hes a daemon prince, and my s...

By catzyFA

4K 80 47

Cat, is normal, well as normal as teen girls get. but then she finds her soul mate, Lucifer, and hes a daemon... More

hes a deamon prince, and my soul mate...WTF

Hes a Daemon prince, and my soul mate...WTF ch 2

1.2K 47 26
By catzyFA

Hahaha I DID write a second CHAPTER. Yes, you can now bow down at the awesome ME!! HAHAHAHA jk…..LOL yeah so I hope you like it!!! It’s in Lucifer’s P.O.V. and only like 2 pages long. But the next chapter will be in both her and his P.O.V. This is kind of a slow chapter but vital to the story. It’s mostly filling in the gaps, I probably made some errors in a LOT of things. Hahahaha, but I am working on it. I have like 3 of my friends checking and reading them for errors!! Lol okay so









It’s the only thing that makes me post. (you people know this!!! )

So without further ado, here is CH 2 to he’s a daemon prince and my soul mate…WTF

Lucifer’s POV

Damn! Sometimes, I really am a complete stupid dumbass!

Killing her was supposed to be an easy job! Mordrid, my Oracle, had said to find her and kill her. She was supposed to play some major role in the war to come, but not for our side. So to fix that issue, killing was the logical choice, right? I knew those freaking goody-two-shoes angels would come for her soon anyway. NO! Just the thought of someone else touching, taking her away from me, made me growl. DAMN! NO! I needed to kill her…OW! My stomach churned in pain at the thought of any misfortune to her.

I never planned on finding my soul mate. Technically, I’m not even supposed to have one… Soul mates are extremely rare, and they are nonexistent for my kind. I was supposed to be in command of my father’s army, and lead them into battle when the Great War between the Nephilim, or angel race, and the daemon race fight for total power over the earth, blah, blah, blah. I did ths mostly because I like fighting, and angels just plain freaking annoy me. (Although that might be due to the fact that I am a daemon, and they are angels. We are kind of polar opposites.)

Finding Cat only brought a shitload of complications. I knew  little about mates in general. They are supposed to be like two souls that are meant to find each other, and whose love is stronger than anything. extremly chessy right? They were uncommon. Mostly found n werewolves and faeries, but never daemons. We didn’t don’t have soul mates. We didn’t don’t have souls to give.I needed to talk to Mordrid.

I knew it was her when I saw her walk into the party. Mordrid had told me she would be there, and killing her there here would be best more people, equal more chances of how she died. I was using an invisible spell to hide myself and scanning the crowd for her ,I didn’t know what she would look like, but Mordrid said I would know. Sneaky asshole! He knew she was going to be my soul mate. SHIT!!! I’ve gotta stop saying that. Maybe she isn’t my soul mate. My inner daemon laughed at  my attempts at denial. It knew, and It knew the moment we saw her walk in wearing an extremely sexy mini blue dress she was ours. When she laughed, it filled the room, even though it was blasting with music. It was something I had never heard before, an innocent laugh. We don’t have those in Hel,l all laughs are either laughing with pain or at somebody else’s pain.

I saw her, and all I could think was MINE! she is mine. The need to take her and mark her as my own was so strong I almost picked her up and carried her away right then. Then I remembered I was supposed to kill her. Shit! How the fuck is that supposed to happen now! Well, I need her alone with me no matter what. I leaned back against the wall and watched her dance. She’s was  beautiful. Damn it! NO! Stop thinking about her!!!

She wasn’t supposed to be able see me yet. I still had my invisibility spell on, but somehow she’s was staring at me... It’s like she is staring at the soul I didn’t have. She looked trapped and I smirked. She looked cute when she is confused. Shit!! Really Lucifer? Daemon fucking princes DON’T think things are cute. We kill, we maim, we torture, but we don’t think things are cute.

I walked out to the backyard. She would follow, I knew she would. I prayed  (ironically enoug), that she felt the pull that I felt too. I willed my body into a shadow and watched as she walked out the back door.

I knew little about her but I knew her name was Catherine. Her friends called her Cat. She stood there and looked around, looking for me. The thought made me smile. I materialize behind her and whispered in her ear,

“Looking for someone?” I said.

I breathed in her scent and damn! She smelled like clean, fresh air and a little bit of ginger bread. She spun around and looked up in my eyes. They are black. All daemon eyes are black like our souls, as the angels would say.

“I… I umm…” she sammered

I smirked again. She’s was nervous, and all I wanted to do was kiss her senseless.

“Cat, cat’s got your tongue?” I asked smirking and chuckling inside at my own joke.

She blushed and then got a shocked look in her eye.

“ Wait, how do you know my name?”

Shit, I let that slip didn’t I ? Oh well.

“I know more about you than you think little angel.”

I looked into her eyes and mother F*&%!! They had the light in them. All angels had  it. It was a faint light shimmering in her beautiful brown eyes. It is white, and it glows with the reflection of wings and clouds. I don’t know how I didn’t notice before. Her pure aurora, it was  faint, but it is still there. MY soul mate was part angel, and I am a fucking daemon, prince.

OKAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Soooooooooooooooo, what do u guys think?? U like??? Is it worth it?? Lol, I really need to know, so please write more comments and vote!! Please!! Thanks to all my fans for still keeping up with me and staying strong through the non-writing  period of my life. I AM BACK!! Hahaha, yeah. Sooooooooo, please







Hahahaha. I am serious. It’s the only thing that makes me post!!

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