The Battle of Immortality

By CaJazia

621 20 30

Amara Styles, 18 years old living her abnormal life. She's just a teenage half blood vampire deciding what's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6

Chapter 5

50 2 0
By CaJazia

Jasmine started panicking as it seems she did not know about Deena's true form. Deena started running towards us. Mario dropped her through a portal, opened a new one in the sky, and made her fall.

If Jasmine didn't know about her why did she tell her about me.

Deena lunges at me and I jump in the air as high as I can. She grabbed my leg and tosses me across the the field in mid air. I quickly flew through a portal into Mario's arms, I'm glad he has these quick instincts. After he lets me down, Deena managed to find a weapon and she started swinging it at us trying to hit us. Kia snapped her fingers and the weapon appeared into her hands.

"How do we stop her?!" I yelled as we continued fighting.

"We have to knock her out, by hitting the back of her head!!" Pink said flying into the air.

Deena snatches Kia, I yell trying to think of what I can do to help. Mario quickly made a portal for Kia to try to jump through, but Deena reacted fast. She put her free hand through the portal and grabbed Mario. Pink flew around her head trying to stop her, but Deena used Kia to smack Pink out of the air. I started getting angry, I let my true form unfold, and I start screaming. As I scream my body is lifted off the ground and all of the glass cups are broken into a million pieces.

I tighten my fists, close my eyes, and I lunge my hands forward. All the glass takes off at the speed of light and cuts Deena everywhere. Each piece tearing skin on her face, on her body, and she drops everyone. I release and take a deep breath falling back to the ground. They hurry and try to get Deena while she's down.

"Why would she bring Jasmine here if Jasmine didn't know about her being a werewolf?" I yell as I watch everyone fight out of breath.

"Where is Jasmine?!" Mario stopped in his tracks looking around.

I look around the field to see Jasmine in the distance running to her car. If she goes and tell anyone what she's seen, we're all done for.

"She's heading to her car trying to leave!" I said starting to run after her.

Deena stopped in her tracks and took off after Jasmine. Deena beats me there and snatches Jasmine into her large claws. She takes her nail that has green slime on it, it looks like, and digs it into Jasmine's skin.

"NO!" Pink and Mario yell at the same time.

"Help meeee!" Jasmine yelled in pain as Deena continue running her claws through her skin.

Deena howled as Jasmine fainted from too much blood loss. Deena put Jasmine on her back and took off running into the darkness. The further away she got, the quieter it grew. All of us out of breath, staring in silence, and I look to Pink.

"What just happened?!" I panicked.

"She clawed her, essentially turning Jasmine into a werewolf as well. If that was her whole plan there's no telling how many others she's turned or planning to turn!!" Pink yells, then she lunges a huge rock across the field.

So much for my training, but I've never done what I just did before. I need to learn how to use my abilities without having to be angry.

Everyone started walking back to the car and I stood in the middle of the field not moving an inch. I clenched my fists tight. Someone grabs my hand, unclenches them, and holds it. Mario, he was keeping me from getting angry.

"You want to stay, don't you?" He asked

I nodded my head yes as Kia put her hand on my shoulder. I take a deep breath and turn to Pink who was looking down at the ground.

"I feel like I failed, I don't want to fail you," she says.

I grab her hands and we look at each other.

"You won't fail me," I smiled.

"Well you broke all the glasses, how'd you do it?" Pink asked.

"I just let my anger take over," I say looking down at my hands.

"No worries," Kia said, snapping her fingers and a case of glass cups appeared.

Pink explained to me what she wanted me to do. The first step is to focus on what I want the object to do, and I want them to lift into the air. Everyone takes a step back and I stand in front of the lined up glasses. I close my eyes, breathe in, breathe out, and I focus on the middle glass.

"Don't let your anger control you, control your anger." Mario said in a soft tone.

After several tries I couldn't get it to lift into the air. So I started to get upset, Mario walked over to me and grabbed me.

"Look at me," he said looking into my eyes, "stop trying to force it. Let it happen, KNOW what you want to happen."

"Okay," I let out a breath of air.

I raise my hand and the glass starts shaking. It lifts a couple inches, then falls back down without breaking.

"DAMN THESE GLASSES!!" I pick one up.

"WAIT!!" Pink yelled.

I paused in mid air getting ready to throw the glass.

"Where the fuckin glass go?!" Kia asked looking confused.

I pull my arm down, looking confused, the glass had disappeared. I could feel the glass still in my hand, warm, and smooth. Everyone walks over to me and we exchange facial expressions.

"I thought your power was telekinesis," Mario said unevenly.

"It is, what's going on?" I said kind of worried.

I start breathing quick and I drop the glass. Everyone is startled and jumps backs as the glass shattered but we could not see it. Pink looked at me crazy and I finally asked why she was making that face.

"You'r-," she stuttered "you're fading!" She said

I look down, my body was fading in and out, almost like I could turn invisible. I panicked more and Mario tried to grab me but my hand fades.

"What do I do?!" I yelled

"Calm down!! You are letting your emotions control your powers," Kia yelled.

I nodded, and started taking deep breaths. Soon enough my body started fading back in. Once I was completely visible everyone was silent again.

What the fuck, what could this mean? My emotions are all over the place!

"Oh my god, I've never actually seen one before but I've heard of them a lot," Pink said.

"Heard of what?" Mario asked her.

"You're a Myriad," she said smiling shockingly.

"A what?" Kia asked

"A fuckin Myriad, they have more than one power! You're still developing so you don't know what all you can do. Myriads are also among the most powerful vamps."

I look at Pink shocked by what she was telling me. I knew I had to be different, cause there was no way I didn't know exactly what my ability was. After we finished talking about it we decided to head back because it was getting late. Despite the battle in a few years we still have to finish high school.

This time Mario gets in the backseat with me and Kia sits up front. I put my seatbelt on, place my hand on my head, and lean against the window. I look out the window where my breath fogged up a little bit. Mario taps my leg and motions for me to lean on him instead.

"Let me find out this is why you sat back here with me," I say in a soft tone.

He laughed a bit, then I scooted over and leaned in. He smelled so good even after all the shit we been through today. Pink turns on music and I feel my eyes getting very heavy. Once my eyes were closed, I see a bright flash making me pop my eyes back open.

"Shit, forgot to turn off the flash," Kia said after quickly pulling her phone down.

I shook my head as her and Pink laughed. We get back to their house and everyone got out of the car quickly. We were fighting to see who gets to shower first since they only have two bathrooms.

"This is MY house I'm showering first!" Pink said trying to quickly unlock the door.

"I'm a guest! You should treat your guests accordingly. It's not good for ratings," Kia said.

"Bitch this ain't an Airbnb!" Pink said pausing.

We all started laughing, then Mario hurried and passed us all. He skipped up the stairs and straight into the bathroom in his room.

"I mean truthfully, you can just join him in the shower," Kia said and they start making kissing faces at me.

I shake my head giggling, and we walk inside. Pink decided to let Kia shower first so she can take as long as she wanted. I was sitting on Pink's bedroom floor, so I wouldn't get anything dirty or sit anywhere with outside clothes on. I scrolled on my phone trying to see if Deena or Jasmine had been active on any social media yet. They haven't been active yet, so I'll just keep checking from time to time.

Mario knocks on the door with only a towel on. I stared at his chest, his bare chest. His muscles so fit and defined, his six pack chiseled, and the water dripping off his body. My eyes literally were locked on his body, and his print showed through the towel.

Ugh, feel like my pussy throbbing. I didn't say that, and you didn't read that either.

"Oh...hey..there," I said looking at him.

"I was going to say, you can shower in my bathroom, I'm all done in there," he smiled

I feel like he is trying to trap me. I'm no virgin but a little back story on this particular topic. I lost my virginity to Jaylen, he was my first real lover and I thought if we did things intimately, it would keep us together. Oh, how wrong I was just to find out he was creeping with other females, and only wanted to prove to people he could fuck me. Not that I gave into him so easily either though, we were together for a couple years. I don't care how much I like Mario, I won't give off the impression that I'm easy.

"Okay, no funny moves though," I said standing up grabbing my clothes.

"I just felt like since I've seen you in a towel you could see me in one,"

He chuckled as I eyeball him. He walks me to his bedroom and opens the door. I scope the scenery out. He had a big tv mounted to the wall, his curtains were black, no sunlight was getting in here, his bed was nice and neatly made. He had this red and black color theme going on. There was a big bean bag chair in front of his bed with a play station five controller.

"You game?" I asked him

"Of course, why? You do too?"

"Yeah, you got call of duty black ops?"

"What you know about it?" He scrunched his face up.

"Plenty, after I get out the shower we playing zombies."

I grab a towel and head into the bathroom. He had all his lotions, colognes, and oils lined up on the sink. The bathroom smelled so good, it smelled just like him. I turn the water on cold and hop in. I quickly cleanse myself, do my face routine, and step out of the shower. I dry off quickly and throw on a sports bra and my boxer shorts. I looked around for my shirt and couldn't figure out where I left it.

"Hey Mario, do you see my shirt out there?" I yell from the bathroom.

"Nah I don't see it, want to wear mines?" He yelled back.

"Sure," I reply.

I open the bathroom door, only wearing boxer shorts and a sports bra. He hands me his over sized tee and I quickly through it on.

"I just noticed, where's Tyson?" I asked

"He's visiting his family for the week," Mario replied as he set up the game for us to play.

I plop down in the bean bag chair next to Mario. He hands me a controller, smiles, and turn the game on. We chat a bit while the game loaded up.

"Seems like you and Pink know more about vamps than I do, how?" I ask

"Mostly Pink, when our parents left us she went into this stage where she wanted to do everything on her own. We basically trained everyday for our battle, the times we weren't training she was up learning everything she could about our kind."

I can see in Mario's face this was a touchy subject for him. I've never met their parents, I don't know what happened and I don't want to ask. If they wanted me to know, they'd tell me.

"I'm sorry, we don't have to go into details about this," I say.

"It's cool, long as I have my sister, I don't need anyone else," he says not looking away from the tv.

We play the game, laugh, and talk a little bit. I died twice on the game and kept trying to redeem myself. After playing the game for about 45 minutes I notice it's late. It was going on 1 o'clock in the morning. Mario turns off the game noticing I was dozing off while playing.

"Ugh, school tomorrow," I groan standing up.

I ease over to the door and turn to face Mario.

"Good night, Mario."

"Good night, Mori," he says trying to be cute.

I turn around and open the door. The door closes quickly and Mario pulls me back facing him. We were standing so close to one another, I could feel his breath against my skin.

"I want to kiss you again," he says looking into my eyes.

Whew, my heart is fuckin beating fast as shit!

"What's stopping you?"

He grabs my hand and place it on the back of his neck. Putting his arms around my waist, he leans in slowly and closes his eyes. His soft lips lands on mine and he brings my body closer. We lean against the door as he puts his hands on the wall. Still kissing and exploring each other mouth he picks me up. He continues to kiss me and I could feel myself wanting to give into his temptation. He starts traveling down my neck and I let out a soft, quiet moan.

"Wait, wait," I say as I pull back and he puts me down.

"Im sorry, I've just had these feelings for you for a while and I never knew you felt the same way"

"It's fine, I just don't want to start off having sex, and I know if we keep going this way I will give in. I want to go on our date first, and get to know you on that level."

"I understand, I'm not trying to take advantage of you, I promise."

We stand in silence for a second as we stare at one another. I really wanted to give in to him so bad. I have to resist.

"You can sleep in here though if you'd like, I won't try anything," he smirks.

"Don't feel me up either," I said smiling back.

He walks over to his bed and pulls the covers back. I go onto the other side and crawl in. His bed was so soft, comfortable, and cold. I quickly turn away from him and close my eyes. I feel his arm wrap around me and he pulls me into him. I fall sound asleep soon after.

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