The Trouble with Friendship

By DoNotMicrowave

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When the notebook containing their deepest, darkest secrets is stolen, two former best friends must unite, de... More

Author's Note
🧵 Prologue: Alex, Alexx, Toil and Trouble
🧵 One: Cheese to the Freakin' Weekend
🧵 Two: So You're an Ass Guy
🧵 Three: I Wear My Sunglasses Inside
🎤 Four: My Truth Would Suck Without You
🧵 Five: Why Don't You Just Read Me in the Middle?
🧵 Six: I Ain't Sayin' She a Sly Digger
🧵 Seven: We'll Eat Friendship By the Ocean
🎤 Eight: Girl, There Ain't No Weird in "Team"
🧵 Nine: It's a Chapter of the Times
🧵 Ten: With You, I Dream Again
🧵 Twelve: Ain't it Fun Living in the Green World
🧵 Thirteen: Swing About It Somewhere Only We Know
🎤 Fourteen: It's Just a Muscle Crush
🧵 Fifteen: Don't, Don't, Nirvana You, Forget About Me
🧵 Sixteen: Why Truth Great 'Til They Gotta Be Great?
🎤 Seventeen: Had I Known How to Save a Soda
🎤 Eighteen: Gonna Take My Questions to the Old Town Road
🧵 Nineteen: Is It Too Late to Say I'm Tangled Now?
🧵 Twenty: Shatter Every Lie Till It's All Blown Away
🧵 Twenty-One: Just Because It's Complicated Doesn't Mean It's Really Over
🎤 Twenty-Two: Had to Have High, High Hopes For a Tension
🎤 Twenty-Three: The Aunt Wants What It Wants
🧵Twenty-Four: We're Fallin' Like the Stars, Fallin' in Fault
🧵Twenty-Five: We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Friendship Together
🎤 Twenty-Six: Ooh, Baby, Baby, I'm Dancing with an Elephant

🧵 Eleven: Make Me Feel Like I'm Living a Tan France Dream

2.3K 175 29
By DoNotMicrowave

Hugo overheard my dad telling me the story of how he met my mom and let's just say Hugo's verbal explosion rivaled that of a cannon. He went on and on about how I was betraying our family, but how is it a betrayal when mom IS our family? We share blood. I know, I know, she left us. It's an open wound that still stings but why can't Hugo understand, I'm a girl. And a girl needs her mother. Or at least needs to know about her. I deserve that much...right? -Georgie aka Alexx

PS. Have you asked Hugo about Ravi yet?

Alex gestured to the food on the counter. "Who are you feeding? The naval base?"

"Can never have too many leftovers." Hugo surveyed the mountain of cartons from Peking Palace and El Capitan Cantina and gave a sheepish grin. "Okay, maybe I went overboard, but I didn't know what you'd like so I ordered a little bit of everything." He handed her a plate and muttered, "I keep forgetting Lance isn't here to help demolish this."

Her mouth watered as she spooned carnitas onto a homemade tortilla. "How is Lance? Is he liking college so far?"

"Loving it." His nose scrunched as his mouth turned downward. "Before he left, he promised to come home for an occasional weekend, but I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon."

There was something in his voice. "You miss him."

He shrugged as he added food to his plate. "I didn't fully understand how much responsibility he took on. It's weird having it fall on me."

"What kind of responsibility?" As an only child, she was clueless about these types of things.

"Take tonight, for instance. Do you know how many types of children's cold medication there are?" Hugo shook his head in disbelief. "And even if you do find one, there are flavors to consider, and do you want drowsy or non-drowsy? It's like picking just one candy from Willy Wonka's stash, but ten times worse."

Hugo set his plate down and leaned his hip against the counter. "You'd think I'd know this, but when something serious happens, it's Lance who takes charge. Lance who shows us what to do, like a general." He blew out a breath, his bangs flying up. "Now that I'm the general..."

"Makes you appreciate him that much more."

Hugo gave a sharp nod. "Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to do it, I just hate that I need to in the first place."

So basically, Lance and Hugo were the parents of the family. Where was Mr. Lorde? She knew he worked a lot, but not to the extent that he'd let someone else take care of his sick kid. And why had Alexx never mentioned this? In fact, she did the opposite. She praised her dad. Said he was the best. Didn't sound like it from what Hugo was saying.

He motioned with his head toward the living room, and she followed. They put their plates and drinks on the coffee table and sat on the rug next to each other. He waited for her to eat before taking a bite.

"You look puzzled," Hugo commented.

"A little. I never realized how much you guys do. I mean, Georgie never..."

Tension formed in his neck and shoulders, making his muscles bunch under his shirt. "Lance and I try not to make a big deal of it. We already have one absent parent, why rub it in about the other one? But I guess she'll have to face it in a year when I leave." His tone dripped with frustration as his gaze wandered to a family photo. She could see the pain it caused him to think about leaving, but there was also desperation like a wild animal trapped in a cage, hoping to break free.

Alex wanted to wrap her arms around him, take away some of his hurt but was afraid it'd be awkward, or worse— rejected. Switching topics, she asked, "Have you thought about which colleges you're applying to?"

Gratitude and relief shined in his eyes. "I know which ones I want, but they're not on Dad's list so..." He looked down at his plate, his lips twisted into a wry look. "Let the battle of wills begin."

"I'd put my money on you." She used to think Hugo was this infallible guy who never faced difficulties, but this was an eye-opener. She liked him better because of it. It made him seem more real, more accessible to someone like her. "Tell me about the schools you want to go to."

As they sat cross-legged on the floor, eating Chinese and Mexican, Hugo chatted about universities and various programs he was interested in. "I'd love to major in computer science so I can design games, but Dad wants me to get a law degree so I can become a partner in his firm."

"But it's your life," she argued.

He set his drink down as he chuckled. "You haven't been around him much, have you?"

"Not really." Mr. Lorde was either at work or busy in his home office. "Your dad intimidates me." He wore a stern expression like it was a second suit—the complete opposite of his kids.

Hugo leaned in, his arm brushing hers. "Wanna know a secret?" His breath fanned her skin and underneath the spices and rich meat was the soft breeze of ocean that she'd come to associate with Hugo.

"What?" she whispered back, awareness humming through her.

"He kinda intimidates me too," Hugo admitted. His voice was dead serious, but then he winked, and she couldn't tell if the confession was real or not.

Hugo leaned back against the couch and stretched his legs on the rug, crossing them at the ankles. "Enough about my dad. A little birdie told me you've jumped ship and you're with the high school drama club now."

She silently groaned. "Has Alexx been complaining?"

He drew his fingers apart. "A bit. It sucks you're not at Playhouse. It would have made those long Saturdays and Sundays more bearable."

Her heart drummed in her chest. "I know what you mean." She imagined them taking breaks together, or giving flirty looks across the stage. Now they would have to settle for small pockets of time like this.

"How's it going with Keya and Cleo?" he asked.

She blinked. "You know them?"

"Cleo used to be good friends with Georgie until she met Keya."

She stared at him in disbelief. "I don't believe you."

Hugo nodded. "They did everything together in elementary school, and then one day, Georgie came home crying. Said Cleo didn't want to be her friend anymore. Next day, Cleo was tight with Keya, and it's been that way ever since."

"She's never mentioned Cleo. Why would Georgie keep her a secret?" A sliver of betrayal became stuck in her throat.

"She doesn't like thinking about Cleo, much less talking about her. It hits too close to home."

Too close to...?

Her mom.

Of course. Alex cursed. "Now, I feel terrible. I hope Georgie knows I'm not Cleo." Or her mother.

Hugo touched her hand. "She knows. Besides, you guys have that notebook. I think your friendship is safe within those pages."

Alex felt herself grow warm as she remembered Alexx's last entry. She didn't know how much she wanted to share about her night with Hugo. Of course, she would tell her best friend about coming over and eating dinner, but it was the fluttery feelings and heart-stopping moments that gave her pause.

Hugo's blue eyes twinkled like sapphires. "Would love to know what that blush is about."

She ducked her head, letting her hair fall around her face. "Georgie wants me to write about our date."

He raised a brow. "Are you?"

Parts of it. "Is that okay?"

"It's a little weird," he admitted. Hugo lifted the strands off of her face, and pushed them back, letting his fingers sink into her hair. He cupped the side of her head and stroked her cheek with his thumb. "But for you, I can manage."

The guttural sound in his voice had her looking up at him through her lashes. What she saw made her breathing quicken. Nice, easy-going Hugo was gone. This Hugo, smoldered with molten eyes and a strained expression that highlighted his features, making them seem harsher, more raw.

He'd been holding back tonight, she realized. Keeping his emotions contained and stored away.

"Alex," he whispered. The sound, a soft caress, and she shivered, feeling it down to her toes. He wanted to kiss her. It was stamped on his face like a flashing light, but she didn't know if she was ready yet.

"Hugo," she croaked, indecision warring inside of her.

He smiled faintly, giving her cheek one last stroke, then dropped his hand. He picked up the TV remote and held it out to her like a gift. "You pick."

Confused and embarrassed, she pushed it away. "No, you do it."

"Alex, it's okay." The gentleness and understanding in his voice made her throat tighten. "I'll like whatever you like. The remote is in your control." The double meaning wasn't lost on her.

Hands fisted, she swallowed hard and pushed the words out. "Are you sure?"

"Positive." He uncurled her fingers, placed the remote in her open palm, and forced them closed. Her fingers flexed when he let go and moved away. She mourned the loss and wanted to call him back, but something inside wouldn't let her.

Forcing a happy smile, she tried to regain her equilibrium. "I should warn you, I have a deep obsession with Tan France and the Queer Eye."

Hugo smirked, and her world tilted again. "Um, who doesn't?"

Was that her heart melting into a puddle on the floor?

As she brought the show up, Hugo moved their dishes to the sink and put away the leftovers. Then he pushed the coffee table to the side and threw a bunch of pillows and blankets onto the floor. Grabbing an extra pillow, he laid down on his stomach and pushed the pillow under his chest with his elbows propping him up.

She laid down beside him and pressed play. Hugo, she learned, wasn't a silent TV watcher, which was great because neither was she. They made comments and spouted off lines that had them rolling around in laughter. At one point, they reenacted a scene, pulling out props, and talking with a British accent.

After an hour or so, Hugo said he was hungry for dessert, so they scoured the pantry and found a box of brownie mix. They quickly whipped it up and put it in the oven. While it was baking, Hugo checked on Seth, who was still asleep, and Alex washed the dishes despite Hugo's protest.

They'd just settled back onto their makeshift lounge area with a plate of gooey brownies and cold milk when the front door burst open.

Alexx, Sloane, and Bri stumbled in, giggling uncontrollably. They fell on top of each other, holding their stomachs as they gasped for breath.

"I can't believe that happened," Alexx managed to spit out. "When the guy-y—" she trailed off, laughing some more.

"Oh my god, I know. I can't believe he did that," Sloane said after gulping for air. "What a night."

Alexx put her nose in the air and sniffed. "Is that brownies? I'm starving."

Sloane followed suit. "Smells like Chinese too."

Alexx groaned and clutched her stomach. "That sounds like life right now."

Hugo spoke up, "Plenty of leftovers in the fridge. Help yourself. We have fresh brownies out of the oven too."

Three pairs of eyes turned, and Alex could see the shock registering on their faces as they took in her and Hugo sitting side by side. The blankets and pillows made it look extra cozy, and the dim lights didn't help either.

"Hey," Alex managed with a weak smile. This was weird and kind of awkward. Had Alexx told them about her date tonight? From Bri's confused expression, she was guessing not.

"Why are you here?" Alexx asked Hugo, tapping her boots against the floor. "I thought you were taking her to that restaurant on DeSoto."

Hugo explained the situation with Seth and Alexx cooed, "Aw, poor baby. We'll keep quiet then." She motioned to Sloane and Bri. "You can take your stuff to my room."

Alex hadn't noticed before, but Sloane and Bri had overnight bags with them. Were they having a sleepover? A streak of jealousy tore through her.

Sloane and Bri went to Alexx's room, but Alexx stayed behind. "How's it going?" Alexx mouthed to her.

"I'm right here, you know," Hugo told her. He picked up a small pillow and lodged it at her. "I can see you."

Alexx caught it with ease and tossed it back. "But you're supposed to pretend like you can't."

Hugo pursed his lips. "Explain that logic to me."

Alexx rolled her eyes. "Never mind. You ruin everything. Freddy, I'll talk to you later." She stomped to her room, her boots clicking and clacking against the hardwood floors.

A slick, oily sensation slithered down her stomach as Alex heard the door open and then shut. Even then, she could hear them giggling as they talked about the concert.

Hugo picked up a brownie and was about to take a bite, but stopped when he saw her face. "You okay?"

She'd been having the best time with Hugo, but now her palms were itchy, and it felt like her skin was two sizes too small. Another peal of laughter rang from Alexx's room. "I don't feel so good."

Concern was etched on his face. "You want me to take you home?"

"I just—" She glanced longingly down the hallway. "I-I..."

"Come on." Hugo set his brownie down and brushed off the crumbs from his fingers. He got to his feet and took her hands in his, pulling her up beside him.

"It's okay," she protested. "Sit. Let's eat brownies. I'll be fine."

"You're not fine." When she opened her mouth to argue, he put a finger to her lips. "Don't lie to me, Alex."

She couldn't tell if he was mad or not, but she was too chicken to ask, so she just nodded and kept quiet.

He put the plate of brownies on the table and grabbed his phone and keys. "Let me tell Georgie." He went to her room and knocked. After a few low murmurs, he returned and guided Alex to his car.

As he drove, the car was quiet except for a love song crooning on the radio. Alex ached to fill the silence, but she didn't know what to say. She opened her mouth several times to apologize, but every time the words caught in her throat.

Hugo lowered the volume of the radio. "Did Georgie ever tell you about my friend, Robby?"

She frowned, fidgeting with the seat belt. "I don't think so."

"We were super tight in middle school along with Arlo. Played on the same basketball team and had all the same classes. Then when we got to high school, and it was like this new world opened up. New people, new classes, new things to do."

"Is this where you tell me it's natural to drift apart and make new friends?"

He glanced at her. "Yes and no. It's hard finding your group, and it's not always this clear cut answer. I don't know exactly what you're going through, but I can say friendship isn't easy. It takes work. And there's a lot of ups and downs."

"So what happened to you and Robby? I'm guessing you're not friends anymore?"

He grinned. "You'd guess wrong. We didn't talk at all our sophomore year but then the second semester of our junior year we had a class together, and we became friends again. We're not best friends, but he's someone I can trust to always be there for me when I need help and vice versa."

"So, I shouldn't cross Sloane and Bri off my friend list?" she asked.

"I think you should trust your gut. Don't force a friendship you don't feel, but just because it's not working now, doesn't mean it won't work in the future. We all change, and sometimes those changes bring us closer together."

"But sometimes it pushes us apart," she whispered.

"That's a possibility."

"I don't want that to happen to Georgie and me." She sighed and looked out the window at the lights lining the night sky. "It feels strange to see her doing her own thing without me. Pretty selfish of me, huh?"

"I think it's honest. But I'm sure it's just as strange for her to see you doing your own thing."

She glanced at him, resting her head against the seat. "How did you and Arlo keep your friendship going when it didn't last with Robby?"

He tapped his thumbs against the steering wheel. "I'm not sure. I think a part of it is what you're experiencing right now. Robby and I didn't click anymore, so it was easy to lose what we had, but Arlo and I, we've always been tight."

"That wasn't helpful."

His laughter filled the car. "Sorry. I don't have all the answers. But I think you should trust Georgie to make your friendship a priority, just like she has to trust you to do the same."

Easier said than done. It hurt to know Alexx was off doing things without her. She'd have different memories, different experiences. "I'm sorry I cut tonight short. You didn't get to eat your brownie."

"I told you, I get it, Alex. Besides, I get to eat my brownie when I go home."

She laughed. "Well, gee, thanks."

"Doesn't mean you don't get dessert though," Hugo said with a sly look. He pulled in front of a local ice cream shop. "Feel like a scoop?"

She beamed. "Absolutely."

"Good because I've been dying to try their new mocha flavor."

After ordering, they sat across from each other at a small table in the back and chatted about school. "I had Mrs. Trentworth for English," Hugo told her. "She's a tough grader but fair. What book are you on?"

"The Scarlet Letter. We have a five-page essay due in a couple of weeks, and I have no idea what to write." Groaning, she let her head drop back. "I'm so screwed."

"It's not that bad. Doesn't she give you a list of topics?"

"Like that helps," Alex said, rolling her eyes. Her tongue darted out as melted ice cream dribbled down the cone and she licked it up. She stilled as Hugo's eyes flared, his gaze honing in on her lips.

He blinked and looked away. "Um, at least you have Lord of the Flies to look forward to. That's a fun one."

Any heat between them cooled as thoughts of Ravi bombarded her. "So, I've heard." It would be the perfect time to bring Ravi up and ask Hugo about him for Alexx, but she didn't.

It'd ruin the mood, she told herself.

But deep down, Alex knew it was more than that.

They finished their cones and got back in his car. As he drove her home, he asked, "Did you at least have a good time tonight before they came crashing through the door?"

"I did." It surprised her at how easy it was to hang out with Hugo. They never ran out of things to say.

"Mission accomplished then." He rolled to a stop outside of her apartment building. "I know you carpool with Sloane and Bri every morning but can you get out it?"

She gave him a suspicious look. "Probably, but then I'd have to walk to school or take the bus."

"What if I took you instead?"

"Really?" she croaked. Embarrassed, she cleared her throat. "Really? You'd want to do that?"

"I very much want to do that, Alex Canterbury." He entwined their fingers and brought it to his lips. "What do you say?"

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