Gay Island

By King_Overlord

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Gay Island, located on a remote island in the Caribbean. Our Islanders will meet at the villa in hope for lov... More

Day Two The Difficult Islander
Day Three Added Drama
Day Four Tensions Rise
Day Five Two's Good Company
Day Six Unfaithful
Day Seven The Pageant
Day Eight Calm Before The Storm
Day Nine Make A Decision
Day Ten Party Time
Day Eleven The Divided Villa
Day Twelve A Little Less Conversation, A Little More Touch My Body
Day Thirteen Villa Vibes
Day Fourteen New Paradise Part One
Day Fifteen New Paradise Part Two
Day Sixteen New Paradise Part Three
Day Seventeen Stick or Switch?
Day Eighteen A Good But Sad Ending
Day Nineteen Judge George
Day Twenty The Bombshell
Day Twenty One Bottoms On Tour!
Day Twenty Two When We Get Out Of Here
Day Twenty Three Rain, Rain Go Away
Day Twenty Four Back From The Past
Day Twenty Five The Battle For The Crown
Day Twenty Six Couple Trouble
Day Twenty Seven Bye Bye Baby
Day Twenty Eight One Last Time
Day Twenty Nine Gay Island Prom
Day Thirty The Final

Day One The First Day of Paradise

900 8 4
By King_Overlord

The search for love is never easy. This is the case for me at least, I've never had a real boyfriend but maybe this will change after the summer.
I was scouted on social media to join a tv show that has been running for three seasons. I was asked if I would like to audition for season four and to my surprise, I bagged myself a place on the shows front line.
The show was called Gay Island, the show is about tops and bottoms getting together and finding love for a cash prize at the end of the summer. Whatever happens, whether I find love or not at least I have the comfort being able to spend a possible thirty days in the sun, if I can survive that long. Although I have one of the ten front line positions on the show, it doesn't mean I will be on tv the entire season. I can be eliminated at any stage during the show. However, this was something I was aware of and I was happy to enjoy my summer for as long or short as it might be.
I sat in the back of a red Jeep with the roof down as I was driven to the villa on the island. As I was approaching I could see the cameras rolling and beginning to film my entrance. Drones were hovering high filming my entrance, I knew now I needed to smile and appeal to the audience. Hopefully, the intense feeling would pass. However I instantly felt nervous seeing the cameras, I had never been on tv before. I took a deep breath and looked at myself in the rearview mirror quickly. My hair was shaved around the sides and back with my brown hair perfectly pulled back on top. I looked down at my outfit, a slim fit white t-shirt, red short shorts and white flip flops. I felt ready to face the cameras and most importantly the tops that would be waiting for me. I was a proud member of team bottom!
As the jeep stopped, looked around me seeing cameras places in trees, on walls and in various other places all around me and no doubt all over the villa. I knew they were all watching me for my grand entrance. I hopped out of the jeep with confidence and was handed my bright lime green suitcase from the driver along with my white backpack.
I thought the villa was stunning as I stood still for a moment taking it in. Just behind me, another jeep pulled up and someone jumped out, hitting the dirt path. "Hey cutie" a boy said from behind. I turned around to see a slim black boy with braids in his hair wearing a pair of swim shorts with the Jamaican flag on. I smiled at him and he gave me a hug, "I'm Tyrone". I could tell that Tyrone was a bottom, he was slightly feminine but I also knew because the tops and bottoms would not be entering the villa at the same time. For dramatic purposes, the tops and the bottoms would be entering separately. "I'm Jake" I replied. "I can't believe we are finally starting our journey into paradise, how do you feel?". "I'm ready to make out with some hot tops" I giggle cheekily. "I rate that, I've been excited for so long. I'm so glad I'm here now. I was practically jumping out of the jeep on the way here" he smiled.
The two of us headed inside the villa and looked around the rooms. We had a look in each room, the kitchen, bathrooms, wardrobe room, dressing room and finally ending in the main room which was, of course, the bedroom. Each of the rooms was spectacular in there own way but the bedroom was the highlight as it would be where a lot of lovemaking would happen and where we'd spend most of our time when indoors. The bedroom had six large double beds inside, three on the left lined up facing the three on the right side looking out to the villas outdoor garden and pool. The other three on the window side faced the wall with decorative paintings above each bed. At the other end of the room was a large communal bathroom, with a couple of toilets, sinks and four showers.
"We must be the first ones here but this means we get first dibs on the beds. I guess it's important what one we pick because a man will be with us in it soon enough" Tyrone explained. "Which is why I'm taking this one!" I said bringing my suitcase over to the middle bed on the left-hand side looking out the window. Tyrone laughed and he took the bed on the right side nearest to the bathroom.
Just as I started unpacking a new boy joined us. "Hey boys" a voice called. As I turned around I saw a slim, blonde boy with a toned body with tattoos. He had two complete sleeves and one complete leg sleeve. The rest of his body and his right leg were without tattoos. He had a cheeky smile on his face but I walked over straight away and gave him a hug. "Hey I'm Jake and that's Tyrone" I said politely. "I love those shorts, Jake! Oh and I'm Tyler". Tyrone also walked over and gave Tyler a hug. Tyler decided to take the bed next to me closest to the door by the hallway. This left three beds, the bed on the left side closest to the bathroom, the middle bed on the right side and the bed closest to the door to the hallway on the right side.
We continued unpacking before someone new joined, "Hi boys!" A cheerful voice calls from the doorway.
We all came over to greet a boy wearing a light blue pair of shorts with light brown medium length hair. "I'm so glad I'm not the first one here, I'm Ethan" he said politely. Ethan seemed very sweet, completely innocent and good boy. He put his case on the bed next to mine on the side closest to the bathroom.
We all continue unpacking for the next twenty minutes or so and making small talk as we go along. "So why are we all single then?" Tyler asks the group. "For me, it's just every guy I go on a date with, nothing ever develops" I respond honestly. "I'm the same, to be honest" Tyler agrees. "I work too much that's my issue" Tyrone calls from his bed. "I'm kind of waiting for my Prince Charming like the fairytale. Girls get it in the real world but gay guys don't get it as much" Ethan admits. "Oh your so cute Ethan, you'll find that in here," I tell him as I look over to him standing over his bed. "I just want to put it out there, I'm not into fighting with other twinks or bottoms over a guy. I want us to be a team that's honest with each other and says what we want. We should be a real team that looks out for each other" Tyler tells us openly. "I agree with Tyler" I call out just as another boy walks into the room. "Well hello boys, I'm Colin".
We all turn around to see a toned looking boy, with already tanned skin, light brown hair, very tight short shorts that almost looked like they would tear if he moved with pouting lips. "Hey come join us" Tyrone calls waving him in as he takes the middle bed in front of mine. "I was just saying how we should be a team in terms of the tops and deciding who wants who and Jake said he agreed with me" Tyler explained. "Oh well, I go for what I want. I mean I wouldn't compete for the sake of it but if I like someone then I like them" Colin admitted. There was a moment of silence in the room and Colin could feel that people didn't know how to take what he said but he spoke again to lighten the mood. "Look I'm not here to make enemies I'm sure we will get along".
We all continued unpacking our things when suddenly Tyler's phone bleeps. "Oh my god, I got the first text of the season! Come look boys" he called excitingly.

Bottoms it's time to meet your tops. Outside standing by the pool are five sexy men lined up for you. One by one you'll have the chance to pick the hunk you want. Don't get too confident once you've chosen, one of the other boys can steal your man! It's all to play for!

"Oh wow, so who is going first then?" Ethan asked. Right on cue my phone bleeps telling me I have the first choice. "I guess that settles things, bye guys I'm off to get me a man!" I say waving and leaving the room as the other boys cheer me on. I felt slightly nervous but privileged to be choosing first.
I step outside onto the grass and my eyes widen seeing five stunning men stand before me next to the pool. The other boys giggle and gossip together in the distance on the patio but only I was allowed to meet and speak to the boys at this stage. I decided to work down the line to meet each man.
The first man standing in front of me was blonde with thin short blondish hair, blue eyes and a muscular but not toned body. I happened to notice just how large his legs were. His arms were also fairly sized too but his main feature seemed to hone his legs. "Alright I'm Matt" he said with a fairly deep voice. "I'm Jake" I said and smiled looking cutely at him.
I step to my right and look at a light-skinned black boy. He was quite tall, I guessed he was around six foot two or three. "Hi I'm Samuel but Sam is fine" he said with a fairly quiet voice. Sam had black short hair with thick eyebrows and prominent abs. He looked down and I could tell he was a quiet person and perhaps a little nervous? I said hello to him and he smiled at me not saying anything.
I stepped to my right again and greeted the next man. "Well hello beautiful" he said eyeing me up and down with a smile on his face rubbing his hands. I giggled and looked at him up and down. This man had black short hair, a couple of small tattoos on his body with green eyes and a toned figure. He had a masculine deep voice but a scouse accent meaning he was from Liverpool. "What did you say your name was beautiful I'm Alfie?". "I'm Jake" I smile politely as I move to the next man.
I then look up to see a tower standing over me. "Bloody hell, your tall" I laugh looking up at the sky. "That's right baby, six foot six of pure man," he says smoothly and makes a kissing face towards me. I look at the rest of him an see he has a ripped body with nice strong legs and arms. He had brown curly hair, blue eyes, tanned skin and big lips. "I'm Hayden, it's a pleasure to meet you baby" He said smoothly once again. I giggle and smile looking up at his face as I move to the final man.
"Hey beautiful I'm George" He said politely. I looked at a black man with a what looked like very smooth silky skin, short black hair and a cute smile. Suddenly my phone vibrates and I read out my message.

Jake, now that you have met your tops please ask them to step forward if they would date you. From those that step forward you can choose who you would like to couple up with.

I stand back a few steps and look at all five men standing before me. "Ok boys, which of you would like to couple up with me" I ask cutely. I may have had a confident tone and stance but inside I was dying. If no one stepped forward this would not only be embarrassing but my time on the show could end before it started. I wasn't sure what the rules were if no one steps forward.
The first guy to step forward is Matt. Alfie also follows with Hayden at the same time. Finally, George steps forward leaving Samuel as the only man to not step forward for me. I felt I should speak to the guys more and hopefully I could make a decision based on their responses. "Ok, four out of five is great to me. Matt, why did you step forward?". "You look good, basically my type which is always a positive. I always want a boy who takes care of the way he looks. Judging by how you look now, I could see you being like that" He replied. I felt that Matts answer was very laddish, he seemed like the kind of guy that would want a pretty boy on his arm to take care of and treat well as long as he could also spend time at the pub. I quite liked laddish and masculine guys so this was a positive for him.
"Hayden, what about you?". "Yeah, you are quite petite. Which most boys are to me at my height but you look quite cute and innocent too which I like". I also liked Hayden's response and from what I could tell he seemed to be quite interested in me.
"And George?" I asked turning to him. "I think you need a guy that can make you laugh and have fun with. That's me all over". George's answer didn't impress me too much, perhaps it was because he didn't want to repeat what Matt and Hayden said. An original answer is better than a copied version of someone else's but unfortunately for George, his answer wasn't impressive enough.
"Finally Alfie why did you step forward?". "Of course I did, I reckon we could have something special" he smiled. I felt that Alfie gave a very confident answer but sadly this I didn't consider it to be the best of the four.
"Ok well I know I have only just met you guys a few minutes ago but I am honoured to have the first pick. To choose from four hot guys is also great. The guy I would like to couple up with is... Matt". I said and smiled looking over to Matt who grins and gives me a cheeky wink. "Decent mate, I look forward to getting to know you better" he says as I walk over to him and give him a hug.
The two of us stand together, I was required to stand slightly behind Matt because he was still eligible for another bottom to steal him from me.
Tyler then storms overlooking more than ready to choose his guy. Tyler confidently walks over to each guy and looks them all up and down. "Ok guys step forward if you want me" he calls. Alfie practically jumps forward as no other guy moves. "Well I guess one is better than none" he says shrugging. "I'm being brutally honest I was kind of hoping Mr.Blonde on the end was gonna step forward" Tyler continued looking at Matt. Matt smiled and I looked at Tyler but didn't move from his spot. "But I'm glad he didn't, the reason for this is because Jake and I agreed that we would put our boys first and I respect him for that. Therefore I'm more than happy to couple up with you... I don't even know your name" he laughs. "I'm Alfie" he chuckles. The two greet one another and Tyler stands behind him in the lineup. I then exchange a quick hug with Tyler for what he said about me in his speech.
Just as Colin walks over Matt whispers to me, "What do you think of the other couple?". "Not sure if it's a perfect match but who knows" I respond as Colin speaks.
"What a set of hunks in front of me. Let me look at you all!" Colin calls excitedly. He walks across the line inspecting the guys and stopping at Hayden. "Wow, I love how tall and masculine you are" Colin flirts playfully. He continues eyeing up the guys and stops in front of Matt. "I like the look of you but it seems Jake got to you first and I respect that" he says as he then asks the guys to step forward for him.
The first and only person to step forward is Hayden but it seems Colin wasn't bothered by that. Colin smiles and looks Hayden up and down. "I definitely want to couple up you babe" Colin calls as he walks over to Hayden.
Matt turns to me again, "I've been getting on Hayden, he seems like an alright lad. You've met Colin, reckon they will work?". "To be fair they do look like a very hot couple. They could be competition".
Tyrone then stands before the boys and walks straight over to Samuel. "What's your name?" He asks cheekily looking very interested. "I'm Samuel or Sam if you like" he explains. "I'm basically weak at the knees for you sexy" Tyrone flirts. Samuel smiles and Tyrone speaks, "I don't want to ask for others to step forward I want to couple with Samuel" he demands as the two then exchange a hug and Samuel gives him a kiss on the cheek.
Before Matt can turn to me Ethan is standing in front of us and he looks a little overwhelmed by the guys in front of him. "Hey Guys, I guess it would be easier for me to ask you to step forward first," he says and no one steps forward. For a moment Ethan looks embarrassed and then looks down. "What! Guys, he's stunning! Any of you would be lucky to have him!" Tyler yells sounding annoyed. "Yeah come on guys!" I call out. Ethan smiles at us both and feels a small sense of reassurance. Alfie goes to step forward and Tyler puts his arm out stopping him, "I didn't mean you" he told him firmly. I took hold of Matt's swim shorts waistband and whispered in his ear, "not you either". Matt grinned and didn't move.
George slowly steps forward. "Honestly mate,  I think your hot but I didn't think you'd be into me". "Oh babe, right now your my knight in shining armour" George smiles and introduces himself. "Well then it's settled I want to couple with my knight on the end"  he continued as the two introduced themselves.
"So is this it then. We're done?" Matt asked as everyone looked at each other. "I guess so, but isn't there usually an odd number? Each season starts with an odd number but there is ten of us so it's even?" Ethan explained looking puzzled. "I wouldn't worry about that, there will be more tops and bottoms joining the villa later on. Let's just enjoy the peace while we can" Hayden suggested.
The rest of the guys settled into the villa. The bottoms finished up the last of the unpacking and the tops began making themselves at home.
Eventually, by early afternoon everyone was outside gathering around a couple of bottles of champagne that we were given to us to celebrate our first day. I stood within the group looking around the garden. I didn't quite take in its beauty when I was choosing my man. The grass was elegantly short, the patio had black wood to walk on and a few small tables to sit on. The sun loungers looked soft and luxurious, like the ones you see in five-star holiday magazines. Over to the left, we're a bunch of day beds lined up, they looked like bigger versions of the loungers but four-poster with light curtains. The pool was a good size, not too small but not oversized for the garden. I also liked it was curved and not a basic rectangle.
Matt pops the bottle open and starts to pour the glasses out, he gives himself a small glass and fills everyone else's to the top. "You not much of a drinker?" I ask looking puzzled. "I'm not really a fan of wine or champagne. Give me a cider or beer any day". "Oh that's such a masculine response" Colin says holding his glass and biting his bottom lip slightly at Matt. I frown at Colin for a moment and then look back to Matt. I wasn't sure if that was a flirtatious comment from Colin or it was a joke. He had just made a big deal about how much he liked Hayden despite liking the look of Matt and respecting me and my choice.
Soon everyone stands around talking to one another in small groups when Hayden spots the outdoor gym next to the pool. The tops all decide to explore it which gave Tyler an idea. "Come on guys let's have a quick moment to chat about our men" he calls and hurries over to the day beds.
I decided to not follow the tops to the gym despite it being the option that would most likely be more fun. I sat next to Tyrone on the beds and I asked the group, "who do we all fancy then? I want all the goss". "Indeed come on, what do we all think about our men?" Colin asked looking excited. "I'm a bit overwhelmed really. I'm not sure if George is right for me" Ethan spoke honestly. "I like Hayden a lot, he seems like a confident joker but I think I'm looking for more of a laddish guy perhaps. What do you think of Matt, Jake?" Colin asked. "He seems like a decent guy to be honest". "Is he solid dependable Matt?" Tyler says not looking impressed. "Too vanilla for you then Tyler?" Tyrone asks. "Well I'm quite interested in Alfie" he responds. "I need someone who treats me like a prince" Ethan says nicely. "I totally agree. I want to be spoiled and treated well in public and he can have the same in bed" I laugh as well as the boys and Tyrone speaks, "I agree with being treated well but I'm not interested in money. I want to see if he cares about me from the heart". "I find someone who's athletic but smart attractive. There are so many dumb jocks out there" Colin says. "I think for me money matters" I giggle as Ethan high fives me. "You say prince and I say gold digger" Tyrone tells me and looks away looking unimpressed with my response.
The tops at that moment rejoin us on the beds and suddenly Matts phone bleeps and he reads out the message.

Islanders, it's time for your first challenge. Let's see who's playing it cool and who's making it hot, in a game of truth or dare. Gather around the fire pit to find two stacks of cards to play your game.

We all moved over to the fire pit and sat around it. There was a half-circular soft bench around a modern circular brick fireplace. Tyrone looked really excited about seeing the cards. "This is serious truth or dare. I'm going in" he says as Tyler rolls his eyes next to me. "Guess you're going first then" Tyler mutters. I put my hand on his leg and reassure him everything is ok and he sits quietly. Tyrone picks up a dare card and it says he must give an islander a foot rub. "Gross I hate feet" Ethan freaks out. "You never know babe, one of those dare cards might say to suck someone's toes" George laughs. "That's disgusting" Ethan says looking uncomfortable. "Well looks like I'm getting on my knees for Samuel" he laughs. "Yeah cause that'll be the last time" Hayden laughs and Matt's fist pumps him. "Oh Lord" I sigh and soon smile after.
Tyrone sits on his knees rubbing Samuels feet which he seems to enjoy. "Good then?" Hayden asks. "Pretty decent yeah" he agrees as Hayden also fist pumps him.
After he's done he chooses who he wants to go next. "Jake you go, you seem fun" he says. "Go on then I'll have a dare," I say not moving from my seat as Tyrone picks another dare card up. "Ok Jake, using your special Gay Island phone take a selfie and send it to the hottest guy in the villa". "Ok that's not as bad as the feet one" Ethan commented.
I jump to my feet and pose for a few selfies and I select the best one of the bunch. I quickly touch it up with some photo editing and soon send it to Matt.
Matt then looks at his phone and smirks, "cheers for sending me that. I'm glad you think I'm the hottest". "Well, I coupled up with you for a reason" I respond as I sit back down in my seat.
"Who do you want to go next, Jake? Maybe choose a top this time? But not Samuel let's get the others involved and there's no point in us fighting or anything" Tyrone explains to me. Tyler frowns and then gives him an unpleased look and turns to me raising an eyebrow. "I was going choose my lovely Matt but since Tyrone asked so nicely, Samuel why don't you go next?" I say as Tyler chuckles slightly. Tyrone looks annoyed at me and speaks, "babe, Samuel just had his feet rubbed. Let someone else have a go!". "I mean it might be nice for one of the other guys to have a turn" George interrupted politely. "Whatever, Matt you go". I said looking unimpressed with Tyrone. "I'll take dare too" Matt says leaning forward in his chair. "Ok give a sexy dance to someone who isn't your partner" Tyrone says. Matt sighs, "I'm really not a dancer, I can't do it". He stands up and tries to dance near Hayden but it doesn't look very hot and Hayden cold tv stop chuckling until Matt sat down.
"Who's next?" Tyrone asks. "Colin you go mate" Matt calls. "Ok truth" he tells Tyrone. "Have you ever kissed a girl before and not in a friendly way?". "Yeah, in school I had a girlfriend to see if I was gay and I kissed her" Colin admits. Everyone looks at each other seeming as if this was a fair response. "Ok so Matt you go next" Colin says. "Matt just went babe?" Ethan asked looking puzzled. "Funny how Tyrone had nothing to say to that as it didn't involve Sam" Tyler speaks up, giving an unhappy stare towards Tyrone who just rolls his eyes and looks away. "It's alright, I don't mind going again. Dare me". "Ok, this is a good one. Kiss the islander you fancy the most" Tyrone smirks. "Well, that's a bit hard because I've just met you all but I do know who I would like to kiss right now". Matt turns to me and puts his arm around my shoulders and pulls me in for a kiss. I put my hand on his cheek and the two of us kiss passionately as the other islander's cheer and clap.
I received a little tongue action and I felt a tingly feeling in my stomach as we pulled away.
I zoned out for a moment as Ethan was asked to go next. I didn't pay much attention as I was too busy thinking about my kiss with Matt.
I sat and watched the next few games fairly quietly. I watched Tyler annoy Tyrone by sucking on Samuels earlobe and then said he only did it to annoy Tyrone. Tyrone did not look happy with Tyler and didn't give him eye contact once he was done.
I listened to Samuel tell us his biggest fear was crickets and grasshoppers. Afterwards, Tyrone told us his favourite spot to be touched was his thighs.
Each islander received at least one turn before the game comes to an end by us running out of cards. Some were lucky enough to have more than one turn, sadly I wasn't one of the lucky ones.
Everyone soon dispersed and starts to wander off and do their own thing. I decided to lay down on the day beds and lay in the direct sunlight. After a couple of hours, someone plonked themselves down next to me. As I turned my head I saw it was Alfie. "Hey you, can we have a chat? I'm sure Matt won't mind". "Sure Alfie I wouldn't mind getting to know you more". He smiled at me and replied, "great that's why I came over. I guess I just want to ask you straight, I kind of think there's a bit of a spark between us. I think you're a hot boy but I don't know if I'm your type honest. I know the other guys are bigger than me in muscle size so I'm not sure where I stand?". I paused for a moment to take in what he said and then I responded. "I mean, your not my usual type but maybe what would be best is just to see how things go?" I asked politely. "Ok, that works for me. I guess we can see how things progress".
Suddenly Colin shouts from the side of the pool that he has a text. Everyone gets up and hurries over to him to hear him read it out.

Islanders, please start getting ready and prepare yourselves for an evening party with a special guest.

"That means a newbie is joining us. Great I know it's going to be another bottom" Tyler frowns. "Hey, it could be a top. It's a fifty to fifty chance" Sam reassures him.
Soon everyone packs up and heads inside getting ready. The tops got ready in the wardrobe room leaving the bottoms together in the dressing room. "I don't mind another bottom coming in. He can join our group" Tyrone says as he puts on his trainers. "Ugh please, if it's a bottom it means he's hotter than all of us and he will be the type to go after what he wants. He won't care about taking one of our men" Tyler calls out from his seat. Tyrone's face drops and Ethan says he's nervous for who it might be. "I guess we have to get used to it. It's going to happen whether we like it or not. Tops and bottoms will join us" I say looking disappointed. Colin agreed with me as he buttons up a very tight shirt around his body. It's so tight that the buttons look like they are going to burst open. "Colin hun, There are tight clothes and then there's that" Tyler points out with his finger. "Nah gotta keep the guy's eyes on me" he winks. "Moving back on topic, I guess it could be a top coming in?" Ethan calls. "Might be your Prince Charming Ethan?" Tyrone says nicely. "If someone has to break up because of it I guess we should have the kissing the ex chat. How do we feel about that?" Tyler asks. "If someone was kissing my ex in here I could be really annoyed. I guess it depends on the situation, how we broke up and how I felt about him. So I could be really annoyed but I could also be ok it depends" I explained. "I feel the same as Jake" Tyler agrees. "I'm not sure how I'd feel" Colin replies. "I'm the same but I do really like Samuel" Tyrone admits. "Yeah you two have hit it off, what about you and Matt, Jake?" Colin asked.
I wasn't sure why Colin was checking on me about Matt. I got the feeling he has his eyes on him and is hoping that I will fall for another guy so he can make his move on Matt.
After a quick pause, I responded, "I'm really into Matt. I think he's hot and so far I like his personality". "Interesting" Colin responded as he looked away to view himself in the mirror. He then spoke again, "I've been keeping my eye on all the guys. I think Matt is my type on paper. Maybe you're a bit too much for him, Jake. He wants a guy to be chilled and I don't know if you're that type?". Tyler suddenly gave me a look, which I knew immediately was his way of telling me to be careful of Colin.
I was now certain that Colin was now standing on the line of my turf looking at what was on it. On my land was my castle and within that was Matt and Colin seemed like he was getting ready to invade. "I think you'll find Colin that Matt likes me quite a lot and he has already told me I'm his type" I replied sassily. "Oh good, maybe you two will work out then. To be fair we have all just met and things can so easily change" he said still looking at himself in the mirror. "Well, I'll be honest with you boys. I like Alfie but I'm not completely set on him at this moment" Tyler opened up, trying to change the topic. "I'm the same with Hayden. He's hot but I'm not completely set on him just yet" Colin agreed. "I'm just nervous of it being a bottom tonight because that means we would all have to fight for a place" Ethan says looking down. "Hey, we're all a team now" I reassure him. "I like Jakes attitude. We're a team now and we are not getting screwed over by another bottom" Tyler agreed and Ethan also agrees afterwards. "Ok boys let's not get ahead of ourselves it might be a top" Tyrone speaks up trying to not let things get out of hand.
I finished getting ready and put on a pair of tight denim shorts and a short-sleeved shirt. "Loving the outfit babe, the new boy won't stand a chance" Tyler assures me as we walked out the room together.
As I walked outside I felt that I was really warming to Tyler and I quite liked Ethan too. However, I was on the fence about Tyrone and Colin.
We approached the guys waiting for us and Hayden shouts out, "Oi oi look at those little numbers coming towards us". The other guys laugh and stare at us coming towards them. "I will admit I was getting bored waiting for you all" Hayden continued as we stand with them. "Hey we had to look our bests for you" I told him sassily. "Damn right you do. That's most important looking good for your man" Matt says as he threw his arm around me and Tyrone walks over to the bottle of champagne and pops it open to begin pouring glasses.
Everyone stands around picking up glasses as Alfie speaks, "I was up on the roof terrace earlier. The views up there are so good, I wouldn't mind having someone on one time with someone up there". Tyler gives him a look and Alfie speaks up. "With Tyler of course". I say nothing and Alfie gives me a small smile but I look away from him not encouraging the behaviour.
Everyone soon starts gathering in small groups chatting away as Ethan receives a text to gather everyone together to sit by the fire pit as the newbie was about to come in.
Just before I sit down Matt takes me to one side for a moment. "Hey, can we chat real quick?" He asked. "Sure what's up". "I just wanted to see where we are at, there was some tension during the game earlier and I'm sure the bottoms are just as shaken as us tops are. At the end of the day this person is coming to break up a couple. So straight up, how do you feel about us then?". I felt happy that Matt was opening up to me even if it was in a masculine and therefore harsher way. It showed me that despite not knowing him for long, he seemed committed and serious about us. "I'm excited for us and I'm ready to see what happens between us". "Good I'm glad you said that I feel the same way but it has only been one day. What I'm saying is I would like to get to know everyone". I felt a bit shocked after hearing what Matt said. Perhaps he was making a reasonable request but that didn't make it feel any better. "oh you do?". "I came here to find a lad to be with and I have to make sure I have the right one". "Whenever you lovebirds are ready of course" Tyler yells over to us as we suddenly stop chatting and hurry over to take our seats.
It isn't long before someone steps out from the villa and walks over to us. "Hey everyone I'm Hugo". Instantly we knew a bottom stood before us and he was pretty hot. He was Asian and in my opinion, looked like he was of Korean or Japanese's decent. He had an adorable innocent look to him with a good figure, slim but not skinny with a little definition to his body and a nice peachy bum. "Fucking hell mate" Matt says looking impressed. "Mate, I feel you" Samuel agrees with his eyes widened. " I bet I can beat you to greeting him" George says jumping up from his seat. "Fuck off I'm first" Matt disagrees and jumps up.
Myself and the other bottoms look annoyed and unimpressed due to every top leaving us to swarm around Hugo like flies. "Ugh it's a bottom and he's stunning" Ethan says looking unhappy. "Nah he's not as hot as us" I say crossing my arms and turning my back to the chaos surrounding Hugo. "I wish I could agree with Jake but all our men just rushed over to him" Tyler told us. "You sound jealous, you must be worried about Alfie?" Colin asked. "Please, if Alfie can't see what he has is amazing that's his loss". "Well I really like Matt and I want my chance to get to know him" I explained. "I'm more concerned of one of us going home because of him" Ethan told us.
"Perhaps the best idea to keep our men would be to go over there and chat with the new boy. He might back off if he feels welcomed by us" Tyrone suggested. "Nah I'd rather stick with my boys" Tyler told him. "I'm with Tyrone, I want to check the competition out" Colin agreed. "I'm with Tyler, Jake where do you stand?" Ethan asks. "Ugh I don't know, I don't really want to speak to him. However, as they say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer. But I guess I should stick with my boys because you guys won't betray me" I say sitting next to Tyler and Ethan. "Ok but don't be too long boys, you'll come across really rude if you don't come over soon" Tyrone says as him and Colin walk over.
"I think out of respect Hugo should have come and spoken to the bottoms first" Tyler told us. "I think he could have been more respectful and swatted the flies out the way. It's not like by talking to the bottoms first the tops were going to ignore him" I explain. "You're so right, he's stepping on our turf and I don't like it". "You got to put your boys first before your men" I tell them both. "I'm so glad us three have each other" Tyler said taking both mine and Ethan's hands. "But now this boy has put a spanner in the works" Ethan speaks up. "So what should we do?" Tyler asks. "I say we show him who's in charge around here" I suggest. "I'm all for that idea" Tyler agrees. "How do I do that?" Ethan asks. "Just strut your stuff baby boy and act confident" Tyler says as he walks towards the crowd as me and Ethan walk side by side to him sticking together.
"Sorry for not coming over right away babes. We had to discuss something that happened today didn't we boys?" Tyler says sounding overly politely and coming across fake. Tyler leans in and gives Hugo a quick hug. "Must be so hard for you coming in like this when we are all coupled up together". Hugo chose to not respond to Tyler's comment and he turns to me instead. "Hey I'm Jake, I think you're totally hot. We were just saying that, weren't we guys?" I said politely. "Oh thank you" Hugo smiles at me and speaks again, "to be honest I thought I might just fade into the background a bit. You bottoms are so hot". "I guess we might as well get the question out in the open. The one that all the bottoms want to know, which top do you have your eye on?" Colin asks. "Well if we are being honest, Hayden is a bit of me". "Obviously" Hayden replies flexing his arms. "Great glad I asked that then" Colin says sarcastically and afterwards looking down. "I must say though, Matt has sparkly blue eyes. But I don't want to tread on toes of course. Maybe another top is joining tomorrow or something?" Hugo asks. "Yeah we can talk about Matt later hun" I say politely to him. "Yeah sure, whatever you like" Hugo agrees. "Catfight over Matt" Hayden giggles as him and Matt decide to fist pump each other.
After an hour or so the party winds down and everyone starts getting ready for bed. I change into my underwear which is a pair of tight briefs and I put on a light thin robe and tie it around my waist loosely. "Oh, I love that outfit, Jake. It's so you!" Tyler says looking amazed at me. "Your too kind Tyler" I say as I blow him a kiss and walk off, noticing Matt lounging outside on the daybeds.
I walked downstairs to find him, "Hey sexy" I said sitting beside him lounging in a pair of tight black boxer briefs. "Alright, what you got that on for it's not cold?". "Oh, it just keeps the breeze off me. I haven't got as much meat on my body as you" I flirt. "How do you feel about sharing a bed with me tonight then?". "I'm looking forward to it" I say and smile. "Good I'm glad, I am a bit of sucker for a good cuddle if I'm the big spoon". "Oh wow, I love a masculine guy who likes a cuddle in bed". "I guess we will both enjoy tonight then" he says winking at me.
He gets up and leads me inside just as Hugo calls from the bedroom that he has a text gathering us together.

Hugo, tomorrow evening you will get your chance to choose who you want to couple up with. This will leave one of the other bottoms single and vulnerable.

"Ugh, I knew it" Tyler sighs. "Well I guess we have competition boys" Tyrone says as people started to chat in their couple and get into bed. After a long day and evening, I was tired. I was now nervous due to the news. I cuddled up to Matt who wrapped me up in his arms and legs. He was quite warm and seemed to really enjoy cuddling. It was a nice feeling having his muscular arms around me keeping me safe. Hopefully, it will stay that way.

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