The Special Outcast #Wattys20...

By MeltingLove

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Melinda goes to a school in a far far away place, to a school of magic but everyone else there is as normal a... More

Part 1 - Melinda's Heart
Part 2 - Melinda's Thoughts
Part 3 - Melinda's Will
Part 4 - Melinda's Dare
Part 6 - Colette's Trust
Part 7 - Skyline's Rain
Part 8 - Jessilyn's Knowledge
Part 9 - Laurel's Flame
Part 10 - Secret of The Scroll
Part 11 - Summoning Xigix's Protectors
Part 12 - Realisation
Part 13 - Acceptance
Part 14 - Celebration
Part 15 - Author's Note
Part 16 - Questions and Answers
Part 17 - Spin-off

Part 5 - Cover's Flower

122 15 1
By MeltingLove

Melinda would not be the main character for the next 6 chapters. The CPs would. When I say that someone, it isn't meant to be nice thing. I updated as fast as I could and as long as I could make it. I BROUGHT MELINDA BACK for a bit!!


Careful's POV

We were in the centre of a think, dense rainforest. Where were we, I asked myself. I looked around, making a guess that we were in heart of the Amazon Rainforest. It was very dark at the time when we reached but I tried to glance around at the CPs, they probably felt tired from our last mission. I was also surprised when she sent Thomas back. He was our leader and a played a very important role. 

All the CPs had a role to play, at least all the trained ones. Thomas was the leader, of course and I was the main source of ideas for our group. Diligent was the one who would always keep the group cheerful. Rainbow was the peace maker and work really well with the trainees, she was also the communicater and translator. I hated her the most. Nuku and Nunnie were the inventors of the group and transporter.

It just felt awkward not to be together but we all know how important it is to find the scroll and save Xigix. I found it weird that only one of us can see the scroll. I actually personally hope it was one of the trained CPs, I don't trust the rest very much and I could tell the other trained CPs were feeling the same way. I mean that this was an important thing...what if the trainee read it wrongly? 

"Hello, hello. I'm Cover," a young fairy on a cloud spoke to us. Why do all of them have a cloud? She had beautiful brown hair and the deepest brown eyes I would I ever see, they were as rich as chocolates. She wasn't beautiful though, at least not in my eyes.

"What brings you to the heart of the Amazon rainforest?" she asked lighting up the place with her magic. I could see that we were floating about 15m of ground with about 15m above us. When she meant heart of the forest, she really meant heart of the forest. It was rather weird, even the Ocean girl was not that patheticly pacific. 

She, this girl, was surrounded with a few outstretching flowers and above her was the open conopy. She was sitting in the middle, almost meditating. You could say she was connecting with the nature even as she spoke.

"We are coming in search of the scroll's spell," I told her and she nodded, smiling - still doing her weird connecting with the nature shit. I'm starting to hate the fact that this girls smile so much. Who were they and why do we have to listen to their rules and past the test. Right for the scroll...but we're more powerful. They were just normal girls guarding the scroll. The only thing more powerful than the CPs are the bad and the legendary nymphs who may not even exist! Why can't we just blast this girls and force them to tell us where the scroll is?

Simple, the answer was our image. The CPs' image. I was going to criticise more about this awful girls when one of them broke my train of thoughts with her voice that sounded way too girly even if she was a girl.

"Fine by me, ladies and gentlemen but would have to catch that flower!" she winked pointing at the flower before disappearing just like the Ocean girl. Catch...what bad grammar was my reaction  before I saw what the plant could really do. I walked up to it and reached out to it but it...disappeared into thin air.

"Where did it go?" I cried out as I lit the place with a torch. (Remember that they can't use magic in a heart of something unless they are nymphs)

"Simple, it is a teleporting flower Careful. You would have to prove yourself," Rainbow informed me and I had the urge to roll my eyes but I did not. She was trying to be the know-it-all when I was the one who excelled with As when we were in school. 

"All right, I know just the perfect to get it!" I smiled showing my perfect teeth,"We can use a relocating spell to relocate the flower into this jar." 

I took out a jar from my bag and displayed it in front of the CPs. Well, after all, I had to keep my good image even in front of the CPs. There were things like kicking out the trained CPs from this mission, I had a feeling. For example that Thomas who was the leader got removed.

I proceeded to take out the black box containing our magic.

Rainbow's POV

I sighed under my breath. It was as if nature was telling me Careful's real intentions. I didn't want to be spiteful but it was quite obvious that we could not use any of our magic powers in the heart of something so deep and glamourous - like the heart of the forest. Even the black box would npot protect themagic we saved in it. I was going to bring it up but Diligent did.

"Er Careful? We're in the heart of the forest. Magic is useless?" he murmured the last part out, as if unsure of himself but I don't blame him. Careful meant to be the idea producer of the group, the person who scored straight As. I'm not sure but she's turning into a whole mean person lately, it was as if she was doing everything for her image.

"I'm pretty sure it will work, the blac box protects the magic,"she said. I saw through her at that moment, her eyes told me she was annoyed. I could tell from her voice that she was going to snap - her voice was so edgy. She was as if losing her perfect CP act. 

I realised that Moonlight realised it too because she challenge Careful - well, almost.

"I don't think anyone is as good as you at a relocating spell here or with the black box's magic," she started,"why not show it to us? Everyone could learn a lesson or too, especially me. I'm horrible at those spells."

Careful looked pleased at Moonlight's words and starting chanting the spell to relesase the magic of the blac box. From the corner of my eye, I could see Moonlight rolling her eyes. I nearly laughed but held it back before looking at Careful trying to summon the magic of the black box but to no avail.

Nothing happened.

Suddenly, I felt something. The sound of nature, it was as if nature was telling us how to get the flower and where it went. The rest of the CPs realised it to, at least everyone who were left on this mission to find the scroll. All but Careful. She was still looking dazed that she could not summon the magic of the black box. I rolled my eyes this time, it obviously would not work and she was just pressing her luck. I think she knew it to for someone who aced all her examinations, she had to know. She just did not want to feel lousy by giving up.

"I guess we go here," Cameron said gesturing to the bush. Oh right, I totally forgotten he was with us on this mission. I sighed as we followed the sound, while Careful did so reluctantly.

We all concentrated as we called the grounds to help us. It was hard, especially when we didn't have our full magic. I could feel myself getting dizzy in concentration. My inside burning with hope, it almost felt painful. My head was literally swelling. It was pure hard work. 

Finally, the flower appeared in the box we made out of the plants in the rainforest.

"Congratulations, you all passed. Your thoughts have been read and after much consideration, I have chosen who to pick out. I would remove the most selfish of you all. I have to admit, it isn't easy picking out who to remove. I felt like removing 4 of you but that wouldn't work. So if I to choose only one person, I would remove Rainbow..." She nodded at me sending me back and I felt like gasping...

I thought she would say Careful and Mynah. One for being overly confident and one for not speaking up at all but me? I have contributed so much and it wasn't fair. The CPs had so many more missions and test to pass but they have to do it without me. How could the girl say I was selfish? It just wasn't right at all. Who was she in the first place to talk to us like that?

How would the CPs remain peace without me and why was I the most selfish among the group? The most self-centred among them all. It was just wrong.


Melinda's POV

"They got the flower,"Cover informed us after I finished telling them my well-elaborated story on how they were panicking. I had to admit that I was surprise at Cover's choice of who to remove but I had to admit...from the sound of her, she was really self-centred. The nymphs, well, I like them very much and we just like to talk about random things. We will talk about how they pass the test but I guess they would have to pass Colette next and I promise you, her test were by far the hardest.

Mine was courage, something most people don't have.

Cover chose to give the challenge of logic which they did pass too.

Let me say this, trust is just something very hard to have and Colette is going to pitch them up against it. I just hope they pass, I want Xigix to be save too.

I also wonder what other challenges the other nymphs would be choosing. I really want to know Colette's venue too. I think she was planning the dark room. Scary...

I never thought I would be wihsing them this but I really have to because their next task would be heartbreaking and sad...

Good luck CPs...


Okay guys, you read a bit on Rainbow, Careful's, Diligent's character already. Who else do you want next? You only got a few to choose from and I'll give you the options starting from my favourite and why you should want to see his/her character...

1. Mynah (Just because he is the best candidate to write about.)

2. Cameron (I find it funny at how he gave out easily, he is so funny. Give me a chance to write about him?)

3. Moonlight (The last one I haven't wrote about yet.)

4. Diligent (I'm not hoping to write about him again soon but I'll like to write about him 2-3 chapters later!)

5. Rainbow (I already wrote about her in this chapter! Geez, give me a break and I removed her because she was too self-centred.)

6. One of the nymphs (It is not encouraged. I already said that CPs would be the main character for this 5-7 chapters or so! They are hard to write about after all.)

7. The CPs not on this quest anymore (I hate changing POVs, you'll see them 6-7 chapters later.)


This chapter's dedication is also by random starting by the letter 'C' which stands for 'Club'. I can't believe it...winx club started in 2004 and it is already 2014! Anyway, next chapters dedication would be by random to the starting letter 'J' because my name starts with a letter 'J'. Lol?


Song at the side is "You're the One". Winx Club Season 4, you know the winx band? Yep, who agrees it should be Musa singing and not Bloom? I know they sing together sometimes but yea know...


For those who can't see why Rainbow is self-centred and selfis, it is because she thinks only about herself. She dosen't question why Careful was edgy. You shoudl ask even if she is really edgy. She forgotten of the trainees and she trust herself too much. That is about it.


1843 words. Congratualte me.

Photo: Our sweet Cover

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