Manan - obsession or love

By AditiSharma701

119K 6.5K 366

hey guys welcome to my new plot , this goona be different from all my other tracks what happens when a girl w... More

Lets start
Character sketch
She got some moves man!
What's mine is only and only mine !
Never judge a book by its cover
You are going insane man!
You look really cute !
This is Manik Malhotra
The more i see , the more i fall
I am not getting a good feeling
Help me or else I'll die
Burger or pizza ?
How dare you ?
I love you damit !
I just wanna say sorry
I'll make your life hell
Han ho gye galti mujhse
Now, its finally over
God! Why are you guys so stubborn ?
More than friends
Manan is it love

Did something happend btw you guys?

4.3K 315 24
By AditiSharma701

Manik! Your bed is ready, you should sleep now, you need rest
Nandini said

Thanks! Manik said

Manik start to went towards the room , when he felt something at his back

Ouch ! Manik said touching his back .

What happened Manik ? Nandini asked

I don't know I feel that there is something at my back!
Manik said

Wait let me  see . Nandini said, sit down she ordered and pulled the collar of his shirt down .
Oh shit! It's the glass piece stuck in your skin .
Nandini exclaimed

Ahhh! Manik ached in pain as Nandini pulled out that piece

Did someone hit you with a bottle? Nandini asked while checking more pieces of glass over his neck.

Yah ! They hit me , Manik replied with pain .

Remove your shirt. Nandini ordered

What? Manik asked in shocked

What , what there could be more piece at your back , remove your shirt so I can remove them otherwise it would become septic. Nandini said

Okay , as you say . Manik said and start to unbutton his shirt.

I'll get the first aid box . Nandini said and went to take the box

Nandini return with box and saw Manik without shirt !

Nandini pov

When I came back with the box I saw Manik sitting on the sofa , he has a well built body , he even had abs , he has really nice body
Soon I broke my trance and went towards him
Poverb end

Look there is one more piece stuck. Nandini said while pulling it out

Ouch! Manik ached

Sorry, she replied

Manik pov

When she told me take off my shirt, I was shocked but then became happy at the same moment, cause I got a chance to flaunt my body. And when she returned with the box, she checked out my abs, biceps well , I noticed it...
Then as soon as her hands touched my back , I felt heaven . the best feeling in life ....
I really want to thank that Harshad , that he hit me with the bottle because of which  I could feel her touch .
Pov end

All done ! She said while applying the antiseptic cream at his back..

Really thanks , Nandini . Manik said

Your welcome, now you can sleep peacefully. Nandini said

And then Manik  started wearing his shirt back !

What are you doing? Nandini asked

Wearing shirt back ! Manik replied

Are you mad? If you wear it the cream would come out and your wounds will not heal  . she said
You can stay without shirt .

Okay! Manik replied with blushing face

You blush? Nandini asked and started laughing

No! Manik said hiding his smile

Btw , nice body ! Nandini said

Thanks! Manik replied

You must be tired, I think you should sleep. Nandini said

Yah! Manik said but he was in no mood to sleep as he want to talk more with her

This way , Nandini said showing him the way towards the room
If you need anything! call me ok ? Nandini said

Okay ! Good night
Manik said

Good night, she replied and left

Manik lay down but, sleep was far away from him he was looking around the room then he quietly went towards Nandini room and slowly opened the door , he quietly went beside her

She was sleeping peacefully looking more cute than usual

Manik quickly took her picture and smiled looking at her face. He covered her with the blanket and went out and slept

Manik pov

Sun rays fall on my eyes and I opened my eyes and felt pain over my arms, head and back . The fight was really hard , I told myself and got up , look around and realised it's Nandini's house , oh yeah and I remembered  yesterday moments with her.

I went outside the room to look for her , I opened the door of her room but she wasn't there . Then I looked for her  , and found her in the balcony doing yoga.
She was really looking hot while she was doing it and I was as usual busy looking at her.

Manik! You wake up ! Nandini told me as she saw me .

Yeah ! I replied coming close to her

How's the pain? She asked

Better, I told

Good, you wait I'll get coffee for both of us . She said and went

Manik poverb

I sat on the dining table, I was still without the shirt. Waiting for her. I thought  our life would be just like this after marriage, i waking up like this she getting me coffee , I smiled thinking about it .

Soon she returned with the coffee, we both had it while talking about each other .

In mean time I messaged Sid to bring a pair of clothes for me .

I'll take bath first , she said and went inside
While  I was lying on the sofa watching some random shows

When the doorbell rang

I went and opened it

Sid ! I exclaimed as I saw him standing outside the door

Come I told him

He looked at me with , those weird face .

What ? I asked raising my eyebrows

Who's there? Nandini asked while she came out in the hall
She was wearing a bathrobe which was reaching till her knees her hairs were wet . Whatever she wears she looks magnificent in it .  I told myself

Hey Sid. She said . I'll just came after changing she told us and shut the door

What is happening man? Sid asked

What ? I replied

You guys did it? He asked

Did what ? I asked him back

That !! He said winking his eyes

Are you high this morning? I asked him

I am not but you guys look high in love . I mean to say by looking at your condition , like you without shirt and messy hair and she in . He couldn't complete as I stopped him to speak further

There is nothing like that , I am not wearing shirt , cause I got wounds at my back. Clear and please don't assume anything
I told him

When it's Manik Malhotra, anything can happen, cause you can do anything and now I get why did you came here instead of going to hospital first , phone was just a reason. The motive was something else . He told me

Just shut up ! I told him and keep quiet here I don't want her to listen anything she would get embarrassed
I said

As you say sir ! He said while putting his finger on his lips

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