The King's Pet (Loki x Neko!R...

By acefaun

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Loki. He was my best friend. My significant other. My life. I wouldn't trade him for anyone else in the world... More

Chapter 1- It's Good to Be Home
Chapter 2- Walk to Work
Chapter 3- Innocent Until Proven Guilty
Chapter 4- Taking Leave to Asgard
Chapter 5- Drunk as a Skunk
Chapter 6- Out of Control
Chapter 7- Caged
Chapter 8- Home Sweet...What?
Chapter 9- Threat
Chapter 10- Nothing But Mine

Chapter 11: Kittunns

2.7K 49 16
By acefaun

(Word Count: 5635)

(A/N: Final chapter! 💖 Hope you enjoy!)

Loki, my best friend, coming back to his senses? Never in my wildest dreams. If anything, he became more controlling. It turned out I was extremely fertile... It also turned out Loki got me pregnant just after the one time.

He was excited, happy, thrilled. Me? Less so. If we lived back in New York and had an actual loving relationship where he let me live a life, maybe I'd be happy. But here? I had nothing to offer whatever little life I was going to bring into the world.

Loki, however, wasn't really good to rely on either. He put many spells on the house to make sure we remained safe. But he left. Sometimes he would leave for days, sometimes it was weeks. But he always came back. Sometimes he would bring a lot, sometimes he would bring almost nothing. But he never told me where he left to.

He did this up until childbirth. We were both surprised to find I gave birth to three triplet kittens. Not just... any kittens though. They were blue and shared both Loki's eyes and my eyes. They were mixed breeds of sorts... As strange as it was, I raised them well and they were so adorable. They were my Jotun-Kittens and they were the only joy that Loki had ever allowed me to have in a long time. I called them my Kittunns.

Though Loki was gone a lot, leaving me to all the hard work, it was certainly fun. I felt more like a big sister than a mom, but I raised these three nearly all on my own. Luke, Levi, and Lance. I smiled to myself, knocking on the door to their room. There was no answer. "Hey, wake up or I'm going to feed your food to the wolves!"

Luke nearly jumped out of bed at that. "Mom, you can't do that!"

I smiled as he managed to wake up his brothers by scrambling over them to rush out of the room. Levi grumbled as he was next to go, followed by Lance who was holding on to Levi's sleeve. I loved the three so dearly.


My eyes widened. He was really back? I rushed down the stairs to be greeted with Loki appealing to his children's excitement. "Loki..."

He looked up. It had been three weeks since he left... I looked down. He then ushered the kids off to the kitchen before pulling me into his arms. "I missed you. I'm glad you're doing well, kitten. Our children are... beautiful."

I frowned at his hesitation. I knew he didn't like that they were part Jotun. He hated the fact. "They are just as beautiful as you, of course. They are your kids... I'm not surprised." Loki smiled. He loved to hear about himself. "How long are you staying this time?"

He looked down at me before looking out of the window. "Only a few hours. I'm needed elsewhere." He raised his hand and a book appeared into it. He held it out to me. "I want the boys to read this. I want them to begin to develop their magic skills."

I almost flushed with anger at that and I snapped, "Oh, with what skills? How exactly did you expect them to learn to read?"

He snapped toward me with a sharp glare. "You mean you haven't taught them to read in all the time you've been here?!"

"With what?!" I quickly shot back, "Your gore books?! They're six, Loki! I have nothing to teach them with! You're unthoughtful, uncaring! Why the hell are you in this house?!"

Loki pursed his lips and stared at me for a moment before turning away and pacing to the window where he leaned against the wall. He glared out of the window for a few minutes. I watched him carefully. He suddenly turned around, throwing the book to the table beside me, making a loud thud. "Teach them that, kitten. I'll return in a week. If they haven't learned anything by the time I return... You will receive punishment."

I shivered as he left and slammed the door shut behind him. I heard a quiet sniffle and turned around finding the Kittunns standing in the door of the kitchen. I sighed and knelt down with my arms open. Lance was the first to jump into my arms, followed by the other two. Lance then asked quietly, "Do you and dad always have to fight when he's here?"

I pet his small ears. "Listen here, I want to give you three everything in the world. I can't do that here and it upsets me that your father won't give you the world."

Levi nuzzled into my shoulder and asked, "Can we learn magic now?"

Luke nodded in agreement. "We don't want you to get in trouble."

Lance added shyly, "Dad can be pretty scary..."

I sighed at their enthusiasm to protect me. They were my little Kittunns, I should have been protecting them. "We can start tomorrow, okay? You three will all be amazing." I pat all of their heads and they sulked back to their room. I sighed. There was nothing much I could give to them.

***3rd Person POV***

Levi was sitting on his bed while Luke and Lance were sitting on the floor thinking up a plan. Levi announced, "All right, so we have to steal that book without mom seeing."

"Invisibility," Lance suggested with a tilt of his head.

"Nah," Luke shot that idea down with a frown, "She would smell us, or hear us."

Levi leaned forward, nearly falling off of his bed. "What if two of us distract her. Then she wouldn't notice if we stole the book." He looked down with a serious expression across his face. "Sounds good, right?"

"I'll do it!" Luke stood up with a hand over his chest, "I'm the best at sneaking around out of the three of us!" Lance and Levi stared silently at their over-confident brother, their expressions showed their disbelief in their brother's bold claim. "What? I am! When's the last time either of you have snuck out of the house?"

"Pfft," Lance snorted, rolling onto his back, "You never snuck out of the house! You would smell like the outside. Mom knows exactly what that smells like."

Luke frowned and scoffed, brushing them off. "Alright, so Levi should do it."

Lance leaned forward once again with a thoughtful look on his face. "I don't disagree. I think you and I would make a great distraction anyway."

"Are you kidding me?" Levi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms at the suggestion. "I'm not saying I couldn't do it. I'm only saying that the minute mom stepped into the room you would be floating to the ceiling. You're terrified of mom and dad."

"I'm not terrified!" Lance shot back with an indignant frown, "I love them very much, for your information."

Luke looked at the doorway and jumped to his feet. "Dad, you came back!"

Lance immediately jumped up with an erect tail and looked around the room frantically, now floating a couple of inches from the carpet. Levi snickered at the scene and commented, "Exactly. So, Lance, you'll be getting the book. Luke and I are going to have a fight in the kitchen over who gets the last leftover fish."

"What?" Luke looked offended at his brother's suggestion. "I- I thought we agreed that we would share it?" With the look that Levi was giving him, realization suddenly struck him. "Oh, yeah! Right! That's it! We're going to go fight in the kitchen! But you better not take long, Lance!"

***Time Skip, By Three Powerful Kittunns***



Lance glanced inside the door of the kitchen and watched as his mom tried to pry apart the two kittunns that were having an actual catfight under the kitchen table. He quickly tiptoed past the room and snatched the book off of the table before bolting back up the stairs. He didn't miss the sounds of his brother's apologies to their mom. She was intimidating when she was furious. Then again... she didn't have an intimidating dad to back her up. And who knew when their dad might show up.

Levi bolted into the room followed by Luke who shut the door behind them and they all jumped onto the blue circle carpet that was in front of their beds. Lance held the book out. "Who's going to read it first?"

Luke immediately took it into his hands. "No problem. Come here. We can read it together. This is magic, after all. It's not like we're unfamiliar with it." He opened the book to the first page and placed it on the floor in front of them since Lance and Levi gathered on both sides of him.

They were studying the page intently before Lance asked in a confused voice, "What's an 'Animal Ally Invitation Spell'?"

Levi leaned closer and frowned. "It says to initially start the spell we'll need things for it. How does dad expect us to learn this magic if we don't even have what we need?" But he was pulled out of his brooding when Luke started hitting both him and Lance. "What?" He looked up and his eyes widened, the same as his brothers. "Oh..."

Lance stood up and went sift through the objects on his bed. The other two did the same and it didn't take them long to realize they all had different things. Lance then asked, "Guys... Do you think this could have also been magic?"

"I'm not sure," Luke answered, sifting through his objects. "Say... What shape are your candles in? Mine is a snake."

Lance took a moment but finally answered, "My candle looks like... a stag."

They both looked to Levi who scoffed and crossed his arms in disinterest. "Whatever. I got a stupid cat."

Luke grinned widely and teased, "You got a little kitty cat, brother?"

Levi hissed back, "Watch to whom you're jesting too!"

While the two were arguing back and forth, Lance was already following the instructions of the book. But it got the attention of the other two brothers when his candle started glowing with a green flame. Transfixed by the fire, Luke and Levi began to set up their objects as well in a similar style to Lance. They all stepped back to the book just as the lights blinked out. The flames were glowing brightly before those also went out.

They looked around and by the time the lights turned back on Luke and Lance were holding tightly to each of Levi's arms. They waited and waited for minutes before they slowly stepped away from one another, unsure of what was supposed to happen. Lance then went back and looked at the book. "Look here, it says we have to do this every day until we get some kind of result."

Levi sighed in annoyance and kicked Luke's shoe across the room. "We don't have long to learn this entire book! We have to know all of this before dad comes home or mom is in trouble!"

"And then who knows," Lance added with a shaky voice, his ears were pressed flatly against his head. "Maybe we'll be in trouble with dad too!"

Luke shrugged and sat on his bed, with a sad expression. "Even when it is our fault, mom always gets in trouble."

"Which is why we can protect her!" Levi groaned, pushing Luke off of his bed and standing in front of his brothers. "We can learn magic!"

"You three boys are getting so brave."

They all turned to the center of their room with excited expressions. "GRANDMA FRIGGA!"

The woman smiled at them as they all attacked her for a hug. She laughed. "You three are so cute." Luke was beaming at her for the compliment, Lance was looking rather shy, while Levi was looking away in irritation, obviously not wanting to be called cute. But they all looked up to her as she waved her hands and had a stack of books. "Here you are, my little sorcerers. This might just help you."

They each took two books from her, making six new books in total. They observed their new gifts and Levi asked, "Are these all magic books?"

Frigga smiled and answered, "They are. You're father thought he was doing good giving you something that only experienced witches and sorcerers could handle. These books will help you get to that level. Each of you are powerful little kittunns so don't think for one moment that you can't do this."

"So..." Lance started quietly, "About that spell we were just trying..."

"It's rather advanced," She explained, waving her hand toward their little projects. "However, I believe that you three will get it one day. It will connect you with your spirit animal."

Luke tilted his head to the side, his tail swishing back and forth slowly, expressing his curiosity. "Grandmother... what's your spirit animal?"

"Boys, come down! Dinner is ready!"

They glanced at each other and sighed. Their grandmother always disappeared right when they were getting to the exciting stuff. So they hid their magical items under their beds before Levi finally said, "Idiots, we have to bring the book back. She'll know we took it."

Lance shrugged his shoulders. "Even if she does find out we took it, she doesn't expect us to know how to read it, does she?"

Luke grabbed the book and bundled it in his jacket. "It's probably best that she doesn't find out. It's just like grandmother said. We don't want dad finding out these things either. Then we'll all be in really big trouble."

Levi nodded in agreement and they all ran downstairs to eat.

One day passed... Two days passed... Three days passed... Four days passed.

The three kittunns were outside playing and practicing their little magic tricks while (Y/n) did the dishes and cleaned the kitchen from lunch. Luke jumped down from a tree and shouted as he landed in the snow, "It's spirit animal time!" Green magic surrounded his arm and was slowly surrounding his whole body. He was pretty surprised that is was actually working. But the green suddenly vanished into nothing and Luke pouted.

Lance pat him on the shoulder. "Not to worry, brother. I'm sure you'll get it next time."

Their ears twitched and they suddenly turned around. Someone was walking through the trees. They could hear each crunching footstep as clear as day. Levi was suddenly behind them but they weren't making any noises at all. They felt the danger and began to run back toward their little house. "Mom!" They all shouted simultaneously. But it didn't help them. A large tree was suddenly blocking their path back home. They were about to back up and go over it, but the man was already behind them. He was wearing a large coat and his face was unseen behind a scarf and hood. But the large hammer in his hand was enough to hind to them that he was a threat. "MOM!" They shouted even louder.

***(Y/n)'s POV***

I had been reading that book of magic to them for days but they weren't making any progress. I knew it wasn't their fault, but I felt as though Loki set up these tasks for me just so he could use me in any way he wanted, just so he could see me squirm. Oh, he really loved to see me frightened of him. I wasn't sure when that switched flicked within him, but he was far gone and I would never know peace.

The three little kittunns were out playing and I knew they would be out for a while like they always were on sunny afternoons in the cold, snowy area. I sat in the kitchen chair, wiping at my tearing up eyes. Those three were the only peace I would find from Loki.

I took in deep breaths and tried to calm myself. I didn't need to have a fit here.


I shot out of my chair, it clattered to the floor. An instinct suddenly awoke within me and I nearly broke the door as I ran out of the house. I was almost like an actual cat. I ran on all fours, jumping through trees, jumping over trees. It was everything I was made to do. I bared my teeth and was growling. I could smell my children. They were close. I jumped over the fallen tree and landed in a hunched position, still growling dangerously as I was firmly positioned between my kittunns and the hooded stranger who was only a few feet away.

"(Y/N)?!" His eyes were suddenly wide and noticeable as he pulled his hood and scarf down so I could see his face. "(Y/n)! It is you! Are... Are these..."

I bit down my parental instincts of protecting my children as I stood to my feet with awe on my face and hope in my eyes. "Th- Thor?" The kittunns were huddled behind me, all holding each other and I smiled softly at them to let them know it was going to be okay. "Luke, Lance, Levi, this man is a friend of mine. This is your Uncle Thor. He'll help us now." I turned back to him with desperation in my voice, "You'll help us, won't you?! Loki's been keeping us here for seven years, Thor."

Thor looked sad at the scene of the four of us. "I will help you. Where have you been staying? Jotunheim is too dangerous for kittens like yourselves."

I gestured for him to follow as I lifted Lance in my arms who seemed absolutely terrified of what just happened. Luke was holding my free hand while Levi held onto my tail to keep close to me. "Loki kept the house safe from any monsters or outsiders. He made sure we couldn't be found. But he's gone for the moment. He won't be back for a few days now. We have time to pack what we need." I set Lance on the porch and made sure all three of them were looking at me. "Pack everything you need and nothing you don't. Everything is going to be just fine, okay?"

The three nodded and ran off to their room, leaving me with Thor as we entered the house, and I collected small items for myself and the boys. There wasn't much I really needed from my prison. Thor finally commented through the silence, "The boys... they look nice. They look to be a mix between you and... Loki."

I nodded in response to his observation. "We call them Kittunns. It suits them and they like it." I paused and finally faced him. "Thor... Tell me please, will we be safe?"

Thor's eyebrows furrowed together. "I will take you to Asgard and ensure your safety, (Y/n). I promise." I smiled at him. That was something I had been waiting to hear for a long time.

The boys were on the stairs, but they didn't have anything in their hands and I was confused. Lance suddenly said shyly, "Grandmother actually said she would take our stuff so we only had to worry about escaping..."

"Of course, my mother would- wait... escaping?" Thor scrunched his face in confusion.

But I knew what they were talking about. It was then when I caught his scent from outside. My eyes widened. "Kittunns, over here." I met them at the bottom of the stairs, but by then he was already in the doorway. I held the triplets protectively.

"Going somewhere with my family, God of Thunder? You seriously think I wouldn't have sensed your presence the minute you stepped onto this property?"

Thor turned and faced Loki who was standing there, obviously ready to keep all of us from escape, including Thor. I could see the malicious intent building in Loki's eyes. My fur rose in anticipation. Thor defended, "You have been keeping this poor woman here against her will with three children! The right to call them family is not yours! They are not your pets for entertainment!"

Luke looked at his two brothers and nodded. Levi was determined to this right and Lance was less certain of himself, but they both nodded. They were all going to do this for their freedom-- and hopefully, dad wouldn't get too mad at them...

Luke shouted as they ran out from behind their protectors, "TIME FOR SPIRIT ANIMALS!"

The green magic was once again surrounding him, but this time it was more prominent. His brothers also joined him and they were all glowing together with power. Thor seemed as shocked as I did at the scene. I didn't expect them to have actually been paying attention to what I was reading to them. A snake suddenly appeared at Luke's side, while a towering stag appeared at Lance's, and a cat appeared by Levi's. The cat would have looked pathetic next to the other two were it not for the power shining in Levi's eyes, connecting both him and the cat.

The animals suddenly advanced on Loki and Levi looked back at Thor and I. "Mom, Uncle Thor, we can go now!"

Thor shook out of his awe and followed me closely as I grabbed Luke, while Thor grabbed Levi and Lance. We ran from the house until we finally arrived where Thor had shown up. "Heimdall!"

The boys were thoroughly exhausted from their energy use but they were still awake. Luke yawned in my arms, his head leaning against my shoulder. "Mom... he beat our animals."

"Shh, shh, I know. It's okay." I rubbed his head, passing my fingers through his hair. "We'll figure it out once we get to Asgard."


There was suddenly howling coming through the forest. Heimdall still hadn't activated the Bifrost. Thor shouted, "Heimdall, now!" A green wolf stood at the edge of the trees. It was huge and it was angry. I nearly shook, but I glared as I held Luke tightly. Thor shouted once again, "Heimdall, we need the Bifrost!"

The wolf was suddenly lunging at us when the Bifrost finally lifted us off of the ground. I let out a breath of relief. We would be safe.

***Time Skip, by Loki's Anger Issues***

We were safe. Not only safe but welcomed to Asgard with loving arms. The King was a bit rough, but Queen Frigga loved her three grandchildren very much and helped me in raising them, along with Uncle Thor, of course. They eventually were even able to shift between their Jotun skin and an Asgardain skin. Frigga taught them magic, while Thor taught them how to fight with actual weapons. Luke loved fighting with swords, Levi loved learning all about magic, meanwhile, Lance was loving the best of both worlds. I couldn't have been happier as the years passed and they were finally teenagers, embarking on journies with their favorite Uncle Thor.

I never again had to worry about Loki. He was... no longer an issue after that one day on Jotunheim. Asgardian forces were quick to find and apprehend him with Thor's help. For a whole eight years, Loki was stuck in a prison- that was a little over how long he kept me and the kittunns locked in our prison. But regardless, he was going to forever remain in that cell of his.

But with eight years come and gone, I finally went down to the dungeons. It felt cold down there, but who was I to judge? Loki was down there, after all, and he was a Jotun. I walked down the long hall of cells, ignoring the calling of the prisoners as I arrived at Loki's illuminated cell. He was hunched in a corner, reading a book. He looked... calm... beautiful... like when we first met. But I shook those thoughts off.

That was when he looked up and his eyes met mine. We stared at each other for a moment before he dropped the book that was in his hands and he hobbled over to the side of the cell. He was still a great deal taller than me. "(Y- Y/n)..."

I pursed my lips, almost ready to leave at that. But I waited. "Loki..."

"You... You came back," The tears were welled up in his eyes. "Why?" Was he about to cry? After all he did to me, he was about to cry!

"I just... I've always wanted to know..." I trailed off, finally asking, "What the hell is- was- is wrong with you?!"

His eyes seemed to mellow out as though he had thought about it long and hard over his eight years in isolation. "I... suppose... the best way I could answer that is... I've always wanted to keep you safe. I've always wanted to protect you. I couldn't do that if you kept running off into danger every day. I mean, just look at you. You attract danger, is that not obvious? Look at me, (Y/n). You attracted me. I am a monster among men yet you chose to have me. You invited me into your home, never forget that."

"Yeah..." I replied quietly, not thinking too hard on everything he said. I already knew everything he said, it wasn't anything new. I shut my eyes and breathed out. "You're just one psycho son of a bitch, I guess. One that I trusted to not be a complete psychopath."

"You remember what happened in New York, don't you? My invasion?"

I looked away from him. "Yeah, the invasion that wasn't actually yours. That's what made me decide to give you a place to stay. You were mind-controlled." I scrunched my nose up and turned back to him. "You're not implying..."

"Yes," He nodded slowly, a few tears running down his face. "I am sorry, kitten. I would not have done any of those things. I love you dearly." He looked down, my eyes never left him, searching for signs of deceit. "Love... tell me... please, how are the children? They were powerful last I saw them. Are they well?"

I sighed, finally giving in. "They're going on adventures with their crazy uncle. Their magic is amazing, Loki. They really are gifted. It all comes from you."

He smiled and my heart melted a little more. "I- I'm so proud. Will you tell them?" I nodded slowly and he sunk to the floor, looking happier than ever. I got onto my knees in front of him, so we were level. "Can you... Can you please tell me more?"

I looked up at him. I was hesitant, but it was like the words just flowed out of me, "Levi is just like you. Every little detail reminds me of you. Lance is just the sweetest little boy you'll meet. He's so kind to everyone-"

"He must be like you," Loki smiled lightly, trying to draw the connections between our children. It almost pleased me that he cared so much... Almost. I was hesitant to trust him.

"Thor says he takes after me in some ways. Apparently, he has my kind of cheeks." I shrugged awkwardly, my cheeks tinging pink. "Luke, he's the bold one. I can tell he'd love to be a warrior like Thor. He's such a nice boy, but he's so strong. The three of them together are really the most amazing sight. I've seen them train before. The way the put together fighting and magic is simply magnificent."

He was staring at the floor, probably trying to imagine what it must be like. "Perhaps one day I'll be able to see them. Perhaps... one day... I'll be able to hold you safe in my arms once again..."

I looked away with a quiet sigh. "Except you won't. They'll never let you out. Not again."

His breath shook and his lip quivered, but he shut his eyes. Loki tried again, "Then perhaps you could be allowed in. Please, love, I- I miss you. I've missed you for sixteen years."

I wanted to reach toward him, but I couldn't touch the border between us. "Loki... Please, talk to me. What happened?"

His tear-filled eyes opened and he looked at me. "It happened on that first violent morning. I hurt you. I hadn't meant to hit you, and I told you multiple times. But all the instances after that... I couldn't control myself. It was like something awoke within me and I couldn't control it. It killed, it slaughtered, it kept you like a caged animal, I know. Here- Here is where I pay the price for those many years of pain that I've put you through. I sit alone, wondering how my family must be without me."

I leaned against the wall, staring at the ceiling as I asked quietly, "Then tell me, are you suffering in here?" He nodded slowly and I just saw it out of the corner of my eye. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be." He leaned against a wall, taking a similar position to me. "It's really my fault. All I can do now is promise to keep you safe from me."

I looked at him, this time fully staring. "You haven't had any trouble since being locked away?" He shook his head at that. I smiled at him, just slightly. "I'm glad."

He glanced at me, confused at my smile. "My mother has weakened it. She is the only one more powerful than I could possibly be. If not for her, then I fear things could only be worse. For eight years my magic has been blocked by these," He gestured to the cuffs that were on his wrists. "I've not had a problem since then. I'm only glad you finally came to see me. It makes me... happy."

I sighed. He didn't have his magic... What harm could he do? I stood up, and I noticed Loki flinch, obviously thinking I was leaving. But I paused for a moment, watching him before I lowered the shield of his cell and I walked in to join him. It was just him and I in the cell and he stared at me for a moment. "I... I'm just glad you're yourself again, Loki..."

I fell to my knees in front of him and he pulled me into his shaking arms as he cried into my shoulder. I hadn't seen him cry since... we first met. It's been a long time since then. I wrapped my arms around him, rubbing his long hair. It was below his shoulders now, but I still loved it. I still loved him and I hated myself for doing it again. But how could I resist having sympathy for Loki who just needed a little help?

He held me tightly. "(Y/n)... My (Y/n)... I love you." I hesitantly leaned my head onto his, but I was silent, as much as I wanted to love him back. He took in a shaky breath as he asked, "What do you feel anymore? Did you find someone else to make you happy? You deserve to be happy..."

I purred to his touch as his hands found my ears. He really hadn't pet me in a long time. His touch was as soft as ever. "The only thing that makes me happy is my family. The Kittunns and Thor and even your parents. I... want to love you, Lo... I'm just afraid to do it again."

"Marry me."

My heart jumped to my throat. Was he serious? I pulled back and looked at him. He was being dead serious. "Loki, I-"

"I know. You're afraid. I just... can't bear to be alone and without you." His hands were holding mine tightly, like saying no would make him lose his only life-line. I stared silently. I wanted to say yes just equally as much as I wanted to say no. It was a never-ending war within me and I couldn't make up my mind. Loki finally stood up and I stared as he walked across the cell and picked a box off of his bed. "I've been having this. My mind has been so messed up, I've never been able to do it right." He walked back to me, offering a small smile to ease my anxiety. He knelt before me. "Here. Let me ask properly, love... Will you marry me?" He held the box out. There was a gold ring inside of it along with blue and green diamonds to decorate it.

I looked up at him. He looked innocent and hopeful, much like he did when we were living together. I was... happy he was back. But I realized, I couldn't say no. I loved Loki- this Loki, and I could never change that. I could never be happy with someone else. "I- I love you, Lo." I wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt him bracing for rejection. But I finally whispered in his ear. "I love you and I never want to lose you again. I want to marry you."

(A/n: This is the full sketch I made with their spirit animals. 💖 I hope you enjoyed this train wreck and plot twist! Poor, innocent, naive little (y/n). 
Get ready for next Friday! I can't express how excited I am to be starting "Loki's Endgame"! TwT I'm really super hyped! But with college starting on Monday, the schedule might get changed. I'll keep you updated on the plans, love! 💕)

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