Gotta Be You - Zarry

By penguini88

312K 7.4K 2.3K

Harry Styles is one of the most popular guys at school, and also the school slut. He has a tough reputation t... More

Chapter 1 - The Project
Chapter 2 - Downpour
Chapter 3 - Checking Up
Chapter 4 - Guilt
Chapter 6 - Unfocused
Chapter 7 - You are?
Chapter 8 - Work and Play
Chapter 9 - Best Friends and Betrayal
Chapter 10 - Goals
Chapter 11 - Janitor's Closet
Chapter 12 - Plans
Chapter 13 - Your Song
Chapter 14 - Truly Madly Deeply
Chapter 15 - Anywhere is
Epilogue 1/2 Zarry Puppy
Epilogue 2/2 Zarry Wedding

Chapter 5 - Confusion

15.4K 398 237
By penguini88


* Harry’s POV*

            Morning light shined through my window. What happened last night after I came home? List what you remember:

1) I came home and Niall and Louis were wasted

2) Niall slipped on some kid’s drink

            What else happened... I scrambled my brain trying to recollect memories of last night. It couldn’t have possibly been too major. I must have gotten really hammered last night, usually my hangover are not as bad. Suddenly, images flashed through my mind from last night.

            Oh my g-d, how did I forget this?


The kid who’s drink Niall slipped on came back with a girl around him arm. He looked pretty intoxicated too, but not a slaphappy drunk, mad drunk. He saw niall with the drink spilled all over the floor.

“WHO DID THIS??” he roared across the room scaring Niall and Louis back to reality. Niall nodded at Louis letting him know he could handle the situation and Louis turned back to his drink.

Niall walked over to the guy calmly “Dude, take it easy, it’s just a drink, I’ll go get you another one,” and with that he started walking over to the bar about to get the kid another drink when suddenly the yelling increased.

“DON’T YOU WALK AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE PIECE OF SHIT! YOU LISTEN WHEN I TALK TO YOU!” he yelled to Niall across the room trying to get his attention.

Niall kept on walking, trying not to fuel the drunken kid’s anger. He knew how these things went from previous party experiences. He just acted calm hoping the boy’s rage would go away.

This only seemed to infuriate the guy even more. The girl wrapped around him seemed to be distressed by his yelling and tugged at his sleeved trying to signal him to give up.

That heated the boy up more making things worse. In a flash, the boy was pinning Niall to a wall slurring crazy things to him while Niall looked like a deer in headlights. The girl was screaming “STOP IT JOEY YOU'RE HURTING HIM!!” obviously scared from what he could do. Louis jumped out of his seat and tried to pry Joey off of Niall screaming at him “GET OFF OF HIM!! HE DID NOTHING WRONG!”

And then there was me, just sitting there frozen in place. I wasn’t used to dealing with angry drunks even though I hosted a ton of parties. Surprising? I was used to the Louis and Niall kind of drunks.

This is where it got really ugly. The boy turned around so that he was still on Niall but looking at Louis and said to him “Is this your BOYFRIEND?? DO YOU LOVE HIM?? DO YOU WANT TO SAVE HIM SO THAT YOU TO CAN MAKE OUT AN-?”

Louis snapped immediately and punched the kid in the jaw. He stumbled backwards and crashed on the ground pulling Niall down with him. Louis helped Niall up just as the other boy was regaining his composure. Louis turned to walk away when the boy grabbed Niall by the neck and held him in a headlock. He began to punch him repeatedly in the face.

Louis turned around and pinned Joey to the ground and began smashing his head to the ground. Niall screamed, “STOP IT LOU!! IM FINE! HES NOT EVEN WORTH IT!!!”

Louis came to his senses. He wasn’t worth it. This all started over the stupidest thing ever - a spilled drink. Louis quickly got off Joey who now had a bloody nose. He helped him up and soon the boy was running upstairs. Louis and Niall cautiously walked back upstairs before making even more of a scene. I was still sitting in that same spot, dumbfounded at Louis’s outburst. He was never angry or irrational. It was probably just the alcohol, but he seemed really hurt over the boyfriend remark.


I shuffled out of bed and jumped into the shower washing off the reek of alcohol and trying to sooth my pounding head. I wrapped a towel around my head as I stepped out and went to my room to change into some new clothes.

I then made my way to the kitchen. As I passed through the halls I saw all of the trash from the night before, but no serious damage to the house itself. It was going to be a pain to clean up. I soon heard bacon sizzling and when I reached the kitchen I saw Louis burning some bacon and eggs. Niall sat at the table with his face in his hands.

Louis turned his head to me and nodded his head, acknowledging my presence. I sighed and sat down across from Niall. He usually got massive hangovers while Louis just had to take a few advil and it would clear up in a few hours. We all envied him.

“Hey Nialler,” Louis said lowly as to not increase either of our pounding headaches, “here’s some breakfast.” He gave Niall a plate full of burnt food. Louis was never a good cook, but he tries. He then handed me a similar plate and sat down next to Niall with a strip of bacon in his hand. I looked over to his right hand. It was red and swollen. He might have broken something.

Niall removed his hands from his face, and that’s when I saw it. He was sporting a black eye and his lip looked a bit busted up. He would most likely need to go to the hospital for some stitches. Louis smiled weakly at me noticing my distress.

Niall seemed a mix of angry, sad, and overall hungover. He shuffled the food on his plate around with his fork. Louis and I exchanged horrified glances. Niall never rejected food. NEVER. No matter how bad Louis’s cooking was or how burnt, old, disgusting it was he always ate it.

Louis looked like he was about to burst into tears. Niall looked up from his plate and saw Louis face.

“Hey, I’m not hungry Louis. Sorry mate just a little...tired I guess. I’m going back to sleep. Thanks for...helping last night. You’re my best friend. Or more like a brother,” with that Niall got up and went upstairs, most likely to the guest room.

Louis looked even more pained from Niall’s last comment. I couldn’t understand why.

“So what does that make me? His bffl?” I tried to lighten the mood, but this seemed to upset him further and he left without a word. I watched him as he went towards the living room and crashed on the couch.

I groaned. Niall was upset over the fight, he hated fighting of any kind and Louis was upset because Niall was upset. This was going to take a while to blow over. Plus, I would have to convince Niall to get his face checked out and Louis’s hand.

I then noticed the clock on the microwave read eleven in the morning. I needed to check up on Zayn. I quickly shot him a text asking if he felt better and how he was doing. I waited a few minutes for a reply, but didn’t seem to be getting any soon.

*Zayn’s POV*

            I woke up from the buzzing of my phone. I groaned and looked to see I got a text. I didn’t bother to read it. It was probably my mom asking if I had gotten up yet. I then saw the time was eleven and tried to get out of bed before I was hit with a wave of pain from my back.

            I grabbed a few advils from the dresser and dry swallowed them. I prayed they would kick in soon. I usually was immune to sickness, but I felt like I was overheating. I ripped the blanket off and made my way to the shower. My back was killing me.

I stripped of my clothing and stepped in, turning the water to as cold as it could go. It seemed to help a bit.

After a few minutes I stepped out and got changed. I made my way to the kitchen and fixed myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I remembered the ignored text waiting on my phone and made my way to my room, careful not to put my back in too much pain.

I grabbed my phone and read over the text. My mom was just worrying like usual.

I replied:

From Zayn:

Yea I’m fine mom! Don’t worry

I was putting my phone away when it buzzed again

From 1-800-993-0983:

Lol, ummm zayn?

I looked at my phone confused before typing a reply.

From Zayn:


From 1-800-993-0983:

            this is harry...

I stared at my phone processing the words. I looked at the ID and saw it was an unknown number. I stared at the weird number before blushing like mad. He was probably having a real good laugh with his buddies on how stupid I am. I groaned at the thought. I was never going to hear the end of this mess up.

From Zayn:

   what did you need...

I saved the number to my contacts as, Harry.

From Harry:

            well dearest son, I was wondering how you were doing?

I groaned. He was going to be riding this joke out for a long time.

From Zayn:

            fine, are we working on the project later?

From Harry:

            define ‘fine’ sweetheart

Form Zayn:

            fine. So do you want me to still go over your house or go somewhere else?

From Harry:

            come here around 1

            I glanced at the clock noting it was twelve. I felt my stomach grumble and remembered my sandwich downstairs.

From Zayn:

            Kk gotta go

From Harry:

            Bye son luv ooo xx

            I was putting my phone down when it buzzed again. I groaned.

From Mum:

            Hey sweetie, how are you doing? You feel alright?

            Harry was being such an ass right now.

From Zayn:

            Yes layoff! It’s not that funny, it was a mistake ok! Don’t be a dickhead!

From Mum:

Zayn how dare you use such vulgar language. I was just checking up to see if you were okay. I’m your mother I’m allowed to do that, you know? and I do not find this hilarious. You’re grounded for a week!

I paled at the text. It wasn’t Harry! I just called my mum a dickhead... Wait I was grounded for the week. That didn’t really affect me since grounded meant I couldn’t do anything after school besides go home. Which I already do so it wasn’t much of a punishment anymore. I guess sometimes I stay after school in the art or music room, and occasionally I got to the public library.

I then realized that I was going over Harry’s house soon to work on the project.

From Zayn:

            I’m really sorry mum! It wasn’t meant for you! I swear!

From Mum:

            So you are calling someone else a profound name? Zayn, you’re still grounded.

From Zayn:

            BUT I was going over Harry’s house to work on a project! It’s huge and we need to get started!

From Mum:

            Reschedule for tomorrow or something because you’re picking your sisters up from their friend’s houses as a part of your punishment.

            I groaned. I knew I wouldn’t be able to convince her to let me go work with Harry. She had really strict rules when it came to cursing or insults in general.

From Zayn:

            K... love you mum

            I opened up a new text to Harry.

From Zayn:

            Hey sorry, got grounded. You free tomorrow to work on the project instead? I can’t today.

From Harry:

            Awww sure just come over around the same time. Lol whatcha get in trouble for?

From Zayn:

            nothing...well I have to go pick up my sisters so bye

I closed my phone and went downstairs. I threw a pair of sneakers on and grabbed the minivan keys. I then went outside and saw the wreckage of the storm last night. A few small trees, garbage, and other rubbish littered the streets. There was a ton of water everywhere.

            I got in the minivan and proceeded to drive to my sister’s friends houses. I was used to picking them up and I already knew which friend’s houses they’d be over. 

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