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By CutieCakezz

434K 7.1K 3.2K

๐™ผ๐šŠ๐š›๐š๐š›๐šŽ๐š ๐š‚๐š ๐šŠ๐š— ๐š’๐šœ ๐š๐š‘๐šŽ ๐šข๐š˜๐šž๐š—๐š๐šŽ๐š› ๐šœ๐š ๐šŠ๐š— ๐šœ๐š’๐šœ๐š๐šŽ๐š›, ๐šŠ๐š๐š˜๐š™๐š๐šŽ๐š ๐š‹๐šข ๐™ฒ๐š‘๐šŠ๐š›๐š•๐š’๐šŽ... More

ACT ll
Hey hey!!


29.5K 544 479
By CutieCakezz

It was time for lunch, the last class she had didn't have Edward in in so she was walking alone to the lunch room she went to sit with Bella and her friends, but she told Margo the table was full, Margo just nodded sitting alone at another table.

Taking out her chocolate covered almonds and GT Arizona she set them on the table, also grabbing her book she was reading last night popping in one of her earbuds.

The girl sat there for a good 3 minutes before someone tapped her shoulder.

When the Hazel eyed girl turned around she was greeted by a grinning edward. "Hey."

"Hey, why aren't you sitting with your sister?"

"Tables full." She blankly said shrugging. Edward scoffs and sits down next Margo.

"What are you listening too?"

The girl smiles and gives him one of the earbuds. What played through them was moonlight sonata. "Good choice, look, how about you come sit with me and my family?"

The girls eyes widened and exclaimed "You don't have to I don't want to intrude."

He smirked and said "It's fine Alice and Emmett will love you."

Margo got up and Edward held her book in his hand as the two walked towards his table. "Hello."She said and waved to them "Hi!!! We are going to be best friends I just know it."

Alice squealed hugging the girl Margo hugged back not minding it at all. "Me too."

Rose was glaring are the redhead and Margo saw cocking up a brow she asked "Not to be rude but, what are you looking at?"

Roses hard glare became a cold stare as the words rolled off of Margo's tongue "Your hair, I thought redheads were supposed to be bitchy and crazy."

Alice gasped and Margo felt angry but kept solid eye contact. "And I thought blondes were supposed to be bitchy and rude, I guess I thought right then."

The table grew quiet until rose smiled, "I like this one, she's got some fire in her she looked like she wanted to rip my head off, I'm rose it's nice to meet you margret."

Smiling to the blonde she shakes her hand and says,"Next time I might actually do it, who knows blondie."

"I'm Emmett good to meet you Pipsqueak!"

"Hey! Your just freakishly big okay, I'm average height I'll have you know." Lunch went surprisingly well, biology was okay she was forced to sit with the boy named mike, didn't really like him much, he was a sweet guy just too upfront for Margo.

It's was now time to head home, when she got outside she seen Bella by her truck and skipped over too her, with her knee high heeled boots clinking against the road.

"hey bells, dad said to meet at the diner today for dinner."

She look at Margo with a bitter expression, the ride was silent until they got in the house, Bella slammed the door before irritatingly saying

"why don't you ask my boyfriend for a ride?"

" what do you mean bells?"

"I mean is I know you rode to school with him this morning, you sat with his family today at lunch, you sit next to him in poetry class, French class and even got him to ignore me!"

Margo didn't see the problem, he was being nice, after all she just got here,

"Bella I didn't even do anything, he offered me a ride, he offered me to sit with his family, and the teachers put me next to Edward because the seat next his was open, I don't know why he's ignoring you but please stop trying to blame me, I came home because I missed my sister, and I missed my dad and I wanted to be with you for the rest of my high school years, not to argue with you, so please just....just drop it, it's nothing."

Bella just scoffs and stomps off to her room leaving Margo alone.

Deciding to check out that dance studio in town she grabs her dance bag and puts her slippers, water bottle and her phone charger.

Changing into her black long sleeve leotard that had a deep v shaped neckline, putting on a light lilac colored ballet skirt over it, it was a flowy one so no worries. Slipping on her black pointed tie up flats, Margo throws her hair into a messy bun.

She starts walking to the dance studio, smiling in that direction she enters, when she asked for a room she said it was available. That's a surprise the dance studios in New York are always full, but here But she guesses they're always available.

Edward watched the girl enter the dance studio and he smiled, he didn't know she danced.

As the air fills with the sound of, Clair De lune, she was dancing gracefully around the room perfect pirouettes here and there balanced spinning and twirling.

She seen the door open to the studio and smiled to see Alice.

" hi Alice, what are you doing here?"

"I seen you come in and I couldn't help but join, I was a ballerina awhile ago as well so I went home and got dressed to come and dance with you, I hope you don't mind."

The smile played across Margo's face, filled with joy

"I'm more than happy to dance with you Alice, teach me a few things yeah?"

The two girls were dancing for 3 hours showing techniques and swapping Tricks, it was now 6:30.

"Shoot I have to get to the diner dad and Bella are waiting for me I should go, This was fun we should do this again some time."

"Definitely and I can give you a ride, the diners not far from here and it's on my way home anyway."

"Are you sure Alice?"

"Positive lets go, and you might want to ice your calves later, they are going to be sore."

Margo nods already feeling them throb.

The pixie and ginger arrived at the diner just in time.

"See you at school Alice."

"Come to my house after school tomorrow, we can have a sleep over with the girls tomorrow, just you though okay."

"Uhm okay I'll ask dad see you tomorrow Allie."

Margo's p.o.v

I got to the diner and seen dad and Bella sitting in the booth at the end.

I take my seat on the side where no one is sitting and placed my bag on the inside then slid in.

"Hey guys, sorry I was late I was at the dance studio."

"No problem pumpkin, I ordered you spaghetti you still like that right?"

" yes I love spaghetti, uh how was work popz?"

"Nothing new the same you know, just occasional speed tickets, kids pranking elders you know, normal stuff."

I looked at Bella and she rolled her eyes at me and I couldn't help but feel bad about whatever she thinks I did, genuinely I don't think I did anything wrong, she thinks otherwise that's fine though I'll leave her alone.

"What's going on with you two, it's never this quiet when you here Margo."

"It's nothing dad!" Bella Snapped at charlie, very rude. He looked hurt.

"Everything's Fine Dad I promise I'm just. Tired." I said trying to lighten him up as she rolled her eyes.

"Bella you keep rolling you damn eyes they are going to get stuck!"

I snapped I don't know what's gotten into me, Charlie's eyes where wide. I reached into my bag and grabbed my pills

"Uhm....May I be excused?"

He nods and I got up and jogged to the bathroom with my pills in my hand hidden so no one seen.

I took 2 and breathed, I'm okay I'm okay. I was diagnosed with a bipolar disorder when I was younger but I've been trying to take care of it as best as I can.

Walking back from the bathroom calm and collected I toke my seat and began eating my spaghetti.

"You okay hon?"

Charlie asked me and I shook my head yes. Then Bella smirked "I think She needs a stronger proscription."

My eyes shot up to Bella and looked her in her eyes. "Bella!" Charlie said angry.

"What it's true." I inhaled and exhaled then said,

"I'll be in the Car, when you done eating come out" Calmly I stand up grabbing my bag and walked out of the diner siting in the hood of Charlie's cruiser. I got a message on my phone.

Unknown number: Hey it's me edward, Alice gave me your number.

Me: well hello Eddie boy, what's up?

EddieBoy🦇: nothing I just wanted to see if your okay.

Me: yeah. I'm okay, why?

EddieBoy🦇: Bella yelled at me about today so I'm only assuming she did the same to you.

Me: yeah, she did but I didn't do anything wrong and Neither did you.

EddieBoy🦇: well I'm more than happy to pick you up tomorrow morning for school.

Me: okay thanks, you don't have to though if you don't want to.

EddieBoy🦇: it's okay I want to, see you tomorrow.

Me: see you edweirdo!👋🏼

EddieBoy🦇: 😑✌🏼

End of conversation

I smiled to myself and seen Charlie coming out. He had a bag in his hand.

"I got your spaghetti to go since you didn't eat it."

"Thanks dad."

"No problem kid, let's go home." Once we got home I went straight to my bedroom closing the door as soon as I got in there. I didn't want to face Bella right now, I didn't want to explode on her. It's taken me awhile to realize but now I see it, Bella's treated me like absolute shit for my whole life and I've done nothing but be kind to her, I've done nothing but love her and all she's done in return is insult me, criticize me, Talk down on me that's all she's done she's never once just said, I love you Margo. I told her I loved her at least 3 times a day if not 3, then I said it more.I just wish I had my big sister back, I miss her so much.

I thought to myself. i toke a shower and got out throwing on some short sleep shorts and an oversized hoodie.

Crawling into my bed I laid there, I could sleep, it was one of those nights, I don't have anymore pills, so I'll have to wait it out.

Seconds turn to minutes, minutes turn to hours and now it's 5:30 am, great no sleep for school. I'm gonna be tired all day now.

She walks down the stairs, ready for school and heads right out the door seeing the Volvo parked outside the front of the house. "Morning Margo."

"Morning edweirdo." He noticed she was less energetic today,

"You okay, you seem off."

"I uhm...couldn't sleep, like at all last night."

"I'm sorry."

"Nothing for you to be sorry about EddieBoy."

"Ohhh, your wearing actual shoes today."
I looked at him and put up my middle finger. He holds his hand to his heart acting as if he's offended

Third person p.o.v

"I'm to tired to walk in them today my trip, so I didn't wear them."

"I wouldn't let you fall Margo."

"You say that now but no one has those fast of a reflex to catch me that quickly."

"You never know."

Edward snickered as he opens the passenger seat door for her, she looks at him and then gets in, he Jogs over to his side and got in.

"Do you want us to wait for Bella?"

Margo put her head in the window and whispered  "No." He didn't say anything else not wanting to upset the girl.

He read her thoughts and heard that she has become angry with Bella,that she can't face her. She had finally realized that her sister has treated her like shit her whole life, but she didn't want to believe Bella hated her, she didn't want to at all, it'd hurt her to much.

The day went by fast, Edward had to wake up a sleeping Margo in a couple of classes, He even let her sleep at lunchtime on his shoulder.

Bella sent him glares while this happened and he just rolled his eyes at her not caring what she thinks.

Today she was supposed to have a sleep over with rose, Alice and Esme, but she was too tired. It was I'd say about 10:30 at night and Margo heard talking.

So she got up and seen through Bella's cracked door that she was talking to jacob. She was so shocked when she seen Bella kiss jacob. "What the fuck."

She said in bearly a whisper. She walked back to her bedroom and closed the door and locked it. 20 minutes later she heard a tap at her window, turning to it she seen Edward, of course Margo opened it and he knew that Jake has been here cause he could smell the wet dog.

He climbed through the window swiftly and stood looking at the mirror. "Edward I need to tell you something."

"If it's that you seen Bella kiss Jacob then don't cause I already know."

The girl gulped, and looked at him, he looked upset, I mean he did get cheated on so...

Getting up She hugged the boy from behind letting her head rest on his back.

"I'm so sorry."

He turns around so that her head rested on his chest, wrapping his arms around her. "You have nothing to be sorry for....Bella did this, she.."

Edward couldn't finish his sentence, he couldn't help but feel betrayed, yeah he was gonna break up with her but all those times she'd go to Jakes house while they dated made sense now, she was cheating on him from the start and it made him feel stupid for loving her. "I have to do something I'll be right back."

Releasing each other from they're arms Edward walks out of Margo's room and into Bella's. "Hey babe I didn't know you were here."

"Yeah I figured since you and Jacob were making out."

Bella's mouth dropped and her eyes widened. "Uhm I can-

"Don't bother, I know you've been cheating on me for awhile now I was just to dumb to see it."

"I'm sorry baby I ju—

"Don't baby me Bella I'm done, I'm done with you, this is me breaking up with you okay."

She looked as if she wanted to stab him repeatedly. "So we're done. Just like that over?"

"Yes, You never loved me, you loved the idea of me."

She coldly laughs "Yeah your right, I never did I just wanted to be like you okay, as soon as you would have changed me I would have left I could admit but....I used you not being able to read my thoughts to an advantage. This game was well played, good luck finding a new bitch that won't expect to have sex with you!  I know you won't."

Edward scoffed And With that he left the room walking back into Margo's room to see her laying in her bed reading.


She looked up from her book closing it and she gave Edward a sympathetic smile.

Walking towards her bed she patted the spot next to her, he gladly sat there. "How'd it go?" Edward laughed a little before admitting

"I told her that she never loved me and that she loved the idea of me and she said I was right, and not only has she just kissed Jacob now but in the past when she'd leave to go visit a friend she was cheating on me with Jacob."

Margo's face was full of sadness and it looked like she could cry. "That is fucking awful, how could she cheat on you with Jake? How could she cheat on you at all?"

Edward shrugged and read her thoughts she was angry at Bella and didn't understand what was running through Bella's mind, and then she wondered how He wasn't crying. "What book are you reading?"

Edward announced wanting to change the subject. "My planet is in orbit when I'm with you, it's about this girl wondering what's wrong with her wondering why she feels this way towards another female, she thinks she's broken and needs fixing but really what she needs is acceptance with herself, she met this girl named lily and she had these feelings towards her and lily did to, but she's still in denial, they have fought verbally, she has tried killing herself until finally when she had the blade to her wrist she realized that who you love is your choice and that it is okay to be different, it's okay. Be yourself is what she said and later on in that book she came out in front of her family and they accepted her, at the end of the book she was proposing to lily and one of the lines was, all of us are like planets and we all have something that puts it in orbit, lily My planet is in orbit when I'm with you."

She smiled while looking at the book. "You've read it before?"

"4 times, it's one of my favorites I'd say second, because I can relate in some ways." Edward was confused and she seen his facial expression, It was silent, a comfortable silence she lays her head on his shoulder and says,

"I needed acceptance into this family, I've thought about taking my own life, I was tired of pretending, tired of lying to myself. I was in a toxic relationship a year ago....he never loved me, I thought what we had was love...but what we had wasn't love it was a never ending book of nightmares,what he made me think of myself made me sick, what he did to me makes me feel...Dirty. Ive learned to accept myself for who I am, I can always change so why not change for the better. I never want to go back to the person I was a year ago. I've never told anyone this but I feel like I can trust you, and feels good to talk."

Edward Hated That she had to go through that, and she hated what that boy he learned name was Arron did to her. He clenched his jaw at the thought of it.

"I'm sorry you went through that, You can trust me, You ever need to talk I'm here, Rose is here...she's been through a lot as well."

A couple more moments of silence went by and she dozed off. Edward went to leave when she gripped his hand.


"Okay." He lays down beside the ginger girl as she cuddle up next to him, her face rested on the middle of his chest. Her sweet purss were what filled the night..


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