The Trouble with Friendship

By DoNotMicrowave

342K 9.7K 5K

When the notebook containing their deepest, darkest secrets is stolen, two former best friends must unite, de... More

Author's Note
🧵 Prologue: Alex, Alexx, Toil and Trouble
🧵 Two: So You're an Ass Guy
🧵 Three: I Wear My Sunglasses Inside
🎤 Four: My Truth Would Suck Without You
🧵 Five: Why Don't You Just Read Me in the Middle?
🧵 Six: I Ain't Sayin' She a Sly Digger
🧵 Seven: We'll Eat Friendship By the Ocean
🎤 Eight: Girl, There Ain't No Weird in "Team"
🧵 Nine: It's a Chapter of the Times
🧵 Ten: With You, I Dream Again
🧵 Eleven: Make Me Feel Like I'm Living a Tan France Dream
🧵 Twelve: Ain't it Fun Living in the Green World
🧵 Thirteen: Swing About It Somewhere Only We Know
🎤 Fourteen: It's Just a Muscle Crush
🧵 Fifteen: Don't, Don't, Nirvana You, Forget About Me
🧵 Sixteen: Why Truth Great 'Til They Gotta Be Great?
🎤 Seventeen: Had I Known How to Save a Soda
🎤 Eighteen: Gonna Take My Questions to the Old Town Road
🧵 Nineteen: Is It Too Late to Say I'm Tangled Now?
🧵 Twenty: Shatter Every Lie Till It's All Blown Away
🧵 Twenty-One: Just Because It's Complicated Doesn't Mean It's Really Over
🎤 Twenty-Two: Had to Have High, High Hopes For a Tension
🎤 Twenty-Three: The Aunt Wants What It Wants
🧵Twenty-Four: We're Fallin' Like the Stars, Fallin' in Fault
🧵Twenty-Five: We Are Never, Ever, Ever Getting Friendship Together
🎤 Twenty-Six: Ooh, Baby, Baby, I'm Dancing with an Elephant

🧵 One: Cheese to the Freakin' Weekend

35K 870 768
By DoNotMicrowave

So right now I'm laying out on the dock, soaking in the sun. I'm bummed you didn't come wakeboarding with us. Remember last summer when you tipped over in the inflatable tube? That was hilarious. I wish you were here. Sloane and Bri are fun and all, but no one quite gets me like you. I mean who else am I gonna sing Broadway songs with?? I tried to play Hamilton on the drive up here, but I was vetoed. How can they not comprehend the greatness that is Yorktown (The World Turned Upside Down)? -Georgie aka Alexx

Three and half months earlier...

Alex Canterbury clutched her growling stomach as the smell of homemade pizza wafted through the air. She hadn't eaten yet. Not only had her alarm clock failed her yet again, but she had to clean the kitchen and vacuum the apartment before she was allowed to attend the Lorde's barbecue, which left little time for eating.

Stepping into the backyard, she slid the screen door shut and stopped next to the table piled with food, popping a cube of cheese into her mouth because cheese. Was there anything better?

Lifting a hand to shade her golden-brown eyes against the summer sun, she headed over to her best friend, who was wearing a yellow daffodil dress. She folded a leg under and lowered herself to the cushioned bench next to Alexx Lorde. Her last name was apt considering she sat like a queen, lording over the backyard as if it was her court and the people were her subjects. Alex glanced down at her own position and untucked her leg, smoothing out her shorts and lavender top.

"There he is," her best friend whispered. "Isn't he cute?"

She followed Alexx's gaze to a stocky boy with curly hair dribbling a ball on the makeshift basketball court. He was being guarded by Alexx's brother, Hugo, who was at least a foot taller and by far the hottest Lorde brother. There were three of them. Lance, the oldest who was away at university, Hugo, and then Seth, the baby of the family who was currently getting grass stains on his white shirt as he wrestled his friends to the ground.

She envied her best friend. She'd always wanted siblings, although three brothers sounded exhausting. She'd been over enough to know they were loud, told way too many fart jokes, and ate a TON of food. Even trying to get a slice of bread meant warfare.

"—just moved here from Colorado. He's a senior like Hugo."

Alex studied Owen McCallister. He was rather average looking with a thin face, small lips, and a broad forehead. She didn't know how he, of all people, caught Alexx's eye. She usually crushed on pretty boys, the ones that looked they belonged on covers of GQ, not Bland-R-Us.

"Why is he here?" Alexx groaned.

Arlo Del Torro strolled into the backyard like he owned the place. He, on the other hand, was as far from bland as a person could get and knew it too, which is probably why he and Alexx did not get along.

"He's Hugo's best friend," she replied. "Of course, he's going to come."

Alexx lifted her lip in a snarl. "Did I tell you what he said to me last week?"

She had. Several times, but Alex listened patiently, nodding in all the appropriate places. These rants happened at least once a week.

"Oh yeah," her best friend turned to her, her pale skin turning pink under the California sun. "Did you bring our notebook?"

"I put it in your room."

"Perfect. I'll bring it with me when we go to the mall on Wednesday."

Alex looked down at her well-worn shorts and bit the inside of her cheek. She hated going to the mall. It was too expensive. Most of her clothes came from thrift stores or garage sales. Alexx offered to buy her things, but it felt weird to take money without earning it.


Both girls looked up.

Alex's mom stepped onto the patio. "Alexandria," she corrected. Then shook her head. "I mean my daughter, the brunette who spent nine months in my belly."

"Fred, Mom. Call me Fred."

Her mom raised a thin eyebrow, one that had been overly plucked and never grown back. "I didn't name you Fred. I named you Alexandria. Why can't you go by a nickname that makes sense?"

She shrugged. "Because we both go by Alex. It gets confusing."

Beaming, Alexx piped up, "Except when we write it because I have an extra X in my name—"

Because my mom said I'm exx-tra special, Alex repeated in her head.

"—because my mom said I'm exx-tra special."

She hated the bubbles of resentment floating in her chest. Why did Alexx have to point it out every time someone mentioned their names? She said it the first time they met in Mrs. Delaney's class at Castillo Middle School and was still pointing it out five years later.

She got that Alexx had issues. Hell, she would too if her mom abandoned her after giving her birth. She'd stayed long enough to name her, give her that stupid motto, and then booked it out of the hospital with no forwarding address or phone number. She'd returned once, and that was to sign divorce papers, but her and Mr. Lorde must have worked something out because nine months later, Seth, a tiny baby bundled in blankets, ended up at the Lorde's front door with a note saying she was sorry.

It was messed up, for sure, but Alex wondered how long her best friend would be pointing out how exxxxxtra special she was. Was it going to be engraved on her tombstone?

Alex added, "That's why we decided on Fred and George, Mom."

"Because that doesn't get confusing," her mom scoffed. "From Harry Potter, right?"

Alex rolled her eyes—the same eyes as her mom, who was half-Japanese, half-Mexican. It was the only feature they shared besides their olive skin tone, everything else—her lips, her bone structure, even her pointy chin—she got from her dad's side of the family, who like the last name implied, hailed from England back in the 1800s. "Yes, Mom. Harry freaking Potter. Only the most famous book series in the world."

Of course, if they had known what happened in the last book they might have chosen someone different, although Alexx insisted it added a certain dramatic flair.

"Hey, check the attitude, miss."

She sheepishly smiled at her mom. "Sorry."

"Okay, well, Fred I need your help with the dishes."

"But Mom—"

"Up and at 'em." She clapped her hands together. "Better hurry before Sloane's mom decides to make another pound of mac and cheese. I saw her eying the pans."

Both girls groaned. "I thought my dad told her not to bring anything," Alexx said.

That stuff stuck to the bones and wouldn't leave. It was like carrying a bowling ball of pasta and cheese, but not the good kind of cheese. It was the gross, synthetic kind that gave Alex the shivers. Even the Lorde brothers wouldn't eat more than a plate which was saying something. She'd seen them nibble around moldy bread.

"Well, she did, and she thinks you guys could use some more so if you don't want to be eating it for the next week, I suggest you get a move on." Her mom gave Alex a pointed look before moving to the barbecue.

Alex slid off the bench and waited for her best friend to get up. "You coming?"

She shook her head and stayed put. "I'm gonna sit here and try to get Owen to notice me." She fluttered her lashes which looked long and luscious except for the black smudges of mascara at the base.

"No, you're not. You're gonna help." Alex tugged on her arm, but she didn't budge. "Come on, Georgie."

She gracefully crossed her legs and leaned back. "Hey, I'm the one who cleaned up this pigsty before you got here. Have you ever cleaned a toilet bowl where three males piss? It's disgusting."

Alex stuck out her tongue. "Fine. Stay here and be all alone."

Her best friend glanced behind her to where Sloane and Brianne were bouncing on the trampoline. "I won't be alone. I have the girls."

Alex held back a grimace. She'd avoided saying hi. They'd hung out since middle school but lately, things had been off. She'd been feeling restless and irritable around them, and it wasn't until recently, that Alex understood why.

It was simple—they didn't have a lot in common. They watched different shows, had opposite tastes in music, and didn't even like the same types of food. Who doesn't like cheese? It should have immediately raised a red flag. The only thing keeping them together was Alexx.

So this summer she started to distance herself from them. It was tough and lonely, but it was better than pretending to be interested in camping and hiking when she freaking hated bugs and outdoor showers.

Alex sucked in a breath as a thought occurred. What was she going to do in a couple of days when school started? They carpooled together. Their moms rotated who picked up and dropped off. She glanced at her mom, who was happily chatting with Bri's mom. Yeah, there was no way she was getting out of that one.

Suck it up unless you plan on walking for an hour every morning and afternoon.

She shuddered. Physical activity wasn't her strong suit. Neither was waking up before the sun started shining.

Heading into the kitchen, she soaped up the sponge and began cleaning. The sink overlooked the yard, so she had a clear view of Sloane and Brianne, and vice versa. The looks they kept sending her made her squirm, but she pretended not to see them.

The screen door slid open, and a sweaty Hugo walked in, his blonde bangs sticking to his forehead. He opened the fridge and poured himself a glass of water. He drained it in seconds and then refilled. "Hey, Freddy. Your mom putting you to work already?"

She showed off her soapy hands. "I feel like Cinderella except I don't have a ball to get too."

"Eh, balls are highly overrated. Backyard barbecues are where it's at." He finished his second glass and set it on the counter next to the sink. "Move over. I'll wash, you dry."

"Thanks," she said. Out of all the Lorde brothers, Hugo was her favorite. He never acted like she was his baby sister's pesky friend or another annoying girl invading his house.

He looked out the window and sighed. "My sister is totally crushing on Owen, isn't she?"

She pretended to zip her lips. "Not telling."

"Yeah, well, make sure she knows it's a no go. He has a girl back in Colorado he can't stop talking about." He rinsed the soap off a pan and handed it to her. "You going to audition for the fall play again this year?"

The Playhouse, a community theater, put on two annual musicals—one in the fall, and one in the summer. She'd been a part of them every year since Alexx roped her in. She loved musicals—"You Can't Stop the Beat" by Hairspray was set as her alarm—but performing in them was a whole other story. She had two left feet, and her singing made birds cry. Usually, she was assigned a small speaking role and then filled in behind the scenes, altering costumes or making accessories.

"I guess so. I don't have anywhere else to be." She said it as a joke, but the truth of her words hit her square in the face, leaving her a bit dazed.

"Georgie can't stop talking about it. They're putting on West Side Story. Her favorite." His shoulders heaved as he sighed. "I'm already prepping for all the sets I'll have to build." When she didn't say anything, he glanced over. "You okay?"

"Yeah, just thinking." She resumed drying. "Wait, so you're participating this year? I thought you'd be busy applying for colleges and stuff."

"Someone has to keep an eye on her now that Lance is gone." His cheeks puffed out in exasperation. "Fifteen and already boy crazy."

Defensive, Alex replied, "She's not that bad. And so what if she is? Isn't this the age where we're supposed to be a little crazy?"

"You're not like that."

Her chin lifted as she faced him. It's how she imagined her dad, a nurse, looked when dealing with an unruly patient. "How do you know? I could be as crazy as the Mad Hatter."

Hugo chuckled, the sound filling the kitchen. "Trust me, I know."

Flustered, Alex whipped back towards the sink. Was Hugo Lorde flirting with her? She discreetly studied him, noting the way his hair curled around the nape of his neck. He was tall and lanky with a boyish grin, not really her type, but there was something about him. Probably the mischievous glint in his eye that dared a girl to catch him.

She stole another look, and to her embarrassment, he caught her looking. His lips twitched, but before she could say anything, Sloane's mom walked in.

She drew Alex into a smothering hug that had her clambering for air. "We haven't seen you around much. Why is that?"

Alex took a few steps back and smoothed out her molasses colored hair, the waves she'd meticulously put in, limp as a noodle. "Trying to laze around as much as possible till classes start."

"Well, don't get too lazy or else you'll develop bad habits." Smiling, she patted Hugo's cheek. "Not like this one. Always on top of things. Your dad bragged you had an almost perfect score on the SAT's. I hope you'll take me up on my offer to tutor Sloane."

"I'm sure she won't need it, Mrs. Sheehan. Sloane's smart. She'll breeze through the honors classes."

"So sweet. I hope my Sloane ends up with someone like you."

Alex wanted to laugh as the not-so-subtle hint hit Hugo like a wrecking ball. Wide-eyed, he stuttered, "Um, well—uh...uh..."

Alex knew it was mean, but she couldn't help herself. "Mrs. Sheehan, Hugo was just telling me about how much he craved your mac and cheese. Do you...?"

"Oh!" she exclaimed, oblivious to Hugo's murderous gaze. "Let me get you a bowl."

As she hurried off, Hugo muttered, "You're cruel, Alex Canterbury." He threw the sponge into the sink and flicked the soapy bubbles on his fingers at her. "Do your own dishes."

"These are technically yours!" she yelled after him, but he kept walking.

Alexx came in with a plate of piping hot pizza. "Here. I brought you a slice." She motioned to the yard where a grimacing Hugo was forcing down spoonfuls of mac and cheese. "What's that all about?"

She shrugged and said, "No clue," then took a bite of the pizza. What possessed her to say that, she didn't know, but afterwards, she realized it was the first time she straight out lied to her best friend.

And the worst part?

She didn't feel bad about it. Not at all.

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