
By tiasheW14

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Life consists of separate moments no matter how you look at it. But when you're living apart, each and every... More

Chapter 1: Desert Flower
Chapter 2: Rumor
Chapter 3: Formalities
Chapter 4: Sandstorm
Chapter 5: Failure
Chapter 6: Exam
Chapter 7: Goodbye
Chapter 9: Pursue
Chapter 10: Broken
Chapter 11: Father

Chapter 8: Ring

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By tiasheW14

It was still early in the morning. Hidden Leaf village was starting to wake up from its slumber, every day in a usual pattern. The morning silence slowly dissolved and the air was filling up with noises. It was the start of a new day for thousands of villagers around, and yet for two certain people, it meant the end of everything.

Night was the only time they could really be together.

The days were usually occupied by work none of them could give up no matter what. Countless meetings, discussions, negotiations were part of their daily routine each and every time she visited. But nights were different.

And one of those nights was almost over.

They were in his favorite spot, on one of the rooftops where he usually would go to observe clouds. Even though the middle of the night wasn't the best time for it, they still would often come here to meet the sunrise. Just because it would be worthless to lose a little time left to sleep.

Because by the time the village will fully wake up, she'll have to leave again.

Shikamaru was lying down head on Temari's lap. He felt strangely addicted to this position, sometimes he thought he could spend the whole day just like this. Nobody will ever let him to do that, though.

His hair was undone and Temari's fingers were going through it as Shikamaru pretended to sleep. Her gentle touch against his scalp felt way too relaxing to keep up the act, but he just couldn't afford to fall asleep.

He was looking at her instead. It was a year and a half since he asked her out on their first date. It might seem like a long time, but their meetings were still very rare and short, mostly involving work. And yet, for the past year he learned more about her than during those five years after their first meeting. 'Was it really that long?' He asked himself. He could tell it easily now, when she was angry or upset, when she was happy or concentrated, when she was serious or teasing. The problem was - the more he knew, the harder it was to let go. Each goodbye was more painful than the previous, to the point he didn't want to say it ever again.

"How much is left?" He asked.

"About forty minutes."

"Ugh..." he really hated it.

"What is it?"


"Just say it already." Her voice sounded a little irritated.

"I can't."

That would sound just too selfish and demanding.


"I can't possibly say something like 'don't go' now can I?"

Her hand stopped.

"No, you can't."

"I don't want you to go." He still said it.

"I don't want to go either." She said. One could say it was her usual voice, but Shikamaru could now pick up the difference. She sounded sad.

"But, you'll still go?"


It's not that he expected another answer. She wasn't the type to give up everything just for that. It never mattered what she herself wanted to do, she'll always go with what she must do. That was just a part of her character that Shikamaru liked.

That's why it hurts like hell to say goodbye.

A sudden idea came to his mind. It was crazy, and Shikamaru was the least person who would be expected to come up with it. And yet, it suddenly made sense.

Shikamaru sat up and looked her right into the eyes.

'What kind of face will she make now?'

"Temari," he said. "Marry me."

"Eh?" She was too shocked to say anything else.

"Look, I know I was the one who said stuff like marriage is too troublesome and that I hate it. But compared to that, I hate saying goodbye to you thousands times more."

There was a war going. A full-fledged war inside of her head between her reasons and inner girly side.

"Are you... sure?" She averted her eyes. It seems like girly side has won. "As troublesome as I am?.."

"It would be pointless if it's not you."

He didn't try to sound like a hero from a romance book. That's just how he felt. After all, marrying normal average girl just won't be challenging enough, like playing Shogi game with a six-year-old. Too easy and too boring. Temari on the other hand was not just a girl, she was a partner, a lover, a backup, a friend, and whole lot of support. More that he would ever expected to have. That's why the thought of marrying her didn't sound as crazy as he thought it would. It came out naturally, and somehow it made a lot of sense.

At this point of time, Shikamaru knew just how much he would give up to wake up next to her every morning, to see her smile every day and touch her skin every night. For that he wouldn't mind marrying. No matter how troublesome it would end up to be.

"So? What will your answer be?" He gently touched her cheek. "Will you marry me?"

He saw just how much her lips were trembling. For a moment. Temari bit her lip to recover control over her emotions.

And... she failed.

She closed her eyes.

"Maybe." She said, trying to copy her usual tone of voice. "Maybe I will."

But she couldn't hold back her smile after all. As radiant as ever it was filled with pure happiness.

His heart was beating louder than the noises of the village. He didn't know how to react just yet. But still he had a feeling that he'd missed something.

"How long now?" He demanded.

"About half an hour."

"Come with me for a while." Another crazy idea crossed his mind, as he grabbed Temari's hand.

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see."

The shop was closed. Well, that wouldn't be surprising considering the hour, but that didn't shatter Shikamaru's determination. He knocked as hard as he could.

The owner appeared only couple of minutes later. He was still in his pajamas.

"Open your store." Shikamaru demanded copying Temari's tone of voice. "Hokage's orders."

Owner seemed to be more shocked than scared.

"Sir, right now the destiny of an important alliance between Hidden Leaf and Hidden Sand lies on your shoulders. Please, there's not much time left."

That did the job. The old shop owner felt himself proud no matter how funny he looked in his pajamas. He let them in.

Shikamaru had never been to jewelry store. The variety was confusing.

"Please show me engagement rings."

The owner gave him a strange look and giggled, as he showed what Shikamaru asked for.

"It's your choice now."

"That one." She didn't hesitate one bit, and from her looks she was amusing herself just as much as the shop owner.

The ring she chose was a plain strap of silver, no stones or decorations. Somehow obvious, as she wasn't the type to wear jewelries, so the ring she picked would be the one to get in her way the least. 'That's just so Temari,' Shikamaru smiled.

"With this you officially are..." he put the ring on her finger. "Nara's bride."

"There's going to be a lot of troublesome business to take care of from now on." She said as they've approached the Main Gates.

"Nothing you can't handle."

"Well, Gaara promised to help. Not sure about Kankurou. He doesn't know a thing yet."

"Elders wouldn't let a chance like that slip away. That would secure peace treaty between our villages better than any agreement."

"There's going to be a lot of politics involved."

"What a drag..."

"Giving up already?"

"Not a chance."

The guy on a guard duty was weeping happily.

"I'm so happy for you guys." He mumbled.

Shikamaru almost forgot about this guy. Even though he happened to be here every single time.

'Doesn't he have anything else to do?' Shikamaru wondered. 'How troublesome...'

"Mom, you here?" Shikamaru called when he entered the house.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be working right now?" His mom was in the kitchen.

"That can wait. I need to talk to you first."

"What is it?" She was irritated a moment ago, but now she seemed worried.

"Sit down first."

"What happened?"

"Please, sit down first. There's nothing to worry about, really."

She listened to him.

"Look, do you remember that girlfriend talk from a while ago?"

"Don't tell me you broke up!"

"That's not it... it's opposite, actually..." even though he wanted his mom to be the first one to know, except for the shop owner, of course, but it was harder than Shikamaru expected. "We're kind of... sort of... well..." he sighted. "Mom, I'm getting married."

She looked a lot more surprised than Temari did.

It took her a while to process this idea.

"For real?"


"You of all people?.." he had the feeling that he'd get that line a lot.


"Oh, my..." she exclaimed and tears started to flow down her cheeks. "Oh, my! I'm so happy for you!" She stood up and hugged him. "I'm so happy for you, Shikamaru."

"Yeah... thanks, mom..."

They stood like that for a while. When she raised her hear, her eyes were glowing and she had a broad smile on her face.

"So... when do I get to meet her family?"

"About that... next Kage meeting, I guess?"


"Well, her brother is Kazekage after all..." did he forget to mention that detail later?

"Oh, my..."

She opened the door to Kazekage's office without knocking as usual. One day she hoped to find him together with a girl here. But there was only Kankurou with another bunch of paper reports.

Temari took a deep breath.

"Gaara, I need to talk to you."

"Is it urgent? Any news from the Leaf?"

"No, it not about that. I just need your help on one personal matter."


"What kind of personal matter are you talking about?" Kankurou seemed confused.

'Oh, yeah. He still doesn't know...'

"Wait a minute... what is that?" He grabbed her wrist to look closely at a simple silver ring. "You never wear jewelry."

His tone of voice was kind of accusing. Temari sighted. Gaara's eyes on the other hand were glowing. It didn't take him long to figure out.

"Is it about that time?"

"Yeah. Can you talk to the elders?"

Gaara nodded. "I'll make them agree."

"What is this talk all about?" Kankurou started to realize. "Since when do you even have a boyfriend?!"

"Do you remember that time on the balcony?"

"You mean THAT guy?!" Pure shock was radiating even through the makeup.

Temari nodded.

"And you knew about this?!"

Gaara nodded.

"And you are ok with that?"

Kazekage nodded again.

"What the hell..." he looked frustrated. "Well, I'm not! Temari belongs to the Hidden Sand! I'm not about to hand her to the Leafs!"

"That's the decision she made." Gaara said calmly. "It's a good way to strengthen our alliance."

"Rather to make her a walking target!"

"Times are different..."

"You just don't get it..."

"Kankurou." Temari finally said. "Stop it. I know everything you want to say. And I'm fine with it."

"But... Temari belongs to us..."

"I'll still be."

"No way... going off like that and marrying some guy from the Leaf..." he was pouting.

"Then how about you both of you get marry and give birth to the Kazekage bloodline heirs?" Her voice was strict, just like their father's. "Then I'll stop worrying about the future of our family."

Gaara and Kankurou exchanged understanding looks.

"So, we'll have a wedding to plan. Let's make it as extravagant as possible..." her middle brother said, completely recovering from the shock.

"You guys..."

"And that all for their report."

"Hmmm..." Kakashi hardly even listened. "Good to know."

"If that's all..."

"Shikamaru." Hokage sighted. "The letter from the Hidden Sand came today. They say that Elders are willing to cooperate and want to discuss this matter personally with the both of you. Next Wednesday."

"Hold on... but the Leaf Elders appointed the meeting on the same day."

Kakashi nodded.

"Those old geezers are way too troublesome..."

"That's why, we'll hold a meeting with the both of them. Families, Kage and the elders. So they can actually bargain among themselves."

"Is it really a good idea?"

"Probably not, but we won't be able to handle this over the letters. Let them fight."

Shikamaru knew that getting married will be troublesome. But not this troublesome...

"What a drag..."

Elders from Hidden Sand and Hidden Leaf were glaring at each other as if they were prepared to fight a battle on a greater scale than even The Fourth Shinobi World War.

It was politics.

'What did she find in this guy?' Asked himself Kankurou glaring at his future brother in law.

'She's so pretty! I always wanted a girl!' Yoshino was looking at the future bride.

'This is kind of embarrassing.' Temari felt herself as a matter of bargain.

'What a drag...' Shikamaru didn't like the idea of this meeting at all.

'I must not fail!' Gaara didn't completely understand this feeling, but it must have been something similar to Lee's fighting spirit.

'Ah, youth...' though Kakashi trying not to fall asleep.

Somewhere in the afterlife.

"Kyaaaaa! I knew you would find your prince!" Karura's eyes were glowing.

"I wonder, when Gaara-sama is going to marry?" Yashamaru shared his sister's enthusiasm.

"I'll have to approve of her first!" Karura stubbornly said. Somehow everyone believed that kids inherited this feature of character from the fourth Kazekage.

"Temari..." Rasa was utterly shocked. He didn't expect that one day his daughter will get married. His only daughter.

"So, we'll be joining families, I guess!" Shikaku wrapped his arm around former Kazekage's shoulders.

'Way to go, Shikamaru! I knew she was the right one for you.' He thought.

The man sitting across from Shikamaru wasn't happy.

Although, Kankurou's mood could hardly be described by just that one word. The groom could see irritation, jealousy, suspicion and even whole lot of hate. But one thing was true though. His future brother in law was not happy at all.

These meetings continued for months with hardly any progress at all. Elders insisted that both of the countries' traditions must be followed for the ceremony and the banquet later. As it turned out, it was easier said than done, especially when they'd come up with new stupid rules just to piss off the other side and ruin their preparations. With each side being this stubborn it was nearly impossible to reach compromise.

Coming this far after seven whole months was already a relief. The worst part about all this was the fact, that Elders will never send Temari to do the negotiations. They hardly let her out of the village after the engagement was announced. The most reasonable messenger turned out to be Baki. Gaara's fan girls were annoying, but still bearable. The worst were the meetings with Kankurou. The middle brother didn't like him, that much Shikamaru could tell from that glare. Unlike Temari, who will never let her own feelings show in times like this, Kankurou didn't seem professional enough for this job.

"So, with this everything's decided." Future brother in law collected all the papers from the table. "Are Leaf's Elders satisfied with this?"

"They're not, but they'll have no other choice but to cooperate." Shikamaru sighted. He spent whole week fighting with them for another minor detail. "What about the Sand?"

"At this point they won't dare to." Kankurou smirked. "Another tiny complain from them and Temari will go on killing rampage."

Shikamaru could only meet her during official meetings for the Union or even five Kage. Investigations on Sand's rebels matter still continued, although every lead they tried to follow was just another dead-end. For the political matters Elders of the Sand couldn't keep Temari in the village. But yet again just one word about the wedding would make her furious. Especially when she learned that during their wedding preparations both Ino and Sakura got engaged and then married, with Sasuke Uchiha still being in Hidden Sand as a spy.

And now, finally, all the preparations were over.

"So it's final now. The ceremony will be in two months' time." Kankurou continued with a sour look on his face.

Two months? Sounds like an eternity.

"What a drag..."

"Why don't you call it off?"


"The wedding. Call it off." Kankurou finally let his sour feelings out.

"I won't." Definitely not after all preparations were over!

"But why? Why Temari? I mean, you've hardly got any time together. How did this even happen?"

Shikamaru scratched the back of his head.

"I don't know. It kind of feels like it has always been this way from the start."

Kankurou stared at him with a grumpy look on his face for another minute. And then sighted.

"So that's how it is. It can't be helped then."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Kankurou sighted again.

"Since she said exact same words... I'll let it go." He wasn't happy about this either. "For now."


"But that doesn't mean that I'm accepting you, or anything. Got it?"


"Now listen, if you ever..." Kankurou stopped in the middle of sentence and smirked again. "Ok, I won't tell you something like "if you ever hurt my sister, I'll kill you", because I'm pretty sure she's capable of doing it herself." Well, that was true. "But if we get to know that she's not happy here, we're taking her back. Got it?"


"And don't you ever call me brother, got it?"

Looking at him right now reminded Shikamaru of the first time he met Sand Siblings. That time he kind of thought, that among two brothers Kankurou was probably more reasonable one, since little Gaara was scary like hell. But as the things are now, Shikamaru would rather prefer working with Kazekage himself.


Shikamaru could hardly remember what had actually happened during the wedding itself. In the end it felt more of a competition between two villages, rather than actual wedding. Mismatched dresses, mismatched guests, mismatched traditions, mismatched food and mismatched presents made the whole thing way too pompous, especially for the newlyweds. The only reason why Shikamaru had endured it all was Tamari's hand clinging on to him. This whole mess was probably even worse for her. The dress made of long single piece of silk, that Hidden Sand tradition requires her to wear, was hardly comfortable itself, but combined with thousands of golden accessories it also seemed way too heavy for a girl to wear. That was another custom: the wealthier the family, the more gold on a bride, the finer is the silk of her dress, and the longer is the cloth it's made from. Being born into Kazekage bloodline meant being the wealthiest of them all. The dress hardly allowed her to breathe, let alone walk or eat. For Temari, who always preferred comfortable clothes, it was a pure torture to sit through the whole ceremony.

That's why Shikamaru never let go. 'If this is your hell, then the least I can do, is to stay in it with you.' He thought.

They've never really talked that whole day, until the wedding night, when the two of them were finally left alone.

"Is it over now?" She exhaled in relief.

"Yeah." Among all troublesome days he had in his life this one outranked them all.
When all loud noises and annoying traditions were left far away from here, Shikamaru for the first time really saw his bride. White silk and gold actually looked very good on her, while green emeralds complimented her eyes. No matter how uncomfortable it might be, the dress was beautiful.

By the way, speaking of...

"How can you even walk in this dress?" He asked.

"I've had training." Temari was absolutely serious when she said that.

Of course she did. He smiled, trying to imagine wedding dress walk practice.

The wedding... is actually over. With all the formalities and ceremonies, he kind of forgot one important detail...

"Hey... we're actually married now." Shikamaru said.

"After all this time and that whole mess... it's kind of hard to believe, huh?" Temari sounded a bit surprised too.


He looked at her, still trying to process this idea. The wedding, traditions, white dress... no matter how he looked at it, nothing has changed. Except for one minor detail. She doesn't have to leave anymore.

With this though he pulled her closer, trying to embrace her. All the gold Temari was wearing suddenly made this really uncomfortable.

Shikamaru looked down on her wedding gown.

"How do you take this thing off?"

She raised her eyes to meet his, and with the most serious expression she was capable of, Temari said:

"I have absolutely no idea."

Next moment they were laughing.

Author's note: I almost forgot to add guard duty guy to this chapter . Shame on me! If somebody asks me, where am I in this story, that would be him! He kind of became important, haha. I kind of wanted Kankurou to have more of sister complex, but I'm still glad how things worked out in the end. Marriage is scary for guys, haha.

About the bonus part... Oh, my. I couldn't help it! After writing everyone's thoughts, my imagination went wild, and added dead family members. But they're so cute... I don't believe in the perfect characters. And I don't believe that Karura was perfect either. You need guts to be with a man like Rasa. That's why I want her to be strong and stubborn as well. In disguise, though, haha.

This chapter came out so naturally, I myself couldn't believe it. Even though I wanted to go with a little bit more of a girly side for Temari's reaction. But then again... No matter how many times I went through it, I got this feeling "This is not her!" Now I'm perfectly satisfied. Hehe.

Hope you've enjoyed it. My favorite part is coming next chapter! Don't miss it!

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