Forest Boy ↛ 5sos Vampire AU...

By PanicAtTheSummer

16.9K 681 156

"Running away to here was basically a death wish." COMPLETED/discontinued All copyright goes to PanicAtTheSum... More

attention!! Story ending!!


1.2K 64 6
By PanicAtTheSummer

After waiting anxiously for around an hour or two he finally showed signs of waking up. His neck started healing slowly. When it was healed his eyes snapped open and he breathed in a gasp of air like he hadn't ever breathed before. He sat up and looked around and when his eyes landed on me his eyes turned to a deep red anD his new fangs lengthened.

"Blood," He growls.

He pounces on me and pins me to the floor, going for my neck, I react quickly, myself being stronger and I turn us around and pin him to the floor. He still goes for my neck.

"Stop, Calum, stop! I'm not food!"I shout.

He stops and his eyes fade to a lighter shade of red,"Shit, I'm sorry," He says," I don't know what happened but I do know that I'm damn hungry," He tells me.

"Alright, lets go hunting," I say.

He grabs his shirt from the floor and puts it back on and we leave. While we venture out a little while, I explain to him the best way to sneak up on an animal.

"You have to be extremely quiet, otherwise it'll run away, and its harder to catch them, even though we have super speed," I say.

"Okay, oh!" He says,"Look over there," He whispers quietely.

I look over to a couple of trees away where he's pointing and see a wolf, I hate catching wolves because they're more vicious but they have more blood.

"Wolves are difficult to catch, they get really vicious when you pounce on them so you have to be really quick to get your fangs in their neck, and thats even harder because of their fur," I whisper to him.

He nods and starts to climb up the tree right next to us,"What're you doing?!" I whisper yell as I look up at him.

"Just trust me!" He whisper yells back.

I furrow my eyebrows and decide to follow him up the tree. He climbs over across the tree branches to the tree the wolf is at. He positions himself on a branch that is directly over the wolf. He stands up on the branch and it cracks a little. My eyes widen and I try to warn him but he jumps off the branch anyway, landing on top of the wolf and straight away sinking his teeth in its thick neck.

The wolf writhes, jumping around trying to get away from Calum. But soon, the wolf's movements get more drowsy, as it has lost alot by now. I jump down from the tree once the wolf is laying dead on the ground and Calum is standing by it just looking at it.

"I feel bad now," He mutters.

"Try killing your parents," I deadpan.

His eyes widen,"I-I didn't mean to-"

"Save it its fine," I say.


After an hour or two of hunting we go back to the tree house and we just sit down when we get inside.

"So what do you do all the time? I mean don't you get bored at all?" Calum questions me.

I nod my head,"I do get bored, extremely, but usually I try to write songs, I forgot to bring my guitar with me when I ran away and I really regret it, I miss playing so much," I tell him.

"Oh, well, I brought my guiter with me didn't you notice?" He tells me and I widen my eyes, oh, he did! Now I remember.

He gets up and grabs his guitar case thats leaning against the wall.

"Oh, I forgot you did, can I play it?" I ask him and he nods.

I unclip the case and grab out the acoustic guitar, I hold it in playing position and start to play a tune.

"I'm a bit rusty, but it feels great to play again," I tell him with a smile.

"I'm glad I came here, that I ran away," He tells me.


"Because, I met you and I got to make your day by bringing my guitar and I get to live forever now, yay," He says.

"You're glad you met me?" I say.

"Yeah, I mean why not? You seem like a pretty cool dude," He tells me.

"I'm a bloodsucking demon," I deadpan.

"So am I," He says shrugging his shoulders.

"Touche," I say.

"So why dont you tell me about yourself, I mean, may as well get to know the guy I'm living with," Calum says.

"Well, I;m sixteen forever now, I can play guitar, my favourite bands are blink 182, all time low, green day and nirvana, my favourite colour is blue, I hate killing humans and my favourite food was pizza, I'm not quite sure if we can eat real food anymore though so yeah, thats basically it," I tell him.

"Full name?" He asks.

"Luke Robert Hemmings," I reply.

"Well, my name is Calum Thomas Hood, I'm sixteen forever now, I can play guitar and bass guitar, my favourite bands are green day, nirvana, blink 183 and All Time Low, my favourite colour is green and  my favourite food was pizza, and yeah thats it," He tells me.

I nod and take in his features, his skin is slightly paler now, but its not really noticeable because of his dark skin complexion. He has a nice jawline and is fairly slim, he also has a cute, boopable nose, and yeah, he's actually quite attractive. Wow, I've never thought that a guy was attractive before, thats weird.



"Why are you staring at me?"

"Um, well, I was just studying you, I guess, thats kinda weird but oh well," I say awkwardly.

"Oh, ok then, um, another question, do we like, sleep?" He asks.

"Um, no not necesserily, but you still can fall asleep, just not fully, ya' know?" I explain somewhat.

"Alright, cause' I'm actually kinda tired." He tells me.

"You can sleep if you want,"

"Can you cuddle with me?" He asks shyly.

"Uh, alright," I say awkwardly.

"Yay," He smiles.

I lay down on the floor, and he comes over and rests his head on my chest. I wrap my arms around him and he puts one arm around my waist. He tangles our legs together and then he speaks,"Goodnight, Luke,"

"Goodnight Calum."


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