Give Me Love - A One Directio...

By allourmemories

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Amanda is a troubled girl with no direction in her life. When she found out that her best friend was cheating... More

Chapter 1 - I Wanna Be Drunk When I Wake Up
Chapter 2 - Burnt Lungs, Sour Taste
Chapter 3 - Take This Bird In, With It's Broken Leg
Chapter 5 - I'm Falling For Your Eyes
Chapter 6 - If I Fall For You, Would You Fall Too?
Chapter 7 - Sew Your Heart To My Sleeve
Chapter 8 - She's Like Cold Coffee in the Morning
Chapter 9 - We're Resembling Cutlery
Chapter 10 - I Hold You Tight, Tight Enough to Know, That You Are Mine
Chapter 11 - I'll Hold You Tightly, And Give You Nothing But Truth
Chapter 12 - Your Mind Is My New Best Friend
Chapter 13 - Strange As It Seems, She's Endless To Me
Chapter 14 - When I Feel Cold you Keep Me Warm
Chapter 15 - Then We'll Crash, Crash, Right Down Again
Chapter 16 - And You're Miles Away and Yesterday You Were Here With Me
Chapter 17 - I Was Told to Put My Job in Front of You

Chapter 4 - Replace It With The Elephant In The Room

1.1K 17 1
By allourmemories


Sorry I haven't updated in a while, but I've had so much work. But it's all cool now! So, this chapters just a filler, but it's still important, so enjoy :)




Zayn's Perspective

I was startled awake by a piercing scream that split threw my dream. I bolted upright and regretted it immediately, the crick in my neck from sleeping on the couch cramping painfully. I stretched it out and quickly made my way over to where Amanda was sleeping, wondering if she was okay. I pushed the door open slightly and she screamed again, giving me a huge heart attack. I looked over at her and saw her with her knees pulled under her chin, shaking like a leaf under the covers. "Zayn?" she whimpered with big green eyes. "Yes, it's me babe, everything's okay." I reassured her, walking over to the side of the bed and carefully pushing her back onto the pillow. "It was just a dream. Don't worry, I'm here." I soothed, pushing her dark hair out of her face. She smiled up at me with a faint smile and blinked her huge green orbs.

I smiled back but caught myself, abruptly pulling my hand away. Why was I acting like this with her? I barely knew her and I was already having...feelings? Emotions? I couldn't describe it. The way she looked at me with her huge eyes made me feel as if she could see right into me, and yet I couldn't even decipher what she was thinking most of the time. But I felt drawn to Amanda, like something invisible was pulling us closer. And today when we went and got her things I sympathized with her, only imagining how she felt when she saw that awful friend of hers smiling threateningly at her. Even I instantly hated her, and I had never met her before. It's only now that I've come to the realization that I didn't like her friend because she didn't. Meaning there was some sort of connection there, however small it may be. But could that even be possible? I had loved before, but that was a while back, before One Direction. Ever since then I had mainly kept to myself and at times going after fit girls or vulnerable ones when I was really pissed. So, what had suddenly changed? But, even if I did have small feelings for her, I highly doubted she had any in return. From what I can gather, she's had a pretty rough time, and I can't seem to come to the conclusion of her having any inkling in her that liked me. And the thought of that very thing alone made my heart crumble.

"Zayn, you're not possessed, are you?" Amanda whimpered, pulling me from my trance. "No babe, I'm not possessed." I smirked. I looked down at her where she had pulled the quilt just under her chin. "Okay, that's good. It's just that I dreamed that you were possessed and were trying to like, pull my head off or something! You should never had let me watch that movie!" she explained, an edge creeping into her voice. I couldn't help but smile at her innocence. "Well, you said it. It was just a dream. Now get some rest babe, you'll need it." I whispered. "And by the way, you loved that movie." I winked with a sly grin. "Did not! My face was in your shirt the entire time!" she protested, sitting back up. "Mm, I didn't mind that actually." I grinned again as she went red. "Shut up." she simply said, plonking back down on the pillow. "Just get some sleep, kay?" I said, heading out of the room. "Goodnight." she whispered, turning over under the blankets and closing her eyes.

Amanda's Perspective

After what seemed like forever, I turned and stared at the ceiling since sleep escaped me, and I knew why. Zayn. He was being so nice and thoughtful and we had really bonded when we watched the movie...if you count laughing at me whilst I squealed bonding. But he was so sweet but at the same time mysterious. And, thinking really hard, my feelings for him had grown from just a 'turn-on'. But I knew he didn't have the same feelings for me. I got the vibe that he didn't want me around much, that I was just a burden that he would soon be able to get rid of. Still, that didn't mean that the butterflies in my stomach would go away based on that alone. No, I was certain that they weren't the type that budge.

Sometime in the morning I heard someone come into the house-many people in fact-and make a huge ruckus. I looked over to the clock on the bedside which read 9:00. Geez, how long had I been awake? I quickly got up and went over to the draws where Zayn had packed away my stuff, pulling out a cleanish hoodie and got myself into a presentable state. With a sigh I approached the door and braced myself for who could be on the other side.

Zayn's Perspective

I was startled awake by someone yelling my name. I groggily opened one eye and saw a short blonde boy with a huge smile pinned on his face. He was followed by three other brunettes, one with curly hair, one with red jeans and one who was extremely tall. Before my tired brain could put a name to their faces, they were all practically onto me. "Zayn! Why are you still sleeping, we have a date!" Niall whined. "Wahh..." I trailed off, looking around at my best friends. They were all laughing and nudging me in the side with stupid looks on their faces. Suddenly Harry cocked his head and looked at me with a puzzling look, as if he couldn't figure something out. "Zayn, why are you sleeping on the cou-" All of a sudden the boys went dead silent and looked towards my bedroom door.

Standing there was Amanda, with curly hair and sleepy eyes. Her green orbs widened when she realized who was in the room with me. The boys all of a sudden jumped up with huge grins in their faces, glancing at me sideways. "Uhhh...hi." Amanda whispered to the boys, looking at me with quizzical eyes. "Amanda, these are my boys." I quickly said, standing up. But my foot got caught up in the blanket and I tripped on to the floor. Niall blurted out laughing and the rest followed suit, bending over themselves and getting teary. Amanda came running and helped me up, asking if I was okay. "Yeah, I'm fine babe." I mumbled, giving the boys an evil stare. They had stopped laughing by now and were watching Amanda and I with stupid grins. "Guys, this is Amanda. She's staying here because of...reasons." I trailed off. Louis stepped forward and grasped Amanda in a bear hug, squeezing her tight. "Oh thank GOD Zayn found you. We though he was going to live within himself FOREVER!" he exclaimed, stepping back and returning to wipe a tear from his eye. "Oh, um,'s not like that..." she stuttered, looking at me for help. "Guys, I think we should go. Brunch, yeah?" I asked them, pushing them towards my front door. "Wait! It would only be polite to invite Amanda. And you don't look too decent anyway Zayni." Liam announced with a sly wink. I stared up at him and gave him a fake smile. "Of course." I muttered, turning to Amanda and giving her an apologetic shrug. She just smiled and headed back into my room, shutting the door. A minute later the door opened and a pair of jeans and a black tee flew out of the room, along with a pair of Nike high tops before closing again. "Awe, she's looking after you Zayn!" Harry batted his eyelashes and gave me dreamy eyes. I glared back and went over to the pile on the ground before heading into the bathroom with a red face, slamming the door on them.

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