Chapter 5 - I'm Falling For Your Eyes

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Zayn's Perspective

After eating our dishes of Nandos, we all say back and settled within our own minds. "So Amanda, what do you do?" Niall asked with a dazzling smile. "Well, actually I just finished uni so I'm taking a break." Amanda answered. "Oh! What did you study?" Liam asked interested. "High school History." All the boys oohed and smiled at her. I picked up my drink just as Louis took a breath. "So where did you guys meet?" I choked on my coke when he asked Amanda. "We're not going out!" All four boys turned to me and frowned and I looked between them before looking at Amanda who looked completely lost. "We just met one night..." I trailed off, hoping that would be enough. " were just walking past each other and fell in love? And you're already living together?" Liam questioned. "And by the way, we only saw you last week and there was no lovely lady in your life." In sync, the boys raised the eyebrows expectantly. "Um, well we met in a club and um, went home..." All the boys whooped and looked at her. Abruptly Amanda stood up and stormed off.

"Woah, she's a fiesty one that one. " Louis sniggered. I death stared him and looked the way she had left. "Zayn, you can't just tell us you shagged her and then grew attached and LET HER MOVE IN!" Louis exclaimed with wide eyes. "It's not like that! We didn't sleep together-"

"CRAP!" Harry burst out, slamming his fist on the table. "You don't just NOT shag someone as fit as her!" I clenched my jaw and stared at him. "We. Did. Not. Sleep. Together. There were reasons and I let her stay's complicated, okay?" I sighed and sunk into my seat. "Okay Zayn, we know you have your reasons and respect your decision but you really have to think about how this whole situation will affect us!" Liam stated, leaning over the table and looking me in the eyes. "Just leave me alone okay? You wouldn't understand." I said simply, heading off to the bathroom to see if Amanda was okay and throwing a dirty over my shoulder.

Amanda's Perspective

I sat on the toilet as I wiped my mouth, feeling empty. Looking up at the ceiling I took a deep breath and knocked my head softly on the wall. The boys disapproved and it was pretty obvious that I couldn't stay with Zayn. But I had absolutely no where to go. My parents lived in a different state and my house was occupied by a cheating ex and a whore. I didn't even have any friends I could bunk with. I was in a shitty state and there was no silver lining on this particular cloud.

"Hey Amanda. You there?" Zayn's voice rung out in the bathroom and I startled, quickly getting myself in order and exiting the stall. To my surprise he stood there in the middle of the women's bathroom with a worried frown. I gave him a half smile and washed my hands slowly. "Are you okay babe?" Zayn asked me, placing his hand on my hip. I reflexively flinched away and adverted my gaze. "I'm fine." I grabbed a towel and concentrated on drying my hands, throwing it into the bin and heading for the door. I felt Zayn's arm snake around my waist and turn me around so I was facing him. "Don't pay attention to them, they're just worried about publicity. I don't mind at all if you still stay with me." he murmured, only inches away from my face. I pushed him away slightly and gave him a half smile. "Thank you." I whispered.

I walked out with Zayn following and saw the boys all look over at us. "Just ignore how they are right now. If you get to know them they're actually good guys. You'll see." he murmured in my ear as we approached the table. "Hiya." Niall beamed, obviously forgetting what had just happened. "We were actually just thinking of leaving and heading off to the management appointment. Amanda, you're free to come if you want." he offered as he stood, the others following suit. "Well I don't have anywhere else to-" I began, but Zayn cut me short. " Babe, I think it's best if you just stay home, it's going to be a really long meeting and there's no one you can chat to while we're inside." I looked from him to the boys and back again. "Oh, okay." I mumbled, looking at the tiled floor. "We'll drop you off and you can chill or go shopping or whatever." he offered as we headed out into the cold morning. "Yeah, sure." I felt someone hug me from the side and I startled, turning to them. "You're alright you know. Sorry about before." Niall murdered, still squeezing me tight. "Thank you." I giggled, slowly removing myself from his grip. I gave him a small smile and stepped into the car, sliding along and waiting for the rest of the boys to pile in.

Silently we drove back to Zayn's place and I stepped out, Zayn pressing a spare key into the palm of my hand. "Take care, I'll be back on two hours." he smiled and I walked off, shoving into the house and waving the boys off with a smile. Once the car disappeared around the corner I slammed the door behind me and walking into the living room. I sunk into the couch and closed my eyes. Why had I reacted so badly to what Louis had said...and then Zayn's response? There was nothing going on between us anyway. Maybe it was just the way they had looked at me when they found out where we had met. Or because they judged me for using him? I didn't even know. But all I did know was that I shouldn't have reacted that the bathroom. No. It was just so hard with everything that was going on and then being judged and everything, it was just all so tiring.

I flicked o the t.v and found that 'Mean Girls' had just started, so I sat there just watching it and reciting the lines. After an hour and a half, my phone started blaring and I fumbled for it, finding it to be a blocked number. Hesitantly I answered and pressed it to my ear. "Hello?" I started slowly, wondering who it could be. "Hey Amanda, it's Dan. Please don't hang up, we really need to talk." I froze up, not wanting to believe that he was on the other end of the phone. After a long silence, he spoke up again. "Look, about the other night..." he began, but I cut him short. "No Dan, do NOT talk about the other night! You have NO idea how it affected me and frankly, you don't care. I don't want to come back, I don't want to see you or HER again and I don't want anything to do with you anymore. Okay?" I practically yelled down the phone. "No Amanda, don't hang up. Just please let me explain!" he rushed. "What?" I cringed inwardly at how weak I was. "Just hear me out. So the day Krystal and I were...together, I had seen you with some other guy and you were all flirty with him. I got so pissed and Krystal was there to calm me down. You didn't come home and I was so angry. I cracked open a bottle of the hard stuff and we both finished it, and really I didn't care if I'd have a hangover the next night. But I swear, I didn't feel about Krystal in that way!" I clenched my jaw and spoke slowly, "Then why did I find you guys sleeping together? There were definitely feelings there." I heard him sigh. "Because we were wasted. Because I was angry. Because she was easy...and half the woman you are." he finished, waiting for my reaction. "I-I can't talk to you right now Dan, just leave me alone." I whimpered. "Wait!" he exclaimed, startling me. "I just want to know if you're okay. Are you staying somewhere?" I scrunched up my face. "Yes. Goodbye Dan." I pressed the end button and threw my phone to the other side of the couch.

In a haze of anger and depression, I ran to the bathroom and yanked open the cabinet. Fumbling around, I found a packet of razors and pulled a blade out. Leaning over the toilet I settled the blade on top of my jagged scars and slowly drew it across them, leaving a shiny trail behind. A tear fell on to my wrist and my cut stung for a short second, bringing tears to my eyes, but I pushed on, the pain was far better - and easier - than my reality. As I moved down my wrist, I came to the scariest scar, the skin ugly and twisted. Without hesitation, I pulled the blade across it and a small screech left my lips. I looked down at the blood in the toilet and tears spring to my eyes. What had I become?

Zayn's Perspective

I walked into the apartment 20 minutes earlier than I had expected, and had wanted to surprise Amanda. But when I walked in, I couldn't find her anywhere. The t.v was on but she was gone. I went into my room and pulled open the draws, sighing in relief when I saw her clothes were still there. I shook my head, wondering why I was so nervous at the thought of her leaving. Suddenly, I heard a yelp from the bathroom. Worried, I slowly approached the door and with a quick knock, I pushed through the door. I was met with Amanda's huge green eyes staring up at me in shock. My eyes ran over her and fell on her crimson wrist. My stomach dropped as I approached her, slowly sinking to the floor beside her. My gaze drifted from her eyes to her quivering arms, and without a second thought I gently grabbed her arm and drew it to me. I pulled her up gently and lead her the sink where I grabbed a towel and wet it. I softly dabbed the towel across her wrist and cleaned her up, neither of us saying anything. After I was sure her wrists were clean I lead her to the bed and sat her down. "Zayn I-" I placed my finger on her lips and shushed her, pulling her close. "I don't care what happened, I just care that you're okay." I murmured, pulling her into my chest.

I could feel her body shaking in my arms. I couldn't let her know how worried, how SCARED I was to find her like that, because I couldn't let her know that I had feelings for her. I was just being friendly, giving her a place to stay until shegot sorted. But I still couldn't shake the feeling I got when I was around her, and I was starting to think it was a bit more than just a friendly feeling.

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