𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐀𝐈𝐑! | harry...

By sexistent

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━━ 𝗔 𝗛𝗔𝗥𝗥𝗬 𝗦𝗧𝗬𝗟𝗘𝗦 𝗙𝗔𝗡𝗙𝗜𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 After the death of her father, Alyssa Wilson moves to the... More



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By sexistent

HARRY can't take it anymore. He calls, sounding stressed and tired, claiming that the boys are driving him stir crazy. Thankfully, his parents offer to take them for the weekend.

He says that as soon as they leave, he's driving into the city.

"I don't want to leave your bed all weekend," he says. "I can't wait to spend some time with you."

It's been a while since we've had any alone time, but it's understandable. His family is going through a massive change. I just want to make sure that Harry and the boys are being taken care of. But I have to admit that I do miss him.

Maybe this weekend, we'll get our fill of each other.

I spend the entire day, cleaning the house unnecessarily. I'm surprised that I haven't made more of a mess since living here. It's pretty tidy already, so I end up playing with Sam for the better part of an hour while I wait for Harry.

The sun is setting when a knock sounds and I shoot off of the floor.

Harry is leaning against the door jamb, arms crossed, sunglasses on, sexy as fuck.

"Why hello, Ms. Wilson." He sets his bag down inside.

"Hi, Mr. Styles. I've been waiting for you."

He lifts me off of the ground and brings my face to his. Our lips meet in the softest way possible, and I don't ever plan on letting him go now that he's here.

"Alyssa, I don't mean to interrupt this wonderful kiss, but something is clawing at my ankle," he mumbles against my lips.

"Oh, sorry." I hop down from his arms. "This is my new cat. You're not allergic, are you?"

I lift Sam into my arms and hold him close to my chest.

"No, not at all." Harry smiles, petting him behind the ears. "Why didn't you tell me you got a cat?"

"In the scope of everything you're going through right now, a new pet is the least of your worries."

Harry exhales heavily, "You're very right."

I pick up his bag and bring it into the family room. I basically push Harry onto the sofa and tell him not to move a muscle. At first, his face lights up because he thinks we're about to have sex, but then it falls slightly when I bring him a glass of wine.

"You need to relax. Sex will just overwork your already tired body." I kiss away his pout and cuddle up to him.

"This feels nice." He leans his head against the back of the sofa. "Jonathan Francis jumped off of the roof today because Seb told him it was okay."

"Oh, my God. Is everything okay?" I sit up.

"He's fine. He landed in the flower bed and thankfully, it was the low part of the roof. Would you be surprised if I told you this wasn't the first time one of my sons has done something like that?" He chuckles.

"I bet that house is crazy." I scoot back up against his body, rubbing my hand only his chest.

"Are you ready for it?"

"Ready for what?"

"Ready for us. All of us. Me, four boys, a crazy house, and apparently, a new kitten."

"Is that...what you want?" I play with the buttons on his shirt.

"Of course. I told you that. I want it all with you, Alyssa Wilson." He kisses my lips lightly. He tastes of wine and it's enticing.

Harry ad I haven't really discussed much about our relationship, but I know I want it all with him too. Marriage. A home. Possibly kids.

Definitely kids.

"Lyss, we might have to throw the cat out." He laughs as Sam jumps onto his chest. His claws dig into the fabric of Harry's shirt.

"I'm sorry. He's excited about seeing a new face." I pick Sam up and place him on the floor again.

"So, what do you have planned for me tonight?" Harry set his wine glass on the coffee table and pulls me on top of him, laying us on the sofa.

"Dinner, a movie, possibly a joint." I kiss his chest and then neck. "Sex. Lots of sex."

"I like that plan a lot." He groans, trailing his hands along my hips.

It seems like we can't have a second alone because my phone rings in the back pocket of my jean shorts.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" Harry roars and slams his head into the pillow cushions.

"It's my mother." I reject her call, but at the same time, see that I have a text message from Mandy that I missed ten minutes earlier.

We're coming into the city tonight. Come out with us!-M

I quickly text her back that I won't be joining them.

"Who is that?" Harry asks, placing his hands behind his head.

"A friend from work. She wants me to go to a club with her later." I shrug.

"Oh, well you should go."

"No, Harry. This night is about us."

"Alyssa, I don't want you to put your life on hold because of me. If you want to go out, then go. I will be more than happy to stay her and sleep." His words are sweet, but his face says that he wants to spend time together.

"I'm not going out." I come to a conclusion. "There will be plenty of time for that later."

Harry nods. "Okay, fine."

I crawl up his body and begin kissing him again. "Why are you being so short with me?"

"Because I know you're lying. You want to go with your friends. I can tell."

"Okay, so maybe I do, but I want to be with you more." I sit up straddling his hips.

"I'm just saying... stop slowing down because you're with me. You're young. You want to go out, go out. You've been hanging with me for so long; you probably don't know how to have fun anymore."

"You just like to complain, is that it?" I lean over and shut him up with my lips. "Okay, how about this. You come out with me."

Harry laughs heartily. "Alyssa, I haven't been to a club since like, 2002."

"Wow," I said in shock. "That's a long time ago."

"Tell me about it,"

"I didn't mean it like that. I just never realized it's been that long. It's about time you get out there and live."

"I am living."

"Okay, new plan. I'm inviting Mandy over and we're all going out." I jump off of the sofa and bring him with me.

"Lyss, no." He groans.

"You brought this on yourself. You want me to go out and have fun, so that's what I'm going to do."

"Then leave me at home."

"No chance in hell."

I send Harry into the guest bedroom to get ready. He's left a suit here before, and I tell him he can wear that. He'll probably be overdressed, but it's fine. He offers to save water and shower together, but if that happens, I probably won't leave the house.

In my fluffy white towel, I peruse my closet.

"Harry thinks I don't know how to have fun. I'll show him." I thumb through my dresses and chose the shortest, tightest thing I can find. It's leather with lace cutouts around my back. The sleeves go to my wrists so I don't feel so exposed. My shoes are high and blood red. I hope this will get Harry's heart rate going.

"Not bad," I tell myself, looking in the mirror.

I spend ample time curling the ends of my hair before putting it in a ponytail.

By the time I'm down the stairs, Harry is seated on the couch, casual in his gray slacks and matching jacket. A light blue shirt completes his look and he's even sexier than before.

I just watch him for a couple of seconds. He's drinking from the previously abandoned wine glass. He looks nervous for some reason.

"Don't drink too much of that .The night is young." I walk over to the cabinet I have stocked with liquor.

"Wow. You look hot." He clears his throat.

"Thank you, Dr. Styles. You don't look too bad, either."

I start pulling out rum and vodka and tequila.

"What are you doing?" Harry asks, his hands on my hips, his lips on my shoulder.

"Getting ready to pre-game."

"Pre-game?" he asks.

"Yeah, the pre-drinking so we don't have to spend hundreds of dollars at the club."

"Oh. That makes sense."

I turn around and look up at him. "You're nervous. Why?"

"Alyssa, as I said, I haven't been to a club in a long time and... your friends; do they know about us?"

"No. They don't even think I'm seeing anyone. I promise you'll fit in," I tease him, kissing his cheek. "They'll love you."

"How many of your friends are coming?"

"Well, I don't know them all that well. I just work with one of them, but I think about eight."

"Eight girls?" His voice rises.

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

"How am I supposed to handle all of you?" He pulls out his phone. "I think I need backup."

"Handel? Backup?"

"Well, I feel slightly responsible for all of your wellbeing. Plus, I don't think I can deal with all this estrogen by myself."

He makes a call in the other room while I'm pulling out shot glasses. It take a small swing of tequila and shudder as it slithers down my throat.

At nine-thirty, Mandy rings the doorbell. She arrives with all of her friends, some of whom I've met before, but others are strangers. I invite them all in and they seem amazed that I can afford such a nice place.

"This is... amazing, Alyssa." Mandy twirls around in my foyer. "You're so lucky."

"I guess you could say that." I smile. "Come on. Let me introduce you to Harry."

"Harry?" she asks.

"Yeah. Harry."

He's standing awkwardly in the corner of the family room, but raises his head when we come in. I introduce him as my boyfriend, and he doesn't bat an eyelash at the term, which I'm happy about.

All the girls can obviously see that he's older and the first question is how old he is. Harry blushes and tells them. They are so fascinated by him, as if he's a shiny toy. I don't tell them he's married, on his way to divorced, or has kids, and I doubt they care.

"He's so handsome," one of the girls giggles to me. "Where did he come from?"

"He's my dentist," I reply.

"I might need to get my teeth cleaned more often," Mandy says.

We take a round of shots, Harry included, and the doorbell rings again ten minutes later.

Harry tells me he'll get it and returns to the family room with three very good looking men. Younger than him, but attractive all the same.

The girls flock to them like flies to honey, and the guys eat the attention up like their starving.

"Who are they?" I ask Harry who's leaning against the kitchen counter, more at ease now that he's not stuck with ten women.

"I was their petty officer when I was in the Navy. They're all about five or six years younger than me, but we kept in touch. They live in the city, so I thought they could help me out."

"Very smart and practical of you to invite them."

"About two girls for each guy. What could be better?" He takes a sip of his beer.

"You do realize that you're about to entire a world that you know nothing about."

"2002, Alysaa. I'm fully aware. How old were you in 2002?"

"Five." I laugh at his reaction.

"God, help me. I'm so not prepared for you." Harry leans forward and kisses me.

The men he invited all come over to me and introduce themselves. They're all very gentlemanly and kind, telling me how nice my house is and how happy they are to be invited. Peter, Alistair, and Garrett are their names, and they're out of the Navy now, but look up to Harry as if he's their older brother. I can just tell how much they admire him from how they talk and hang on his every word.

"More shots!" Mandy yells.

Three more rounds of shots, a game of flip cup and beer pong later, we're ready to go out. Before we leave, one of the girls pulls out a baggie of white pills. She passes it around the group and everyone takes one.

"What is it?" Harry whispers to me.

"I'm not sure." I hold it in my palm.

He looks apprehensive. "Do you think it will kill us?"

"No, probably not."

He still doesn't look convinced.

"I won't take it if you don't," I tell him. "Don't feel pressured. We can just throw them away."

Harry stares at the white pill for about five seconds before he pops it into his mouth and swallows. I grin and do the same.

It's ten-thirty now, and I already feel a little wobbly. Harry holds onto me as we stuff into cabs, on our way.

Fifteen minutes later, I stumble out of the car in my heels on Boylston Street and Harry graciously pays for all the taxis. I keep telling him that he's not responsible for us, but he bashfully says that he's more than happy to do it.

The club is called Gypsy, and the line is outrageously long. One of the girls, I think her name is Beth, takes matters into her own hands, literally. She pulls one of the bouncers by the hand, down the alleyway and returns five minutes later, wiping her lips.

She proudly tells us that we can cut in line and don't have to pay a cover charge.

"Did she just give him a blowjob?" Harry asks me in awe. I get carded at the door, but he doesn't.

"I think so. I'm afraid to ask." I stop myself from laughing. "For the record, I don't know her. We're not friends. Don't think any less of me."

"I have a feeling that this night is going to be quite interesting." Harry takes my hand and leads up the stairs where the music is thumping.

It's absolutely packed. Harry fights his way with our group to a corner.

"What do you want to drink?" he asks me.

"What are you having?" I yell up at him.

"A beer, I guess."

I shake my head. "Get us two gin and tonics."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes." I pull his body closer by his lapel jackets so he can hear me. "Just keep it simple."

Harry nods, and then stalks off to the bar.

The music is so loud, the floor is actually vibrating from all the movement. Harry returns to me with our drinks and just stands there for a couple of seconds.

"Do you want to dance?"

"Uh, no," he says.

"Why not?"

"I'm not... a dancer."

"That's not an excuse."

I take his hand a push my way through, to the middle of the enormous dance floor. Bodies are thrashing up against each other and I make sure to keep a tight hold on him.

I start to move my body, but he does nothing.

"Come on. At least shuffle your feet," I beg him.

He doesn't seem to take my suggestion to heart and just sways from side to side, sipping from his straw. He raises his hands in the most peculiar way and bobs his head.

"Oh, God. No." I roll my eyes and place my hands on his hips, shaking him with the beat of the music. "It's like sex, but choppier. I know you know how to do that."

He smiles and follows my movement, before he finds a rhythm of his own. I turn around, back to front, and he likes that more. He can follow me, and we lose ourselves in each other.

"This is great." Harry chuckles. His drink is finished and the effects of the pill are clearly coursing through his body. I have more tolerance and fight it, but I like the buzz.

We stay on the dance floor for at least half an hour.

We're sweating and he's getting good at leading my hips how he wants them. He can keep up with even the young guys and doesn't seem to be slowing down at all. His inhibitions to the wind, Harry is enjoying himself a lot more than if we stayed on the couch watch movies. Although, I'm sure we would have liked that as well.

"Lyss, it's snowing." Harry points to the ceiling where white foam and fog was floating downwards.

"I know. Isn't it great?" I brush the flakes from his hair.

"This is a lot of fun! And you're sexy as fuck."

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourself."

He takes my face in his hands unexpectedly and kisses my lips hard. His tongue dives in and we're making out like high schoolers within seconds. It's sloppy and wet, but I don't mind. He tastes incredibly delicious. I close my eyes, but the lights from the club still flash.

When I can't breathe, I pull away. "Slow down, tiger."

"Promise me we'll fuck when we get home. I'm so horny."

"I promise. If you can stay awake that long," I whisper into his ear.

"Is that a challenge?"

"Most definitely." I boldly lick the shell of his ear. He shudders violently.

"You're so fucking good with your tongue."

"Practice," I say. "I'm going to get something to drink. Want anything?"

"Whatever you're having."

I leave him on the dance floor and push my way through the mob towards the bar. I only wait in line for a couple of seconds before a big busted chick in a bustier comes over with a smile.

"What can I get for you?" she asks.

"Two whisky sours, please."

"Okay." She sets off to make my drinks.

As I'm standing at the bar, even though it's loud, I hear a clear voice that I recognize.

"Can I have a Jack and Coke?" he asks, his voice deep.

"Sure thing," one of the bartenders replies.

I squint my eyes to get a better look, but the voice is hidden by a huge guy, blocking my view. I scoot over and see George Styles standing at the bar as if he belongs there.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" I screech.

He turns his head and his face goes pale. "A... Alyssa? Is that you?"

"Yes, it's me. What are you doing here?"

"Shit. Fuck. Fucking shit!" He pulls at his hair. He's dressed in jeans and a dark green button up shirt. "This isn't what it looks like."

"How the did you get in?" His breath smells of liquor and I detect weed, but I'm not sure if that's him or just the surroundings. I hope it's the latter.

"Fake ID." He rubs the back of his neck. His face is covered in scruff, and I have to admit that he looks older, possibly my age, which isn't illegal, but I know better.

"You have to go. Take your friends and leave." I pull him away from the bar to a more secluded corner.

"Out of the hundreds of bars in Boston, you had to show up here?" He almost stomps his foot.

"Yeah, well I'm allowed to be here." I am trying to be diplomatic about this and not yell in his face. "I thought you were at your grandparents'."

"I told them I was staying with a friend." He shrugs.

"Give me your ID and go home. I mean it, George."

"Please don't tell my dad." He fishes around in his pocket for his wallet and hands me his perfectly crafted fake.

Being a private school kid myself, I know how easy it is to obtain alcohol and drugs. Hell, I was getting drunk at thirteen. But I recall Harry saying that George wasn't like that. I guess he doesn't know his son as well as he thinks.

"Well, then leave before he sees you." I point towards the dance floor where Harry is flailing his arms around like a madman.

"Holy shit. This is so bad."

"And it'll get worse if you don't leave."

"You got him to dance." George's eyes go wide. "Or... whatever the hell he's doing."

I can't stop myself from laughing. "Don't make me call him over here."

"Okay, Alyssa. I'm sorry. I promise this won't happen again." He backs away. "I'll take the train back to Newport."

I watch him grab a couple of his friends, and then descend the stairs to the ground floor.

Well, this is fucking awkward. Not only am I placed between a rock and a hard place, but it dawns on me that, at twenty-two, I'm dating a man whose son can potently pass for twenty-one.

I know that I have to tell Harry about this, but not tonight. Not while he's high and drunk.

I make my way back over to him, our drinks forgotten, but he doesn't seem to care. He just grabs me and snuggles our bodies together. We stay that way for the rest of our time on the dance floor.

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