Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!!

By Glittersilver

231K 4.2K 40.2K

Title says it all. (This book is completed, and requests will no longer be taken. Thank you!) More

X Reader Fanfictions
And Peggy!
Catherine Schuyler
Michael In The Bathroom
Spamilton, Part 1
Spamilton, Part 2
Spamilton, Part 3
Spamilton, Part 4
Panic! At the Disco
The Lams Letters
Doki Doki Literature Club
A/N: 1K
Last of Us
Laurens' Interlude
A/N: Short break
Harry Potter
The Beatles
A/N: Christmas React VOTE
Thomas Sanders
Home Alone (Christmas Special)
Mary Poppins Returns
Bet On It
A/N Five Thousand
Dear Theodosia
Avril Lavigne
Wattpad Update! (Short one)
Laurgelica, Kingsbury, and Wamilton (Valentines' Day Special, Part 1)
Marliza, Washette, and Jamilams (Valentine's Day Special, Part 2)
Philodosia and Pheacker (Valentine's Day Special, Part 3)
A/N: A Letter (10K)
Jeggy (Valentine's Day Special, Part 4)
A/N: 10K Spectacular Question Box! [CLOSED]
10K Spectacular! (Part 1)
A/N: Update (Very Important)
10K Spectacular! (Part 2)
Happy Birthday Maria!
10K Spectacular! (Finale)
What the Heck I Gotta Do
Happy Birthday Thomas!
Garbage Disposals (Easter Special?)
A/N: Author Q&A Question Box! [CLOSED]
Quinn's Wattpadiversary Special!
Sanders Sides
The Four Modern Major Musicalsβ„’
We're In A Revolution
Happy Mothers' Day!
Mary Poppins
Orienteering and Snarled (Summer Special, Part 1)
Happy Birthday King George!
Tuck Everlasting, Marco Polo, and Poppy (Summer Special, Part 2)
Musical Sing-Off and Billie Eilish (Summer Special, Part 3)
Happy Fathers' Day!
Animal Crossing and Balloon Battlefield (Summer Special, Finale)
Happy Birthday Theo!
Stranger Things
Twenty One Pilots
Author's Note
The Greatest Showman
One Last Time (Finale)
Thank You


1.4K 40 808
By Glittersilver

Quinn: Helloooooooo! Welcome back to Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!

Everyone: ...

Quinn: Yeah... everyone's still tired from Camp Glitter.

Jefferson: And sore.

Hamilton: And... for some of us... quarantined.

Herc: *from inside a plastic bubble* Aw, c'mon, guys, when do I get out of here? 

Quinn: Sorry, dude, but poison ivy is super contagious. You're not getting out of there until the infection has passed.

Herc: I'm so [bleep]ing itchy, man! Can someone pass me the rubbing alcohol?

Angelica: *opens a tiny porthole in the bubble, passes the bottle through, then closes the porthole*

Herc: *rubs the rubbing alcohol all over himself* Ahhhhhhh...

Quinn: How did everyone like our time at Camp Glitter?

Hamilton: Are you kidding me? I still haven't taken off the crown! *is wearing a glittery, silver crown*

Eliza: It's true. He slept with it on. He accidentally poked me in the forehead with it one night while we were sleeping.

King George: And you all make fun of me for my crown. 

Hamilton: Yes, King George, I think I may have to apologize! This feels amazing!

King George: Don't you just feel like you can yell at anybody and make them do whatever you wish?!

Hamilton: Yes!

Jefferson: Oh, God, Hamilton, we really don't need two of him. Can you please be the adult in this situation?

Hamilton: Would I have to start wearing stripey pink suits like you?

Jefferson: IT'S MAGENTA


Philip: Camp Glitter was the best. I miss Patton and Miss Veronica and everyone.

Quinn: I miss them too, but I'm sure we'll see them soon. And in the meantime, though, I have someone else to introduce you guys to! Today's reaction was an idea proposed by my sister Katie, and I'm so excited that she agreed to join us for it! So without further ado, please welcome my sister, Katie! (gymnastgirl147)


Katie: *casually walks in and does two peace signs* YEET. 

Quinn: Hi, sis! *hugs her* It's great to have you. This was a long time coming. 

Katie: Definitely. I mean, I don't really know anything about Hamilton, but this should be fun.

Everyone: *shudders*

Quinn: You're on your way already! 

Katie: Oh, yeah, I also brought gifts for everyone. *takes out a big bag and starts passing scrunchies out to everyone*

Hamilton: What is this?

Katie: A scrunchie. You use it to tie up your hair. I'm kinda obsessed with them. *is wearing three differently colored scrunchies on her arm, and has one tying up her ponytail* 

Peggy: Ooh, this is cute! Can I have a yellow one instead?

Katie: Sure, take as many as you want. I brought like a million.

Theo: Here, Philip, lemme give you pigtails!

Philip: Uh, I don't know if I want pigtails...

Theo: But then we can be matching!

Laurens: How do I look, Peggy? *tosses ponytail, now with a lime green scrunchie* 

Peggy: *putting like three or four scrunchies in Thomas's hair* I applaud. Ten out of ten, Johnny.

Laff: *wearing a red, white, and blue scrunchies in his ponytail* Trés sympa! 

Katie: *turns around to give someone a scrunchie and comes face to face with Burr* Oh. This is awkward. *tries to walk away and bumps into Washington* Oh. This is more awkward. *runs away and runs into Samuel* Oh. This is even more awkward. You don't have enough hair. Uh... here. *fixes the scrunchie onto the top of Samuel's head so he has a unicorn horn-looking ponytail*

Samuel: *looks up at his new hairdo* Is it strange that I could learn to like this?

Quinn: Aww, you look great, Sammy! This was a great idea, thanks Katie. We are a big-haired group, and many of them could really use the scrunchies.

Herc: Hey, can I have one?

Katie: *throws it at Herc's bubble. It bounces off the surface and lands on the floor*

Herc: :(

Katie: Yeah, scrunchies are awesome. I use them all the time in gymnastics. 

Theo: You do gymnastics? What can you do?

Quinn: You guys are gonna wanna back up for this one.

Everyone: *backs up*

Katie: *does a back flip* 

Everyone: *applauds* 

Theo: That was so cool! 

Katie: Aw, thanks.

Theo: I can do cartwheels and stuff. Watch. *does a cartwheel*

Katie: *laughs* Great job! Later, I can teach you how to do a back flip, if you want.

Theo: Cool!

Burr: *eyes widen* Wait, what-

Hamilton: So, was this the reaction?

Quinn: Nope. Katie, care to tell everyone what they're reacting to?

Katie: *pulls out her phone* Instagram! It's an app where you can take pictures and post them for everyone to see.

Madison: That sounds kind of stalkerish...

Laurens: Aw, man, I thought "Instagram" was some kinda instant grandma delivery service. Now I'm disappointed.

Peggy: What the actual.

Laurens: I never met my grandma, okay? I've always wanted one!

Katie: If we can get back to Instagram- or Instant Grandma, I'm totally calling it that from now on- let me show you some of the things you can find here.

Quinn: *plays an instrumental of "A Whole New World" from Aladdin*

Katie: *scrolling through pictures, showing them different accounts. Everything Katie does on her phone shows up on the projector* There's your Basic Insta, which is just someone taking pictures of their daily life. Then there's Basic Insta +, which is like the Basic Insta, but with super aesthetic looking pictures. 

Jefferson: Okay, why does that girl's photo say "caught me off guard"? She clearly planned that, look at how she's posing!

Hamilton: I can't put my finger on why, but those hand holding pictures really annoy me for some reason.

Eliza: Aww, we couldn't do a hand holding picture together? *takes Alex's hand and leads him across the room*

Katie: *snaps a picture* 

Angelica: *looks at the picture* Oh, that's cute.

Peggy: Yeah, I think you're wrong, Alex. Look how cute you guys are!

Hamilton: *looks at the picture* Well, it's cute when we do it, of course. 

Eliza: *wraps her arms around his neck from behind and kisses his cheek*

Peggy: John and I should do one like that where we're walking into the gates of Hell.

Laurens: *cracks up laughing* Perfect! Let's do it right now!


Katie: *watching, super confused* Okay... well, another type of Instagram is the Foodie Insta, which is just pictures of food. All the time. 

Hamilton: But, like... do we care what people are eating?

Jefferson: That's just stupid. 

Herc: That's the best idea ever! Lemme see!

Katie: *scrolls through some foodie's page*

Herc: *mouth waters, leans on the surface of his bubble, and it starts to roll forward* 

Quinn: AAH! 

Everyone: *scrambles to stop the bubble from rolling*

Herc: *falls onto his stomach, chuckles* That was fun. 

Quinn: Let's get your bubble back on its base, Herc. *pushes the bubble back*

Herc: Aw, c'mon! That was all I had to live for! 

Quinn: Sorry, dude.

Herc: *groans*

Katie: Now, onto two more types of Instas- and, let's be honest, they're the only types that matter- Slime and Pet Instas! *goes to a slime instagram page*

Philip: Ooh, what's that?!

Katie: That's slime. Next time I come I'll show you guys how to make it. People post videos of them making and playing with slime. 

Jefferson: And people actually watch this?

Katie: Yes, and it's beautiful! Look, look at this cloud slime. Don't you just wanna poke it?

Samuel: It's a little... goopy... I like the color, though.

Hamilton: *staring at the screen* This is so stupid, but... I can't pull myself away. 

Laurens: It's so... squishy...

Laff: And colorful...

Katie: Last Instagram- *abruptly changes the page*

Everyone: *blinks and snaps back to reality, disappointed* 

Katie: Is Pet Instas! *puts on a Pet Insta page*

Theo: Aww, that puppy's so cute!!

Philip: I just wanna play with him!!

Susan: *eyes light up when Katie changes to a cat video* Kitty!!

Laurens: Do people do Instant Grandmas of turtles?

Katie: Hmm... probably... *finds a turtle instagram*

Laurens: *breaks into a grin* Aww, look at the little guy! 

Peggy: I hope our turtle children will be as cute as him.

Angelica: Turtles won't survive in Hell, though.

Laurens: Oh, you're right! We'll have to get that picture before we settle down as parents. 

Peggy: *nods affirmatively*

Angelica: *facepalms*

Quinn: Alright, guys, now it's time for you to make your own Instagrams! You'll all be getting a smartphone- *passes one out to everyone* and Katie and I can help you set up your own accounts. 

Eliza: Oh, but I don't know if I want pictures of myself up for the whole world to see..

Quinn: Well, you can make a private account, Eliza. That way, you can allow who can see your posts and who can't.

Eliza: Oh, that's a good idea. I'll do that.

Philip: *wearing two pigtails, curtesy of Theo* Can I be on your Instagram, Mom?

Eliza: *laughs* Of course, love!

Philip: Just... not while my hair's like this.

Theo: Why not? I did a great job!

Philip: Uh... yeah, totally, Theo. You did a great job.

Theo: *grins* 

Burr: *typing in a username* Are you kidding me? "AaronBurr" is taken? Oh, I got it. *types something in* "Aaron-Burr!" Perfect!

Hamilton: Oh, wow, now we got a dash up in here. Somebody elect this guy president. He's such a genius, he thought of a dash. 

Burr: *glares*

Hamilton: I just realized what I said, so I'm gonna turn around now. Keep all that tension behind me. *turns around*

King George: Samuel! Take lots of pictures of me. Please. I know my subjects will go mad for this! 

Samuel: *takes pictures* 

King George: *cutesy pose* *pouty pose* *fake surprise pose* *Hamster pose*

Madison: *taking pictures for Thomas, looks over at Samuel and sees he's doing the same thing* Me too, Sam.

Samuel: *chuckles* 

Madison: Thomas, don't you think this is a little... egocentric?

Jefferson: *makes a face* "Egocentric?" ... *shrugs and nods, conceding* Well, yeah, but it's fun! *continues posing* 

Laurens: *holds phone up to Herc* Hey, Herc! Smile!

Herc: I don't want any pictures of me in this stupid bubble on Instant Grandma!

Laurens: C'mon, it's hilarious! 

Herc: *himself off of base and over Laurens*

Laurens: *screams as he is crushed by the mighty Bubble of Hercules™*

Quinn: Herc, seriously, you're gonna kill someone with that!

Herc: Do you really think he's dead?!

Quinn: You sound too happy about that. 

Laff: *looking over Hamilton's shoulder* Mon ami, Instagram is for pictures, not words. 

Hamilton: *writing a really long caption* I have so much to say! Now's my chance for the world to hear my voice!

Burr: Oh, gosh... *rolls eyes* 

Quinn: I think you're more of a Twitter guy, Alex.

Hamilton: What's that?

Quinn: A reaction for another time. 

Katie: *taking a video of Philip* C'mon, Philip, do it!

Philip: Do I have to?

Katie: C'mon! 

Philip: *attempts to do a Fortnite dance*

Katie: *hysterically laughing* 

Philip: *grins*

Theo: Okay, take a video of me next. 

Katie: *holds the camera up to her*

Theo: *in a fake diva voice* Hey, guys. Welcome to Theo's Life. This is a show where I do really sassy things.

Philip: *jumps in the background and makes faces at the camera*

Theo: Like punch little boys! *playfully punches Philip's shoulder*

Philip: *runs away laughing*

Susan: Mommy, can I take a picture of you?

Maria: Oh, I don't know, sweetie. 

Susan: Please? You're so pretty!

Maria: *giggles* Okay, one picture. 

Susan: *takes a picture* Here you go!

Maria: Aww, you did such a good job! *kisses her head* Why don't you see if you can find some birds outside the window to take pictures of next?

Susan: *nods eagerly and runs away* 

Schuyler sisters: *all taking selfies together* 

Angelica: It's really hard to fit all three of us in the frame...

Peggy: I better not get cut off or so help me.

Eliza: *giggles and rubs Peggy's hair* We'd never do that to you! 

Angelica: It must be hard being the short sister. *pats her head* 

Peggy: Here, I got it. *puts her arms around Angelica and Eliza's shoulders and hoists herself up*

Angelica and Eliza: *shriek in surprise and fall to the ground*

Schuyler sisters: *in a heap on the floor, laughing*

Angelica: *takes a picture* There. Now that's a perfect first post. 

Quinn: So, what do you guys think of Instagram?

Hamilton: I think it's a great way to connect with people! Even if you're not in the same room or even in the same state, it gives people a way to stay a part of each others' lives. 

Maria: I could see how someone could run into trouble through it, though. Thinking that people are living more fulfilled lives than you, or doing things you're not comfortable with for more attention. 

Madison: It's a good way for people to get too wrapped up in themselves as well. Taking pictures of themselves and seeing how many likes they get and all... more than connecting with others, I feel it's about projecting yourself. 

Quinn: Yeah, social media's kind of a slippery slope like that. It can breed insecurity and much worse if you put too much stock into it. 

Katie: Yeah, in the world of slime and animals, it's a wholesome place. Outside of that... I don't really care. 

Quinn: Well, thanks so much for coming to hang out with us, Katie.

Katie: *grins* It was a lot of fun! Everyone's really cool here. 

Philip: *does his weird dance again to make her laugh*

Katie: *laughs* Philip, you're iconic.

Philip: *beams* 

Quinn: This was a ton of fun. We'll definitely have you on the show again sometime soon. *side hugs Katie* So, what do you guys wanna do now?


Quinn: OOH, YES! I'll go grab snacks.

Katie: Santa Cookies?

Quinn: I got you, sis.

Katie: YUS!

Herc: Aw, man, I want Santa Cookies, whatever the heck they are!

Quinn: I'm sorry you have to miss out on all the fun, Herc. It's just until your poison ivy goes away.

Katie: *looks up from phone* Uh... Quinn? I just looked it up, and poison ivy isn't contagious.

Quinn: ...What?

Katie: Yeah, it doesn't pass from person to person like that. As soon as he takes a shower and washes his clothes, it won't be able to spread to anyone.

Quinn: *chuckles awkwardly* Oh. I see. *looks over at Herc* Well... I guess you can come outta there, Herc.

Herc: FINALLY! *unzips the opening and runs away* 

Quinn: Just make sure you go shower-! ...And he's gone.

Katie: If he's not using that bubble anymore, can I?

Quinn: Uh, sure?

Katie: Sweet! *goes into the bubble and starts rolling around like a giant hamster*

Hamilton: She's on the move!

Everyone: *runs and jumps out of the way*


Quinn: *dives out of the way and laughs* Alright, thanks for watching, everyone! We'll see you next time on Hamilton Reacts to Stuff!

A/N: Katie and I have this joke about how the movie Smallfoot changed her life. XD Also Santa Cookies are these gluten free cookies we eat (we're both GF) and she says they're so good, they're the kind of cookies you'd leave out for Santa. So she calls them Santa Cookies lol. I'm so happy I got to have you in the book, sis! This'll definitely happen again. 

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