The Mysterious Mr. Black

By therandomantic

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There's something about Mr. Black that Michael cannot point out. When he started working for him, buried mem... More



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By therandomantic

Chapter 11

The blinding light and the blistering heat of the sun made us seek shelter in the canopy of the conifer tree. Its thick leaves dancing along the light summer breeze. I looked at Hector standing beside me looking happy and at ease. 

"You're car is now repaired." I said, a hint of sadness can be heard even though I tried my best to hide it. He's been with us for a couple of weeks and I know for sure he's gonna leave soon. Now that I'm used to his presence, I can't help but wonder what it would feel like being the youngest kid in the neighborhood. All of the people living here are mostly middle aged or retiring people. He was the closest to my age group. Yeah, he was 22, five years older than me but he was my only friend this summer break and I don't know what to do for the remaining days before school starts again. 

"I like it here. It's been fun." he said and smiled radiantly. 

"So when are you planning to leave?" I asked as I play with the pebbles on the ground with my foot.

"I don't know yet.I'm not yet ready to come back." his tone suddenly changed. Whatever his problem is he never bother to share. Since I respected his privacy, I never attempted to ask what was wrong. If he would like to share it, he can. If he don't, it's okay.

He smiled when he noticed that his sadness is showing. I knew it was an attempt to convince me that I should not be worried about something. 

"Can I ask you something?" 

"Yeah sure. What is it?" I replied.

"Do-" before he could even finish his question, I was woken up by my alarm clock. I grumpily switched off my buzzing clock. I tried my best to stood up immediately before I could even drift off back to sleep. Today is the day Mr. Black, the father of Magnus, will visit the office for the board meeting. 

I decided to brush off the dream I was having since I can't see the relevance of remembering the past which seems so blurry now. I'm not even sure if what I had dreamed happened in the past or not but I do remember talking to Hector before he left Carmona Rosa. My recollections of the past are vague now. I can't even remember what his face looked like. Every time I wake up, the faces I saw in my dream immediately melts away in my memories. Whatever reason for reminiscing the past, I decided not to think about it that much.  I have much important things to do.


I went into the conference room early so that I can get the phone I left last night. It seems like all of the boxes yesterday vanished without a trace. And my phone can't also be found. Am I in the right room? I went back to my office but I cannot find my desk. What the heck is happening?

I saw talkative Kate walking around the workplace doing her usual thing of gossiping with her workmates. I decided to ask her about my concern. 

"Hey Kate! Where's my desk?" I'm starting to get nervous because I might have been fired but I wasn't informed.

"Why are you still here?" she asked me.

"Oh god. Am I fired?" 

"I mean, why are you still here? The top floor is now opened for business. It's about time Mr. Black returned to his lair." she said. So that's why she's around here frolicking in the office.

"How do I get there? The elevator stops here?" 

"Do you know the lone elevator on the right side of the building with a sign that said keep off?"

"Yeah. Why?" I asked when I remember what she's talking about. I always thought that that elevator was under maintenance or it's a building hazard.

"That's the elevator leading to Mr. Black's office. Only you and special visitors can access the elevator. You can get your electronic key card pass at the front office at the lobby. Aren't you informed about it? They usually send a text message or something." 

That's the problem. I left my phone at the conference room but someone got it. I said thanks and went down the lobby again. I went to the reception desk and asked for my 'key card' or something that Kate was talking about. They asked for my name and after showing my company ID, they gave me a thin key card with my name on it and was marked as employee. 

Then I went to the elevator on the farthest side of the hallway. I imitated what Mr. Black did when we went to that high end bar since I never experienced using one. To my relief, it opened with an electronic voice that said welcome.

The inside of the elevator was more elegant and luxurious than the one that I have used since my first day. It also contained the buttons to all floors but this time, it has an additional lone button at the top of all numbers labeled as EO. I reckoned it stands for Executive Office. That's the button I pressed without even using a single brain cell for my decision.

The elevator opened and I thought I was transported into a different office. The design and fixtures looks new as hell and my eyes cannot believe that this is gonna be my office from now on... that is, if I'm not yet fired. It looks refreshing to me since there was a whole lot of space for movement. 

I walked straight ahead until I reached what looks to be the reception area. A PC was there with all my things in the table. A note was left on the desk which said: Board meeting. 9 am, executive board room.

It's 5 minutes before 9 so I still have time to find the executive board room. Kate mentioned yesterday that the top floor contains the office of Mr. Black and the main conference hall. I scanned the area and saw an opaque glass room and a door so I reckon that must be it. I opened the door and I saw Mr Black sitting so seriously at one of the chairs.

"Good morning Sir." I greeted. I still feel awkward from what I witnessed last night. He nodded and he extended his arm with my phone in his hand. I took the phone and said my gratitude. How come he slept so little last night yet he still looks fine while I look like shit from the lack of sleep? I sat on the secretary chair not far from the table. I wanted to ask if he had a good time last night but he might tell me to shut the fuck up or mind my own business so I just kept my mouth shut.

"Did you bring the minutes from the last board meeting?" he asked me. 

"Uhhhmm." What would I answer? I was not present during the last board meeting so I don't have a clue who took the minutes. "No, sir. I only have brought the company record and books." Plus I'm not sure if the corporate secretary would be the one in charge of it or me.

"Then what are you doing? Get it now."

I stood up and went to my PC to check on the cloud storage if there was a saved record of the last board meeting which I don't even have a clue about.  Nothing. I tried searching for keyword but there was no scanned copy of the minutes. If I am lucky it will be in the file storage area of the company but it might have a small chance that it is still there since majority of the files are stored offsite. 

I tried looking at the active files but not a trace of the minutes can be found so I decided to try my luck on the restricted area of the library. I input my code on the lock and I heard a beep before telling me to insert my ID. I inserted my ID on the lock and this time it asked for my fingerprint. I did all of these and the door opened. I didn't know I can access this part of the building.

I inspected all the folders and binders in the room until I found a document dated last January. I scanned the document before returning it to its original place and I made my way back to the board room.

"Can the number of people present here constitute a quorum?" a middle aged man asked when I entered the room. Fuck. I'm late. They are already calling for quorum. All heads turned towards me as I made my way to give the files to Mr. Black. Somebody was sitting on my chair so I didn't know where to place myself.

"Excuse me, who are you?" the man asked me. He got the same intensity as Mr. Black so I guess he must be his dad.

"I- um." I seemed to have lost my voice by the sudden question. He sounded angry and annoyed that I interrupted the meeting.

"He's my secretary." Mr. Black answered on my behalf.

"I'm sorry but you need to get out. Corporate officers are only allowed in this meeting." he said. 

"Yes sir. I'll see myself out."

"No. You stay." Mr. Black said, I mean Magnus since there are two Mr. Black present in the room. I looked at him. So who will I need to obey?

"Magnus. There's no chair left for your secretary." his dad replied calmly but cunning. "Please leave." he asked me one more time. I started to walk away but then again Magnus raised his voice.

"I told you to stay Flynn!" Magnus yelled, his voice echoing in the whole room. Now the attention was brought back to me, and to Magnus, and to his dad. Everyone was waiting for the next move.

"In case you forgot, I'm still the chairman of this corporation. I'm still your superior." There really was an unspoken feud between the two. Not one of them wants to lose. "Besides, your assistant's got no problem not joining the meeting. Isn't that right kid?" He turned his attention to me, expecting for some answers.

I looked at Magnus because I'm not sure who to follow. Magnus or his dad? Magnus is my boss but his dad is his boss. I chose not to answer and hoped that something will happen soon.

"Sit beside me Flynn! Mr. Turner is going to be absent, as always." It's like an impulse but I sat beside Magnus, following his order. Now I feel like a dog. Following commands like stay and Sit.

"You really like to do it your way huh?" his dad remarked sarcastically.

"Of course. I learned from the best. Now let's start the meeting. We already have a quorum." As if the matter has now reach its conclusion, everyone opened their folder except for Bennett Black, yeah that's it! I now remember his name from the article I was reading.

"But why does he have to be here."

"He's my assistant. I need him." 

"Okay" Mr. Bennett Black surrendered. "Just reminding you to tread lightly, son. You know what I mean." I looked at Mr. Black, his jaw was clenched. It might not be visible to the others but he was gripping the pen in his hands so tightly. 

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