
By jennamht

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16 year old Sirena has always wanted one thing. A mate. No matter how hard her life got, no matter how much s... More

Run In


14.9K 287 46
By jennamht

Authors Note: Please read

This will be the last chapter. Some may be angry at how it ends, but this is how it has been planned from the start. There will be no sequel, for quite honestly, there is nothing left to be said by the end of it. What seems to have happened, really is as it seems, and there is no revival of characters, or sudden deaths of those who some of you have wanted there to be. None of this probably makes sense now but it will by the end of this section. Enjoy the last chapter of Broken.

Chapter 24

365 days that I have lived in torment.

1 year since the death of Darian.

6 months since Eric has proposed to another.

Today is there wedding day.

It may seem odd that Eric is marrying so soon, but since he is the future Beta, he has to be mated before he takes his position besides the Alpha. Thus, the reason he was supposed to find me over a year ago. This was supposed to be my wedding.

For six months I have watched him prance around with his new toy. For six moths, I had to watch the love between them shine from their eyes, and watch every heated kiss shared in the hallway.

I had to watch him be happy while I wallowed in misery.

I wish I could say that I hurt her and made him watch while I stripped the very flesh from her bones, but I did not. I wanted to, yes, but I couldn’t bring myself to cause her pain. She is the innocent in all of this, after all, and I couldn’t punish her for her chosen one’s mistake. This was an arranged marriage for them both, since that is what happens when someone of higher position didn’t find their mate in the appointed time. Or, in this case, he was an asshole and rejected her. Funny how things turn out.

I sat here now, in an empty pew, watching their ceremony take place. It was beautiful, truly. Most people cry at these types of things, like they would at a funeral, but I strangely only felt...anger. And sadness.

This was supposed to be my day. I was meant to be his, married to that very man who was currently giving his vows of eternal love and devotion to an unknown woman. A woman who wasn’t me. I wish I could bring myself to leave, but I was stuck, watching this fairytale scene like any normal person would. When they gave their kiss, sealing each other as a married couple, I did not stand up and cheer or clap. I simply sat there, like a lump on a log, and stared at the happy newly weds. They grabbed each other’s hands and ran down the isle. Eric did not look at me.

An hour or so later, we were gathered in the backyard of the pack house. Celebrating. I stood on the outskirts of the celebration, not joining in on the dancing crowed whom thought today was filled with joy and happiness. They danced and danced, not once realizing the tormenting thoughts that were swirling in my mind. I glanced at the happy couple, which was about ready to have their first dance. The music started, and the heartfelt song “I’ll Be” by Edwin McCain started to play from the speakers set up at a DJ’s booth. The slow melody started to play out.

The strands in your eyes that color them wonderful, stop me, and steal my breath...

I looked in his eyes and saw the secret smile he gave me, one that seems to tell me just how much I lost.

Tell me we belong together, dress it up with the trappings of love...

He kissed her then, a silent, sweet kiss.

I’ll hang from you’re lips

Instead of the gallows of heartache that hang from above...

I ran.

I turned on my heel, and ran as if Hades himself was chasing me.

I couldn’t help it, I couldn’t watch any longer as the person who was supposed to be mine from the very start, give a sweet kiss to a girl who’s name I don’t even know. No, she wasn’t my sworn enemy, and somehow, that made it a whole lot worse.

I couldn’t hate her.

For some unknown reason, I wanted to let her have her happiness. The happiness that I am no longer able to have. No, she most likely did not have to deal with the same obstacles that I had to, but I still wanted her to have the happily ever after that I so painfully obviously did not have. I wanted at least someone to have a life worth living.

I thought of what I have been through, in that moment. The childhood I never really had, and all the promises that never came true that was uttered by my parents, the very people who should have spoiled me and cared for me like no other person. The people who should have held me up in my greatest time of need, instead of being gone to leave their only child alone and unwanted.

The intrusion of my body from Tanner, and the pain of him moving inside my unwilling body. The pain of my innocence being taken away from me, the only real thing I really had of value.

The rejection of my mate, and the embarrassment of knowing that the very person made for him weren’t good enough. I wasn’t good enough. Watching him sleep with so many girls, and having the knowledge that he preferred those whores to me. Who also was supposedly a whore at that point in time.

And alas, the one person who actually loved me for me, and even loved all of my flaws for some unknown reason. He, who I first willingly shared my body with, and who I let marked me as his, while I marked his as mine also. It didn’t matter that he wasn’t my true mate, but he was still my mate. My second chance for so many things. For love, lust, marriage. Children. Happiness. He was my chance for so many things, and for the small amount of time we had together, he gave me everything I could have wanted. He was my world, my life.

He was the greatest downfall of my life.

There is no greater pain then watching the love of your life be ripped to shreds before your eyes, and being powerless to stop it. To have to watch you’re lovers body be defiled by a man who was supposed to love and cherish you. I fell to my knees in the very clearing that I first met Darian. So many things have happened here, but the biggest was meeting my love, and the other was being witness to the proposal of my mate to another woman. A proposal, which was meant to be mine, and mine alone. But no, I couldn’t have that. Nor could I have the one man who was worth living for, the one man who would have been my husband and life-long friend.

I realized, at that moment, that there was no hope for me in this world. Only pain and suffering, in which the scars on the inside of my arms finely detailed, and also by the claw marks forever imprinted on my chest, where I dug my very nails into my flesh while watching my loved one die.

I took out the small dagger that I kept on my person ever since the death of Darian, and slowly dragged it up to my still beating heart. I faintly wondered if I would be happy in the next life, if I would actually be given a shot at happiness instead of this forever pain that I seem to collect into the very depths of my soul. I thought of the last moment I saw Darian, and how the light quickly diminished from his lovely eyes, and I thought, once more, of the loving kiss that I last saw my true mate in. The kiss I’ll never be able to have. At that moment, one of the last lyrics of the song ran through my mind,

I’ll be loves suicide...

With that one phrase running through my mind, I knew what I had to do to release all of this pain that was churning inside me.

I plunged the dagger into my heart.

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