Attention // Changlix

By BangChanIsHot

3.5K 278 120

"Jealousy was the first thing I've felt, love was the second and pain was the last" In which Felix meets Chan... More

1- Wrong room
3-Attention seeker
4- Crazy dude

2- First day

637 67 38
By BangChanIsHot

      Felix groaned as he rubbed his eyes and just laid on his bed, looking up at his plain white ceiling while debating whether he should get up or not, he wanted to go back to sleep so badly but he knew his mother would beat his ass if she finds out that he skipped the first day of school so he slowly and reluctantly pushed the covers away and sat up. He glanced around in his room noticing the pile of clothes that were scattered on the floor and his laptop that he forgot to turn off last night.

"Shit," He cursed as he stood up and walked towards his desk to turn his laptop off but a loud gasp left his mouth when he saw that it was already eight in the morning which means he has less than five minutes to get ready for his first class "Oh my fucking god!"

Felix cried in frustration as he ran towards the pile of clothes, forgetting about closing the laptop and grabbed a plain black shirt and wore it then put the first notebook he found in his backpack and stormed out of the house without even changing his sweatpants or brushing his hair and started running towards the school.

After a few minutes of running, Felix smiled when he saw his friends still waiting for him in front of the school's front door and walked towards them and fell down on the hard ground the second he reached them.

"I'm dead" He said between breaths making Jisung look down at him annoyingly.

Jisung was Felix's first and only best friend he made ever since he moved to Korea, it's already has been two years since they met and even though jisung was a very annoying friend, Felix couldn't deny that he was very glad that he met him because if it wasn't for him he would've been that lonely kid that no one talks to in school, as for Minho he only joined their small group of friends last year after jisung accidentally bumped into him and spilled his orange juice on his shirt and somehow all three of them became friends after that incident.

"When will you learn to set your alarm at the right time" Jisung groaned before he grabbed Felix's arm making him stand up and shook his head as he ran his fingers through the latter's hair trying to make it look less messy "You look like a mess, you're giving the new students a bad image of our school."

"Yeah and what's the big deal about new students." Felix rolled his eyes and looked at Minho who was just leaning against the wall, watching them amusingly "What's so funny?"

"You really don't know?" Jisung asked making Felix look back at him "We have new students from Seoul High"

"Wait what? Isn't that a private school?" Felix asked confused.

"Yeah there was a fire in their school and most of it was badly damaged so they sent the students to other schools around town and guess what? They sent their best students here since our school is the best among the town's public schools" Jisung explained.

"This means we share this school with a bunch of spoiled brats now?" Felix said and frowned as he thought about it "The school is bad as it is but now it's going to be even worse"

"For the first time, I agree with you" Minho chuckled before he pushed himself off the wall and mentioned to the two boys to move "Let's go we're already late."

"I wonder who's fault is that" Jisung said as he gave Felix a side glare.

"Ugh shut up, I don't have a boyfriend who wakes me up and drive me to school every morning" Felix complained making jisung blush and run towards Minho to hold his hand.

"Don't you think it's time to find him a boyfriend?" Jisung whispered to Minho quite loudly making Felix roll his eyes.

Here we go again...

"I don't think that's possible, you know how picky he is" Minho whispered back in the same tone jisung did.

"I'm done with you both." Felix annoyedly said as he walked past them, already getting tired of third wheeling.

Am I really that picky? He asked himself, I just can't find the right person, wait doesn't that mean I'm being picky?...ugh whatever.

He made his way to the classroom and quietly walked inside and looked around for an empty seat in the back cause he wasn't in the mood to sit in the front and smiled when he spotted one right next to the window but his smile quickly faded when he saw the unfamiliar brown haired guy pulls one of the seats and sits down.

Why, Felix cried mentally and just stood in the middle of the classroom thinking whether he should ask the guy to sit next to him or just take one of the seats in the front. He hated sitting with people he didn't know since he wasn't a sociable person and it was always hard for him to start or maintain a conversation with someone but what he hated more was sitting in the front of the classroom and making eye contacts with the teacher. After many thoughts, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves down and look confident and slowly started heading to the desk where the guy was busy taking selfies.

"Uhm hi?" Felix said in a small voice making the boy put his phone down and look up at the blonde who was shifting from feet to feet "Can I sit next to you? I don't want to sit in the front."

"Yeah sure!" The boy exclaimed excitedly as he stood up and held his hand out "I'm Kim Seungmin!"

"Oh Lee Felix" Felix smiled back, surprised by how cheerful the boy in front of him was "Are you new here?"

"Yeah I'm from Seoul High'" Seungmin nodded and mentioned to Felix to sit down "But don't worry I'm-"

"Lee fucking Felix" Jisung's voice interrupted seungmin from finishing his sentence making him turn around to look at the blue haired boy who was running towards them "How dare you leave us after we waited for you! You ungrateful little b- wait who's this?"

"Oh hello! I'm seungmin!" Seungmin smiled sheepishly making jisung frown and look at Felix who just shrugged in reply.

"I'm jisung, Felix's best friend" Jisung said back as he looked at the brown haired boy up and down "Are you one of the new students from the other school? How do you two know each other?"

"Yeah he is and we were just introducing each other before you interrupted us," Felix rolled his eyes, feeling bad for the new guy " can you stop your questioning now?"

"Oops sorry," Jisung apologized to Seungmin and sat in the desk in front of them then turned around to look at seungmin "So what do you think of the school?"

"Hmm it's not that bad" Seungmin shrugged "I expected it to be a lot worse."

Spoiled brat, Felix wanted to say but he just forced himself to smile instead.

"You'll get used to it," He said making jisung snort.

"Says the one who took a whole year to get used to it"

"Shut up, Australian schools and Korean schools are so different" Felix rolled his eyes, remembering how confused and lost he was when he first moved to this school "Everything is so different like-"

"Holy shit who's that?" Jisung asked, cutting him off.

Felix frowned and followed jisung's gaze and found himself looking at a black haired boy who was walking towards one of the already taken backseats. He knew he was one of the new students as well cause he has never seen such a boy in this school and you could tell just by the aura he gave that he wasn't the one to mess with. What made the blonde confused wasn't just that he felt as if he had already seen him before but the fact that he was wearing a black turtle neck sweater when it wasn't even cold.

He has such a weird fashion sense, Felix was about to laugh at his own thoughts but gasped instead when the boy turned around to talk to one of the students, giving him a better look at his face. Is it him? Felix thought, remembering the weird guy that he couldn't stop thinking of.

"Oh that's Seo Changbin" Seungmin's voice said snapping the blonde out of his thoughts and back to reality "He moved to our school last year but he only came twice, I heard that he didn't even take any of the exams so that's probably why he's repeating the year"

"What really? Do you know why?" Jisung curiously asked.

"No" Seungmin shrugged "No one knows much about him, he's just weird."

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