Whole New World (Kirishima Ei...

By LordSister

8.8K 344 268

"To dragons. May they one day live alongside heroes." Born with a powerful dragon quirk, you were kidnapped a... More

To Dragons
What do you want?


2K 93 60
By LordSister

A/N: Apologies for how long it's taken me to write this next chapter! Haven't had as much time as I would have liked to continue writing this. Hopefully this chapter will be to your liking!^^

I do not own My Hero Academia, any of its characters, or the picture.

Reader's quirk: Dragon (can transform into a dragon at will)

"I would say you're crazy, but this is just the kind of thing you would do," Tsukauchi chuckled, fiddling with the hat in his hands as he sat down in one of the chairs in front of Toshinori's desk. "So? How's she doing so far?"

"There haven't been any incidents, but it's only been three days since she entered the class. A lot could happen and we still need to be careful." Resting his elbows on his desk, Toshinori placed his chin in his interlaced fingers, brow furrowed in thought.

"Has she shown signs of getting close to any of the other students?"

"No, but that isn't surprising. You can't suddenly force her to socialize and make friends after ten years of being nothing more than a mindless tool to be used. What matters is that she hasn't shown the least bit of aggression towards anyone." Leaning back in his chair, Toshinori's expression lightened. "She has so much potential, I can't help wanting to rush things, but I know that would only end in disaster."

Tsukauchi hummed, a thoughtful expression crossing his face as he looked down to regard his dress shoes. "I believe what's key in this situation is that you apply pressure, but gently. Coax her along, but not too softly."

"Like shaping a diamond. Time and pressure."

"Precisely. All we can hope for is that your diamond doesn't crack before it reaches its true form and for both of your sakes I hope this works."

"Hmm? What does that mean?"

"If this doesn't work and something happens...I'm not sure if the authorities will stand for simple arrest and isolation."

Silence pervaded the room for a few seconds as Toshinori's gaze became serious once more. "Tsukauchi."


"I fully believe young (y/n) has the potential to become one of the greatest heroes this world has ever seen. Her past does not define her, but I need to consider all possible outcomes of this arrangement. As much as I would like to believe that this will definitely work, I've learned the hard way that nothing is definite in this world. Even the slightest chance that something could go wrong needs to be treated as significant in this case and I've already promised Nezu that I would take full responsibility if that were to happen."

Tsukauchi snorted. "I still think it's a miracle you got Nezu to agree in the first place, especially considering the slandering U.A.'s reputation is currently receiving, but I think there's more to what you're telling me right now, isn't there?"

"Yes. If the chance that (y/n)'s darkness runs too deep prevails...I will personally see to it that she doesn't suffer anymore."

The two men stared at each other for a long while, the atmosphere of the room turning heavy with the implication of those few words. It had always been clear that your life hung in the balance of Toshinori's gamble, but now it seemed much more tangible, more desperate, more essential that the blonde hero succeed.

The tension broke as Tsukauchi blinked and leaned back in his seat, a smile sliding into place across his features. "Sorry to cast a dark note on your progress, Toshinori. I'm glad I'll be able to bring back good news in my report." Standing, Tsukauchi put on his hat and walked to the door, casting his old friend a smile before he left. "Mind if I see her before I go?"

"Go ahead, but knock and announce yourself first before you go in. Wait for her to open the door."

"Got it. Keep at it, Toshinori."

The door shut with a soft click and the top hero blew out a long breath, standing from his chair and moving to stand before the floor to ceiling window. "I'll do my best, until the bitter end."

Reaching up, the detective rapped on your door a couple of times before stating, "Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa from the police force. May I come in?" Looking around the hallway, he noticed cameras blinking red lights in the corners but no guards. Your door didn't seem to be locked either. After a few seconds of listening and hearing no movement behind your door, Tsukauchi wondered if you would open up or were even there at all, but his heart jumped to his throat when it opened silently and he came face to face with a dragon.

Despite everything he'd heard about your progress and lack of aggression, he couldn't help the tensing of his muscles as he subconsciously prepared himself to face a dangerous criminal as he had so many times before. But what he saw as the door opened wasn't what he expected at all.

The first thing he noticed was that you were clean, your hair untangled and shiny and your horns filed down from the splintered, jagged edges he'd noted when he'd interrogated you. The second thing he noticed was the new color to your skin and the appearance of more flesh on your bones, a definite improvement from the sickly pallor and scrawny figure he'd seen before. Regular meals must not have been a privilege during your time being raised by villains. Whereas you looked like a broken, mistreated doll before, you now looked more alive. The only thing that was missing was the spark of life in your eyes.

"Good afternoon," you spoke, surprising Tsukauchi even further. He'd been told that you'd started to speak, but to hear it for himself was jolting nonetheless.

"H-Hello, (y/n). I'm pleased to hear that your doing well." Daring to draw his eyes from yours for a second, he glanced over your shoulder and into your room. He caught sight of plain, comfortable furnishings and what looked like textbooks and notebooks spread out over a desk against one wall. "Am I interrupting anything?"


He should have visited you again earlier. This was marked improvement from what he'd seen the night of the U.S.J. incident. "O-Oh. Is that so? Well do you mind if I ask you a few questions pertaining to your entry into the hero course here at U.A.?"

Stepping aside without a word, you allowed him in. Briefly, Tsukauchi wondered if this was a bad idea, wandering into the unpredictable dragon's den alone, but he was moving forward before he could second guess himself. Hopefully he wouldn't leave as a pile of ash.

The room was larger than he first thought, another door in the wall leading to what he guessed was a bathroom and a small kitchen tucked away in the corner. Tsukauchi tried to appear relaxed despite the burning feeling of your cat-like eyes on him, settling into one of the few chairs in the room. He expected you to sit down as well, but you didn't move from where you stood near the door, motionless and expressionless, studying him. For some reason, Tsukauchi knew that the next move he made would define how well this visit went as well as how cooperative you would be in the future.

Looking around, his gaze fell on one of your open textbooks. There was an open notebook beside it with more notes scrawled in it than any of the others laying on the table. A subject you liked perhaps? "I notice you're studying biology. Do you enjoy it?"

"Yes. I believe it's my favorite subject so far."

"Then you're enjoying classes here?"

You were silent for a couple of heartbeats, your head slowly cocking to the side. "I believe I am. I don't think I dislike it."

"That's good." The quiet weight he'd felt under your gaze lifted as you blinked. It seemed he'd passed whatever test had just presented itself. Gesturing to the chair across from him, Tsukauchi said, "Please, sit. My questions won't take long." You did as he asked, moving soundlessly. "Have you made any attempts to escape this place?"

"No. Not since the first few days I was here."

"Have you been contacted in any way by your former employers?"


"Do you believe you will be contacted?"

"No. I'm of no use to them anymore."

Tsukauchi lifted an eyebrow. "Why do you say that?" You were still plenty powerful and dangerous.

"Once an operative is captured by heroes, they're considered dead by their employers. The risk simply isn't worth trying to get them back."

He'd have to write that down in his report later. "I hope you won't be offended by my next question, but the safety of the students and faculty at this school is paramount."

No response from you.

"Have you ever felt the urge to hurt anyone at this facility?"



"There are still many things I don't understand about this situation and why I'm still here, but I have no desire to harm anyone. I have been treated fairly by everyone I've encountered and am grateful for it."

"Is that so? I heard a few of your classmates were less than welcoming." The detective winced internally as the insensitive question slipped out without him thinking it through, but you answered in measure.

"Even that is fair considering the lives I almost took."

Tsukauchi's eyes widened in curiosity. There was nothing mindless about the creature before him. He couldn't imagine what had been done to you to stamp out your free will and conscience, but it appeared that those two very human traits had survived the ten year ordeal you'd been put through and were emerging once more.

"That's all for today, then." Rising to his feet, Tsukauchi made his way to the door, offering you a warm smile. "Thank you for your cooperation, (y/n)."

You nodded.

"Well then." With a tip of his hat, he left. Tsukauchi couldn't help but smile hopefully, excitedly as he walked back down the hall. He'd thought Toshinori was crazy for trying to rehabilitate you, but based on what he'd just seen it might actually work. Either way he was rooting for you now.

"Bakugou, no! Don't try it!" Kirishima insisted, grabbing his friend's arm in a useless attempt to stop him.

"I'm just gonna ask the new girl some questions. What's wrong with that?" The look on his face was too hostile for simple questions as he stomped in the direction of your seat.

"Leave my sweet (y/n) alone, Bakugou!" Mina squealed, wrapping her arms around your neck from behind and hugging you close. You just sat in your seat through all of this, scanning the contents of the make-up assignment in front of you. Though you had passed the entrance exams with relative ease, the faculty had decided to put you on a different assignment schedule in order to catch you up to the rest of the class, giving you extra homework that you didn't seem to mind.

"Sweet? Do you remember what she did at U.S.J.? She isn't sweet at all! She's a killer!"

"Bakugou Katsuki, don't you dare touch her. Don't doubt that I will put you in detention and send you to talk to Principal Nezu," Aizawa warned harshly as he trudged into the classroom, a deep-set glare on his features. "If you set her off, it's on my head. Remember that."

Bakugou stopped in his tracks but continued to level a crimson glare at you. "Lizard," Bakugou spat. "I don't care if you dress like us and take classes with us. What I saw at U.S.J. can't be undone in a few months! You're still a villain at heart!"

Your eyes shifted to look at Bakugou directly and Kirishima felt the blonde's arm stiffen under his hand just the slightest as if preparing for a fight, but you still didn't respond. Instead, you gently undid Mina's hold, rose, and walked out of the room, removing yourself from the situation.

"That's right, she better run," Bakugou muttered, but Kirishima wasn't listening, red eyes trailing after you as you disappeared.

"That wasn't manly, Bakugou," he murmured distractedly. No one else had seen it, your demeanor as cool and emotionless as ever, but for just a moment, too quick to really be sure of, he thought he'd seen a deep, bottomless sadness in your eyes. His body moved before he'd fully decided to follow you.

"Huh? What the hell are you- where are you going?" Kirishima heard Bakugou call after him, but was too preoccupied with finding you. How had you managed to disappear from the hallway so quickly? He didn't miss the meaningful look in Aizawa's eyes as he'd passed the older man, telling him to go find you quickly before anything could happen. It seemed you were still an unpredictable factor.

After a few minutes of searching the halls for you, he caught a glimpse of color out of the corner of his vision and, turning to the windows, found you sitting in the grass observing the patches of flowers around you as they swayed in the breeze. As he watched, you reached out and ever so gently brushed your fingertips against the petals of a bright red flower and an unexpected heat flared in his cheeks. You just looked so...cute.

Realizing he was being creepy watching you like this, he shook his head and rushed to the stairs, taking the steps two at a time going down before bursting through the door and out into the sunlight. Now he could blame the heat in his cheeks on the short run if you asked. You looked up at the noise, but didn't startle, regarding him curiously. Why hadn't he thought of something to say on the way here?

"H-Hi, (y/n). I just wanted to tell you not to listen to what Bakugou says. He's really rough and abrasive on the outside, but he's really a good person," he managed to say, but you didn't respond, in fact you weren't even looking at him anymore, your eyes tilted downwards. Kirishima followed your expressionless gaze to the ground where he had accidentally crushed a bunch of daisies underfoot. "Oh, my bad!" Jumping back, he thought he saw your shoulders slump just a little in relief, but that could've been his imagination. Even so, he came out here to learn more about you, not make you hate him by stepping on the flowers you'd been admiring.

Wait, flowers...that's it!

Crouching down, Kirishima picked a few of the colorful blossoms and got to work weaving them together, aware but unbothered by your unrelenting gaze on him. He hadn't done this since he was a kid, but his fingers remembered what to do as he laced delicate stems one by one into a large loop. Shuffling over, he offered it to you tentatively. "Here. For you."

You blinked at it, but moved to accept it anyway. Your fingers brushed his as you took the flower crown and a jolt went through him, making him jump a little. "What is this?"

He didn't know if you felt that tingle too, but Kirishima decided to put it to the side. For now. "It's a flower crown. As an apology for stepping on your flowers."

"You don't need to apologize to me. The flowers will grow back."

"But you looked like you were really enjoying looking at them."

You tilted your head to the side. "I was enjoying looking at them?"

"Well, yeah? I think so."

You looked at the flower crown in your hands curiously. "What do I do with this?"

"You wear it. Here let me show you." Taking it from your hands, Kirishima nestled it in your hair, your horns poking up from the flowers in a way he thought suited you. "There. Do you like it?"

You didn't answer but asked, "Why are you getting so close to me?"

Moving back, he held his hands before him apologetically, saying, "Oh, sorry. I wasn't trying to make you uncomfortable."

Your brows furrowed, the confusion on your face the most emotion he'd seen from you yet. "No, that's not what I meant." Reaching up, you brushed your fingers over the flower crown. "I tried to hurt you and your friends. Many of your classmates seem uncomfortable around me as well. That's why I left when Bakugou tried to approach me."

"You left because you thought you were making everyone else uncomfortable?"

"Of course."

"Yeah, but that's in the past now, isn't it?" he said, smiling as he plopped down in the grass beside you. Your eyes widened just the slightest but Kirishima didn't see it, looking at a patch of small, pink flowers next to his hand. "And besides, you don't seem like a bad person."

The next few moments passed in silence, but comfortable silence, your hand remaining on the flower crown atop your head as you gazed at Kirishima. Something fluttered in your chest, your heart beating, making itself known to you, reminding you of something you had long forgotten.

Neither you nor he knew how your eyes looked in that moment. For the first time in ten years, they were soft and alive. The moment passed as Kirishima stood and brushed the grass off his uniform pants and your emotionless mask fell back into place.

"We should go, but I would really like to hang out sometime. I enjoyed making you a flower crown."

Rising to your feet as well, you nodded at him, one hand over your chest, where your heart lay. "Yes. Thank you for it. I'll take good care of it."

"Not to worry! If it gets beat up, I'll just make you another!"

With a last toothy smile in your direction he turned to the doors, aware of you following a little ways behind him. He was happy to have learned something new about you- how considerate you were of those around you- and he'd gotten the opportunity to see you act human for a precious second. Looking at the hand that had touched yours, only one thought filled his mind.

You felt as delicate as the flowers he'd woven together so carefully for you. Not at all like a villain.

A/N: I feel pretty good about this chapter. Hope it didn't disappoint after so many months of waiting!^^; I love you all!

My ko-fi: ko-fi.com/lordsister (if you can, please donate and help me pay for university textbooks! thank you!)

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