Can misfits work together?

Galing kay Beyondtheisle

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(IzukuxKyoka) Izuku Midoriya is labeled as a bit of a misfit, he's changing high schools and now on his first... Higit pa

Chapter 2 Together as misfits, stronger as friends!
Chapter 3 These seconds matter!
Chapter 4 Oh right schoolwork, among other things!
Chapter 5 Awkwardness.
Chapter 6 Monday's are the worst!
Chapter 7 That "feeling" problem
Chapter 8 That's why we're friends!

Chapter 1 New school? Yeah right!

12K 110 132
Galing kay Beyondtheisle

"I've already torn out 4 pages trying to write, I'm getting the hang of this journal thing but whatever! Here's the gist of what's happened, first I've been labeled as a misfit just cause i didn't get along with the teachers pets and all that crap plus the school work was THE WORST I'VE EVER SEEN!! Second because of my so called behaviour I'm changing high schools yaaay *insert sarcasm here* I'm starting this new school in a few hours. Thirdly this high school specialises in helping it's students with their powers called quirks, like being in high isn't bad enough geez. I bet this will turn out like last time. Arrive, meet a bully, like a girl, a girl likes me, bully likes said girl, I get hit for no reason. Yeah I should probably stop writing my actual thoughts down... oh well guess I should get ready" Izuku was already dressed, in his new school despite being a Japanese school it was like an American school, allowing the students to wear what they wanted, simple jeans and jacket should be enough, but he was still going to act like a misfit anyway.

The U.A had not long started it's second semester and Izuku and his mother Inko had just finished unpacking from their move yesterday. "Izuku Midoriya are you ready for your first day of your new school?" Inko asked excitingly, Izuku just nodded in response as he was about to walk out the door. His new home was 2 bedrooms with one bathroom, though their apartment itself was a case of it's bigger on the inside even if the kitchen and lounge area were together. The main building is 3 stories high with 6 apartments on each floor and a staircase up the middle.

Izuku's new home was next to the staircase on the second story and it wasn't too far from the train station either, Inko had offered to drive him to school but he declined, he arrived at the school with a few minutes to spare before the bell went, he went to his classroom after finding it on the school map "Let's see with my green hair and eyes I should fit right in to this stupid place" he said aloud, he entered the classroom through the sliding door and some people stopped to look. He didn't really care and just sat down near the back of the classroom.

That's when he noticed something, a yellow sleeping bag sitting at the front of the classroom in the middle row. It moved and a face appeared, Izuku raised his hand "Uhh why is there a sleeping bag with a face here?" Izuku asked a little confused. The face in the sleeping bag spoke
"Oh that's simple, I'm your homeroom teacher. My name i-"
"Yeah I don't care, you're a sleeping bag right? Shouldn't you... I don't know, be at a camping store or something?" Izuku said doing his best not to sound bored.

"HEY YOU GET OUTTA MY SEAT!!" Yelled a voice, Izuku decided that it was time for smartassery "Does this seat have your name on it?" Izuku said seeing a blonde hair boy walk towards him and waited for the boy to get closer. Izuku then leaned back and snapped his head forward connecting with a headbutt, knocking the blonde hair boy backwards a few steps 'Well there's the bully' He thought to himself. The boy composed himself and took a swing but Izuku dodged it and hit back with one of his own causing the boy to fall down.

"MR. BAKUGO, MR. MIDORIYA I TRUST I DON'T HAVE TO STEP IN?" The man in the sleeping bag yelled, getting everyone's attention before he spoke again in a more calmly manner "Well Mr. Midoriya... I'm Shota Aizawa your homeroom teacher... it'll stay that way, but it looks like on your first day you have detention" he said beginning to step out of his sleeping bag revealing his shoulder length black hair, black eyes and unkept facial hair. Aizawa spoke again "When the bell goes for lunch Mr. Midoriya follow me, Mr. Bakugo as for you, scrape off the chewing gum off of the bottom of each desk should be enough!" He said as he started to wrap up his sleeping bag 'Of course the other 3 aren't here' Aizawa thought to himself proceeding to mark the roll.

The next 2 hours were the longest of Izuku's life, he remained in Bakugo's seat during the lessons then getting up once the bell had gone for lunch, following Aizawa to another classroom. They didn't speak, Izuku just entered the room and saw 2 others were already seated. They both looked towards him, the closest was a female sitting in the middle of the room. She had short purple hair that was chin length with a asymmetrical fringe, dark purple onyx like eyes, but her most unique notable feature she had was thin cords with earphone jacks at the bottom of the cords hanging from each of her earlobes.

The other person that was looking at Izuku, a male was interesting to say the least, sitting on the far side. A normal human body sure but the head, it was a birds head, black resembling a crow or raven, a yellow beak that was hooked down at the end and thin red eyes. The female was wearing black jeans and black hoodie, the male was wearing ripped blue jeans and grey hoodie.

"Please don't sit near anyone" called a voice, Izuku looked and noticed a man possibly 18, sitting at the desk, Izuku looked at the figure who even sitting down looked quite tall, he had blonde hair the top arranged in a cowlick, his eyes were blue but had no visible sclera. "I'm not a teacher though I'm just filling in, just sit away from the other 3" he said and as if on cue snoring was heard, Izuku looked and saw a female sleeping her near the entrance, her appearance however was very unusual.

She had light pink skin, her hair while short and fluffy like Izuku's was a slightly darker shade of pink than her skin with 2 yellow horns protruding from her head, she awoke from her slumber with a sneeze, her eyes were different as well, the sclera a black with the iris a yellow. She was wearing a light blue skirt that just went past her knees, black stockings and a dark purple hoodie. As Izuku sat down near the back he looked at his hands and thought 'What is this place?'

The 5 of them were sitting in silence for awhile when the man with the cowlick hair spoke "Mr. Midoriya... it's your first day here and you've been in a fight? Don't let that disrupt you, you seem to have good grades" Izuku just looked up at the celling. The bell eventually went for 3rd period, then 4th then for 2nd lunch break.

As Izuku was walking through a sports field, a female voice called out to him "Midoriya what are you up too?" He turn in the direction of the voice and saw the 3 others who were in detention with him sitting on one of the rows of bleachers. Izuku called back "How about a nickname like... cinnamon roll? That's what fanfics say now days!"
The purple haired called out "Wha? Cinnamon roll? Cinnamon rolls are sweet, your more like a broccoli or cabbage!" 'What does he mean by that's what the fanfics say?' She thought to herself.

Izuku looked confused at her and shrugged before walking off. Later that night while Izuku was thinking what to do while at home anything other than school work really, his mother approached him looking a bit more happy than usual "Izuku, our neighbors next door have invited us over for dinner!!" Her face beaming 'nope not doing that' Izuku thought to himself as an idea popped into his head "Oh sorry i would like to mom, I would really but I'd rather stay home, study and do homework... maybe some other time?" He said faking a smile.

His mother smiled "Oh I understand sweetie, with it being you first day and all. I'm sure our neighbors will understand if it's just me" with that she nodded and walked out of the house. She quickly popped her head back him "would you like to say hello at least?" She asked, Izuku shook his head "I might pop over later if I'm not to busy, I think I might start some studying now though... as I'm walking... to my room... to not be distracted" he said before closing his bedroom door, his mother looked a little confused but understood.

He actually studied... for 10 minutes before doing nothing, he then went outside onto the balcony "That looks like some intense studying!" Spoke the voice of the purple haired girl from another balcony, Izuku turned to the left and saw the purple haired girl who was now wearing a dark red tank top.
Izuku squinted at her before a male voice from below called out "It is your first day after all" Izuku looked over to see the bird headed boy as now another female voice joined in "Apparently he's got good grades pfft" the voice finished with a giggle.

Izuku looked down to the left below the purple haired girls balcony and saw the pink haired girl, a slightly muffled older female voice called out "Kyoka dear dinners ready!"
"Ok be there in a minute" the purple haired girl responded, she then waved and said goodbye to the other 2, she was about to go in when she looked at Izuku and gave him a small wave before going inside "How's your studying going?" Called out the bird headed boy
"Shut up" responded Izuku before going back inside himself.

"UUGGGGHHHH... why does it seem like I'm a protagonist?" He groaned slumping onto his bed, he stared at the ceiling losing track of time and falling asleep.
"The neighbors have a daughter your age Izuku, even with her purple hair she's really pretty and her friend who has pink hair and skin is really pretty as well, I'll have to set you up with one of them sometime I think, oh before i forget there was some left over dinner which they offered to me so I've packed it in your bag" Inko said to her son during breakfast
'You've gotta be kidding! Pretty? That's debatable, annoying? Very much! But free food isn't too bad I suppose' Izuku thought to himself in response to what his mother said.

Once Izuku finished breakfast he put on grey jeans and black hoodie then made his way to the train station where he unfortunately spotted the bird headed boy he was wearing ripped jeans, blue sneakers and grey hoodie, the boy spotted him 'I swear I've seen enough anime to know where this is going!' Izuku thought to himself as the boy was walking over "Hey ahhh Izuku right?" He said, Izuku nodded. The boy extended his hand "We didn't really introduce ourselves yesterday sorry, I'm Fumikage, your neighbor is Kyoka and below her is Mina"

Izuku gave in and shook Fumikage's hand "What are you doing here early then Fumikage?" Izuku asked "straight to the point huh, well to be honest the 3 of us decided to wait for you, though Kyoka and Mina had an assignment due so they couldn't wait around long enough"
Izuku's eyes widened a little 'That's actually nice of them' he thought
He noticed Fumikage was going to speak again "What's your class by the way?"
Izuku pulled out his school timetable "Umm class... 1-A"
"Ohhh nice one the 4 of us are in the same class, we were thinking of returning to class today, too many disruptions got us kicked out... we could've returned last week but we couldn't be bothered" Fumikage said, Izuku took the news on the outside ok, but on the inside he was freaking out

'WHAAAAAAAATTTTTTT! THOSE 3 ARE IN MY CLASS? IF I HAVE TO SIT NEXT TO ONE OF THEM OR... THE WINDOW I'M DEFINITELY AN ANIME PROTAGONIST! WHY! WHY! WHY!' His insides screamed, not long after the train arrived, their stop was a 20 minute walk from the school. They made it to class, Izuku was told he would sit in the middle row at the very back. Kyoka sat in the 2nd seat on left row, Mina sat at the 1st in the same row as Izuku, Fumikage sat in the 4th seat on the right row. Even though Izuku in the 6th seat of the middle row he was still anxious.

The homeroom teacher began roll call with the clipboard covering his face "Ok roll call listen up... Momo Yaoyorozu?"
"Rikido Sato?"
"Tsuyu Asui?"
"Uhh Kyoka Jiro hmm"
Aizawa slowly moved to clipboard down and saw Kyoka sitting there with a deadpan expression she was wearing a black hoodie, black skirt and black sneakers, he quickly glanced over to see Mina, she was wearing grey sweatpants, dark purple shirt with acid written on it, pink camo sneakers and had a dark pink hoodie tied around her waist and Fumikage 'Th-Th-they're here? That changes a few things I guess' He thought to himself slowly continuing to mark the roll using the clipboard to hide his confusion, he then flipped over the page to look at the new assignment he was meant to give the class.

He mentally shivered at the first sentence which read "Aizawa, for this assignment your class with be mostly in groups of 4, with a single pair left over, they can choose the groups themselves" 'Well i can't separate those 3, but I don't think anyone will approach them, visa versa' he thought to himself as he slowly got up to write the assignment on the board. Most of the students were excited and starting quietly taking almost themselves when they were told to make groups, Izuku was looking down at his desk hoping no one would approach him, but his protagonist instincts kicked in as 3 people were approaching. He slowly looked up to see Fumikage, Kyoka and Mina each grinning "That's the thing about being the new kid Izuku, nobody wants to pick you... except us fellow misfits" Kyoka said extending her hand to shake his.

Izuku sighed then spoke up "I mean I don't wanna ruin the mojo you 3 have, I might find another gro-"
"Mr. Midoriya is that your group? Everyone else has got theirs, plus I'd hate to fail you on your first assignment" Aizawa said cutting Izuku off, Izuku's expression changing into one of 'REALLY'
"Y-Yeah it's my group" Izuku replied annoyed with the whole thing. Aizawa nodded but was hoping the other 3 didn't ruin Izuku's 2nd day and the coming weeks with their sudden interest in the green haired boy. The assignment was a simple one, gather information about 2 hero's of a groups choose and make comparisons with the people in your group with a speech at the end.

Izuku and his group chose All Might and Death Arms, Aizawa was surprised they actually choose 2 heros, he had a strange feeling that the 4 of them could actually get something done, with Izuku being the glue that held them together. Once lunchtime came around Izuku managed to heat up the dinner that was spared from last night at Kyoka's house, it was a chicken and potato soup, the smell was amazing.

He was about to take his first bite when Mina laid down on her side, hand on her chin "Izuku as your study buddy and new friend... FFFFFEEEEEDDDDD MMMMMEEEEE!!" She said while pouting cause Izuku to go a little red "MINA NO! It's his second day here, we don't need to weird or freak him out already" Kyoka said glaring at Mina
"I do agree with Kyoka... but that food smells amazing" spoke Fumikage drooling a little. Izuku looked at Mina and Fumikage then looking at Kyoka who tried her best but her mouth was slowly curling into a smirk.

"I can save... some for you guys... if you want *gulp* and also are we starting this assignment today?" Izuku said through some mouthfuls of food
"N-no it's ok, you eat it and yeah we probably should start it today huh? How about this tonight we'll research individually then we'll meet a little earlier at the train station to compile notes or whatever... sound good?" Kyoka said feeling like a born leader, the other 3 nodded. Mina placed a hand in front of her and the others just looked at her "Guys... we're a group aren't we? We have Kyoka the leader, me the adventurous one, Fumikage the muscle and Izuku the mascot!" Mina said beaming with confidence with some protest from Izuku being named mascot. But it was settled the group would surprisingly 'start' the assignment individually later that night. Izuku managed a smile which the others noticed, despite being labeled as a misfit, he felt good, he felt... happy as they all put their hands in the middle. "Welcome to the group Izuku, it's just a shame I have to look at that face everyday" Kyoka teased with a smile making Izuku going a little more red than he did before.

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