Perfect Position

By miniongurl28

124 0 0

When everything in life seems to just crumble all at once, what do you do? Wait around for the next thing to... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five

Chapter Thirty

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By miniongurl28

Layna's POV

After Parker returned with some of out things we were both tired. We both needed to rest and not deal with any more crap from anyone, especially Louis. Once I was out of the bath we spent the rest of the evening watching movies and relaxing. When I woke up this morning I spent nearly an hour in the bathroom with morning sickness. Parker had to wait to go into work with me because I couldn't hold it down. By the time I did it was nine, I had a doctors appointment at one and Parker had a meeting in less than an hour.

We rushed to get ready and headed strait to the office. It felt amazing out, I didn't get much time to enjoy it because we rushed into the car and Parker went as quickly as he could. He still needed to get some paperwork filled out before the meeting with Richard. The building was getting close to halfway done and Richard wanted to make sure the money he's investing is being used wisely. 

When we arrived we went strait to his office. While he worked on the papers I went through his emails and made sure everything was opened and replied too. By the time Parker was done we had five minutes to get down to the meeting room. He walked me to the elevator and told the girls on the way out that we wouldn't be coming back up since we'd have to go strait to the doctor after the meeting. When we got to the meeting room Richard and some of his lawyers were with him, weird a lawyer had lawyers. "I'm sorry for the wait. I had some papers to feel out and it's been a rough morning." Parker said before he and Richard shook hands. 

"Two hours late getting into the office? Strange of you." Richard said. 

"Morning sickness isn't treating her right." Parker said before giving me a warm smile. 

"Morning sic-" He cut himself off before gasping. "You're pregnant?" He asked and I nodded before he grinned. "Oh my! Congrats my boy!" He said before patting Parker on the shoulder. 

"Thank you. We should get this meeting started." Parker said and Richard nodded before sitting down. I sat down beside Parker before Richard closed his hands together. 

"I called for this simply because I want to know what's going on son. I know you've been having some personal problems and haven't been in the office much but this is your company." He said to Parker. 

"Yes. Well, they're being taken care of. The building is half way through construction and is going to be ready by the summer. The money is being invested wisely and we may not need it all as it turns out. I'm using some environment friendly tools. When it is completely you and I will both be opening it with a ribbon cutting and the workers here will be interviewed and some will be sent to work for us and others will remain here." Parker explained and Richard nodded. "Is there anything else worrying you?". 

"You son. What's going on? I know they got your brother put behind bars. What's the problem now?" He asked and Parker sighed. 

"My brother is a coward and he doesn't work alone. He worked with a man who I knew from the past and now he is coming back at me and Layna. Well, he can't. Layna's carrying my child and I hope to be with her forever. He won't stop. He's doing everything he can to get to us. He has her best friend, she's weak, and he killed a few of my buddies. He's simply trying to play games to get Layna as revenge for locking my brother up." Parker explained and Richard nodded before looking at his lawyers. 

"Please exit while I speak to Mr. Davis and his girlfriend." He told his lawyers and they nodded before walking out. 

Once they were out Richard stood and walked to the windows. 

"I've dealt with problems like Louis in my past. My father being one. He used to try and watchmy every move. When I twenty four he took it to far...he hired a man to kill me and my wife. He failed. My security at the time had been off duty but was watching my house for me. He saw him sneak onto the roof and took him out. From that day on I spent days trying to find places to catch him and take him out. It ended up coming to this old abandoned factory. It's still to this day. I lured him in with money of course and in the building is a pit. It's unescapable. It's fifteen feet deep, it's dark, and its lonely. He lasted two weeks before his body gave out. If you want this man out of your life and you want your child to live, let me help.".

Parker looked at him then down. "Richard you are far to old to be helping me. I can't risk your-".

"Parker, I have lived my life. I'm basically sitting here to help and one day die. I've lived amazingly. You can protect me and if it doesn't work I won't be angry and you shouldn't be ashamed....Let me help you." Richard said before Parker looked at me. 

"I'm going to let you make this call." He said to me. 

I looked at them both. "I don't want anyone hurt. Including you both. I wanna be the bait....if that means sending me in to the factory then so be it. Have the guys set up early that morning and have them waiting. We'll have to find a reason for you to be giving me to him and a way to get him into the pit." I said and they both nodded. "Tonight, we'll all have dinner with the boys and go over a plan. But, I want this to be in a week. Not tomorrow or the next day. I want a week to prepare and if fires a shot before then oh well." I said and they both nodded before Parker looked at me. 

"I'll let you play bait, but if you try anything I won't hesitate to jump in.". 

I nodded before looking to Richard. "Join us at dinner tonight. We're having dinner at his mom's restaurant at six. Be there and be ready to explain everything to the guys." I said and he nodded. 

"Thank you Richard. You have no idea how much I want him out of our lives." Parker said and Richard smiled. 

"Parker you're a cold soul without Layna. I've never seen you this happy and alive. That baby is going to be your entire world." He said and Parker and I both smiled before looking at each other. "I will be at dinner tonight." He said before he left the room and Parker checked his watch. 

"Time for the doctors." He said and I nodded before grabbing his hand. "We're going to be okay Layna. All three of us." He said and I nodded again before he kissing my head and grabbed his things. 

We walked out and went strait to the elevator. When we got down to the lobby it wasn't as busy as normal. We walked to the car and Parker helped me in with a smile before going to his side. I watched him pause as he looked at something, I couldn't see what but he spent a solid minute looking at it before getting in. "What was it?". 

"Louis. He was sitting across the street.". He said as he wrapped his hands around the wheel. 

"Did he see you?". I asked and he nodded. 

"He grinned.". 

"Lets get to the doctors." I said and he nodded. I looked behind, he was sitting in his car. I closed my eyes as I turned around. 

"Don't worry. I'll take care of him. When we get to the doctor I want you to go inside and I will wait in the lobby. I'll go back when they call your name but I'm going to watch the car and call Harrison to come sit." He said and I nodded as he started the car. He went the quickest way he could and parked in the front of the building. Before we got out he looked around, "I don't see him but go ahead and go in." He told me and I nodded before giving him a small kiss. As I got out I felt uneasy but I had to get through it. I managed to get inside before flipping out and walked to the front desk. 

"Name?" The older lady asked still looking at her computer. 

"Layna Mitchell.". 

She clicked a couple buttons before nodding. "He's finishing up with a patient. Go wait please." She told me and I nodded before going to an empty chair. As I waited I watched Parker. He was sitting on the hood of his car watching every car that passed. Something about him seemed so threatening at times. He was a scary man at times, but not to me. A few moments passed before he pulled his phone out, to call Harrison more then likely. 

"Ms. Mitchell?" The nurse called. 

I walked to the door and knocked before Parker came in and we walked to the nurse before she let us back. "I need you to stand on the scale please." She told me and I did as told. I gained four pounds. "Follow me please." She said with a smile. We walked down the left hallway before coming to the third door on the right. "Dr. Angelo will be in any second. Please change into that gown and lay on the chair." She told me and I nodded before she walked out. Parker grabbed the gown for me and helped me undress before tying the gown around my neck. 

"Are you nervous?" I asked as his hands shook. 

"I saw Louis. Harrison is on his way.". 

"I meant about this." I said and he smiled. 

"No honey.". He replied before the doctor walked in. 

"Good afternoon Ms. Mitchell. Is this your husband?" He asked with a smile. He was a young doctor. 

"No, boyfriend." I answered. 

He nodded, "Please lay down." He said before I did and he opened a couple buttons on my stomach before putting the gel on my stomach. It was freezing cold. "Are you having any serious problems?" He asked. 

"No, just morning sickness." I said and he chuckled. 

"I understand. Well, he sure are growing.".

I looked at Parker and the doctor. 

"He?" Parker asked as he stood up. 

"Yes? It's a boy guys?". I nearly jumped up. 

"Are you serious?" Parker asked and the doctor nodded before he zoomed in and showed us. 

"And this is his heartbeat." He said and I gasped as the little drum like sound started to play through the room. 

"I can't believe it." Parker said and I tried my best to read his face but it was unreadable. 

"A boy." I repeated.  

The doctor nodded. 

"I'll give you two some space." The doctor said before he headed out and Parker sat back down and looked down with his hands on his face.

"Are you okay?" I asked and he looked up, his eyes were full of tears before he nodded. 

"Of course I am baby." He said before he grabbed my hand. "I just...I can't believe it's a boy. I always thought about having a son but...I never thought I would." He said and I smiled before he kissed my hand. "I love you so much Layna. More then the world." He said and I smiled again before looking down. 

"Promise me something Parker.". I said and he nodded to me. "Promise, that no matter what you won't ever let anyone or anything hurt our little boy. Promise you'll pick him over me.". I said and he looked down before back up and nodded. 


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