Sheltered (WIP)

By ezguy2

62 8 1

Our Lady Of Good Success academy was a private catholic school in the town of farmingvile, Long Island New Yo... More

About Me And This Story
The time before I arrived
First Day of School
Life in General
Huricane Sandy
World Of Cinematography And November


6 1 0
By ezguy2

Now it was December and I had been in this school a while. Me being autistic as I am with my add I had trouble focusing. This caused me to sometimes fall behind in homework and constantly be shamed and scolded. It would also be that way during mass a lot of the time. Though Christmas would soon be coming. This was exciting because, well it's Christmas. Also It was around then we bought Minecraft pocket edition, and a few days later Minecraft for pc. My cousins and I would talk through Skype sometimes and my grandparents would text me whenever they felt like it and I would have to drop everything no matter what I was doing to text them. If I didn't they would guilt my mom and I would be put in trouble by her. One Friday on December 14 my family went into the city. It was the first time I took a train so that was exciting. The freedom tower was still under construction, I got to see Times Square, FAO Schwartz which was a 150 year old toy store that unfortunately does not exist anymore. We also went to the Times Square Toys R Us. That hasn't been there for the last two or three years. There were many places we stopped including the 300 year old Saint Patrick's Cathedral. Someone said something like "pray for those kids" something along those lines but we didn't understand why. I had a pretty good and exciting time and by the time we ended up getting back to our car it was night. We eventually got home and around then we found out what the guy meant when he said the weird thing in the Cathedral. It turns out earlier that very day, the worst school shooting so far (even now as of writing this) to take place in the United States had happened in Connecticut. The Sandy Hook Massacre (weird how the name is similar to hurricane sandy) had killed over 40 people most of whom were no older then six. That was a really saddening thing to hear and probably the first time I was actually aware of school shootings. In fact it wouldn't be till high school till I actually names of other shootings then that one. This shooting wasn't like other shootings and was very weird. The guy was obviously very mentally ill but I do not believe he had any connection to the school. Also most school shootings had and even now still do occur in high schools. However this one was in an elementary school and most of the kids whom were younger then me had never known what a school shooting was. School shootings have become more common today as of writing this and I remember reading an FBI document on them which mentioned how excessive media coverage as the potential to cause chain reaction attacks. Anyway back to December of that year. Things did get happier for a bit after this though in my home life. I started playing Minecraft around then. I also went to see my dads job and we got Minecraft for the pc. Then was Christmas Eve and we went to my grandparents. We'd have to go to both the ones on my moms side and the insane ones on my dads side (they were never  willing to come over to the party at my moms side because they didn't like them). We tried to get to midnight mass but could not make it. All these Christmas parties on my moms side were fun because it was the time I'd be with almost all the family I'm happy to be with. I have many cherished memories of holidays at their house. It was truly an amazing time of the year. I don't mean to bring up current events but last December as of writing this was pretty significant to me. I saw my cousin probably for the last time. She got caught up in a cult of transgender's and will not speak to us anymore. I don't know if it's her or the others but another transgender who was over 60 threatened to sue him after he asked if he could have his books back. Sorry to vent but please just remember to value your family members. You never know when they will leave you whether it's against their will or not and once they are gone it is a scar that will stay with you for the rest of your life. I looked through old photos and it just tore my heart apart. It was her choice I guess. But she blocked everyone she knows on Facebook and I looked up to her in my youngest years. I really did and it just kills me she is gone. Many people get mad at me or blame it on my aunt. I guess as you get older your childhood begins to cease to exist. I guess just talking about the warmth of those parties just really took it out of me. I remember the next morning was Christmas and we had to go to church first which was really long at the cult like church I was in. I ended up getting some cool things for Christmas though. I got LEGO sets and video games. It was a nice time as far as my home life. Or at least to me it was because that's the life I was giving and when I compare it to other moments it was nice. When the school would get better in the future those were the days I looked back on. I really looked back on them when I was in 6th grade. The world was only a little broken in my eyes and everything I knew wasn't as horrible as it would turn in the future. It was soon to be New Years Eve.

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