My Love My Life [I.NY & P.JY]

By La-Belle_

17.7K 873 146

From a cheerful person to a cold hearted person. From an optimist to a pessimist. *my ceo ruined my life* ... More

@40 Ending


352 20 10
By La-Belle_

Nayeon's POV

What's this Jinyoung ??? "I said"
I enter the house which smells so stink and surrounded by the cans of beer.
I walk toward Jinyoung who's currently sleeping on the sofa.
Jinyoung. Wake up. Why did you drink this much "I asked trying to wake him up"
He lifts his head up and looking at me.
You're back ? Cheater ! "He said mockingly"
You are drunk ! Go to wash yourself. "I said trying to convince myself that he's drunk"
I'll go to my room now. I need to rest. "I said"

I can't believe what I've just heard a moment ago. He called me cheater ?! I didn't even cheat on him. He supposed to be called so, not me !
I don't care much about this words since I think he's drunk. I'll just let him be however he wants.
After thinking about useless things for a moment, I finally decided to sleep since I need energy to cook for Jinyoung and go to work tomorrow.

***time skipped***
***in the morning***

Jinyoung's POV

I walk down the stairs to the kitchen after I finish my morning routines and I was greeted by a woman who I used to love.
Morning ! Your breakfast is ready "Nayeon said"
I don't feel like eating the breakfast u cooked. Finish it by yourself and stay at home "I said"
What do you mean ? "She asked"
I told you to stay and home and eat your own breakfast "I clarified"
But I have to go to work. "She said"
Starting from today, you don't have to go to work anymore. I've already hired a new assistant.  "I told her"
Why can't I "She asked looking unsatisfied"
Because you don't have to "I was annoyed"
What ? Give me a rational reason Jinyoung "she grabbed me looking very angry"
You want me to be honest ?? Okayy. You don't have to go to work because I don't want to see you at work. I don't like working with you plus I hate seeing you "I said angrily"
This is not reasonable enough to stop me from working at the company. " She volumed up her voice"
I'm the CEO I can fired whoever I want including you. "I said leaving her alone in the house"

Nayeon's POV

He's getting worse day by day. He keeps hurting me mentally.
When are you going to stop being like this Jinyoung ?! "I cried crumbly on the ground"

[6 months later]

Nayeon's POV
It's already been 6 months since our marriage and ... I've never felt his love.
During this 6 months, he rarely comes home. He usually sleeps at his office. What's worse is, he only comes home when he's drunk.

During this 6 months, I always feel lonely and hopeless with my marriage life. When I'm stressed, JB is always there for me. He's a really good friend of mine. I'm glad to be friend with him.

Jinyoung's POV

It's already been 6 months since I married her and I can't believe that my feeling for her hasn't been developed even abit since the incident at the hospital. I succeed in keeping my hatred toward her I guess!!

Tuk tuk "someone knocked on the door"
Come in "I said"
Sir , you have a meeting with a shareholder from Switzerland today. "My assistant said"
Okay. I'll be prepared you can leave now. "I said and he left"

I look for the documents which is related to the meeting but It's nowhere to be found. I check every corner of my office already but I still can't find it.
I try to think of where it could be and I finally realized that I was drunk last night and I brought it home.

I drive to my house to search for it but It's still nowhere to be found again.
Maybe nayeon saw it and put it somewhere "I thought"
Nayeon ! Nayeon ! "I called her to ask if she saw it "
I called her numerous times but I got no respond from her. I try to think of where It could be and  ... well I haven't checked in Nayeon's room yet.
Without any hesitation, I go straight to her room and look for it.
Once I entered her room, a photo which is placed on the cabinet caught my attention. It's a photo of her with a guy.
I don't think I used to know him "I mumbled"
To make sure of who he is, I walk closer to that photo and ......

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