Nyx (Complete✅)

By emeraldrainbow

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Beth Fields had known since high school that she was going to sign up for the New Hope colonization program... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78

Chapter 57

791 85 4
By emeraldrainbow

Officer Carter stepped into the captain's office and cleared his throat.

"Someone is here to see you." He said.

"Thank you, please send them in." The captain replied.

The officer left and the captain quickly finished up what he was working on.

His eyes opened in surprise when he saw who entered. One face he recognized as Kelbar, the lone native they'd met upon arrival, but there were two others that were strangers to him. He'd doubted he would ever see Kelbar again, let alone any more of his kind. Although, he did expect a meeting of some sort as both species increased in population.

Kelbar saw the shock in the captain's face, so he broke the silence and spoke first.

"Hello, Captain Caleb West." He said in English.

The captain looked all the more shocked.

Kelbar continued. "Please...do not" He paused, looking for the right words. "Please do not be alarmed."

The captain relaxed a little and asked. "Why are you here?" Speaking slowly, so they would understand.

"We have...traveled... many a day." Kelbar began, obviously struggling.

The captain interrupted. "You can speak your language if it's easier for you. I've become quite adept at understanding and speaking yours."

Kelbar nodded and smiled. "Thank you." Then turned to Jakam. "You should speak to the captain, you are our leader."

The captain only caught a few words when Kelbar spoke to one of the others of his kind. Something about a leader?

"This is the leader of the village I found underground. I have helped him adjust to life on the topside. We are here so you can meet. Our ultimate goal is peace." Kelbar said to the captain.

"Do you understand my words?" He added.

"Yes." The captain replied. "But speak slowly, I'm still learning," He said this in their language.

Jakam stepped closer and began. "As Kelbar has already said, I am the leader of my people as you are the leader of yours. I am sure you desire peace as well. And I'm sure we can live in harmony and share this planet we occupy."

"I fully agree." The captain said confidently.

Jakam smiled and his mind relaxed. He had been unsure of these 'humans'. Kelbar had filled him in on their story, but his encounters with them had been brief. He'd only met two young ones and the man they'd found the previous day.

"Is there anything at all we need to discuss? Any rules, warnings, or boundaries?" Asked the captain. "After all, this is your homeworld. We are the aliens here, but now it's the only home we have."

"We can be in communication with each other. I'm thinking maybe annual meetings. They don't need to be often. Right now our populations are not very large and our villages are very many days journey apart from one another. It's a miracle we were able to find your village at all, but Kelbar was able to lead us here."

"I honestly didn't expect to see Kelbar or any of your kind for a very long time. I was surprised to see you so soon." The captain replied.

"Beth, the human girl, you probably know her?" Jakam asked.

"Yes, I do. She has some very unique abilities. We don't yet fully understand them, but she seems to be doing fine."

"She has been to our village and has told of me of these things. She seems very nice. I was thinking we could ask her to assist us in our further meetings. To save us all the time of traveling. Only with your and her permission though."

"I think she would agree to that. She's very happy to help when things are needed. You have my permission as well."

"Thank you," Jakam said.

Jakam and the captain continued talking. They were becoming fast friends and found they had many things in common despite the difference in species.

Kelbar and Meelah had to interrupt after a while. They were getting restless and all the things of immediate importance had already been said.

"Oh, sorry. Do you need to get back to work?" Jakam asked the captain.

"As much as I have to do, it can wait. Would you all like to go on a walk?" The captain said, getting up.

"Yes, we'd like that very much," Jakam replied.

Kelbar and Meelah nodded in agreement.

They followed the captain as he showed them around the colony. The captain proudly displaying their buildings, handiwork, and advancements since arriving.

The Viscordians were amazed at the technology the humans possessed and the captain promised to share it with them. He and Jakam walked side by side chatting away like old pals.

After the captain basically toured them around the whole colony, they ended up down by the lakeside. Kelbar recognized Beth and Liam laying on the shore.

As they drew closer the couple on the beach got up.

Beth was happy to see the captain and Jakam getting along so well. She laughed a little when she saw Meelah and Kelbar straggling behind looking kind of bored.

"I can see your meeting went well," Beth said when they were close enough.

"Yes, it went very well. I'm glad we ran into you. I have something to ask." The captain said.

"Ask away," Beth replied.

The captain explained Jakam's idea of using her ability as a faster way to travel between colonies.

When he finished Beth replied. "I'd be glad to. It would be my honor."

"Thank you so much, Beth. You've been such a help to me and the whole colony. Our survival chances would be much slimmer if we didn't have you." The captain said.

Beth blushed. "Thank you, sir."

They walked along the shore of the lake until the sky began to darken.

"Would you join us for dinner?" The captain asked the Viscordians.

"Yes. I'm excited to try some of your foods." Jakam said.

"And the others back at your camp?" Asked the captain.

"They are quite a distance away. They will be fine. I told them to expect us to be gone for a while." Answered Jakam.

"It's too bad they can't join us, but let's go eat. You must be famished." He said. "You can join us as well." He said to Beth and Liam.

"We'd love to." They replied, almost in unison.

Back at the colony, the captain informed the people that prepared his meals that he would have some guests. They promptly got to work and the captain and his guests were seated in a private dining hut near his quarters.

"This is very nice". Jakam said, sitting down.

The Viscordians were a tall race, so their legs stretched out long under the table. They also usually ate seated or reclined on the floor.

The captain had a large table, so they were able to sit down comfortably.

"I'm glad you could join me for dinner." The captain said to his guests.

They chatted until the food came. The viscordians, especially Jakam and Meelah were excited to try human cuisine. Kelbar had eaten of it before.

The meal consisted of mashed garlic potatoes topped with chives, roasted chicken, some flatbread, and a fresh garden salad. The humans at the table explained what each food was. The Viscordians were very interested, including Klebar, because new foods had been ripened and gathered since he'd been to the humans' colony.

"This meat tastes very familiar, but I can't have eaten it before," Jakam said.

"You could have an animal similar to it native to your planet. We've found a lot of similar plant and animal life to our home world here." Beth said.

"That is amazing that two worlds so far away could be so similar." Jakam marveled.

"Yes, it truly is." Meelah agreed. She was particularly intrigued by her salad because being a healer she primarily used plants as her medicines and cures. She asked Beth lots of questions about each type of plant on her plate and ate them with much interest.

The meal passed pleasantly and soon the humans had to retire to bed. The Viscordians were also tired from their travels and the events of the day.

They bid the captain goodnight and Beth led their alien guests to a place they could occupy for the night.

"What a day," Liam stated.

"Yeah, totally not what I was expecting. It was great though." Beth agreed.

"Any day spent with you is a great day." Liam squeezed her hand.

Beth yawned.

"Okay, sleepyhead. It's time to get you to bed." Liam chuckled.

Beth laughed, then immediately yawned again. Liam was always bringing joy and laughter to every situation.

He walked Beth to her bunkhouse. "See you in the morning dear."

"Okay, darling." Beth giggled. "Goodnight."

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