It's Our Destiny - A Supernat...

By XtheduckwithnoluckX

36.8K 1.1K 292

You were a normal girl... okay so maybe not so normal, but you tried your hardest. After your parents were b... More

Chapter One: Meeting The Winchesters
Chapter Three - Angels Exist?
Chapter Four - Done Hiding
Chapter Five - Sweet Nostalgia
Chapter Six - Getting Out Alive
Chapter Seven - The Guardian
Chapter Eight - The First Hunt
Chapter Nine - Hurt
Chapter Ten - The Recovery
Chapter Eleven - Your Reality
Chapter Twelve - Hide and Seek
Chapter Thirteen - The Torture Room
Chapter Fourteen - A Brother's Loyalty
Chapter Fifteen - Focus
Chapter Sixteen - Betrayal
Chapter Seventeen - Running
Chapter Eighteen - Old Friends
Chapter Nineteen - A Means to an End
Chapter Twenty - Normal
Chapter Twenty-One: The Truth
Chapter Twenty-Two - You'll always have me

Chapter Two - Demons, Wicked Little Things

3.1K 81 16
By XtheduckwithnoluckX

#2 Demons, wicked little things.

“And where do you think you’re going?” You had woken up early, before the brothers, in hopes that you could slip out unnoticed before they woke up. Though you came to an abrupt halt upon finding Dean already on the other side of the door.

“I, uh, I just wanted some air” you lied, vocalizing the first excuse that presented itself to your mind.

“Look, Dean. If she really wants to go, let her” amongst the commotion that you and Dean had stirred you had neglected to notice that Sam had climbed out of bed and was now only a pace behind you, already clothed.

“You know it’s not safe Sam,” Dean argued, motioning towards you “Literally, anything could happen to her once she’s out of our sights.”

“And keeping her here against her will isn’t exactly healthy either” Sam responded under his breath, though you and Dean could both still hear him.

You thought about speaking up as you glanced from one brother to the other. You thought about reminding them that you were in fact in the room still, though you decided hastily against this idea. The same way that you had come to the conclusion this morning that these two men were, in fact, very much, insanely, ‘fallen off of the wagon’, new kind of crazy. With a capital C. You hadn’t noticed him move but once you looked back towards the door you noticed that Dean had shifted to the side, allowing you a gateway to your freedom.

“You mean you’re letting me go?” you questioned, hesitating for a moment.

“It would seem that way” Dean replied. He shot a questioning glance toward his brother who reached into the pocket of his gray jacket. He pulled out a flip mobile phone. He then dug his hand through the pockets of his stonewash denim jeans and emerged with a few dollar bills, held together by a money clip.

“You’ll need these. I figured you lost your cell when you didn’t call the cops on our asses last night in the car,” Sam explained as he took a few strides towards you and placed the two items in your open palm. His hand lingered there for a moment and you wondered if he was going to snatch the material goods back and tell you that letting you go was all simply a cruel joke. However as your eyes traced back up to look into his you could swear that there was a certain air of sincerity and honesty deep behind those dark brown orbs. You couldn’t lie to yourself that the thought of staying crossed your mind in that moment but you dismissed it just as quickly as it came. You had already had this conversation with yourself. Staying there, with them would just be irrational. The existence of monsters, of demons was illogical. These men were sick. These men were dangerous.

Once you had put aside your internal dispute you thought back to last night. The thought of calling the cops hadn’t crossed your mind for some reason. Maybe it was the panic. Or maybe the fact that you had hit your head, but sure enough as you brushed your pockets with your free hand you came to the realisation that it wasn’t there.

Dean noticed you checking your pockets and smiled in your direction, “Even if you hadn’t lost it, we probably would’ve destroyed it.” His tone was light-hearted and casual, though something told you he was not joking.

“Thank you,” you brushed off Dean’s last comment. You headed for the door, lingering for a moment before slipping outside and closing the door behind you.


“What the hell were you thinking? Huh Sammy?” Dean questioned. It had been moments after you had closed the door behind you, leaving the Winchester’s to argue amongst themselves “Now she’s gone, and we’re right back to where we started.”

“If we want her to trust us we can’t keep her locked up in here like a prisoner” Sam explained.

“So it’s better for her to be alone out there?” Dean motioned towards the door. “Against demons? Without a clue how to kill the son’s of bitches. We still don’t know how many are after her exactly.” Dean’s tone was skeptical.

“She’s not going to be on her own,” Sam replied. He watched closely as the room was dimly eliminated. Light spilled in through the thin blinds. Sam instantly knew the source. Car headlights. “We’re going to follow her” he concluded.

Dean nodded without a second thought as he grabbed the keys to the Impala from the desk beside him. The pair made haste for the car, climbing inside before Dean started the engine almost instantly.

“I just hope you know what you are doing?” Dean mentioned. He was the oldest of the two. Although Sam was the brains of the pair, Dean did have his few years ahead in wisdom.

“So you have the girl?” a voice rose from the back of the car, startling the brothers slightly.

Dean looked into the rearview mirror, instantly recognizing a pair of familiar blue eyes, “What, Cas? No,” he paused for a moment, studying the man in the back seat before adding, “Do you think you could maybe keep the jump scares to a minimum?” He shook his head in frustration as Cas narrowed his eyes, appearing to be deep in thought.

“What is it Castiel?” Sam questioned, watching the troubled expression on the newcomers face.

“Something’s not right,” Cas pondered before his eyes widened “You have to get her out of that cab.”

As the brothers turned to face the man in the back he evaporated into nothing in front of their eyes. Though this was something that the two of them were used to.

“Shit!” Dean cursed before tightening his grip on the steering wheel. “Hold on Sammy,” he pushed his foot to the floor, forcing the car to speed up, full throttle.


You exhaled deeply. This was all too much for you, just too crazy for you to grasp onto. Demons? Really? You supposed that the next big reveal was  that a small woman really did collect children’s teeth from under their pillows at night to build a magnificent castle. Just too insane. Too insane to believe. Although you mocked in denial, you could feel a part of you, however small, that was willing you to turn back. A small part of you truly believed that your parents’ deaths were the act of something not quite human. The way that they were slaughtered. The attack was almost animalistic.

“Wait, where are we going?” you glanced out of the window beside you, noticing that the driver was taking an unfamiliar route.

“Shut up bitch,” the driver let out a throaty chuckle as he pressed down on the accelerator. Your body stiffened as it was pushed back firmly into the back seat of the car where you sat.

You were jolted forward as he came to an abrupt stop. Your head was spinning, you felt pain flare through your left temple as it collided with the seat in front of you. You felt around your pockets and panic wracked your body as you realized you couldn’t find your knife.

Your father had handed it down to you, ‘Young women shouldn’t go around unprotected in this world. Keep yourself and your sister safe, I’m counting on you [Name]’ You could almost hear your father’s words floating around in your head. You had wondered why he had not given it to your sister instead, she was the oldest. Though you knew deep down that you were the stronger one of the two. Laney enjoyed the peaceful life, she was like her mother whereas you had your fathers disposition. His strong will, his passion to stand up and protect the ones he loved. Those were the last words that he spoke to you on that night, just before he...

“I don’t think we’ll be needing this now. We’re just going to have a nice friendly chat, aren’t we” you averted your gaze back to the driver, who had your knife in his hand. He threw it into the front of the car with a sinister smile before climbing into the back with you. You knew instantly that you would not be able to win any physical conflict with this man. His frame was a lot bigger than yours, square in shape with large shoulders. His hair was a thick mop of black, his eyes an icy blue, sunken back with age. You let out a yelp as his fingers dug into the bruise on your side.

“Too bad the Winchester boys aren’t here to save your pretty little ass this time,” he sneered as his eyes turned black, that same black that you had seen before. He opened his mouth and allowed his thick tongue to roll down your left cheek. You grimaced, feeling sick to the very pit of your stomach. “Sam and Dean always did like the pretty ones.”

A silent tear rolled down your cheek and the demon in front of you offered another sadistic smile as he noticed, “What? You’re not enjoying my company?” his words were laced with venom as he dug his nails into your bruised side causing you to let out a scream.


“Here. Turn off here” Sam shouted a little too loud as he noticed a slip road off to the right. Dean didn’t argue as he turned with car, the back tires jutted out from the oversteer, but that was the least of Deans worries. Your scream, the scream that had alerted Sam in the first place put you in the forefront of the eldest brothers mind. He quickly noticed an old car dump off to the left hand side.

“You think she could be in there?” Sam questioned, he had noticed it too before looking over at his brother.

“I think so Sammy” Dean nodded as he turned into the old, run down place.

“It’s discrete,” Sam mentioned “The perfect place to...”

“To torture and kill some poor bastard, a demons favourite pastime” Dean finished.

“Yeah,” Sam trailed off as he looked ahead, searching for a sign of any sort that would alert the two of them as to where you were in this dank place.


You took belt after belt of pain. Your cheeks were tender, your lip busted, your nose bloody and the bruise on your side throbbed relentlessly. Another hard slap was planted on your right cheek, causing your face to snap to the left. You felt thick, calloused fingers grab at your jaw line roughly, pulling you back to face the demon hovering above you. It was sudden, almost too sudden to grasp his action as his lips were upon yours. You let out a muffled whimper as you felt his teeth pierce into your bottom lip, re-opening your wound. More tears spilled from your eyes as you clenched them tightly in pain. As he pulled away you noticed blood on his lips, but you soon realized that it was not his, the pain in your bottom lip made you brutally aware of that fact.

“I was hoping that I would get the chance to play with the Winchesters’ new toy,” his grin became more twisted than before “Sweetheart, you made my dreams come true.” At the sound of his words realization came crashing down on you like a tonne of bricks. He was toying with you before he killed you. You were being tortured, and when he was over... you were going to die.

“I don’t think so asshole” the car door was pulled open roughly before the loud ‘bang’ of a gunshot filled the air. Their was a loud ringing in your ears, but you were suddenly aware of the weight that was lifted from your body and you welcomed that sound like an old friend.

“Come on,” you acted as quickly as your pain riddled body allowed as a hand was offered to you. Dean’s eyes held a look of firmness, a sense of security as you slipped your hand into his and allowed him to pull you from the vehicle. He pulled you into his chest with one arm, taking a few steps back as he lifted the shotgun again with the other. You looked over your shoulder, past Dean’s arm to notice that the demon had begun to climb out of the car behind you. He began to walk towards you and for each step that he took Dean pulled you back a little more. You watched with wide eyes as the demon suddenly stopped in his tracks before plummeting to the ground and landing with a ‘thud’. Your eyes traced back up to the space where he was standing to see Sam staring down at the once-was driver, bloody knife in hand.

Dean loosened his grip around you and instead of a protective hold, he was now only offering a frame to support your weak and injured body.

“Let’s get out of here before this party gets bigger, huh?” Dean glanced over to Sam who offered a nod in return. His questioning gaze turned to you next.

“I couldn’t have said it better” you agreed weakly. You figured now that your chances with these two were better than more of whatever it was that lay inanimate on the ground. By your records, they had saved your life twice. Even if they were strangers, you owed them as much as to stick around and hear them out.

Sam leaned over and wiped the blood from the knife on the demons clothing before slipping it back in the belt. He took you from Dean who took the lead, making his way to the car. Sam supported you as the two of you followed.

The car journey back to the motel was quiet. You were sitting across those cool leather seats again in the back of that black Impala. Though it was different. The feeling in your chest was different. The first time you had sat there your body had been racked in anguish and fear. With desperation, anxiety and uncertainty. It was different now. This time you almost felt safe. You felt secure and away from harm. You felt... warmth. Sure the pain from your recent attack had not faded and the fear still lingered it’s ugly form. But you were not afraid of this car. You were not afraid of the two men sitting in the front. This time your fear stemmed from what might await you outside the safe haven. You glanced toward the rearview mirror, setting your sights on Dean. His eyes were narrowed in thought or concentration, you couldn’t tell which.

“Thank you” you muttered. His eyes focused on your reflection, looking back into your [colour] eyes.

“Don’t mention it” he replied before focusing his eyes back on the road.

It didn’t take long for the three of you to reach the motel. This time Dean hopped out of the drivers seat and helped you out. Though as you began to walk toward the room you noticed something off, something not right. Someone was already in there. The outline of a figure could be seen through the dark inside the room. Someone was waiting for yours and the Winchesters’ return.

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