A Glimmering Romance (She-Ra...

Autorstwa Schizts

5K 82 20

A person I know through the internet wanted me to do a love story with Glimmer after I got done with one with... Więcej

Notes of Travel
Battle Spark (Part 1)
Battle Spark (Part 2)
Hellooo Nurse :)

Pleasureful Positions (SMUT)

1.5K 19 12
Autorstwa Schizts


It had been a few days since me and Glimmer became a thing. We weren't really too sure if we were actually a couple but so far we've been enjoying it. We haven't done anything crazy or relationship centered but we've been happy. My wound was healing up ok and started to become less painful. I no longer needed a bandage over it but I was ready for it to be over. I decided to accelerate the last few days of healing by taking two pills that accelerate healing by three times. I forgot the name of them but I knew they were red in color and that an added bonus of them were to give the person more stamina so their body's don't tire out from the advanced healing. Sure you'll be a little more hungry but that's ok, I don't mind stuffing my face with Etheria's delicious fruits and veggies. The last few days I've just been walking around and talking to various people around the castle to learn more about Bright Moon's culture. It turns out that the large rooms and overly fluffy beds and such were because Bright Moon values comfort, and open spaces feel more relaxing than small hallways. 

Since I'd been in my room more I've felt more comfortable in it because I've mostly been outside of it most of the time because of missions and research of the planet. I guess it felt alright to settle in a single spot rather than move around, it gives me time to think about things. Things like Glimmer and me, mostly Glimmer though, I thought about why I liked her. I first thought about her personality. Of course she was nice, a trait I would look for in anyone, and also rather sweet. I feel that she's very encouraging towards people and also myself. I want to say towards me specifically but I'm sure it's towards everyone, I'm just being greedy. 

She's very stubborn, but in a way I admire. She's very persistent in pursuit towards a given goal even when the odds are stacked against her. I really like that she won't give up no matter what. The one thing I think I wouldn't like is how she doesn't always think ahead, impulsive would be the word. Atleast she's not always like that. Overall her personality is something I admire in her. The next thing I thought about was her body. Ever since we started our relationship I've been thinking about her more that way. 

It feels like when I think of a woman's body in any context it feels perverted. Even when it's totally professional, it feels wrong. But I decided to let my mind slip this time and think about it anyway. First, she's short. I don't know why but I like that I'm taller than her for some reason. I like how her hair is two different colors, pink & purple, and one day I would like to see Glimmer with long hair. The rest of her body really gets to me. If you were to poke her arms, your finger would kind of sink in a little. She's not fat she just has a little chub and I like that. I had recently got to touch her hands without her gloves on and oh my god they are just so precious to hold. 

As all boys are, I like boobs, and Glimmer's is no exception. She's not of a noticeable size like Mermista, but I don't really care, boobs are boobs. And a guess on her cup size is somewhere between A & B, or is totally a B cup. Then her legs. Oh my god her legs. Glimmer had rather thick legs, plenty of meat on her femur bones. For some reason I just really enjoys those legs of hers. And thick legs equal big butt. She's not Godzilla size, no, but her butt is very desirable. So desirable that I have to keep my eyes off those great buns. Even when I take a glance of her butt I just want to rub her butt so badly and give them a nice squeeze. Now it's time to stop thinking pervertedly and think clean, with only minor dust on the brain. 

Overall, I like Glimmer for all her traits, good and bad, mental and physical. 

Because I don't like to be in one spot for too long I got up and left my room to walk around. I was wearing a slightly light blue short sleeved t-shirt with the same color along with dark green crocs. Taking those pills really made me energetic, I felt like a Cheetah but decided not to run as to not waste the pill's strength. I was walking around in the hallways, feeling great, when I saw Glimmer come walking by. Her face seemed to have purpose on it and she was walking in my path. "Hey Anthony." "Hey Glim, what's up?" "Nothing really, I just wanted to ask you something." She was looking behind her and behind me for some reason. "Sure. What's on your mind?" "Well, it's private, can we go to my room?" "Yeah sure." "Great." And without saying anything else, she grabbed me into a hug and teleported us to her room. I tend to forget how useful her powers are, even though Glim herself doubts them. 

She let go of me and started walking towards her open window. "So what's up bud?" I said cheerfully. She turned back to face me and put her hands together, palm to palm. "So, it's about our relationship." "You breaking up with me?" I said jokingly with a straight face. She responded. "Ha ha. No." I had hoped to ease any tension. "We've been doing this for only a couple of days and I've really been enjoying it. Being open to each other, holding hands, hugging, kissing. I really like the kissing." We both smiled at that. I had a little giggle. "Everything's been going great and there's nothing wrong but, I would like to, if you want to as well, take our relationship to the next step." "How do you mean? Like sleep in the same bed, share clothes, let everyone know we're boyfriend & girlfriend?" "No. Well, maybe, but not right now. I was thinking something more, say, intimate." She was blushing and sounding cautiously shy. "Well what were you thinking?" "I should just come out and say it but it's rather embarrassing to say." "Would you like me to guess?" "No I can say it. Just give me a moment." "Sure." She breathed in and out. What kind of relationship did she want to have? I'm ok with whatever level she wants to go to if we don't go too fast. "Ok, here it is. I want to have sex with you." That might be too fast. 

She really just asked that. It's only been several days and she's asking for my virginity to trade with hers. My eyes were just open with surprise and I was feeling nervous from the request. I said "I'm gonna react calmly here and treat it like a adult of some sort." She spoke back quickly and ran up towards me. "I know it sounds like a crazy thing to ask but please let me explain." "You may. I hope it's a good explanation. I'm not saying no, I'm just cautious." This was gonna be interesting. "Ok so here's what I've been thinking. I like our relationship, it's been going great even though it hasn't been going on for very long and I kept thinking about you. I kept thinking about you and just, well, I've been thinking about you so much. Then I thought about you in a different way, a... sexual way." She was tapping her index fingers together. What got to me was that she was thinking about me the same I was thinking about her. My feelings on this were a little bit mixed. "And I know this whole things sounds out of the blue but, now I just can't stop thinking about you that way. I keep looking at you and I keep thinking about doing sexual activities with you. I can't get it off my mind and now I just want to do it." 

How should I respond to this? "Ok. Say we both agreed to this, do you even know how sex works?" "Yes, of course." "Are you a virgin?" "Yeah. Awkward question to ask." "I don't know I'm just making this up as I go really. Last question though. Do you know where to get protection?" "Why would armor be an issue?" Is she not aware of needing condoms for sex? "Not armor, a condom. When you have sex and don't want a kid popping out of you in nine months." I tried talking to her as if trying to make my voice sound like I was giving her hints. She responded "First off, I don't know what that is. And two, it's seven months, not nine." "I'm pretty sure it's nine unless our two species are different. Also a condom is when people have sex but they don't want to have a baby yet. Atleast that's how it works for Humans. Also a condom goes on the penis to prevent sperm from going into the lady." "Okay... well, Etherian's don't need a 'condom' because unlike your species, we can control when we want kids. We only get pregnant when we want to." "Are you serious? That must save money." "I suppose it would. But putting that aside, what about my request?" I didn't really have long to think, I was on the spot and was expected of an answer. "Ok, here's my thought on the matter. What if we were to start the process that leads to sex, like making out. Then we see how we feel and then if we both feel up to it, then maybe, we can do it. I don't want to say no, but this is just so sudden. I've never done this before." "Me neither, but it can turn out to be really great and we could both enjoy it. I don't really expect a yes really, but please consider." 

Was I really up to this? Being in a fresh relationship and having sex with the other person in said relationship. I'm probably up for it, but I just want to be sure. "Before I take any actions, when did you want to have sex?" "Well, I was kind of thinking like... right now. If that's not too much to ask." "I see." I had an idea of what to do. "Here's what I'm thinking Glimmer, how about I go back to my room, ready myself first by taking a bath, (because there's no shower) anything else I need done, and we'll see where this goes when I come back. Ok?" I could see Glimmer's face light up. She smiled greatly and clenched her first in joy with a happy stance. "Yes! I mean... thank you for thinking about it. I can get myself ready too. Come back when you feel ready." "What if I come back later when it starts getting dark? It would be the right mood." "That's actually a great idea. Do that.""I shall, but could you teleport me to my room though so I can get there quicker?" "Yeah sure." She grabbed my arm and teleported us to my room. You could tell it was my room because it was cleaner. 

"I'll see you later." "Same to you." We both had little awkward smiles. "Oh one more thing. I have a feeling you'll come back to my room because..." She made a hand gesture for me to come closer. I leaned down next to her and she whispered into my left ear. "You'll come back because I know you've been looking at my butt." She said it like she was the smartest person in the room and then teleported before I could respond. I felt the emotion related to when a person's jaw drops. She knew I was staring. Perhaps it was a little obvious, I don't really know. Quickly I realized that I had pretty much agreed to scissor with Glimmer. I would see her naked. She would see me naked. I would go in her. I would make her squirm. So many small things that would happen. In that case I better prepare myself. 

I decided to shave off any hair that could be seen during our activity and went into the bathroom through a door on he left of the room. I took a electric razor from my various bags that I brought with me to Bright Moon and shaved my chest, arm pits, face, and the pubic hair around my genitals. I kept on thinking about what me and Glimmer were gonna do. I thought about how exactly sex works and how I would pull it off. I knew I had to thrust but I wasn't sure on how to thrust my genitals into her. Just thinking about that one action made me feel perverted. I knew I was gonna do it but still. 

After I shaved myself I went towards the bathtub and started it. It filled up with warm water, I got undressed and hopped it. I made sure to use the soap that was on the side to make myself clean for Glimmer. I couldn't believe I was getting ready for sex. If it got to there that is. Likely it was. I was really gonna have sex with Glimmer. I was still baffled by the thought of it. If I was gonna do this, I hope to do it right and make Glimmer happy. That is what I want, to make her happy. And hey, if we go through with this and end up liking it, maybe we'll keep doing it for fun. Can't say for sure but maybe. 

I got out of the tub, dried myself off, put my clothes back on, and headed out of my bedroom door at seven PM. I walked through the hallways and felt myself jogging towards Glimmer's room. Probably because I knew what was to come, and those pills from earlier. Maybe the extra kick of energy would play a role in our afternoon fun times. 

I got to Glimmer's door and knocked. "Glimmer, I'm back." A moment pasted before she answered. "Come in." She responded. I opened the door and closed it behind me. "Ok Glimmer, I've thought about it, and I'm ready. Let's do it." I felt weird agreeing to it. "That's great. I'm ready too, as you can see." She responded. She said 'as you can see'. I wondered what she ment by that. Then I looked at her choice of wardrobe and realized she was almost naked. I closed then covered my eyes with my right arm and turned my head as quick as I could. I didn't (I think) see much of her but I could tell she was only wearing her sleeveless light purple cape jacket with her normal light blue cape. There was nothing else on her but I knew she was covering her crotch with her hands. My face was warm, likely blushing. Oh man this was really gonna happen. We were gonna have sex. My heart rate sped up. 

"Anthony, if we're going to do this we're gonna have to be naked." She was probably blushing. "Yeah I know but this seems very forward in the way of intercourse." "Yeah well, I want to do this, and I figured we should just get this part out of the way right away. I feel weird about this too and just want to get it done." She had a little aggression in her voice. "Well what do you want me to do?" "I want you to look at me." "Ok. Fine." I turned my body back around. I lowered my arm down. I felt that I wasn't ready for this. Just do it Anthony, just do it. I slowly opened my eyes. They were fully open and I could see all of Glimmer's body. We were atleast ten feet apart from each other. She was practically nude. My face was so red. I didn't know what to say. I just kept looking at her body. 

"Ok... I'm getting use to this. Slowly." My heart went faster and I was breathing more. "Now it's your turn." "Wha?" "I'm naked. Now you take of your clothes." "Sure. But first, If I'm gonna undress in front of you, you have to put your hands to your sides or anywhere not over your, parts." "Mmmh. Fair enough." She slowly uncovered her crotch and put her hands behind her back. I could see her vagina a little bit, it seemed small. I noticed she didn't have much hair on her groin, she must have shaved like me. I also noticed that the carpet matches the drapes. "Alright, uh, now it's your turn." "Ok." I said with a tremble in my voice. We were both breathing heavily now from all the embarrassment. I took off my crocs and kicked them across the room. I grabbed my shorts of started to pull them off. I took my legs out of them and threw them near my crocs. Now for my underwear. Oh boy. I grabbed my underwear, I started to pull it off slowly. It revealed my penis and went past my thighs. I took them off and threw them with my crocs and shorts. I looked back to Glimmer and her expression was full of wonder I was guessing. Her mouth was a little open and just looking at my groin. So embarrassing. "So what about your shirt?" "If you're gonna wear both your capes covering your nips then I'm gonna wear my shirt. But maybe later I'll take it off and you can follow suit." "Sure." With everything happening I hadn't noticed till now that my cock felt a little hard. 

"I guess we should get on your bed now." "Actually, I thought we'd start on the widow sill pillows."  What?  "Why?" "I wanna sit on your lap and make out first." "I won't argue then. Let's do it." We started walking towards her window. I was behind Glimmer and I was kinda hoping to see her butt, but her cape was covering up those buns. I sat first on the cushions. I backed up on the cushions as to not fall off. Glimmer had to Climb on me to sit on my lap facing me. "Lay back so I can get on you." I nodded and laid back. She started climbing on me. My penis was getting longer and harder. She got on my lap and I sat back up. Her legs were holding my waist and her face was a little higher than mine. I was now fully erect and my cock was now touching her tummy. It felt good to have my cock touch her skin. We locked eyes. We didn't have to say anything and started kissing and holding each other close. (As close as we could already be.) 

When we kissed we started with our lips and then went right away to strangling our tongues. I could taste her saliva. It had no distinct taste but I could tell it was different from mine. I felt her hands glide towards my head and my hands moved near her hips. This whole sex thing started to seem like a better idea by the minute. We kept kissing for several minutes and I was still erect and even felt a little liquid fall on my inner thighs from Glimmer's privates, likely meaning she was aroused just like me. I then had a thought. I pulled away from our kiss cession, saliva dripping from our lips. "Glimmer." "Anthony." Our breath was warm, and we breathed heavily. "Wanna do it right here?" "Here?" "Yeah, why not." She took a moment before answering. "Sure, let's do it." We both looked down at my lap, waiting for me to enter her. I took hold of her waist and picked her up, enough to settle her down on my hard shaft. I tried to lower her down slowly, but the way I was positioned made it hard to lower her slowly. My tip touched her closed crevasse, then it squirmed into her like a slimy squid going in a small hole. My entire cock went into her. Glimmer moaned loudly from inexperience. I hope it felt more pleasureful than painful for her. I myself felt sensational inside of her. It felt very wet inside of her, warm and tight too. She was clamping on my cock so much. Glimmer's mouth was wide open, and combined with a smile. 

I started moving her lower body towards me to stimulate me and her. Glimmer kept making noises as she moved. I think she was enjoying herself, most likely she was. We couldn't move all too much in our current positions, then Glimmer shoved me down on the window cushions. She put her hands on my chest and started moving her own hips instead of me moving them for her. I was breathing fast, and Glimmer was too, and making pleasure feeling noises. I felt my cock back out of Glimmer and then back in. The clamping felt so good. Glimmer had taken control now. She kept moving, and I just laid there. She sounded close to climaxing, and I felt close to emptying my load. Glimmer kept moving faster and making louder noises. I felt my cock sliding inside her, Glimmer made loud noises of pleasure, and then... climax. 

My white load came out, felt like a lot came out of me. Glimmer had made a final loud noise and came like me. I felt both semen and her vaginal liquids drip down my shaft and onto my thighs. Glimmer fell onto me, her head on my chest along with the rest of her. We kept breathing, feeling tired from our conjoined orgasm, except I didn't actually feel tired. It felt like I could go again. "That, huh, was, huh, fun, huh." She spoked. "Yeah, huh, agreed." I didn't feel tired, and I even wanted to go again. She spoke again. 'I'm glad we did that." "Me too. Wanna go again?" Glimmer put her elbows on my chest to look at me. "Again? You actually want to do it again?" "Yeah, I feel that I could go again. I would really like to if you're also up to it." "You know what, screw it, Let's do it again, but this time you move instead of me." "Of course, but lets do it on your bed this time." "Yeah sure." She then sat up and teleported us onto her bed except we teleported two feet above it. We fell down and hit the bed. "Ah!" She moaned from the fall. I was still inside of her when we teleported. "Are you ok?" She was smiling. "Oh yeah! I'm good. Now take over lover boy." I sat up and pushed Glimmer down. She landed on her back and was smiling with her eyes closed. My cock came out of her when she fell back. It was weird, my cock was still hard when it came out. It was as if those pills from earlier acted like viagra. My cock was covered in both our pleasureful fluids. 

I got on my knees and took a corner sheet from the bed and cleaned myself off, I was ready to go again, but it was time for full nudity. I grabbed the bottom of my shirt and lifted it above my head. I then got my head out and threw it to the floor. I was now in my birthday suit, but Glimmer had to put her suit on too. "Hey Glim, look here." Glimmer got up and onto her knees and looked at me with wide eyes. "Oh my god you're hot!" "Haha, you're high on arousal." "And what if I am? Gonna do something about it?" She said hysterically. "I am, but you gotta get full on nude." I was feelingly a lot more confident about this now. "Alright." She then pulled her arms out of her sleeveless cape jacket thing, took it off her head, and threw it to the floor. "Well, what do you think?" I don't know how but I felt even more aroused now then I already was, I even felt bigger. I could see her tits right in the open. I could see now she was in fact a B cup. My jaw had dropped from the site of a naked young woman. "Well?" She wanted an answer, so I answered her. "Could I touch your boobs?" "Ha. Why not. Come here." I walked on my knees and came over. 

I got in front of her and put up both of my hands. I then grabbed her boobs. Glimmer moaned a little. I bet she wasn't ever fondled before. I squished her boobs, they felt like pizza dough that wasn't frozen. I looked at her boobs as ai fondled them. Glimmer kept on moaning. 'Hey, since you're touching my tits, I think it's only right to touch your meaty little friend." "I know you mean my penis so go ahead. She then grabbed my cock with her right hand, feeling it up. She started to rub it up and down. I enjoyed the feeling but I was fixated on her boobs. I could finally understand why all straight men love this fun bags. Glimmer stop inspecting my shaft and grabbed my shoulders. "It's about time you screw me again." I looked up. "Sounds good." I let go of her fun bags and grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down onto the bed. I decided to kiss her before going again. I slipped my tongue into her and she shared her tongue with me. I loved this so much. Foreplay and sex was amazing. 

I then pulled away from her and straightened my arms on her shoulders. I was completely on top of her and ready to go again. I took my right hand and pointed my cock towards Glimmer's hole and shoved it in and threw caution into the wind. Glimmer moaned loudly as I went right in. I put my hand back on her shoulder and started thrusting. It felt totally different to be on top and in control. I felt like an animal being on top of her. She moaned repeatedly as I moved my cock forward and backward into her. I was feeling another climax coming on. I kept thrusting on, Glimmer kept moaning. Then as I went forward I held myself in place and came. My white load came out again. Glimmer came right after me. She was breathing very heavily. I took myself out of her, and to my surprise I was still hard and covered in fluids. Those pills are serious business, but I think if I cum one more time me erection will disappear. I let Glimmer lay there while I cleaned my cock again with the bed sheets. Could she handle one more orgasm? I sure hope so. I looked at Glimmer lie there on the bed, eyes closed and resting. I decided to lie down next to her on her left side. 

"Hey there buddy. You doing good?" "She was breathing alot and took a second to answer. "Yeah, huh, I'm having so much fun. Huh. This is so great, but I'm also tired. Who knew sex could feel like marathon." "Glad to hear you having fun. I must say, your idea was such a good one, but I have a little problem to bother you with." "What's that?" "I'm still hard, and I wanna go one more time. Then I'll be done, promise." She looked over to me and opened her eyes. "Again? How can you be so full of seed? That seems impossible, but I guess I wouldn't mind going one more time." "Thank you. I'll make sure you scream with joy." She smiled at me. "Oh you better." "Great. So since we're doing it again, how about a position?" "Yah why not. I could get on my side and you could lift one of my legs up and go diagonal, or you could just lift my puss up and thrust down. That would be so cool." "We could, but I have another idea." I figured since this will be the last orgasm, I thought I would make it a good one and go for her buns. Time for anal. "I thought we could go doggie style. You get on your knees and elbows, and I ram your ass." "Ram me? Seriously? You want to go that far?" "Yeah, but we don't have to, if you don't wanna." "Dude, I WANT you to ram me! Go for it!" Wow, she was full of vigor from this. After saying that, she got up onto her knees and elbows and put her ass into the air, presenting it like it was a fancy dinner meal, and I was the rich customer. 

"Alright, let's do this." I got back on my knees and got behind. Her butt was in front of my groin. When I was laying down next to Glimmer I felt a little flaccid from the lack of sex, but when I got behind Glimmer and looked at her buns, I got fully erect again. I took hold of her butt to get a good look and feel of her bum, it felt like dough. These buns were better than I thought they were. "Come on Anthony, stick it in, don't toy with me." She was right, it's time to go right in. I moved my cock between her buns. So soft. I held her butt to pull myself in. I felt her hole, and started moving in. As my cock went in Glimmer, moaned from the penetration. I shoved myself all the way in, her butt was incredibly tight. I started thrusting back and forth. Glimmer made noises the whole time as I moved. She wasn't as wet as when I went in her vagina, but it was enough to get a steady groove going. 

I kept thrusting on, Glimmer kept making noises. My thighs hit her bum as I thrusted forward, that action alone felt great on it's own, her softness against me. I kept thrusting faster, Glimmer became louder. I kept thrusting and came inside her. Glimmer screamed as I finished and her arms collapsed making her front fall. I felt my load drip out of her butt, and I pulled myself out. My penis was finally flaccid, I could stop now, and I finally felt tired. Glimmer's legs then gave way and slipped next to mine. I stumbled on my knees to face Glimmer on her left side, where her face landed. I laid my body down next to her, and looked at Glimmer's face. She was exhausted from all we've been doing, breathing heavily and had her eyes closed. Our faces were next to each other. "Thanks for that. I'm finally tired now." Glimmer opened her eyes up. "Your welcome, but next time we do annul, we're getting lubricant." I chuckled a little. "Sure you would be up to do this kind of stuff again?" "Well based on now, yeah, I would really like to, but let's stop talking about sex and just rest." "Sure." I tossed my body over, my face now towards the ceiling, Glimmer did the same. I looked over at her naked body. For as aroused as it made me feel, it was a rather beautiful body to look at. She's a nice little package, and she was mine to bone. 

"Hey Anthony." I looked over to her. We were facing each other. "Yeah Glim." "I love you." She smiled. "I love you too Glimmer." I smiled right back. Then we laid there, with our thoughts, with our naked body's, and knowing we would do this again at some point. I took Glimmer's hand with my left and squeezed. She grabbed and squeezed my hand back. Now this was a perfect relationship moment. 


Over 5000 words! Holy crap! That's the most words I've ever typed down. I better get votes. It after 10 pm to edit so just deal with what I gave you. Please request similar story structures with different characters. I'll just right about them having sex for all I care. I just want to be busy during summer. 

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