Stranger Things Season 3

By ChristmasLightThings

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AN ALTERNATIVE ST STORY- Jam-pack full of fun, bright and colourful events but remains dark, thrilling and cr... More

What you need to know before returning to Hawkins...
Chapter One: El's First Summer
Chapter Two: Independence Day
Chapter Three: Back to School
Chapter Five: The Surprise
Chapter Six: The Dark Room
Chapter Seven: The Dance and the Demodog
Chapter Eight: Camp Sunshine Lake
Chapter Nine: The Traitor
Chapter Ten: The Storm

Chapter Four: Girls Just Want to Have Fun

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By ChristmasLightThings

Nancy tries to help Max and El get along better by hosting a sleepover. Karen tends to an injured Billy. Steve meets a new friend, and Dustin shows the others a scientific invention.

Main Character outfits

1. Mike-(a light blue polo shirt, black pants/ dark green sweater/ grey and pink striped shirt, brown pants.)

2. Eleven-(a green and pink shirt, dark blue and pink pants/ Mike's blue shirt and his white pants at the sleepover/ black and pink floral shirt, red and white striped pants.)

3. Will- (a grey and dark blue and maroon shirt, blue jeans, watch, brown belt/ white and green shirt.)

4. Dustin- (a green and yellow shirt, iconic hat, cream pants, beaded wristband/ long-sleeved grey shirt, green pants.)

5. Lucas- (a black and purple graphic T-shirt, blue jeans, black watch/ mustard coloured pants, white and purple shirt.)

6. Max- (hair in a high ponytail, white T-shirt with red and blue and yellow and green stripes over a red vest, blue jeans, red and black sneakers, short white socks,/ lavender and yellow sunflower PJ's/ black shirt, blue jeans.)

7. Nancy- (a pink shirt, green and red striped PJ shorts for sleepover.)

8. Joyce- (a blue buttoned top, blue jeans, small black watch.)

9. Billy- (a white shirt, blue denim jacket, blue denim jeans.)

10. Jonathan- (a checkered blue and red shirt, dark blue pants.)

11. Karen- (a yellow and green pineapple dress.)

12. Erica- (a pink top with blue dungaree.)

13. Jim- (Police Chief uniform.)

14. Steve-(a grey and blue and brown shirt, black jeans.)


Hawkins, Indiana. 7th September, 1985;

There is nothing more powerful than a mother's love, no one more protective than a mother and nothing more special than a mother's connection to her children. A mother's intuition and instinct are never wrong. Once she feels or knows something is wrong, it likely is, and no one knows what that feels like more than Joyce Byers. After two years of losing her son to the Upside Down, Joyce has trusting maternal instincts. Somehow she always knew that Will was communicating with her through the Christmas lights and that the Mind Flayer was using her boy. It's like a special gift she possesses- putting pieces together to form a puzzle like no one else can, that's what makes her a strong woman and a strong mother.

Will comes out of his bedroom, rubbing his eyes, trying to wake up and arrives in the kitchen sitting at the dining table with dark circles under his eyes, indicating that he must have stayed up late last night. Joyce concerned questions her youngest son, "Will, Hey, why were you up late last night? Are you ok? Did you have another nightmare Honey? Sweetie tell me!" Will slightly annoyed with all her interrogating questions still tries to wake up, rubbing his eyes repeatedly and sighs, "Mom, I'm fine. Really, can we talk about this later." He quickly finishes his breakfast cereal and then gets ready to leave to go to school, before Jonathan who appears to be eating his butter on toast turns around in his chair and offers to drive his brother that morning. Will refuses telling his older brother in an agitated and grouchy tone, "I'm fine to ride myself to school!" On that note, the young Byers boy heads out the door. Jonathan jokes to his mother, "Teenagers, am I right? I wasn't that bad, was I?" Joyce shakes her head, knowing something else was going on with Will, "I don't think this is just about him wanting independence Jon, I think something else is going on, he's not sleeping at night which means..."Joyce stops to think and then worries that the prescribed pills Will has been taking are not working and plans to do something about it... She then removes her older son's bread crumbs on his face with her thumb before he leaves to head to work, "Hey, Wait up, your cheek," Jonathan tells her, "I've gotta run, I don't want to be late for work." Joyce hugs him, "All right. See you later."

Will treks with his bike along the pile of leaves; a carpet of red and gold auburn leaves littered on the ground, over to Castle Byers to see Ethan and yawns before telling his new friend, "Hey, um it's time for school." The two boys begin to walk to school together and talk about different things. Will starts to talk about the upcoming school camp and how fun it will be, listing the activities including canoeing on the water and Ethan quickly says that he won't be able to go, not ever explaining why?

[🎶Meanwhile on the other side of town, Billy is driving around in his deep blue Chevy Camaro on the road, recklessly furious, so furious that he almost runs over Lucas who is trying to avoid him on his bike! 'No brains, I'm insane, the teacher says that I'm one big pain.' The young black boy manages to evade Billy and then the teen ends up increasing his music which blares out so darn loud! It's a wonder why he hasn't bled his eardrums yet? 'I'm not a loser and I ain't no weeper.' He then checks out himself in the rearview mirror, it may seem like a small thing to push a button or check yourself in the mirror, but it divides the attention span enough to lose focus and take your eyes off the road. 'Bang your head, metal health will drive you mad!' He must have hit something on the road because Billy starts to swerve and all he can do is hang on to the steering wheel with his foot slammed hard on the brake... until he eventually crashes into Bradley's Big Buy supermarket, literally banging his head against the steering wheel before he is knocked out unconscious!]🎶

[🎶Based on characters by the Duffer Brothers and an Netflix original series/ Winona Ryder/David Harbour/ Finn Wolfhard/ Millie Bobby Brown/ Gaten Matarazzo/ Caleb McLaughlin/ Noah Schnapp/ Sadie Sink/ Natalia Dyer/ Charlie Heaton/Joe Keery/ Dacre Montgomery/ Cara Buono/ Priah Ferguson with Julian Morris, Jack Dylan Grazer and Maya Hawke...🎶]

The two boys finally make it to school and Will tells him that he will see him inside, "I just have to..chain my bike... but I will see you inside ok, we have science first." The other boy nods his head, "Ok," before heading inside the corridors and coming across two familiar faces.

"Hey, new kid!" Ethan stops walking and turns around seeing the two older boys approach him looking up to no good, he tells them he isn't interested in hearing what they have to say before turning to walk away. Troy chuckles and puts his hand on the younger boy's shoulder and tells him they're not there to fight. Ethan is confused but then Troy starts to form their plan by manipulating the younger boy, by lying that he and James were once friends with the other kids, but something bad happened to result in them no longer being like that, "Oh it is the worst thing," Troy continues, "The way they drag you in to be their friend is just terrible, soon enough they will turn their backs and forget about you too..." Ethan who is wearing one of Will's red and blue checkered shirts and dark blue pants, thinks they are lying so refuses to listen and leaves.

Next in Science, Lucas runs in after being late and apologises to Mr. Brown who doesn't accept excuses, "Okay Lucas, next time be here on time or else it's a detention." Lucas then explains to his friends that Billy tried to run him over on his way to school which was why he was late. Mike tells Max, "Your brother is a psychopath." Max is pissed about Billy realising he never changed, she whispers under her breath, "Asshole." He is still the same jerkass stepbrother he was a year ago! Nothing has changed!

The class then learn of their first assignment which is to build a simple scientific project. Mr. Brown eventually asks the class a scientific question and asks Mike directly. Mike struggles to answer it, "" Ethan shakes his head and chuckles quietly before answering the question confidently. Mr. Brown is impressed and this then continues for the next two questions, Ethan proves to be very intelligent and El along with everyone else is amazed! The teacher then assigns the class into teams; Jane and Ethan are paired up, Mike snaps his pencil feeling outright jealous after noticing this! Will then hands Mike a new pencil. This leaves Max, Lucas, Dustin, Mike and Will to all work in a group of five. Will tries to stay awake during the rest of their time, he keeps yawning due to his lack of sleep from the other night, I'm so tired, my eyes can't stay awake, losing focus, hearing noises, but can't hear the words, can't hear the words, losing focus... and then the bell rings ending the lesson just as he dozed off, waking him up! Dustin tells his other friends he wants them to come over after school to his place and work on their science project together, "So, we'll meet after school." Mike just glares at Ethan as he leaves the room.

Joyce being well, herself drives to go over and see Dr. Aaron again at the Hospital and has a go at him, assuming the pills are not working for Will since he is clearly not sleeping at night properly! The doctor reassures her that the Prazosin pills do work and jokes that he has used them a couple of times and knocked himself out. Joyce dismisses his joke as not funny and tells him her son has suffered from so much in the past two years! Dr. Aaron tells her that he is aware from his files, he also thinks Will likely suffers from a type of paranoia personality disorder on top of his PTSD- an unrelenting suspicion of others, even when there is no reason to be. He considers the idea that her son is likely keeping things from her, "Maybe your son is hiding things from you because he is scared or doesn't want you to worry."

Karen is annoyed with Ted's behaviour once again while vacuuming the living room floor, as he is too lazy to move his feet so she can clean the area. She starts to say that she wants him to change his attitude and be better otherwise she will consider divorcing him! She then turns off the device and leaves to go into town to buy groceries.

At an old yellow brick building; Jonathan goes over to his job at The Hawkins Post to see his boss Bruce who is selfishly taking him out of his school time. The photographer asks, "Um sir, is it really necessary for me to be skipping school just for this job? It was only a summer internship." Bruce replies arrogantly that his job is more important than school, "Yes, because you have shown yourself to me that you can handle a career in the newspaper industry, that's why I kept you after the summer and I do believe that this job is more important than anything at your school, here you are in the workplace." Bruce then asks Jonathan about Hawkins Lab being shut down and starts to say that he doesn't believe the whole Barbara story is the reason why the Lab really had to be shut down? Jonathan is confused saying that the lab is 'under construction' and he can't exactly go in there? Bruce then walks around a desk and wants to hear Jonathan's explanation on the Hawkins Lab incident in the previous year. Jonathan feeling weirded out by the question just says, "Uh, I think it's likely what they thought happened last year, uh, the Hawkins Power Company were working on the pipes, hammering and... there was an accident..." Bruce nods his head and chuckles, "So you don't believe all of that is just some big cover story to keep everyone from really knowing the truth?" Jonathan shakes his head trying to think of what to say in response to that, "No, I think there was nothing really to see, I mean some people think Russian spies blew up gas explosions, but besides that, we, uh, moved on." Bruce then grabs the teen's shoulders firmly, "Jonathan, I like you, as one of my best photographers here, don't you want to experience writing an article for once? You're a very creative person, I trust you to be good enough to write a story. How about an answer based on the dark secrets in Hawkins, like what happened last summer? I need something real." Jonathan stutters, "Um, I-I'm not really a writer." Bruce then speaks harsher, "Oh I'm sorry, you must have not understood, I need you to write me an article on Hawkins's dark secrets! Johnny Boy, As your boss that is an order! I would really hate to make you lose your job over this one little thing since I know how hard it was for you to get it, it is your decision." Jonathan then leaves after feeling threatened to write a new story for the newspaper, something he was not familiar with at all.

Karen pulls into Bradley's Big Buy and is shocked to find Billy unconscious and injured in his car with a cracked windshield and blood cascading down his face from a cut on his forehead! She helps to get him out of his car and puts him in her own one and then plans to drive him over to the hospital, she also tells him before he passes out again that she will make sure a mechanic fixes his car.

After hearing from Flo the terrible news that his deputies, Calvin Powell and Phil Callahan aren't coming back to Hawkins, the mayor had required the Police Department to find new recruits. Hopper is finishing pinning up the flyers around town, with a couple of sheets still in his mouth. He then makes his way towards the beer shop to buy a drink when he instead has to punch and soon arrest a man for breaking and entering! After feeling heroic, Hopper sighs and wishes he had more cops to help him.

A girl teenager is wearing a pale blue buttoned top, mint pants, a blue denim jacket with short wavy brown hair and blond highlights. Her hair glistens in the sun as she walks into the new Diner that was once the old burger joint- Benny's Burgers  is now transformed into The Moonlight Diner; a new bright purple and pink neon diner. Inside, the retro cafe, behind the counter is a bizarre wallpaper with red and green leaves, totally clashing the walls and floors which were painted in pastel greens and pinks straight out of that new cop show — Miami Vice. She goes to order her favourite coffee she use to get in New York- a 'Caramel mocha' she tells the Waitress -Nicole (who is one of Carol and Tommy H's friends) that the Caramel gives it a 'sweetener' effect, but Nicole who is wearing her colourful striped barista uniform, a black belt and big blue hoop earrings, tells the new teenager that they don't have it.

Robin Gordon was the name of this new teenager, she had just moved to Hawkins in the fall. She doesn't mind and orders a regular coffee instead, Nicole thinks Robin is so cool coming from a big city like New York, "Wow, New York, that is so fab, Hawkins must seem so boring and small for you?" Robin shakes her head and quickly replies, "Nah, not really, I actually prefer the small quiet towns." Nicole continues complimenting Robin nice 'things' like her light pink eyeshadow and her hair, "Oh my god I love your hair."

Robin thanks the other girl with curls, before claiming her coffee and turns around bumping 'literally' into Steve and spilling her drink all over him, "Oh God, I am so sorry!" Steve then notices her bright blue eyes, "Woah...", Robin replies in a feisty way to him before crossing her arms, "Hi, do you always stare at girls for more than 5 seconds?" Robin then laughs and tells Nicole she'll order another coffee after hers just spilt everywhere, she then nudges the other teenage boy to get a coffee, she'll pay for it. Steve replies, "Actually, I don't like coffee but I'll have some of your chilli fries, thanks, Nicole."

The two teenagers then sit up on the high shiny blue stools. Steve says, "You're not from around here, are you?" She replies, "How'd you know?" Steve tells her, "I've just never seen you in Hawkins before, so who are you mysterious coffee girl? I'm Steve Harrington." Running his hands through his slick hair, Robin then laughs and introduces herself, "Okay, Steve Ha-ir-rington, I'm Robin and yes you're right I am new here and yes I also love coffee, it's Rad! [laughs]."

Steve assumes Robin coming from New York would be more high maintenance, she tells him her favourite thing to do in the city was to drink coffee, "You want to know what my favourite thing to do in the mornings in the city was... Coffee, All I need is coffee and I'm good!"
It's her weakness. Steve finds her to be a very interesting girl.

[🎶*POW*, *POW*, *POW*,*POW*, *POW*,*POW*, *POW*, *POW*, *POW*,*POW* Back at Hawkins High; It is Max's first time doing cheerleading ever in her life and the other super popular cheerleader girl Stacey is also doing it with her, along with the rest of the class in the gymnasium. They are all wearing cute green and orange uniforms. One of the girls even has a red ribbon in her hair, practising cheering for the Tigers, which is the high school's mascot for its football team.

Who at the same time are trying out for their sport on the school's sports oval and Lucas is part of the team.

Max struggles as she isn't used to all the flexible and acrobatic movements like the other girls, who are all smiling and doing all the moves right, rolling their arms and jumping in the air-*POW*, *POW!* As the girls use their pom-poms in time with the music 'It's the eye of the tiger', Max thinks to herself, 'All fluffy pom-poms and pretty-short dress outfits? It's gymnastics without the safety precautions. No mats, topple from that pyramid of girls and your face will get smashed! Do I even want to cheerlead? Do I want to be one of those popular girls? Hell no! I just want a soda and to sit on the bleachers'.

Meanwhile, Lucas is soaring through on the field probably being the best player on the football team with all the players chanting- "TIGER PRIDE!, TIGER PRIDE!, TIGER PRIDE!, TIGER PRIDE, TIGER PRIDE!" 🎶]

Nicole returns with a tray of their order and Robin takes the cup and drinks her hot and sweet beverage while listening to Steve at the same time. The two get to know each other better and discuss their futures. Steve assumes she is a bad girl skipping school, (a rebel), Robin lets out a small laugh and defends herself saying she is a bit like one now that she's skipping school but then tells Steve she is originally a student from an elite high school in New York, "I don't hate school, I just don't like the teachers and the homework." She also says, "they were, I don't know, getting boring, same as usual, it's like a cage instead of a platform, always talking about how much they love all those extra assignments. They are eggheads, but hey, some girls just wanna have fun..." She then clarifies that she does actually care about education, it's just the wrong timing. She is even considering going to college, but not right now.

Steve is stuck in his own life not knowing where to go? Robin expresses how her parents too want her to have the best grades, "I know right, it's so annoying." He also mentions how his parents want him to go to college and be successful like everybody else, "Screw my parents! They would probably want me to study something amazing like Psychics or something like that?" Robin laughs again, "Psychics? You mean Physics." Steve feels a tad embarrassed but shakes it off with a laugh, "Yeah." Robin supports him by helping him realise, "Hey, you don't have to go to college to be amazing." Steve then tells her, " So..are you free tomorrow?" Robin sips her coffee again and smiles at him, "Definitely."

After the lesson, Max, she (and she is very parched) drinks from a blue plastic water bottle and then Stacey starts to ask her about Dustin, "I notice you guys sit together at lunch...." Max questions wiping the sweat from her forehead, "What about Dustin?" Stacey explains how she wants to make it up to him. She thinks he still hasn't forgiven her for what happened at the Snowball Dance last year and that's why he ran away the other day. Max then goes to get changed back into her other clothes as well as Stacey, who is now back in the Hall wearing a white, yellow and brown outfit, colourful beaded necklace and green hair scrunchie. She soon looks to her left as well as one of her friends next to her, to see the rest of the kids in their grade meet up to sit on the tomato-red plastic chairs, for a quick assembly in the gymnasium for the Freshmen's upcoming school 'Homecoming Dance' event for the Freshman of 1985; The Colours of Celebration Dance.' The principal walks up the small stairs on the side and addresses that the dress code is colourful attire, and the event is going to be a fun night with partners to celebrate welcoming the new Freshmen class of 85! On the stage, with the viridian green curtains pulled back, Mr. Brown also reminds his science class to ask their family members if they can come to the Camp as supervisors since they are in need of more otherwise the trip will be cancelled...

Still in the hall after the meeting, Ethan finds and talks to Max and Lucas, they praise him for his intelligence earlier in science, "Were you really smart at your old school or something man?"Ethan knew the real answer to that question but hides the truth by lying to the other boy instead, "Oh, yeah, sure." He then asks them a strange question regarding what he heard from Troy and James just recently regarding if they were once friends? They both find the question to be random and answer to him that those two are just bullies. Max confused says, "I don't know why those shitheads would even ask you that?"

Joyce then comes out after her session speaking to the absurd doctor, and bumps into Karen at the hospital, "Oh Joyce hi," who explains to the other woman how she found Billy, a teenager in a car accident over at Bradley's! Joyce doesn't know who this person is, but feels sympathy for him, "Poor guy." Karen decides that she will stay with Billy until he wakes up.

Sometime later, Ethan confronts Troy and James again down one of the school's hallways, "Hey Liars! Those guys are not your friends, they never were! So why the heck would you make that crap up?" Troy then tries to win back his trust, "Ok, ok, yes we lied, we're not their friends." James adds, "Not even close", Troy continues, "But they did do something to us that we want to make them pay for, that is no lie." Ethan asks impatiently, "Like what? What could they have possibly done that would be so bad?" Troy answers, "How about breaking my arm for a start, it was completely fractured!" The boy tries not to laugh, "Seriously they did that, they broke your arm, oh yeah then, which one did it?" He then questions them, shrugging his shoulders, making a cheeky facial expression, "Or... was it a group effort?" The two older teens look at one another and both say in sync, "Mike." Troy goes on about saying how lame Mike is and that he is a straight-up jerk. Ethan still doesn't trust them, but then they mention that they noticed the other day that the boy is smitten over a girl (Jane). Ethan tells them they are science partners and that he isn't that rich to do a really cool project, "I only have $3.50 so it's really hard." Troy then hopes to hurt Mike in the process by pressuring the kid to take a certain amount of cash from him to take the girl he likes out on a date, before saying that Mike also likes the same girl as well, "Dude. It's pretty obvious you like her. Let us help you." Ethan just looks at the both of them regarding their deal, "yeah, I would, except that they are a couple, so......goodbye!"

After school, Dustin's friends arrive at the Henderson house and they go into his room and plan their science project, they discuss what they can do all together. Yurtle is seen munching away on some leaves inside his glass tank.

Dustin then gets his toolbox out from under his bed in his room etched with DART on the rusty silver toolbox and opens it, "Pretty neat, huh?" they start brainstorming ideas as Dustin shows them already built inventions that they could make again like a hammer thimamijig. He turns the mechanical handle like an old waterwheel, *tap,tap,tap* and the kids start to get suspicious of hearing strange noises besides Dustin's invention in his house, noises like someone else was there?

Dustin lies that it is his new cat- Tews, "it's just the cat." When really it was Dustin's secret Demodog in the other spare room, but his friends are unaware and are going to keep being unaware of this monster since Dustin remembers what the eerie voice told him, it was like the words were still whispering in his mind- Keep that monster alive in that room, whatever you do don't tell anyone about it! Because Dustin bad things will only happen to you and to everyone you care about!... He quickly starts to change his mind and plans to distract them away from the house. Dustin then comes up with an excuse to stop his friends from checking the next door, he explains to them instead about what he learnt at 'Summer Camp' and wants to show them by grabbing a duffle bag on his mattress and placing it on the ground unzipping it, "But this.. this is my masterpiece." Will and Mike lean down on their knees while Lucas and Max are standing in the doorway. Will thinks the invention is another windmill, like the small nifty one he already showed them made out of recycled Coke cans, but Dustin tells him it's not, it's CEREBRO, "Guys, meet Cerebro."

Mike is confused looking at just a pile of metal, wires and Buttons in the bag, "What exactly is this?" Dustin being the science geek explains, "it's a powerful radio tower!" Mike goes on, "oh, so it's like a ham radio?" Dustin laughs at Mike's remark, Mike you think you are so cool, "It's the Cadillac of ham radios, this baby can carry a clear connection over vast distances, think Hawkins and Salt Lake City, Utah or the North and South Pole!" They are all intrigued now and Dustin urges to show them outside, they all find it random but go anyway, Max shrugs her shoulders, "okay, sure."

Dustin then manages to successfully get them out before they recognise the Demodog is even in there. They plan to make the transmitter radio thing, they each grab a piece of equipment to carry except for Mike. Before he leaves, Will touches the back of his neck, turning around feeling a tingle and cold chill, confused he looks behind him seeing nothing there? Dustin shouts back, "Will, Come on!" Will then continues following his friends.

Billy finally wakes up in the hospital and he and Karen talk for a while, she offers to call his family after his accident, but Billy doesn't want them to know, instead, he continues to hit on her to stay with him. She hesitates, "I'm sorry I can't." Billy only tells her, teasing her, "Can't What? Have fun." Karen chuckles before accepting to stay, grabbing his hand.

As the kids are hiking up the long green hill, Dustin tells his friends who are huffing and puffing with the heavy equipment, "Ok, guys not long now." Lucas is more of the jock out of them all now and finds this exercise to not be too hard, but even he is sweating at the back of his neck, up this ridiculous climb. It's like Dustin wanted them to do this on purpose, exhaust them up the hill so they could stay until the contraption was finished. Dustin explains, "The radio will only work if we have a high signal."

They then all stop to notice that Mike is ranting non-stop about the 'intelligent' Ethan being with El instead for their school project, "Are you kidding me! So what if he can solve a couple of intellectual questions, big deal!" Will still looking puzzled and Dustin annoyed says, "Seriously Mike, it's only been five minutes..." the rest of the gang heads on. Max tells him, "I think you just don't understand, which is ridiculous, she's her own person. She's capable of making her own decisions. She may be your girlfriend but she should have her own friends as well!" Reaching the top of the hill, while Max, Lucas and Will start to set up the project, Dustin reminds his friends, the boys about how good they all worked together on their Science Fair Project back in Middle School.

Mike just sits back, ranting non stop still over his jealously, "I mean, we don't even know who this new kid is anyway?..." Dustin interrupts him, "Mike you son of a bitch, stop ranting and start helping us, science waits for no one!" Dustin is excited to build his contraption again which is a tall radio, which can receive and be used to transmit via a Yagi antenna, thanks to the natural sunlight.
Lucas sets out the poles, Max adjusts a part of the contraption which folds out like an umbrella. Dustin, Lucas and Max all then lock in the poles one after the other. Dustin rolls out a sheet of aluminium foil, Will holds two other metal sticks (the antenna) while Lucas wraps a long silver spring that resembles a slinky toy around them. They all finish securing the pieces in place by using duct tape. Everyone else except Mike is pretty much done, now constructing it up vertically on the hill, by placing it down like a flagpole, Will is on the end and is the last to place it down (likely by using his super strength) along with Dustin, Max and Lucas.

Dustin triumphantly looks up to it and says, "Yes, we did it!" The others feel too exhausted to cheer. Lucas starts to call Max, "Maxie Poo" and she doesn't like it, "You know you can be really annoying sometimes." Lucas says, "But you love it." Max tells him with one of her hands on her hip, "It doesn't make you any less annoying." Will keeps quiet when the others are frustrated with Dustin's invention not working. The same static noises keep hissing and the Party members just glance at each other noticing the daylight fading. Before Max tells Dustin she has to leave to go get ready for a lame sleepover, "Yeah, uh Henderson, can we wrap this up, it's sunset. I have to go to this lame sleepover now."

She leaves accidentally sliding down the hill and then gets back up on her feet. Dustin is a bit hurt because he wanted to show Max the invention to make her smile again after hearing Lucas's lousy nickname that he called her. He then continues trying to fix the radio fidgeting with the signal, he is not aware that everyone has soon left. Dustin finally manages to fix the invention by accidentally forgetting to put on one more dial and turns around in the night only to find no one there, "Guys! Guys?"

Max has a quick moment with her mother back at her home, who is wearing purple attire and blue feathered earrings, sitting on the salmon-pink couch and reading a magazine 'Cosmopolitan' while leaving the TV on an episode of 'Happy Days' so the noise can surround the house and not leave it quiet. She questions her daughter, "Max, where have you been all afternoon?" Max lies, "Just out riding." Max wonders where her stepdad and Billy are? Susan tells her daughter while flipping a page, that Neil has left for good and Billy is MIA, Max then says she's leaving to go to Nancy's, "I'm going to a sleepover tonight."

Will comes home late and apologises to Jonathan for being rude to him earlier this morning, he then tells his older brother that he is still having nightmares about the Upside Down, regardless of his pills. He asks his older brother to promise to not tell his mum since he doesn't want to worry her. Jonathan agrees to keep his secret, Will then in a much more cheery tune asks him for one more favour, if he could come on his science class camping trip as a supervisor? Jonathan tells him he, unfortunately, can't. The two brothers then share a sweet moment discussing college choices, Jonathan still wants to go with his heart and study art/ photography at New York University (NYU).

Lucas and his family that night have a nice roast dinner and talk about the camp and school. Erica tries to gain more attention from her family by saying how much she loves dogs and thinks they should get a puppy, "You can't spell 'America' without 'Erica'!" Her mother just smiles at that and looks to her husband, "Funny enough, that is true." Mr Sinclair only tells his daughter that dogs are a lot of work. Erica then also reminds her mum about her school's 'Bake-sell' the following week and says she wants to do pancakes.

Nancy planned a sleepover in the hope for Max and El to like each other and get along better. El had forgotten to bring PJ's, so she asks Mike to borrow his clothes since it's not her first time. Nancy briefly tells the two girls how she and Barb use to have sleepovers together all the time before she had 'gone'. Reminiscing her dead best friend for a moment, Nancy begins to get emotional. Max says, "Oh right, she was the one who went to the Upside Down with Will, wasn't she?" El just nods her head and says quietly, "Barb". Nancy then punches a button turning on her pink boombox changing the atmosphere.

[🎶The girls read magazines and then Max and El take turns getting their fingernails done by Nancy. El's are baby pink, while Max's are sky blue. The redhead starts to slowly develop a girly side to herself. 'I come home in the morning light, my mother says when you gonna live your life right? Oh mother dear, we're not the fortunate ones and girls they wanna have fun.' Nancy helps the two girls get adjusted to Highschool better, 'The phone rings in the middle of the night, my father yells what you gonna do with your life? Oh daddy dear, you know you're still number one, but girls they wanna have fun' and they gossip about boys, "Oh, come on. There's always time for makeup and boys..." The girls continue looking through the magazines, "Macchio?" Max answers the older girl, "yeah, he's the Karate Kid, he's so hot right?" Nancy asks Max if Lucas is a good kisser? "Hey, uh is Lucas a good kisser?" Max replies wanting the focus on El instead, "Why don't you ask her about her love life?" Nancy tells her wrinkling her nose, "I don't need to know my brother's personal life." Max then says, "You're definitely my favourite Wheeler. You're way cooler than Mike." All the girls begin dancing to the music, 80's dance style. Nancy lies on her bed and kicks her legs back and forth to the rhythm of the song. The older teen is at first oblivious to Max and El's silent bickering with a pillow fight, it gets to the point where the lights start flickering and El almost uses her powers, but Nancy calms her down before anything bad happens. Nancy frustrated then tells them to just go to bed!] 🎶

The next day at school, Mike starts to tell the boys about El's surprise birthday party he has planned (because they don't know when her real one is?) and the date is set for the 11th because of obvious reasons. Dustin recognises something is wrong with him again when the dark veins are reappearing, growing and spreading up his arm now before vanishing. He hides his friend's suspicion by pulling down the sleeve of his shirt. Will notices Dustin acting unusual, "Is everything okay?" Dustin quickly replies to Will and then the others, "Yeah, yeah, it's all good, so um... Mike, you were talking about this party, where is it going to be?" Mike confirms with them that Hopper's cabin will be the party venue.

In an English class, Miss Janet Thompson; a middle-aged woman with black curly hair, (a light pink buttoned dress with blue and white flower designs, hoop earrings and rosy pink lips) asks a question and one of the students, Kelsey Gilmore (known as the pretty and stereotypical mean girl of Hawkins High, who dreams of being a singer and an actress) answers confidently and the teacher says, "Thank you, Kelsey." The teacher notices El is not doing anything, "Jane, are you ok, you seem a bit confused, I know it can be daunting but, please try and focus?" She then helps her and the girl-Kelsey demeans El about her being dumb, muttering and laughing under her breath, "God is she really that hopeless?" Miss Thompson then asks the young blonde girl, "What did you just say Kelsey, please feel free to share it with the class?" Kelsey replies, "Nothing miss, I'm fine." She continues to tease El again and again that she can't write words properly. El furious yells and slams her hands down on Kelsey's desk angrily and tells her to "Shut Up! Shut Up! Shut Up!" The lights in the classroom begin to flicker and then one of the glass windows shatter! Miss Thompson scolds the two girls for using 'bad language' in her classroom. Kelsey thinks to herself, rolling her eyes, Whatever. Max feels awkward and the teacher thinks it's best if Jane goes to sit outside the classroom and think about the way she has been behaving and disrupting the class after her 'tantrum'. "That's quite enough from you Jane, go and sit outside the classroom for a bit and think about how you're disrupting the class."

Max goes after El and is angry that she used her powers again when she wasn't supposed to, but then realises El is crying and as it turns out Max actually feels really sorry for her and helps her.

El is struggling to fit in at high school, tasked to not use her powers in tough situations, like when she just got bullied. El and Max apologise to each other. "I'm sorry for the way I have been treating you, I know what it is like to be the new girl in school. Listen all I'm trying to say is I'm sorry if you felt like I was going to replace you." El looks up to the redhead knowing she is sincere, "It's okay, I'm sorry I threw you off your skateboard." The two girls look at each other for a second and then laugh. Max tells her, "Let's try and move on from this, if you ever need a friend or someone to talk to, I'm your girl." El then finally agrees, "Thank you... Max... you are a... good friend..." The two girls hug, Max grabs her hand, their blue and pink nails crossing over each other, "Come on, let's go." The two girls walk away holding hands.

El and Max team up, "Nobody is more of a badass than a teenage telekinetic girl, come on." Now that they are friends, they plan to get back at the irreverent Kelsey, in the school's cafeteria. They hide behind a pole and El uses her telekinetic powers, with a flick of her head to explode Kelsey's lunch all over her, causing her to get humiliated, El and Max just laugh as they run away.

Ted comes into the kitchen to grab some chicken from the fridge, just as his wife comes home. Karen argues, "Do you even love me, Ted, you never take me out on dates anymore, all you care about is your bloody chicken!" He tells her, "Language." She finally decides to kick him out of the house and Ted is so chilled about it like he doesn't even care.

The girls then run into the boys and they all talk, Max tells El, "We have to expand your vocabulary." Ethan just glares at Mike holding El's hand from afar, just then Troy and James reappear and offer him the cash once again and this time Ethan decides to take it before walking away with a cheeky grin on his face...

Final Thoughts: Thank you so much xxx! So the new 'Moonlight Diner' is heavily inspired by the colourful 80's cafe in Back to the Future 2.

P.S: How will Jonathan deal with his new job assignment?/ If you have any questions or wish to theorise your thoughts based on these last few questions please feel free to comment. Thank you again!!!🙏

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