dear juggie ☼ jarchie

By mooniesirius

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The cocky Archie Andrews writes the inconsequential Jughead Jones a letter each year that he knows him, but h... More

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☼ nine ☼

281 8 14
By mooniesirius

august 2010
thirteen years old

"Wow. I am fucking slumped."

"Reggie just because we moved up a grade doesn't mean you can drop the f bomb into every sentence." Archie said. "Besides what do you think I should do?"

"Hmmm" Reggie said looking around the room. He gasped and then looked back at Archie. "Natalie Summers."

"Reggie I said WHAT do you think I should do not WHO. Besides we're freshman in high school!"

"So you can smoke weed in eighth grade but can't mess with a girl in ninth grade."

"Please let that go I really need help Reg." Archie said looking at him desperately.

"Alright alright what's your problem again?"

"I haven't seen Jughead since the day that he came by to my house." Archie looked down remembering the day as if it was yesterday.

Reggie grabbed his chest and dramatically staggered back. "Oh no! Lord give me strength and pray for my dear friend Archie as he goes through this crisis!"

Archie will never admit it but 2 months without Jughead Jones sure felt like a crisis.

"Reggie if you're gonna act like this I'm gonna go talk to Betty."

"Wait so she's cool with you?"

"If you would have listened to me earlier I told you that I was over Betty's house yesterday!" Archie said getting up and walking across the classroom to Betty's seat.

Meanwhile Reggie already had his head down asleep on the desk.

Archie felt distant with Reggie. He wasn't sure if it was the party that did it or because Archie's been moping about Jughead. Then again Jughead was all Archie talked about with anyone.

And here he was, going to someone else who would actually listen to him talk about Jughead.

"Hey Bets." Archie said sitting beside her.

"Oh hey Arch!" Betty said putting her pencil down after writing in her journal.

"Are you writing fanfiction again?"

"Nah thats only for the computer. My hand doesn't have the energy to write that much smut especially if its explic-"

"Betty shut up!! I really don't care about that stuff!" Archie said, his face getting red.

"Sorry sorry. What's going on?"

"Well...i don't know maybe it's not that big of a deal I'm just being a pussy."

"Well you are what you eat-well actually you're a different case." Betty smirked.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" Archie exclaimed.

"It's whatever, what's this problem you're having with Jughead though?"

"How do you know it's about Juggie?"

"Because what else would it be about. I haven't seen him at your house in a while."

"Do you stalk my house or something?" Archie asked looking at her weirdly.

"Not really, I just ship it a lot."

Archie ignored that. "Well I haven't seen him since he came over to my house a couple months ago. He had told me that he'd been hanging out with this girl named Constance or something like that."

"Unless he's hanging out with an old woman, I don't think her name is Constance."

"Yah well see I don't really care about her since I couldn't even remember her name so..what do you suggest I do?"

"There's not really much you can do. I mean I guess if you really wanted you can go visit him. He doesn't always gotta make the first move."

"Yah but he hasn't even answered any of my texts."

"Have you called him?"

"Do you not know anything about me? That's scary."

Betty rolled her eyes. "If he hears his phone ringing I'm pretty sure he'd answer. But I wouldn't worry too much about it you might see him around school or in your classes. You can talk to him then. And if you're really really upset you can go visit him. Sometimes it's better to just talk in person."

Archie sighed. "Alright..I really hope that girl doesn't go here."

"She might Archie. And if she does, there's nothing you can do about it."


Archie walked through the halls, maneuvering between the weed smelling high schoolers.

He grimaced as he realized that's probably how he smelled at the party.

He wasn't really focused on the smell, mainly on a particular beaniehead.

He felt defeated as he walked into his next class not having found Jughead.

But then that changed as he looked in the back of the classroom as he saw Jughead with some upperclassmen.

And a red head with brown eyes.

Archie's jaw dropped. He could never picture Jughead hanging out with these people. They all had leather jackets on, tattoos, piercings, he just couldn't picture Jughead this adorable beaniehead who wears denim jackets and secretly draws tumblr doodles hanging around with this clique.

Archie wasn't sure what to do. He didn't wanna look like an idiot just standing there so he walked over to them. Jughead had his back to him and he watched as Jughead laughed at something the red haired girl said.

Shit. Archie almost said it out loud. Maybe this was the girl. I should just turn around...nah I'm petty.

Archie tapped Jugheads shoulder.

Jughead turned around and his smile turned into a frown. "Archie?"

Archie couldn't help but smile a bit. Although Jughead was frowning it was nice to hear his name come out of his mouth again.

"Hey Juggie."

"Juggie?" One is the guys snickered.

Jughead looked back at the guy and swatted his hand at him and looked back at Archie. "So..."

"Um can I actually talk to you over there?" Archie said motioning you a random area in the classroom that was far from the clique.

"Uh yah sure I guess."

Archie walked over to the desks, Jughead following.

"Why haven't you answered any of my texts? Or even came by to visit?"

"Jeez Archie you're not my only friend anymore I have other friends too. It's not all about you." Jughead sneered causing Archie to be taken back a bit.

"Well it would've been nice to hang out with you or something to hear from you. It still doesn't answer my question as to why you weren't responding to my texts."

"Just didn't feel like it" Jughead shrugged.

"See that wasn't so hard to say was it? I bet it wouldn't be hard to type either." Archie said. Stop being so petty it's not attractive.

"I was busy and just couldn't get back to you. I've been out and about and don't get back until later." Jughead said.

"What do you mean? What are you doing?" Archie said tightening the grip on his backpack straps. He really shouldn't be this nosy. It wasn't any of his business really.

"It's none of your business."

Yah you're right. Archie wanted to say but he couldn't. "Well you're 13 you shouldn't be going out late and stuff."

"Yah well at least I'm not getting hooked on weed."

Archie looked at him hurt. He told Jughead he wouldn't do it anymore he even nearly cried to him about doing it in the first place. It's like Jughead just completely erased the fragment of them hanging out.

"Well maybe if you'd listen to me you'd realize that I'm not doing it anymore. And maybe if you considered my feelings and maybe if you were mentally there when I almost cried to you about the party you wouldn't have brought it up because it's a sensitive topic." Archie said.

"Oh great now it's a pity party." Jughead rolled his eyes.

"What the hell is the matter with you? What happened to you?"

"I didn't contact you enough apparently."

"Yah you didn't because you were too busy probably doing something you shouldn't." Archie muttered

"Yah I sure didn't miss your attitude."

"Yah well I didn't miss you at all. Nothing. Not one bit."

"So why are you here asking me why I didn't reply to your texts and asking where I've been?" Jughead asked leaning against the wall.

"Well because maybe I thought you'd be less of a dick than you're being now." Archie said storming out of the classroom leaving Jughead speechless.



okay so lemme explain.

I was on a team last year and that took up SOOOOO much time but I quit this year yay!! It got too toxic for me and I cared more about my mental heath than winning trophy's occasionally so yeehee.

Also it's my junior year of high school and I'm trying to focus on my grades.

And another thing.'s gone to shit.

I mean cmon guys. I used to be as inlove with riverdale as you all used to but season 3 and 4???? Omfg. I couldn't do it.

So yah I lost interest in Riverdale. Season 1 is the only thing I actually liked about that show lmao. And part of season 2. And the occasional Jarchie moments heehee.

So yah ive had no motivation to write but I was listening to my Spotify and a song came on that I used to listen to all the time while writing this so I guess it just gave me a boost.

It makes me so happy that people still read this story so thanks for the inspiration as well guys🥰


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