
By JustineDy

439 17 7

I am awaken with the bad atmosphere lurking to me. Then I feel something not quite right-- or something stra... More


439 17 7
By JustineDy

I woke up shivering in my bed, the breeze of the air touched my smooth skin. The sunlight was bright, the sky was cloudy. There were no signs of any storms or calamities but the weather seemed strange. I was standing in front of my window, the weather was completely odd, there was something wrong with it. There were no signs or clues for me to determine, the streets were suddenly quiet. I have known that our street was the busiest and the noisiest but now it felt like no one was talking anymore.

I went out of my room and there were no signs of my parents either. I cried with unexpected tears and I had no one to talk to anymore. I heard someone ululating outside with a deep and loud yell, and when I looked out of the window, I saw blood and filthy fleshy meat. I trembled in fear, I really thought that everyone was dead already except for me: I was the survivor of this never-ending hordes. I felt miserable, I was completely out of my mind. The things that I saw shouldn't been happening right now. I realized that the thousands of people who lived in my town were gone, I thought that they must have been gone already, they hunted for food but they didn't know I was here. I luckily survived these waves of deadly people called zombies.

I didn't wait for noon because I know that they are stronger in night, they hunt more in night and seek people's death. I saw corpses along my backyard, flies were around the corpses. I somehow found several bright black crows that had a keen eye. The color of the crow made my whole body shake, I closed the window and the curtains too, I lay down in my bed thinking. What am I gonna do?

The invasion and apocalypse had already started and I was still here thinking of what to do. I planned to escape but there was no chance to escape these waves of huge zombies. I didn't have any equipment here in my house but just kitchen tools. I knew that kitchen tools were no use at all. I grabbed some sharp objects that can easily kill zombies and took some of the forks and packed it all in one bag. So, I planned an escape tomorrow but I didn't really remember our street really well so I must think somehow to remember all of it.

I noticed that electricity was still on, I opened an internet browser and saw the top news were all about zombies and dead people. I was normally shocked and the electricity was suddenly gone. I didn't know what to do, even the phone signals were gone also. Escaping this invasion is a total grave danger and a major threat to all. I lie down again and slept for a while and waited for sunrise. I had despairing dreams and agonized thoughts. I couldn't resist thinking about zombies, like it was stuck on my mind forever like a permanent tattoo.

I felt heat around running through my blood, I opened the window but the wind was strange again, I felt that the zombie infection was airborne. I quickly closed the window and slept without cool air.

The next morning, I felt sick and I went down to drink some water, when I heard someone knocking. I forgot to look who was there first so I opened the door and it was a zombie. I immediately closed it. I was very stupid and idiotic to open the door, not knowing that there's already zombie invasion. The zombies heard the loud shut of the door I made, they all went and knocked at the door loudly than before, I slapped myself for being such an idiot. I was very nervous that I thought it will be the end of my life already.

The knocking stopped, I felt relieved and relaxed. I was happy again to not hear the unpleasant sound, I grabbed a couple of food to eat in my room and to eat there by myself lonely. I was always telling myself to be strong, brave, and courageous but my heart was slowly fading away already even if I just heard a little sound, it made me tremble already. The voice of the wind was telling me to be strong but the scream of the people made me weak. I thought it was very unfair, I really wanted a good life in my entire life. I wanted to be happy all the time and I intended to live my life with my parents and my friends.

I wished that my friends were still alive, I already missed them. The fun we had together and the joyous moments we made were on my mind, I've always thought of that when I became weak. I tried to look at the window and saw zombies were awkwardly marching. Their bones were broken and their shirts were torn out. I saw bloods around their body and the nasty yellowish teeth. I always heard cars making sounds that draw zombies around.

I hoped for a better and safe life but I got was undefined zombie apocalypse. I was thinking about myself being a noble knight wearing a chain mail with a shimmering armor and a long sharp sword and a silver shield. But, I know that people use large guns and ammunition to kill zombies and I also know that killing zombies was a lure. If I shot a zombie with a gun, they will hear it and go to it, that's why it was a bad idea bringing a gun unless it was really a gigantic wave.

The blood of defiance and let the truths be untold. The pure blood that comes out from people were truly brave as a mighty knight. The dark clouds covered the bright blue sky, it rained hard.

Here I lived in this wrecked two-floored house, and lived in a far away land from the city. No city was safe and no country was not hurt. I was also waiting for a miracle to happen, and I also wanted to meet some new friends to help with. I was expecting machine guns and shotguns shooting with my friends. I looked again at the window and saw a person sneaking and disguising the zombie's style of moving. I whispered loudly as I could and told him to come over my house. I slowly peeked at the window, pushing the curtain a little and saw him knocking. I instantly opened the door but the zombies saw us again. I called myself lucky because without this concrete house, I would not be safe. The houses of other people were made of wood so the zombies can easily break in. 

He thanked me very much for letting him in. We chattered a bit and talked about how am I. After I told all my story, I asked about his. His life were full of miseries and tribulations. All I wanted to do was to rest and sleep but his tale was too exciting. He said that if we are here waiting for something very long, we should really get going. I disagreed first but then I nodded and accepted the fact that we should really get going. I told him that I already packed up some of my things and I suddenly remember that we have a fire extinguisher and I grabbed it. He asked me if there was anything that is very sharp: like an axe, some guns or very long knife. I said that there was nothing. There was nothing here in the house but emptiness. 

We woke up in the saddest morning. We couldn't take a shower because the water line was broken and I can't do anything about it. We were very filthy and smelly but it was okay. We were packed already and ready to go. I got myself a weapon-- the small knife, but it was better than nothing and I thought, that it was gonna be helpful. His weapon was an axe, he had it already before he went to my house. I was not really ready to leave the house, this house was so full of memories for me. He told me that if we still didn't got out, more zombies will come and we will stay here suffering. I shook my head and told him where are we gonna go, can we survive the apocalypse of zombies outside. The questions were not answered and then I just forgot the questions that I asked.

We left the house nervously, as we walked out the house, zombies smelt us and came towards us. We had no choice but to kill them one by one. He was very unbelievably professional at swinging axes. I adore him. He almost annihilated all of the zombies. I opened my mouth widely, staring at him long. He clapped his hands in front of me and I was awake again. All I wanted do was to kill many zombies but there were plenty of zombies around me, all I could do was one on one or one by one. I was holding my knife trembling, turning around and unable to decide who I wanted to kill first. I had no choice but to die. He got in and slashed the heads of the zombies. He glowered at me and told me to 'wake up' three times already. I don't know, this is the first time I encountered a zombie apocalypse. I never knew that zombies existed, I blamed the airborne virus and the people who got infected. 

Now I'm here, waiting for my time to shine. This knife was still shining, no blood. I have never killed anyone yet, I can't do it. I do not know how to kill. I was very innocent. When I survived this bloody invasion, this will be very nostalgic. This is like a deja vu from the movies I watched before. I watched zombie movies and never got scared but now I feel different. I counted how many zombies that he killed. By the way, his name was Frank and very muscular. I never got any muscles on my arm nor in my chest. 

We got away easily to an another place because of his courage and because of luck too, I guess. I was doing nothing but he just accepted that I was still a beginner on this. This was the most unexpected day of my life. We also have to find some new cool weapons. Indistinct sounds I heard outside, screaming of girls being eaten and even animals were eaten. I pity all of them and said goodbye to them. I knew that thousands of people were still alive and still in action. Beside me, I saw a pistol covered in crimson red blood. I picked it up and showed it to Frank, he took it and gave me the axe. I got mad at him but then I realized that the pistol had insufficient ammunition. I chuckled softly and stared at Frank regretfully. "What's funny?," he asked. "Nothing," I replied.

I knew that he was very strong but in mind he was weak. I could trick him on things but it would be a bad idea. My stomach grumbled, there were no food inside the place. No food, just full of equipment and weapons. I told him, "I'm hungry." . "Find some food," he replied. "There isn't any food here," I muttered. "Then go outside and find some," he said sarcastically. I was thinking that he is very harsh and very painful to talk to. I grabbed the axe and held it tightly as possible, I went outside the house and grabbed as much food I could. I saw a loaf of bread beside me. It is the exact place where the pistol stood awhile ago. I was thinking that the gunman failed to escape this brutal outbreak. I took the bread inside, luckily, no zombies saw or smelt me. 

"Where did you get that bread?," he asked curiously. "Why do you care. Also, it's mine. Get yourself some food." I said vigorously. He sighed and went out with the pistol. It took too long to get back inside the house. What he found was a dirty food but he have no choice but to eat it. 

The plague was scattering and what I just saw today, a gigantic zombie was animating the dead into zombies. "It must be their king." I murmured. The skeletons and corpses had been arisen. I was worried about Frank because I don't know what we gonna do. I seriously can't just go outside without planning yet. My brains were full of zombies, I couldn't think anymore. I practically died inside me. There were no escape plans to thought of. The place we've been gone to, was circled with zombies. I saw hundreds of zombies waiting for someone or something to eat.

I've gone mad and crazy. I punched myself hard and wanted to commit a suicide. It was a total failure, Frank told me not to. I realized that Frank was not really stupid at all. We talked about our escape plan. "There's no safe exit here but to run swiftly and to avoid being eaten or   getting wounded. Remember, if you're wounded, you will become a zombie because of the airborne virus." Frank warned me. I nodded with disgrace and gasped for air. We planned to escape tomorrow morning, 6:00 am sharp. 

I imagined myself being a zombie and it was the worst transformation I could think of. I don't eat people literally. I slept below the bed and saw a skeleton, I screamed. I looked at it again and luckily, it was a dead zombie. I exhaled. The truth is, I'm scared of zombies. No one would ever like being a zombie. I always warned myself to be careful tomorrow. "Be brave."  It was that to myself over and over. I slept.

The following morning, we woke up strangely. The zombies outside outnumbered us. It would be hard this time to massacre them. He told me to be ready. So I grabbed my bag and he slowly opened the door.

We ran as fast as we could, evading the hands of the zombies to avoid being eaten. I got my axe, I swung the axe and hit several zombies. Not knowing that the king zombie was still there, we ran faster. The king zombie saw us, and he ran fast too. The more nervous I got, the faster I ran, and it made me fast enough to run as quickly as Frank. I finally overcame this cowardliness.

Unluckily, I got tired, I slowed down a bit. Frank whispered to me, "Run faster." . I replied, "I can't, I am already tired." I waved goodbye. The king zombie got me and ate me. I thought that I really was brave enough to overcome this fear. Frank escaped and I lost already.

After some years, the apocalypse ended. The survivors were only left in this planet. Frank was one of the mightiest survivors of the invasion of zombies. He made new friends and new teammates. He made a speech worldwide in the news, "I would like to say that my friend didn't survived the apocalypse. I know that he's really brave. He overcame his fear and he protected me to be eaten and grabbed by the zombies and the gigantic zombie. He helped me to survive and escape this apocalypse. I just wanted to say him a goodbye.Frank waved goodbye at the camera and tears fell on his eyes.

When the survivors heard the news, they almost cried a lot because they lost many of their relatives and families too. 

In the name of braveness, Frank and I were declared as the best survivors of the world. 





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