Use Me: Troyler Smut Oneshots

By TroylerCollabCo

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A collaboration between @TroylerPhandom & @_troylerslays of Troyler Smut Oneshots. More

New Year's Eve


14.8K 282 522
By TroylerCollabCo

@_troylerslays : OH GOD HEAVEN ABOVE FORGIVE ME FOR WHAT I HAVE WRITTEN IN THIS ONESHOT. Basically, we have decided to write another smut one shot after over 4 months (update: like 6) of our last one and it really blew the charts, ladies and gentlemen. THANK YOU WE ARE IN AWE. So, fair warning, dom-sub-strip-club-spankings-teasing-daddy-kink warning. You get the whole jist. TAKE IT AWAY MELL (in your authors note heh).

@TroylerPhandom : This has been sitting finished in my drafts for months now y i k e s. Tbh troyler is starting to slip away from us and i personally have been pulled deep into the tronnor fandom its so gay there oml. VERY STRONG RECOMENDATION: Listen to Partition- Beyoncè while reading this it makes so much difference, its not only in the chapter but is also a hella good beat also beyonće


Saturday nights were special nights, especially down at the local strip club. Saturday nights meant only LGBTQs night. For a hot, homosexual stripper like Troye Sivan that meant easy and fast money. He was one of the top choices by many customers, mainly because of his seeming innocence and his Australian roots. After all, who doesn't find accents attractive?

This twink had it all. His manager, Zoe Sugg, had even organised a special dressing room for him backstage- she had a major soft spot for the boy. Zoe offered Troye the job when he got kicked out of his house after coming out. Probably not the ideal career for many, but it was better than living on the streets and begging for money. Although it was a sad story, he barely felt the sadness behind it anymore. The early days were a nighmare for him but now he was awake. As he sat at the vanity table with heavy base music thumping in the background, Troye positioned the police officer's hat nicely above his quiff. He saw his own bright blue eyes shine with the excitement he felt before every show.

His job should have been depressing, but he had a lot of fun with it. When Zoe first proposed the idea of being a proffesional stripper, he was nervous and unsure... but now, he couldnt imagine doing anything else. He liked to think of it as a performance art rather than anything else and if anyone outside work asked what he did for a living he would just smile politely and tell them he was in the arts industry. It was kind of a heaven to him- getting to dance filthily in costume in front of usually hot men and being payed big bucks for it. He liked to make it sound better in his mind- he had encountered his fair share of creeps at the club, but it was fun more often than not. Adjusting the police hat once again, he decided that tonight he looked especially cute- self confidence wouldnt hurt him.

He managed to button up the uniform's shirt fully before the door burst open and a familiar head of long ombre'd hair popped in with a red lipped smile.

"So, are you excited?" she asked, walking straight into the dressing room with a bounce in her step. She was dressed in a crop top and maxi skirt with a leather jacket draped on top. She looked cute with just a slight trace of slutty- how Alfie puts up with this, especially since they worked at a strip club, he would never understand.

"Why would I be excited, Ms Sugg?" Troye tucked a loose strand of his hair back and stood up off his chair, turning to look at his manager, or as she had become over the years, his best friend.

"I take it Alfie hasn't told you the news then," Zoe replied, shaking her head slightly at the forgetful behavior of her fiancé. "There's a businessman I think you should know about. He's in charge of some big multi-million dollar bank in New York. He won the top spot in the list of 26 Billionaires under 26... And he just so happened to be stopping in here tonight."

Zoe reached into the side of her leather jacket and pulled out a picture. Showing it to Troye, he caught sight of the man who would be the special guest tonight. He had slightly faded blue hair, in contrast to his business-like demeanor and stylish black glasses that framed his face. He looked hot and serious- for Troye, that was an entrancing combination. He found himself smiling at the picture in his friend's hand, suddenly much more excited for the night. Glancing down, he read the short caption printed at the bottom.

"#1 of the Top 26 Billionaires under 26: Tyler Oakley", he read aloud, tracing his fingers on the silver lettering.

"He wants to bring one of you home after the shows. I was thinking it could be you?" she asked, putting the picture away.

Troyes face quickly turned from excitement to disgust as a wave of disapointment surged through him. He thought she would know better. "You know I was never into this, Zoe. It's like prostitution!" Troye exclaimed.

He was right. Before he joined the business. Zoe promised him that stripping and sexually teasing his clients is all he would have to do to get money. Sex was not part of the deal, and payment for sex is out of the picture completely. Although it would mean much more income, Troye had to hold onto the few principles he had left. Zoe always respected that quality of him so he was surprised at her suggestion. However, at his exclamation, she smirked with a knowing look.

"He's not paying you at all, sweetheart." She walked over and placed a hand on Troye's shoulder. "He's only paying for the show, not the 'after party'. And I'm assuming his payment of your little show would be more than your income for around five months working. Hes loaded. Anyway, its not prostitution if hes not giving you money for that part. You're free to go!"


"Mr Oakley just needs a companion, sexually or non sexually, I don't know. Can I trust you to satisfy him both ways?" she asked as Troye looked up at her.

"Why don't you do it?"
Zoe choked on her own breath, laughing.

"Well, one, I'm engaged-" She held up her left hand, showing Troye the ring on her finger. "-two, he's gay, and three, go have fun!"

Troye thought for a moment, thinking about the three points. The second one did make a lot of sense, and the last one as well. Ever since he started working at the strip club, the only sexual partner he actually had was his hand and a toy. It would be nice to have fun for once... And follow through with it. Finally, in a sigh of defeat, he nodded. Zoe brightened up, embracing Troye in a hug and pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. As she did this, she tapped five fingers on his upper back as a signal for the time left till the show. Five minutes. She then exited the dressing room, leaving Troye to himself.

He took a look into the full length mirror behind the door. Tonight's costume was a police officer costume, one of his least favorites. It's just so cliche, with the handcuffs and stuff but he couldn't do anything about it. However much he didnt like it, there was no point in denying how hot he looked like this. He had a pair of black tight skinny jeans on with a light blue button up that matched his bright eyes. Customers always remarked on his eyes- they gave him the innocent look of a child which lots of people were into here. The sexy outfit was a total contrast to his young persona. There was a dark police officer coat over the shirt, unbuttoned. A pair of handcuffs, real silver ones, dangled from his belt. Troye wouldn't mind wearing an outfit like this, minus the handcuffs and badges on the coat, on a regular day. After putting some final touches onto his hair, he walked out of his dressing room confidently towards the entrance to the show-stage. The music resonated across the room and helped to hype him up for his upcoming performance. He internally reminded himself to make this dance extra slutty if he was going to come out of there with big money.

The strobe lights from the strip club shone past the thin black curtain into the backstage section where Troye was supposed to wait at, his knee keeping time with the heavy base music. He sat down on the black leather couch with a few female pole dancers, who were either busy on their phone or touching up their makeup. The performance on stage was going well, considering the loud applause ringing from the crowd. The previous 'performer' was a pole dancer. As she walked back in from the stage, Troye could see her holding a pretty thick wad of cash in her hands. There were also dollar bills slipped into her high black boots, peeking out through the leather material. Troye rolled his eyes as the group of dancers to his left started their gossip session.

"I think there's at least two grand's worth of bills on her."

"Surely, they're not from that billionaire dude."


"Because, darlings-" a feminine male's voice cut in. "-he's gay. You all don't stand a chance."

Troye smiled, knowing he could use that to his advantage. The girls on the couch sighed in disappointment, shrugging before standing up and walking away. Troye got off the leather seats and walked to the entrance which led onto the stage. He payed attention to the voice of the DJ waiting for the familiar announcement.

"Ladies and gentleman! It's time for the highlight of the night. One of our boys will be performing for your viewing pleasure as well as for our special guest, Mr Tyler Oakley!" The crowd cheered in response. "Please put your hands together for the bad boy cop, Troye Sivan!"

He didnt have time to be annoyed with the clichè title, instead straightening his coat sharply. Taking a deep breath, he stepped foot onto the stage with applause ringing in his ears, walking with his signature strut. His hips swayed slightly like he intended to, and he put on an innocent smirk. Waving lightly to the crowd in the dimly lit room, he raked his eyes through it until he laid his eyes on a head of messy blue hair right at the front of the stage. That was him. If Troye was the prey, then Tyler Oakley would be the predator. His head was down, his eyes stuck on the phone in his hands and he was determined to grab his attention as soon as he could.

The crowd cheered for Troye, making him feel welcome on his second home, the stage. He took his spot in front of the microphone, shooting the crowd a seductive smile. Some young men wolf whistled but it didn't really matter for Troye tonight. The only person he had eyes on was Tyler. However, the rich blue haired man had not even laid his eyes on the young Australian yet.

"Well, Troye. What song do you have planned for the crowd tonight?" the DJ asked, smiling at him with a knowing glint behind his eyes.

A smirk tickled at Troye's lips. He knew exactly which one to pick. It was one of the first songs he ever used when he first entered the business. The lyrics were extremely suggestive, if not obvious enough. He leaned forward to the microphone to say his choice.

"Partition by Beyoncé, please?" Troye said huskily into the electronic device.

Tyler, who was busy on his phone for the past few minutes, now glanced up to look at Troye. Raking his eyes over the boy, he was suddenly very grateful he had decided to look up. He just couldn't resist after hearing his foreign accent and music taste. Tyler smirked at the young man on the stage, who blushed in return. Seeing him in a tight police officer costume was a big turn on. He tucked his phone into his black pants and leaned back in the leather chair he was in, crossing his arms over his chest.

The music started almost immediately and the lights dimmed to come down on a beam on top of the boy as the first few beats of the song playing loudly from the speakers. The atmosphere of the room suddenly changed as the base transfixed everyone there. Troye strutted his way to the front of the stage where there was an empty black chair just in front of Tyler. He was careful to swing his hips to the beat of the song, walking like it was more of a dance as the spotlight followed him. Tyler's eyes followed Troye with each step he took too, eyeing him up with relish but he wasnt the only one- as a regular in this club, Troye was like a god. The audience loved him. He pulled off his dark coat and and held it in front of him, dropping it to the ground at Tylers feet dramatically.

"Driver, roll up the partition, please."

Troye spun on his heel and turned away from the audience, leaning down to grip the back of the chair, giving the audience a good view of his ass. More cheering.

Driver, roll up the partition, please."

Troye sat down on the empty chair, facing the back frame and spreading his legs open against it to the beat. It was slightly uncomfortable with the skinny jeans on, considering how tight they were, but he did it anyway for the audiences benifit. Troye moaned at the friction against his length though it really didnt affect him much, knowing this would get them excited and this was just the beginning of the show. He rolled his head around, dancing to the beat of the song. The crowd whistled cheering him on, desperate to see more of this alluring boy.

"I don't need you seeing me on my knees."

Troye turned around on the chair smoothly, facing Tyler who had a smile of amusement on his lips. Dropping onto his knees, Troye whipped his head around in time with a slight body roll, causing the hat to drop a little bit to the side. Glancing up at the man in front of him, Troye smirked. Suddenly, the crowd in the room seemed to disappear, only leaving the two men there alone.

"Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up, we ain't even gonna make it to this club."

He slipped down off the low stage onto his hands and knees, his back arched down to put his ass in the air. Crawling forward until he was in front of Tyler's legs, he daringly placed his hands on the other man's kneecaps and spread them apart. Positioning himself in between his parted legs, Troye removed his police officer hat and put it on Tyler's head. Tyler uncrossed his arms and placed them on the armrests, biting his lower lip in anticipation of what Troye was going to do next. He was hooked.

"Now my mascara's running, red lipstick smudged. Oh, he so horny, yeah, he wants to fuck."

Placing his fingers on Tyler, he dragged them down his broad chest before latching them onto his shoulders, every movement remaining perfectly timed and smooth. Tyler, on the other hand, was pleasantly amused. For a boy with such an innocent outside, he had a seemingly filthy inside which caught Tyler's interest. Troye turned back to the stage and sat down on his lap, his ass positioned in just the right spot to earn a low hiss from Tyler.

"He popped all my buttons and he ripped my blouse, he Monica Lewinsky'd all over my gown."

Troye popped the few top buttons from his light blue long sleeved button up, revealing the start of his sternum. Tyler kept his eyes glued on the back of Troyes neck, his lips slightly parted at the contact on his crotch. Leaning back until his lips touched the other's earlobe, Troye rolled his hips backwards harshy against Tyler's.

"Oh there daddy, daddy, didn't bring a towel?" Troye whispered the lyrics into Tyler's ear over the loud music.

Tyler groaned against Troye's neck, but it was close to a growl. He clearly liked being the dominating one. As he grazed his ass against his client's thigh, Troye could feel Tyler's member twitching under his slacks slightly. Troye realised he liked this position, being draped across the front of a man who preffered being a dom, grinding his ass against his crotch as the man became aroused. He liked the control, but realised that it would most likely not remain for the rest of the night. Feeling how fustrated the guy was becoming, Troye smirked knowingly, turning around on Tyler's lap to face him.

"Oh baby, baby, we'd better slow it down." he whispered again, but Tyler didn't move, stilling completely.

Troye wrapped his arms around the other man's neck, leaning backwards and pulling Tyler along with him. Their foreheads were close to touching, and from this close proximity, he could see that Tyler's eyes were glazed over with obvious lust. His plan was working smoothly.

"Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up, we ain't even gonna make it to this club."

Tyler sat back up with force, pulling Troye up with him. The older man roughly yanked off a few buttons of his shirt, sending them flying onto the ground in the dark. He was frustrated to his core and due to the constrictions of being in public, he would have to wait till later.

"Take all of me, I just wanna be that boy you like, the kind of boy you like."

Sliding off Tyler's lap, Troye leaned over and raised his ass up into the air, trailing his hands up his own legs. Tyler used the opportunity to give his ass a firm squeeze. Troye slowly stood back upright, sashaying towards the empty chair again and taking his seat.

"Take all of me, just wanna be that boy you like, the kind of boy you like is right here with me."

He rolled his neck out, biting his lip as he trailed his fingertips down his shirt. Quickly unbuttoning the final buttons, he let the clothing fall off his shoulders and behind him. Although Troye was on the skinnier side, it didn't stop him from working out his abdominal muscles, now toned.

"Right here with me, right here with me. Right here with me, right here with me."

He trailed his fingers down his own chest, letting the palms of his hands graze past his skinny jeans. It was almost like dancing, his limbs jutting out to the beat in movements he never thought he would be able to do. Troye body rolled as he stood back up, earning a loud wolf whistle from the crowd. The strobe lights were switched to a spotlight above the two stars of the show.

"Driver, roll up the partition fast. Driver, roll up the partition fast."

He spread his legs to his sides, leaning forward and grabbing the edge of Tyler's seat. Giving the chair a pull, Tyler was sent jolting closer towards Troye. Now shirtless, he grabbed Tyler's hands, pressing them to his bare chest before letting them go. Troye could see flashes of light out of the corner of his eye, knowing they were cameras.

"Over there, I swear I saw them cameras flash."

Troye leaned over in a perverse dance, resting his elbows on Tyler's lap. He tilted his head downwards slightly, hovering right above Tyler's thigh before glancing up at him. The blue hair on his head was now messy, pieces all over the place peeking out from under the hat Troye had placed on his head earlier. Troye blew a soft breath of air onto Tyler's thigh, earning a low growl.

"Handprints and footprints on my glass, handprints and good grips all on my ass."

Just as Troye turned around to face the backing of his chair, Tyler caught him off guard by giving Troye a tight grab on his ass. Although there was still the fabric of denim between direct contact, Troye was already starting to feel like getting out of the place with this man. Turning back to face him, he plastered on a smile of innocence, knowing it would somehow turn him on one way or another. He realised with a jolt that they were on stage in front of an audience. He was seducing, he was performing.

"Red wine, drip filth, talk that trash." Troye mouthed, leaning back to sit on Tyler's lap again.

"Chauffeur eavesdropping, trying not to crash."

Tyler wrapped his arms around Troye, feeling his bare skin at his fingertips. He leaned down and nibbled at the top of Troye's ear. Troye's hips instinctively rolled against Tyler's, a sigh escaping his lips. Tyler was enjoying this a little too much, but then again, this wasn't even the main show. He had much more things planned afterwards.

"Oh there, daddy, daddy, now you ripped my fur."

"You're a dirty little one, aren't you?" Tyler asked, his voice low and husky from need.

"Oh baby, baby, be sweating on my hair."

"What are you trying to say, Mr Oakley?" Troye cooed, getting off Tyler and walking around his chair slowly. It was all an act for Troye, but it was easy to forget that when he saw how the mans eyes hungered for him.

"Took 45 minutes to get all dressed up."

"That will be 'sir' to you-" he replied, watching Troye's every movement. "-and you're not as innocent as you seem."

"And we ain't even gonna make it to this club."

"Sir? I prefer-" Troye leaned down, pressing a soft kiss on Tyler's cheek before leaning into his ear. "-daddy."

"Take all of me, just wanna be that boy you like, the kind of boy you like."

"Would you fuck me hard, daddy?" Troye sighed, teasing the limits.

Tyler stood up suddenly from his seat, pulling Troye to him. He groaned, growling at Troye. Their bodies were touching everywhere except for their lips, which were just a few centimeters apart. Troye could feel Tyler's hard on from under his tight jeans, the friction only making it twitch even more. He hummed in contentment, smirking. Somewhere in the background, he heard delighted screams.

"I know Miss Sugg arranged for you to come with me, but are you willing to do that?" Tyler asked politely but the roughness of his voice contradicted it. "Are you willing to do anything at all?"

"Take all of me, just wanna be that boy you like, that kind of boy you like is right here with me."

"Most probably" was the reply from the topless man.

Tyler swooped Troye off his feet, gripping him by the hips and holding the boy against his chest with Troyes legs wrapped around his waist. Troye could only watch as the crowd cheered behind them, looping his arms around the mans neck. Tyler was already making his way out of the strip club, keeping his eyes locked on Troye's exotic blue ones. Troye also couldn't look away, overwhelmed. Both of them were extremely hot and flustered by now, wanting to satisfy their craving for sexual contact with each other.

Tyler's hands felt warm against Troye's bare back, a pleasant feeling. As they exit the club, they were both enveloped by crisp silence instead of loud banging music. It was a nice change for the both of them, but the air outside was much colder. Troye's skin formed goosebumps almost automatically, not to mention the affect the cold had on other parts of his body, specifically on his chest. Tyler chuckled, making at 'tsk' sound at the boy in his arms.

"What about my stuff in the dressing room?" Troye asked, suddenly struck with the thought. His phone was back there, as well as his personal belongings like his wallet. "My phone-"

"Miss Sugg packed it all up in a bag. It's in my car," Tyler said simply, walking towards his vehicle in the large parking lot. "All you have to worry about is what I'm going to do with you." With this, he pressed a featherlight kiss to Troyes neck.

A chill ran down his spine. Tyler set Troye down onto his feet before opening the door for him. He smiled faintly at the topless young man. Troye got in, seeing a blue bag with the tag 'Sivan' on it, clearly in Zoe's handwriting. Tyler closed the door behind him, grabbing hold of one of Troye's hands. They shot a smile to each other, some smirks here and there. Troye then turned away and took out a white t-shirt from the blue bag, pulling it on. Tyler turned back to the front, looking at his driver. "Hannah, take us home." Tyler said.

"Oh, and roll up the partition, please."

The blonde haired female at the front turned around and nodded, giving Troye a weird look before turning back to the road. The partition between the two front seats and the backseats was raised before the vehicle moved down the road. Hannah knew this wasn't the first time Tyler had brought a guy home, but she really hoped this would be the last. Not only for his well being, but for her. She had gotten enough of the moaning and groaning from the backseat while she was driving. However, this time, she was prepared. She had a soundproof, tinted partition installed.

Troye was nervous, his hands shaking slightly. He didn't know what he was in for. What if this billionaire dude was a psychopath and killed him? What if he had a weird fetish? This would go either horribly, or amazingly, and Troye had no way to predict the results. However, Tyler must have noticed the awkward atmosphere in the car because he then turned to Troye, his lip curled into a smirk.

"Afraid?" Tyler asked, giving the Australian a squeeze with his hand. "Don't worry, I'll be gentle."

"G-gentle?" Troye said bashfully, looking away. Although his fear was still up there, he had a weird sense of sexual pleasure from Tyler's words.

"Well, not really. I can get a little-" Tyler flashed a grin. "-rough sometimes."

A wave of pent up excitement rushed through Troyes body- he shouldnt be excited though, he really shouldnt. His look of hunger told the other man everything he needed to know. Tyler proceeded to release Troye's hand and inch his way a little closer to him. Troye kept his eyes away, nervous. Letting his fingers tickle the other's lap, Tyler let them travel up Troye's thigh until they landed on a slight groove. When a soft moan emitted into the atmosphere around them, Tyler knew he had found the right spot. Pressing down gently with the heel of his hand, he started palming the young man slowly.

Troye closed his eyes lazily, rolling his head back as soft mewling sounds escaping his lips. The skinny jeans only added to the friction. Troye's hips bucked up in anticipation against Tyler's hands, causing him to groan, satisfied with the reaction he was getting. Troye placed his own hands on the other's mans, pressing down gently for more pressure. He needed this so badly, he was throwing his self control out the window. Tyler chuckled in a low tone of voice, amused but also turned on himself.

"Eager now, are we?" the American said, leaning closer to the Australian. "You seem a little excited down there."

"P-please, daddy." Troye begged in response, his voice shaking. He told himself that he wasnt really this aroused, that he was just playing the part for Tylers sake, but this was a lie. Tyler intrigued him in a way he could not explain.

"What a good boy, begging for daddy's attention, but we're going to have to wait. I want to fuck you hard, and this car isn't the place to do it." With that, Tyler removed his hand completely and regained his earlier seat. Troye snapped his head towards the older man, jaw dropped in frustration. Tyler shot a smile at him before turning to the window, avoiding eye contact.

To Troye, patience was a virtue he didn't have. He decided to take matters into his own hands, praying that this wouldnt get him into trouble. The backseat was long enough for Troye to lie down on his stomach with his legs bent up, facing the man. He did it slowly and with his eyes fixed on him, but Tyler didn't even flinch. Eager to get his attention, Troye let his hand trail up Tyler's thigh. As his fingers met with the waistband of his slacks, Troye pulled them down quickly, but not all the way down. Tyler was sitting down which prevented Troye from doing so, much to his annoyance.

Instead, he just lowered the slacks and pair of boxers underneath until Tyler's dick was revealed to him. "You're big", he said breathlessly and Tyler grinned.
"And you're adorable."
Troye caught his smile with a warm feeling in his stomach at the endearment, licking his lips dramatically for Tylers sake. The man shot him a glance, eyes widened. Troye ran his tongue slowly up the side of Tyler's erection, his hand firmly planted around the base. Tyler hummed in approval of the contact, closing his eyes tightly as Troye's tongue picked up the bead of liquid at the tip of Tyler's member. The other man silently relished at how good the boy looked spread out with his head in his lap in the backseat of the car.

Taking it a step further, Troye took Tyler into his mouth, teasing the tip with his tongue. He started pumping his hand in short strokes, moaning softly as he did this. Groaning from deep behind his throat, Tyler twisted his fingers into Troye's chestnut locks of hair, forcing him to take more into his mouth. Troye did as he was signaled to, his head bobbing back and forth.

"Stay still, baby, just stay still and don't move." Tyler instructed, his voice still demanding and firm. "Remove your hands."

Stopping any movement and removing his hand, Troye kept his mouth in place, curious to what was going to happen next. He was completely at the older mands command- an ideal bottom. Tyler held onto Troye's hair tighter, keeping him still. Turning so that his back was leaning against the door and he was facing the boy, Tyler made sure Troye was in a comfortable position beforehand. Suddenly, Tyler bucked his hips up into the other man's mouth, hitting the back of his throat. Troye spluttered slightly at the sudden movement, unprepared but willing to do anything that the man wanted of him. And, it was kind of hot.

Pulling back before doing it again, it took only a few more times before Troye was used to it. Saliva dribbled down his chin and onto the leather seats of the car as Tyler fucked his mouth, using him for his own pleasure. However, instead of disgust, Troye felt a rush of adrenaline running through his veins. He liked how Tyler was showing his dominance over him, by tugging on his hair almost painfully and bucking up into his mouth. He loved being used. A loud groan from Tyler sent a chill down Troye's back.

"That's right." Tyler cooed, his voice shaking slightly. "If only you could see how tempting you look right now."

Troye whimpered, unable to form words as Tyler used him mercilessly. Troye latched his hands onto the other man's lap, for stability. He felt his cheeks blush as he remembered about the driver in the front seat. Could she hear them? Could she see them? They would never know. Tyler bucked up a few more times before he finally set off his own climax. Liquid shot down the back of Troye's throat as Tyler's hips shook in fatigue and release. Once Tyler had emptied himself off his load, he pulled Troye's head back and up to face him eye to eye, their noses brushing.

"Swallow." He instructed simply, lust staining his eyes as Troye obeyed his instructions. Troye made a soft sound of appreciation as he swallowed the other man's release. "You are to listen to whatever I say tonight with no objections, understood?"

"Yes-" Troye said quietly. "-sir."

"Good boy."

Tyler pulled his boxers and slacks back up just as the vehicle pulled to a stop. Troye wiped at his mouth with the back of his hand before sitting back up, the sweetness still lingering in his mouth. The partition rolled down slowly and Hannah turned back to look at Tyler. She even shot Troye a questioning look with a raised eyebrow, seeing him with his clearly messed up hair. Troye's face flushed red. He felt self concious and silently prayed he hadnt left any drops of cum on his lips.

"That will be all tonight, Hannah. I'll see you in the morning", he ordered to which Hannah nodded. Tyler then unlocked his door and got off the car. He walked over to Troye's side to open the door for him and right before he did, Hannah said something else to Troye before giving him a sly wink.

"Have fun."

His eyes widened in response as the door to his right opened. Troye grabbed the blue bad quickly as Tyler put out his hand to help Troye off. It was strange behaviour coming from Tyler, acting like a real gentlemen when he had just brutally fucked a strippers mouth in the backseat of a limo.

Once the door was shut behind him, the car started up and drove off hastily down the road. Troye guessed Hannah did not want to risk seeing anything more from the two- although he himself couldnt wait for what was to come. He trusted the man would leave him satisfied by the end of the night. Tyler led Troye up the neat path framed with white roses to the door of his house, a pretty big one at that. Unlocking the large wooden door with a key from his pocket, Tyler pushed it open to let Troye in. The young boys breath caught at the beauty of the dimmly lit house, more like a mansion really. Once they were both inside the house, Tyler shut the door and locked it before dropping the set of keys into the key holder next to the door. He turned back to Troye, face stone hard and eyes determined.

"Strip, all the way down." he said simply, more of an order than a request. His voice echoed slightly in the large entrance and Troye hoped there were no maids or people around.

"Here?" Troye immediately regretted the statement as Tylers eyes darkened further into a steely glare. It was obvious the completely submissive roll he was expected to put on tonight. He had experienced many customers like this before but the unusually hard glare from the older man scared him slightly- he could tell the man was dead serious. He vowed to remain pliant in his hands tonight.

"Yes, s-sir."

Troye pulled off his top first before unbuttoning the button of his skinny jeans, fumbling slightly in haste. He could not dissapoint- one slip up and his paycheck could disapear from in front of him. Pulling the stubborn zipper down, he slipped off his shoes before getting rid of the tight jeans, shimmying out of them. Folding his clothes, he placed the items in a neat stack by the door with the blue bag before regaining his spot earlier- he felt like Tyler would appreciate it. Now fully naked, he felt vulnerable under Tyler's line of sight, but it was thrilling in a way.

And Tyler didnt waste the oppertunity to examine Troye completely- he dragged his gaze across every inch of flesh and had the boy shivering under his watch. Tylers eyes fell upon his crotch and he smirked, not in a way that he was making fun of his size, but excited as to what he could have to himself that night. Taking a step forward, Tyler planted a rough kiss on Troye's collarbone and muttered into his skin. "Hot as fuck."

This made Troyes stomach flip and the other man wasted no time, grabbing his hand and pulling him towards a door down the hallway. Wrapping his arms around the mans waist, he slamed Troye's back into the door. Troye whimpered, feeling pain shooting up his spine but all discomfort was muted out when Tyler took Troye's lips as his own. He was a rough kisser, his teeth tugging at Troye's lower lip.

Their lips moved in sync, and Tyler was the one who took charge immediately. Their tongues mixed and matched with each other, like puzzle pieces. Pulling away and leaving a breathless Troye to get some air, he smirked before unlocking the door and pushing them both into the room. Troye looked around, seeing the bed in the middle of the room with black linen sheets and a few dark cupboards by the sides of the room. He shook at the idea of what was in those drawers. The room was empty apart from this, the back wall adorned with a dark red feature wall in contrast to the black bed. Something told him this room was not for sleeping in.

"You remember our deal earlier, right?" Tyler commanded. "I'll get a 'yes sir' if you understand."

"Y-yes, sir." Troye said, remembering how Tyler had told him about obeying his commands. "I understand, sir."

A hum of satisfaction came from Tyler before he sat down at the armchair near the wall. Patting his lap as a signal for Troye to go over to him, Troye stepped forward until he was in front of the other man. He swallowed his fear, nerves wracking his skin.

"Over my knee, ass up in the air, sweetheart."

Confused, Troye did as he was told and laid down over Tyler's lap on his stomach. He raised his ass up into the air slightly, and a Tyler shifted him forward a little for a more comfortable approach. At this angle, his length was settled against Tylers thigh and he felt a wave of comfort at the contact. As Tyler placed his palm down onto Troye's skin, the man on his lap shivered in response. He realized what was about to happen.

This man, Tyler Oakley, was going to spank him. The weirdest part? He was actually looking forward to it.

"For doing such a good job in the car, love. Maybe 20 on your cute little ass. Would you like that?" he asked, his voice smooth and tempting.

"P-please, sir." Troye begged, desperate. His length was just pressed against Tyler's leg and he knew he would soon crave more of Tyler there- he was a sucker for spanking. Usually his intimate experiences with men lacked kinky highlights- but he had tried out a few things over the last years that left him wanting more and something gave him the feeling Tyler would be ok with trying things with him. Just the thought of what they could possibly do made him excited and he needed friction to his length and not just a nudge. It was killing him internally.

Suddenly, a hard smack was brought down onto Troye's skin, making him yelp. Tyler immediately rubbed the same place to soothe the burning before bringing it down again. The sudden sting faded as he felt his skin warm pleasurably. Troye was internally counting the numbers until he lost count from the repeating pain and comfort he was receiving. With every slap again his ass, Troye jolted forward and uttered noises of distress. Slowly, those yelps turned onto loud moans and groaning sounds.

"Do you like that, baby?" Tyler asked, bringing down another palm down onto Troye with a loud smacking sound. "Getting hard under daddy's touch. How sweet."

"S-sir!" he replied as the spankings were sped up slightly and the resting time in between was deducted. The sting of Tylers hand had been accepted as pleasure by his body and each slap resonated in his dick. "Please, sir, oh god."

Smack... smack..smack..

The slapping sounds and loud breathing, mixed with a few moans drove Tyler insane. The fact that this boy was writhing under his touch made his heart swell. The boys innocent appearance turned him on beyond description and the thoughts of the things he could do with the sub clouded his mind. As Troye jolted forward, he would add friction to Tyler's member under his slacks. After he was done with the 20 he had promised, Tyler looked down at his ass. It was bright red, with white finger marks obviously showing, fading slightly under his watch. He hummed in approval, leaning down and planting a soft kiss on the heated skin, before licking a lingering stripe across the boys cheek. He felt the boy relax under his tongue and with a slight grin he nipped at the abused flesh. Troye jerked bellow him at the unexpected pain.

Tyler quickly reached over and pulled Troye up by his hair, causing him to whimper at the tug against his locks of brown. Tyler growled at him before getting off the armchair and dragging Troye along on the ground with him. Troye's ass was already burning and sore from the previous session and the drag of carpet was almost enough to bring him to tears. He wouldnt change a second of it.

Tyler smirked, picking up Troye from the ground with his hands on the boys neck and the backs of his knees. He felt the light boys mouth straining in an effort to meet his neck and he grinned at the willingness of his little slut. He walked to the edge of the bed, pressing a haste kiss to Troyes cheek and letting him drop down onto the black silk sheets.

"Since you asked so nicely-" he said softly, opening his bedside drawer. What Tyler had in his hands made Troye's stomach flip. It was a pair of handcuffs, the silvery metal the same as his outfit from earlier had never looked so entracing. "-I guess I will let you use these for tonight. If only you were still in that cute little costume. Hands up, sweetheart."

Troye lifted his hands above his head, nervous. It didn't take long before his wrists were handcuffed above his head to the bed frame. Trying to writhe against them, he immediately regretted his decision as the metal cut into his skin slightly. There were no physical wounds, but it definitely hurt. Tyler straddled the younger man, latching his lips onto the other's collarbone. Troye melted into the bed as Tyler sucked on the spot right above his collarbone.

He knew Tyler was leaving his mark, a small red-purple bruise. Tyler was sure of one thing. Although he hated getting hickeys, he sure did enjoy leaving them. Once Tyler accomplished his goal, he left a final harsh bite and pulled away to admire his artwork.

The appearing colours stook out beautifully against the pale skin, dark red dotted across white like bloodied moss against snow. Satisfied, he trailed soft kisses down Troye's stomach, nipping with his teeth here and there. Once he reached the beginning of Troye's happy trail, he stopped and looked up at the boy underneath him. He had his eyes screwed shut and his cheeks red.

As the pair of lips traveled lower, Troye shivered with more intensity. They were so close to places Troye needed them to be, yet not quite there. Tyler planted soft kisses on his inner thighs and his lower stomach, ignoring Troye's twitching erection. With a few more soft moans from the Australian, Tyler finally gave in. Spitting some saliva onto his hand, Tyler wrapped his fingers around Troye, pumping his length gently.

"Oh fuck..." Troye muttered, squeezing his eyes shut, overwhelmed by the sudden direct contact.

"You're strangely captivating, Troye, and I like that." Tyler whispered softly, voice low. "Eyes open."

Hesitantly, Troye forced his eyes open to look down at the man between his legs. Moans poured out of his own lips, his eyes feeling strained from the amount of pleasure he was receiving at the simple touch. Maybe it was the anticipation that drove him crazy or maybe it was this man was different from everyone he had been with before. Never before had he felt so powerless against someone, so completely reliant on and willing and he loved it. Tyler smirked, leaning forward and closer to Troye's dick and his breath hitched. Sticking his tongue out from in between his lips, he picked up a bead of pre-cum from the wanton man. A hiss of air escaped Troye's teeth, causing Tyler to chuckle.

"Daddy..." It came out as a half whisper half moan, Troye letting his head fall back.

Suddenly, Tyler wrapped his lips around the tip of Troye's member. Just the tip though, his tongue teasing the man under him. Troye melted into the bedsheets underneath him, and writhed against the silver locks around his wrists. The metal bit his skin, so he refrained from moving as much as possible but it was hard considering where the mans mouth was on his body. Tyler's strong hands pinned Troye's hips down so he wouldnt try to shove his cock up into the others mouth. Squeezing his eyes closed, Troye choked out a moan.

He was tied up and spread out in front of this man to use as he wished.

He was powerless.

Tyler sucked gently, his hands helping to stimulate Troye slowly. Looking up, Tyler watched Troye bite his lower lip, whimpering as his hips desperately tried to buck up- to bury his whole length inside the warmth. There was something so suddenly overwhelming about it for Troye, something so different and amazing he couldnt get enough of it. He loved it.

Without any warning, Troye hit his climax, heat spreading suddenly through his abdomen and a string of release hitting the back of Tyler's throat as the boy let out a hoarse moan. Only the tip of his dick was touched by Tylers mouth- he was never this quick but Troye felt too good to be embarassed just yet. It was surprising for Tyler, considering the little friction Troye had gotten, but god, it was such a turn on for him. Gasping as he rode it all out, Troyes body jerked upon the sheets.

Soon Troyes desperate bucking slowed to gentle rolls of his hips, continuing up into the empty space even after Tylers mouth left him. Grabbing a piece of tissue from the bedside table, Tyler spat out Troye's release into the material and wiped his mouth off before moving back upwards to Troye. The boys eyes were wide in shock and his cheeks were stained red with arousal and Tyler guessed, a hint of embarrasment.

Troye swallowed and breathed deeply, his chest rising in stutters as he tried to calm down. He looked away from the others gaze bashfully and his mouth opened to explain.

"I-Im sorry Tyler I swear I'm not usually like that." If it was possible, his face became even more flushed. "I just it was all different an-"

"-Dont be embarased about that babe." Tyler cut in, his voice assertive to insure that Troye believed his words. His gaze flickered between the eyes just below his and the boys swollen lips. "Honestly, it was hot as fuck. Having someone so ready, so responsive just for me..."

He trailed off clasped Troye's lower lip in both of his own, tugging gently as he kissed him, his mind aroused with thoughts leading down to other areas. The idea of tasting his own release was both exciting and filthy to Troye here, as the older man who had just drove him over the edge removed the cuffs off his wrists. He had never tasted himself before and surprisingly it didnt disgust him... It was new and hot, like the night he was having with Tyler.

"Sit up, sweetheart." Tyler tossed the handcuffs aside. Muttering a soft 'yes sir', Troye nodded. Doing as he was told, Troye sat on the bed with his legs crossed. Tyler pulled his own tie off - a skinny black one - and sat in front of Troye. Winding the silky material around the boy's wrists, Tyler tied a few knots here and there from experience, knowing how to bind his wrists together without him accidentally unraveling them. Troye was surpired at this introduction- they were doing this again- but the relief of fabric against his skin instead of the harsh metal seeped through him. Red rushed to Troye's cheeks, and for a second, Tyler seemed more caring than the dominating persona he had earlier. "This will hurt less than the cuffs."

A nod from Troye's head and Tyler was done, pulling away. Waving his finger in the air, he signaled for Troye to get on all fours. As the younger man presumed the position, Tyler took his time unbuttoning his white button up, tossing it onto the floor. Opening a drawer nearby, he pulled out a few items that Troye couldn't see from where he was lying down. He did catch a glimse of a few other objects in the back of the drawer though, his eyes widening at some of the things Tyler had in there. He swallowed roughly- maybe if he ever came back here they could... His thoughts were cut off as Tyler closed the drawer firmly, catching Troyes gaze and giving him a smirk. Once he was done, he walked around back to Troye and placed a hand on his ass, gripping a handful of flesh.

Tyler leaned over and gave Troye a swift lick over his entrance, followed by one with more pressure. The boy underneath him hissed lowly at the wet stimulation. He placed both hands on Troyes cheeks, spreading them apart and the boys veins rushed with the feeling of being completely exposed to him. He felt Tyler move down and place long, openmouthed kisses around the puckered skin of his hole, his lips cold in comparison to the heated flesh. Tyler continued to lick him, making his body move slightly against the tongue, trying to push back each time enough to make Tyler taste him harder.

His requests were granted when he felt the tounge pressing against his entrance with force, the muscles in his ass allowing him through. The boy was extremely grateful that he was clean tonight. Troye couldnt contain a groan at the pleasure of having his hole licked thoroughly and his hips rocked back against the mans face. Tyler realised how much the boy liked this, rimming him with his tongue with more force, earning a soft groan. He felt the tongue retreating and almost complained before realising who was in charge for tonight. Tyler pulled his face away from his ass, humming in delight and he rubbed the boys cheek.

"You like that dont you? Having my tongue inside you, exploring you completely. I bet not many people have been there like that before, huh sweetheart?"

Troye could only nod as he felt Tyler place a final kiss to his swollen skin and move back, shuffling around with something behind him. Troye heard the click of a bottle lid and turned his head around slightly. The sight of the man kneeling there getting ready to prepare him, with a flushed face and chest was only beautiful to Troye. Though he noticed that Tyler still had his dark sweatpants on, a prominent outline of his bulge straining against the fabric and Troye urged to release it. Tyler got some of the lube from the bottle in his hands onto his fingers, tossing the bottle aside after closing it. Troye used this slight distraction to turn back to the man in front of his ass to tug on the waistband of his slacks. Tyler caught his meaning and smirked and quickly slipped out of the offending pants, carefully avoiding leaving lube on them. He settled back up into position behind Troye and the boys stomach was tight with the need to feel Tyler fully. He slowly reached back up and trailed a finger over the puckered ring of muscle and Troye tried desperately to push back against Tyler's digit.

Finally putting him out of his misery, Tyler pushed a finger in slowly up to his knuckle. Troye hissed more at the cold of the lube more than the slight stretching sensation, earning a chuckle from Tyler. He didn't give much time for Troye to adjust, just enough, before pulling the finger out. Adding a second lubed finger, he felt Troye clench around it deciding the boy wasnt in much pain so it wasn't long before the third finger was added too. Troye pressed his cheek up against the sheets, muffling his moans into the mattress. The restricted movement of his arms heightened the sensation and his fingers twitched, longing to touch. Tyler scissored his fingers inside of the boy, curling them up to meet the bundle of nerves he knew the location of too well. The man below him gently rocked his hips back against Tylers hand, content with the feeling of being filled with him. The American realised his comfort and a mischevious glint lit in his eye as he suddenly jerked his fingers forward, aiming for Troyes prostate harshly.

Troye gasped instinctively, his bound wrists above his head trying to escape down to do what he would never know. Another chuckle from Tyler filled the room at Troyes delight. Pulling his fingers out, Tyler helped Troye to flip around with his wrists still above his head, now on his back. Troyes eyes immediately found his, blown out and amazed. They bothed looked delicious, and stayed like that for a while, enjoying eachothers excitement. Troye felt a strange twinge of fondness towards the man before him and suddenly wanted his wrists free so he could embrace the him, bring them even closer. He craved closeness to the man... Strange thoughts, concidering he was about to fuck the helpless boy down onto the matress until he was screaming his name.

Tyler rested Troye's feet on his shoulders. The familiar sound of ripped foil met Troye's ears before the older man quickly rolled on a condom, careful not to rip the thin material. After all, protection was important. His eyes were glued to Tylers hands as they worked to cover his thick member. Troye was mesmorised- he could probably come from just watching Tyler touch himself. He wondered how many times his hands had touched himeslf like that, wished that he could view every time. Before he got completely lost in the image, Tyler was finished and the tension in the room was suddenly unbearable.

They were once again staring into eachothers eyes and for a second Troye thought he saw a flicker of something pass over Tylers face. Admiration? Care? His mouth opened as if to speak then he shut it, leaning down so his mouth was on Troyes jaw. He left open mouthed kisses along the skin there, continuing onto his ear, nibbling at the earlobe breifly.

"Troye.." He stuttered, then returned with a voice as steady as before. "You dont have to do anything you dont want to, ok sweetheart?"

Troyes mouth opened in slight shock at the hint of actual care in Tylers voice. He had to reassure him that everything was alright and he was more than happy with what was about to happen.

He smiled up at the boy, before suddenly jerked his ass upwards, pressing harshly against Tylers dick from where it was just barely nudging between Troyes cheeks. The man gasped and by instinct jerked forward to grind back against the boys ass. Troye glowed in satisfaction- yup, he looked pretty reassured.

Tyler continued to grind into the crevice of Troyes ass from where it was exposed up to him, waiting for him. He groaned slightly at the friction and moved a hand from where it was gripping Troyes ankle up on his shoulder down to his cheek, spreading Troye up even more. He immediately pushed his dick forward into the space, its side pressing completely against Troyes hole. Both boys groaned suddenly at the direct contact and excitement of what else could happen there. Tyler rocked forward, humping Troyes ass in a slow grind and the younger boy pushed back with the same pace. The grinding made Troye want even more friction and jerked back, pushing hard on the others member and Tyler gasped and pressed forward. Their movements became urgent, becoming lost in dry fucking eachother and momentarily forgetting about the real thing.

It was a few minutes more before Troye came to his senses, breaking out of his glazed eyes to look up at Tyler who was rutting against his backside with his eyes squeezed shut and pants leaving his mouth.

"T-tyler?" Troyes voice snapped his eyes open and suddenly realised, putting his cold persona back on immediately.

"What, slut? How do you adress your daddy properly?" Troye was almost scared of Tyler now, the dark tone of his demand surprising him.

"I-I mean daddy. Daddy... Please can you fuck me now.. Since I've been a good boy so far?" He played the characted properly, looking up at Tyler through his lashes innocently.

Tyler smiled in satisfaction, jerking forward roughly, causing the little act to slip and the boy to shut his eyes and moan. "You have been good to me so far, so I'll let you have this one."

The other boys face immediately turned up into a smile but soon regretted it as Tyler held up a finger to stop him, a smile not as comforting finding his features. "But, slut. You cant come until I tell you too. If you do, you will be punished." He caught the slight happiness in Troyes features at that and quickly rushed to assure him it wouldnt be anything like the spanking from earlier. "I can promise you sweetheart, that you will not enjoy this punishment."

Troye couldnt help but wonder what it could be for him to not want it- quite honestly he couldnt imagine anything that he wouldnt enjoy doing with Tyler. But he kept quiet, because Tyler was his dom. He felt the boys fingers trailing down his back, back towards his already abused hole from the grinding. He easily slipped his fingers into Troye, pumping them into him a few times before abandoning it to grab the lube from down the bed, opening it once again to spread more onto his fingers.

"Look at your greedy little hole, swallowing all the lube like that. Do you want me to fuck you until you bleed or something?" Troye quickly shook his head though the thought of being fucked raw by Tyler wasnt completely rejected in his state of mind. "I didnt think so. This might be a bit of a stretch babe, nothing you cant handle."

He spread more lube over his erection and moved forward until Troye could feel the warm tip of his length nudging against his hole.
"Say my name as I take you babe."
"D-daddy...." Troye murmured.
Something flickered over Tylers face. "Not.. Not that name this time sweetheart."

Troye didnt have time to be confused as Tyler suddenly jerked his hips forward and his hole was stretched deliciously. His arms immediately tried to jerk down from where they were bound at the shock to his system. A wave of sting and pleasure swept over his mind and nothing mattered but the two of them.
"Uh! Uh god. Tyler!"

Tyler hissed from above him. He pushed his hips forward again, inching forward slowly into Troyes ass. The walls of Troyes insides clenched around him tantalisingly and the warmth was overwhelming. He collapsed down onto Troye slightly, resting his weight on the boy, making his erection move forward more, nudging against his prostate. Troye moaned at this, his closed eyes flying open as he rocked back onto the latter gently. He felt so full.

"Are you sure you arent a virgin?" Tylers banter was laced with lust as he stuttered back out of Troye. It was a lot for him, the walls of his inside clenching around him in waves of pleasure.

"I-I havent been with anyone for a while, daddy." Troyes words were strained as their hips started up a gentle pace of thrusting against eachother, moving as if to a beat. They were one being in the moment, sharing breath and heat and body.

Tyler was surprised with Troyes statement as he tried his best not to lose himself to the feeling. "I cant imagine wh-why though. You're sexy and hot and everyone seems to want you and you're-OHh!"
He broke off in a moan as the boy under him thrust back particularly hard in effort to make him stop talking.

His gaze turned dark as he stared into Troyes eyes. "-a cheeky shit." With this, he suddenly changed his pace hip rolls, pounding into Troye roughly into the boy underneath. Troyes eyes rolled back at the punishing movements and he let small moans slip out through his lips at the increasingly hot atmosphere.

With each of Tylers hip rolls, Troye felt himself slipping closer and closer to the edge, his stomach muscles contracting frequently with pleasure. It seemed he knew exactly how to do Troye right, like he had spent his life examining and worshiping his body in a way that he knew everything that would get the boys heart racing.

"You know i was planning to drag this out, make you suffer for as long as possible but now i d-dont think i can make it that long." Tyler grunted out with hints of a smile. In the heat of the moment, with their bodies jerking against eachother in a suddenly merciless pace, Troye couldnt help the blush of affection that creeped onto his cheeks at Tylers ruined state. It seemed he had driven the man as crazy as he felt. There was something about the atmosphere of Tylers presence that he wasnt ready to give up on but with a particularly loud moan from the man, he realised the end of this was coming soon.

He couldnt bear the feeling of his tied limbs anymore, he needed to touch and feel, he was slipping too fast. The man was touching all the right places inside him to the point where he found his legs shaking from where they sat on Tylers shoulders. He loved being spread out underneath him, on display as he was loved.

Tylers hips took up a sudden pace, jerking fast and hard while his breathing stuttered and he moved quickly down to press his chest against Troyes.
"Troye babe im not going to l-last! Much longer... Mmf." He was becoming as desperate as Troye felt and suddenly Tylers hands sprung to life, fumbling with the tie around troyes wrists as he groaned hotly into the boys chest.

The both groaned loudly as Troyes hands became lose, immediately gripping onto the mans back harshly, scratching down in pleasure. In the moment he didnt care if he was hurting Tyler, he could only feel lust and anyway, the man was probably enjoying it anyway. "D-daddy!"
He gripped Tylers backside and pulled it forwards towards him frantically, fucking himself even harder as silent screams ripped through both mens lips. He was sitting on the edge of orgasm, barely waiting on permission.

"Tyler, TyLER! Can i?" Troye couldnt finish his sentence as he was overcome with a wave of heat and he could already feel Tyler swelling inside him, he was there, he was there.
"YES, yes oh god Troye!"

Everything went white as he felt Tyler coming undone inside him and he wasnt sure if Tylers outburst was permission or not but it didnt matter, he was already coming and screaming. Surges of heat and pleasure were surging through him so quickly he didnt notice the way he was spilling on his stomach. Amongst it all he had managed to drag Tylers face down to his and they were both moaning into eachothers mouths as they came together. Tylers hips were still rolling into his and everything seemed hazy in pleasure. All he could think of was 'Wow, this is intense.'

Troye didnt know how long it lasted, but when he finally regained his senses and their hips were still slowly rolling together, their mouths were still pressed together open and their bodies plastered as one. He could feel Tylers heart beating rapidly and was proud that he was the reason. Their bodies slowly slowed against one another as the tired pleasure consumed Troyes body. He opened his eyes to see Tylers gazing back down at him, heavy lidded and full of admiration.

They remained like that for a while since neither man could think of a reason why they should move, they were still one and the feeling brought content to both their hearts. As Troye started to gain back his thought process, a number of worries arose in his mind, all begining with the need to have more of Tyler.

In a hazy blur of thought, Troye questioned if he would still be wanted there, since they were done now. He wasnt sure he could bring himself to leave now, he was all wrapped up in Tylers heat, Tylers touch, Tylers feeling. He drew his lips back from the mans slightly to meet a look of confusion from above him.

"Should i... Do you want me to leave?" He breathed out huskily in warm gust of air against Tylers mouth. Even as he said the words they felt wrong and he knew inside him that if Tyler said yes, he would be crushed.

The corners of Tylers lips turned up into a fond smile as Troye said this. His hand moved up slowly to brush the boys hair back from his forehead with a forgien tenderness that made his stomach swoop.

"Oh sweetheart." he whispered before tilting his head up slightly to leave a featherlight kiss on the tip of Troyes nose.

"You're not going anywhere."

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