the pressure that was applied to his wounds at the action.

"Your eyes are still brown. Is that still you in there?" Ed jokingly asked, after what they'd both seen back at Hardhome, the living dead with blue eyes, you can never be too sure. "I think so, hold off on burning my body for now." Said Jon, smiling.

Ed released a throaty laugh. "That's funny. Are you sure that's still you in there?" His question made Jon join him in his laughter, after all, the Lord Commander never was one to jest.

Diana, who had approached the two, smiled pleasantly. Ed's eyes immediately went to the taller, gorgeous female, his brows raising at the sight of her. She was truly a vision. "Seven hells, where'd you find her?" He breathed out, completely forgotten the topic of his newly resurrected friend. Jon bemusedly chuckled once more at his friend's flabbergasted expression and wondered if he had looked like that when he first saw the Amazonian beauty.

"Actually, she found me." He answered truthfully.


Jon headed to his chambers to get a change of clothes, after all, wearing the same outfit he'd been killed in; although it had been cleaned and repaired by one of the women on the island, was haunting.

"Yes?" He mumbled to whoever knocked on his door, figuring it was one of his brothers. The sound of light footsteps caught his attention and he turned to see the princess.

"My apologies, Princess, I didn't think it was you at the door." He apologized for once again revealing his shirtless form to the Amazon royalty, his fingers fumbling to find another shirt to wear.

Diana gave him a sympathetic smile as she looked at his now healing wounds. "Are you feeling better?" She softly asked. "And I've told you, call me by my given name."

Jon smiled in returned, grateful that she wasn't angry with him for what happened earlier before they arrived at Castle Black.

The two had left the ship in place and began their walk down to Castle Black, as they certainly wouldn't have found anyone to let them in at Eastwatch.

They continued their journey on foot and finally, they could see the wall in the distance.

"Welcome to the wall." Jon declared, hugging the winter coat Diana had oh so kindly provided him closer to his body. He had kept asking her if she was cold, wearing the rather revealing 'armor' and a simple cloak on top didn't seem all that warming, but she kept on repeating that the weather change was nothing for her.

The Princess only furrowed her brows at the grim looking structure, it hadn't been at all like she had imagined it.

"It's hideous." she answered, sincerely, too stunned to be polite.

Jon held back a snort at her insult to the place he's called home for years now. If she were to compare every place in Westeros to Themyscira she'll be in for lots of disappointments. "Yes, it's not for everyone."

"Are you not tired, my lady? We haven't rested in a while." His tone showed concern. Although there was nothing about her that gave the appearance of an exhausted lady, spent from the arduous journey. As his grey eyes scanned his appearance, he saw no dreary eyes, no stiff movements. Her movements were so smooth, her boots didn't dig into snow as it should have, her eyes bright. Every lock of her silky raven hair in place.

She simply shook her head no, her stamina no where near depleted. "Not at all. What about you? You've barely had time to recuperate." She mirrored his worried expression.

"It's alright, there's no time for that. This way." He exclaimed, his last words to guide her between the abundant trees surrounding them.

"Yes, to the war." She declared, huffing in excitement. Jon gave her a confused look before realizing what she'd meant.

He gestured to the opposite direction of which they were heading. "Well technically, the war is that way but we have to go this way first."

Hearing his words, Diana immediately halted her movement. "Then where are we going?" She asked, confusion marrying her features.

Jon turned his head to see her bewildered expression and walked a couple of steps back to her to get her to move. "There are some things that I must do first." He tried to convince the unmoving female.

The Princess grabbed Jon by the collar, surprising the latter by her strength. "Hey hey hey hey! no, no." She argued, looking at the shorter male straight into his eyes. "I let you go, you take me to the Night King. We made a deal, Jon Snow, and a deal is a promise and a promise is unbreakable."

The Lord commander would've been flustered at their proximity if it hadn't been for the pressing matters. She let go of his coat and stepped back, placing her hands on her hips in stubborn protest. Jon sighed before speaking.

"I have to make sure that the free folk are safe. Those men who-" he began, pursing his lips. "I wouldn't put it past them if they'd betray our treaty with the wildlings. And my friends...I just.. I have to do this first." Diana gulped silently, she'd forgotten the man accompanying her had problems of his own, although slaying the Night King was a task she felt was brought upon her, she had to wait.

"Very well." She nodded, prompting the tendrils of lengthy, black coils sprung and rippled down her slim shoulders. And then she continued down her path, stomping ahead of Jon Snow.

Both Diana and Jon turned around to face the door, Ser Davos and Lady Melisandre had appeared looking for answers on Jon's return.

"So it's true." The red woman spoke after she saw Jon's shirtless form, taking in the several stab wounds on his trunk and chest, she almost didn't believe her eyes, but then again, the Lord of Light advocate had already seen a man raised from the dead before, Ser Berric Dondarian.

Jon hurriedly wore a grey dark cloth camisole, having enough of being displayed for the day.

"What happened?" The Onion Knight asked.

"His body was washed up on our shores." Diana answered, and finally Melisandre and Davos took notice of her.

"And who are you, M'lady? You're not a wildling, I believe." He voiced his presumptions in his Flea Bottom accent. Anyone could tell that the Themiscyran princess was no wildling, with her stunning beauty, well groomed appearance, tanned complexion, and even her posture gave her away as she stood with her fingers intertwining with each other elegantly on her lower abdomen.

"I am Diana, daughter of Hippolyta, Princess of the Themiscyra." The dark haired female proudly stated.

Davos Seaworth nodded his head, his disbelief molding his features. "Nice to meet ya." He declared.

"How were you brought back?" The priestess asked, the eldest man in the room noticed how the spark returned to her earlier lifeless eyes.

"He was brought back in the light of the Seven." Diana answered the question that was clearly meant for Jon, the corner of her lips lifting into a bright smile.

Melisandre parted her lips preparing to speak when Jon interrupted them. "All I know is that I shouldn't be here." He clearly stated, sitting down.

The red head strided towards Jon and crouched down in front of him. "Afterwards, after they stabbed you, after you died. Where did you go? what did you see?"

"Nothing. There was nothing at all." Jon answered.

"The Lord brought you back for a reason. Stannis wasn't the Prince who was promised but someone has to be." Melisandre desperately claimed, clinging onto her last glimmer of hope.

Davos looked at both females before making a request. "Could you give us a moment?"

Diana guided her her eyes from Davos to then look at Jon Snow, who nodded to her, reluctantly made her way her way out of the quarters. Melisandre followed suit.

"You've had a long journey." The Red Priestess stared curiously at Diana who walked by her after they existed the chamber.

"On the contrary." Diana answered, tilting her head.

"You must tell me all about it."


Thank you guys so much for the votes and comments! They mean the world to me 😍

Hope you continue on following this story ♥️

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