Bella's twin sister (Jasper H...

By musicqueen5

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Bella's twin sister (Jasper hale love story) chapter 2
Bella's Twin Sister (Jasper Hale love story) chapter 3
Bella's twin sister (Jasper hale love story) chapter 3
Bella's twin sister (jasper hale love sory

Bella's twin sister (Jasper Hale love story)

26.4K 257 47
By musicqueen5

hey i'm new. hope you like. this is one of my stories that i have kinda forgotten, so i hope to keep going with this. message me.

Emmaline T. Ross (I forgot what Phil's last name is) she has pale skin and blue eyes and shoulder length reddish brown hair
Likes- hanging with Bella, cooking, her sleep, reading, writing, playing soccer, softball,swimming, music, and cars.
Hates-mean people, people who think there all that, liars, no music, and people who hurt people she loves.
Background- Emmaline is the daughter of Phil and before he got married to Bella's mom she did a lot of the house work. When he took her to meet Bella and her mom the girls hit it off. They both are a little weird because they don't tan. They are both moving to Forks to live with Bella's father. Maybe they'll fit in here.
Bella Swan
You all know what she likes and hates.
Background- when she met Phil and his daughter she knew this was going to be okay. The girls both were parent like and did have fun now and then. She learned that Emmaline was sarcastic a lot though. They are both moving to Forks to live with Bella's father.
*story starts*
Emmalines Pov*
I sat by Bella on the plane. I really don't like flying so I was as stiff as a statue. We were on our second plane getting ready to land in Port Angeles. "Hey, Bells, I have a feeling that this is going to be a big change for us." I whispered.

We were just diving down. To the landing, I had a death grip on my arm rest. "I have the same feeling too." She whispered back. We were getting off the plane then. Bella and I, being the clumsy ones almost fell down the steps. I felt strong arms around Bella and me. He stood us up straight.

"You know, I remember one child not two." I heard him chuckle.

"Char- Dad this is Emmaline, Phil's daughter, she decided to move with me. To here she wanted to be closer to the rain that she loves so much." Bella said. I gave a cheeky smile her way.

"Hello Charlie, please call me Emma, and I didn't just come here for the rain I came to make sure she," I jerked my thumb toward Bella, "didn't injure herself with her clumsy skills." I smiled.

"Me injure myself try u injureing yourself because last time I remember you were the one going to the emergancy room." Bella laughed and Charlie rolled his eyes at us.

"How nice, now come on we have a long drive back." Charlie said. "Since I was only inspecting one of you I just have one car, and not this one."

"You really didn't need to get a car we were going to buy one ourselves." Bella said. I spaced off and didn't listen any more. Charlie is the chief of police at Forks. This is so long but I guess that's what we get for riding in a cop car.

We finally stopped in front of his house.

It looked added on. I loved the little house. We carried our stuff into our rooms. He told us that he had another bathroom and bedroom onto the house.

He left us alone to unpack and I stared out the window for a while. After I unpacked I went down stairs to cook since it was my turn. I saw Charlie in the kitchen cooking eggs. I giggled slightly.

"What are you laughing at?" he said looking at me.

"You're Cooking eggs for supper?" I said as I looked in his cupboards and refrigerator. "Man, Bella and I are so going shopping for food tomorrow there is nothing in here."

He chuckled at me. "Here eat your eggs and complain later." We ate. I went up to take a shower and head to bed. I thought about school and how it's going to be really weird. I thought about how Bella will take it tomorrow. I wondered how she's going to sleep tonight. I fell asleep peacefully and didn't wake up once. I knew deep down I should be a lot more scared than I am now.


hey me again! i hope u like it i was having a feeling for wrighting so......yep and anyways dont forget.......message and rate plz plz plz plz!

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