Echos of the cursed forest

By makayladecroliere

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-BOOK 1- (Warning this story maybe disturbing to some readers.) this is my first story that I'm posting so t... More

Prologue (narrated)
Chapter 1: Evolving
Chapter 2 : The jolteon
Chapter 3 : A dream or realitatea
Chapter 4 : Unforgivable
Chapter 5 : A new start
Chapter 6 : The past
Chapter 7 : Rain of light
Chapter 8 : Where the truble's at
Chapter 9 : The threat (past)
Chapter 10 : Fighting to live
Chapter 11 : A broken home (Jake's past)
Chapter 12 : Will you fight?
Chapter 13 : Journey
Chapter 14 : Psychic within
Chapter 15 : Burning heart's (Past)
Chapter 16: Disaster
Chapter 17 : In your shadow (past)
Chapter 18 : Battle cry's
Chapter 19 : A message
Chapter 20 : Pain and hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 21: A glaceon in need
Chapter 22 : Love in the air (past)
Chapter 23 : Truble under ground
Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)
Chapter 25 : The tree of soul's
Chapter 26 : Trouble maker
Chapter 27 : Secret's (Jake's past)
Chapter 28 : Anglica knows
Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)
Chapter 30 : The king of everfree
Chapter 31 : A Shadow
Chapter 32 : A gift (past)
Chapter 33 : The Blue moon
Chapter 34 : A Cures
Chapter 35 : Love and Hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 36 : Blood in the water
Chapter 37 : war of soul (past)
Chapter 38 : Who am i really?
Chapter 39 : A safe place
Chapter 40 : Confusion (past)
Chapter 41: Dark river
Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)
Chapter 43 : Unexpected
Chapter 45 Where it hurts the most
Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil
Chapter 47 : Life regrets (Jake's past)
Chapter 48 : The problem with love
Chapter 49 : Night travels
Chapter 50 : Echo (Past event)
Chapter 51 Learning to trust again
Chapter 52 : The Darkness part 1 (Past event)
Chapter 53 : The Darkness part 2 (Past event)
Capter 54 The darkness part 3 (Past event)
Chapter 55 : A cursed vaporeon
Chapter 56 : The new king
Chapter 57 : war is on it's way
Chapter 58 : darkest days are here (Finel past event)
Chapter 59 : Get ready for war
Chapter 60 : The final battle

Chapter 44 : The plot (Past event)

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By makayladecroliere

Blaze sat outside with Emma by his side just enjoying the sunny day Emma let out a purr of happiness.  Blaze smiled "hmm it's such a nice day" he then glanced at Emma his mate feeling really happy to be able to spend his life with her. Emma nodded her head before cuddling close to the flareon and she gives him a kiss. Before they hear "Your majesty i need your help with something" Blaze turned his gaze on the umbreon that was standing by the palace. He walks quickly to them "Shadow? What are you doing here?" Blaze asked and Emma nodded "yeah i thought your nocturnal" Shadow sat beside them and nodded "yeah.... I am but i just don't anymore...." Blaze felt puzzled by this why wouldn't Shadow feel safe any more? "What do you mean by that?" Emma asked looking ceriuce. The umbreons red eye's flashed before he says "Ramune.....ever since him and Shawn started spending more time....i noticed him sneaking around more..... I think he's up to something.....i don't know what but....i fear he's gone crazy. I've seen him dragging a still live pidgey in his mouth.....that poor thing was suffering....not even pray should be treated that way" Blaze eye's winded with shock and Emma opend her mouth in suprise. 'Would Ramune actually do something like that?' Blaze wondered to himself but then the image was so easy to see after all it was Ramune who really wanted to see Soul die. Blaze could still see the like in the Vaporeon's eyes glaring into the helplesd ninetales. 'But soul was bad....Ramune was only doing what he believed was right.....wasn't he?' Blaze felt his heart tighting knowing that his brother was one hard pokemon to read after all he had been jealous of Blaze being king, maybe he still was. Emma shock her head "No.....that couldn't have been Ramune. Blaze is brother is loyal and maybe not always the niceties Vaporeon but he wouldn't disrespect pray like that" the espeon's voice was confident. She was a shy espeon but she was getting around her place as queen. Blaze wasn't sure if her words where true but he'd like to believe it was. "I'll have a talk with him Shadow.....I'm sure there's a good reason behind this....." Blaze wanted to say he knew his brother but did he? Ramune did seem unstable and to be crazy. Maybe Julia had driving him down that road. Shadow gave a greatful smile "thanks.....I'm just warried about my brother Shawn...he can be naive sometimes" now this suprised Blaze Shawn seemed wise and clever naive isn't the word he'd use for Shawn. 'But after all Shadow probebly knows him better then i do' he thought but it still didn't seem right to him. Emma also looked taken back by this "Shawn naive....are you sure Shadow?" She questions him with a unsure look. Shadow sat down and noded "yes I'm sure....i understand why why'd think other wise but believe me....i grow up with him and i know how Shawn can be" Blaze felt a sudden chill run down his back and gaze into Shadows eye's noticing a hint of darkness in his red eye's 'wait red eye's.....'
Blaze then remebered when him and Emma went for that walk a moon ago he had seen a pokemon with red eye's thst made him feel unsafe but he shook it away. Shadow then got back up and said "i don't trust that brother of yours just look at him....coverd in scars....acting out of place all the time. And spendimg way to much time away from everyone....I'll see yoilu latter your majusty" and with tbat he took off in a hurry. Emma watched him before lashing her tail out and flating her ears "you don't think Ramune would be doung such you?" Blaze met her gaze and let a sad unknowing sigh "i have no idea Emma..... Me and Ramune are close.....but maybe there's something he's not telling me" Blaze spoke tbose words not knowing what to think about Ramune anymore could he trust his brother or have thing's gone down hill again 'no that can't be though i know Ramune isn't aground anumore but i also knew it was because he's trying to stay low so no pokemon found out about is love for Shawn....he'd told me to keep it a secret....that he's not ready to come out of his closet' Blaze felt his head spinning from all this tbinking "i should talk to him....maybe it's not what it seems. Maybe Shadows over protective" Emma noded her head "well you do that....I'll handle our royal dude's okay sweet heart" Blaze noded and took off

Ramune's P.O.V

Ramune walked through the darkness feeling unsafe he speeds up but he could still feel eye's on him. Someone was watching his everymove. Tbe ground was wet with a heavy liquid. It felt thick like blood. He dosen't speek though but he comes to a stop when a per of red eye's glare at him "hehe...." Ramune stops in place and stared at the sinister glare before realize there waa a lot of pokemon closing in on him he looked around to see they where all electric type's and all eyes had a nasy evil gloom to them. Ramune felt nervous to this but he refused to show it. He stood his ground barying his teeth together in a snarl. He narrowed his eyes at his enemys but then the pokemon who walked in the middle of the group of electric type's was not an electric type at all. It was an umbreon who had a look of hate. Ramune raised his head in suprise knowing this umbreon all to well "S.Shadow?" Tbe umbreon growls low "You should've stayed away from my brother!" Ramune feel puzzled as the umbreon tbrow himself at Ramune. The vaporeon closed his eye's braces himself for the impact but but felt nothing. He then opens his eye's to see a jolteon standing in front of him. Ramune felt his throat tighting for he knew this jolteon as well but he couldn't believe he was seeing him. Ramune notice that the blackness faded into a forest made of gold the jolteon stood tall his purple gaze was one of warry. Ramune could feel the teers forming in his eye's but he try's to hold them back, he's never realized just how much he's miss his father. He opens his mouth in a temp to speek but he couldn't find the words to speek but Flash had shooken his head "don't speek son....what you've seen is a warning.... Please watch your back, you have an important role to play in the future. Shadow will sink low but you must stay strong....for your brother and for your niece...." He had a stern and study voice. And this only made Ramune curious 'niece? But i don't have a niece....Blaze dosen't have a Emma having an egg?....and wait Shadow?' Ramune that met his fsthers eye's ".....what I've seen? Shadow?...... No shadow is shawns older brother he'd never sink low" Ramune tryed but the words echo as Flash gave a sad look. And Ramune knew why 'I've come close....vary close to killing Blaze. Huh it's be betray someone...but Shadow is he....a traitor?'


Ramune woke with a startle and let a heavy breath escape him he glanced around to see he was not in the water but on a rock by the water he soon remembers 'i most of fallen asleep waiting for Shawn to show up....where is he?' Ramune sat up to sit he waved his tail but he wan't thinking of the leafeon his mind was thinking about that dream he just had. He heas was spening 'why do i keep getting these dreams?... And why do they feel so.... real?' Ramune narrows his eye's thinking about it was making him feel warried 'my father looked sad and warried...what if....what if my dreams are real? Maybe my father was really there trying to tell me something....but is that possible?' Ramune then heared a voice "hey Ramune what you doing here?" The vaporeon turned his gaze to see Anglica gazing at him. He stared at her he'd never actually talked or had anything to do with her infact. He'd only giving her a nasty tone when he first meet her because he didn't know that his brother was in a relationship with her sister. "....i come here all the time....i should be asking you that. I don't see you come here aften" the shiny glaceon walked up to him and sat down beside him "hmm i actually do come here night i come here to get away" Ramune glanced at her "To get away?" She let a sight out and noded "yea....." Ramune could sense that she was upset with something but he didn't want to ask about it in cast he hites a nerve. She then looks at him "you looked uncomfortable. What's on your mind?" She asked looking to the side. Ramune felt his breath caught in his throat, he wasn't expecting her to ask that "oh um....i...i just had a weird dream but it's nothing really" Anglica noded. Before looking at the water. Ramune then saw Shawn walking towerds them looking stressed out. Anglica noticed as well. Shawn cane up and glanced at Anglica "what are you doing here?" Anglica just shrugs "i just needing a quite place....i didn't realize that you two would be here" Ramune got up and jumps off the rock to stand beside Shawn "well nice talking to you Anglica but i got to go now" Ramune and Shawn both walked away from her and Then shawn let a sight out and Ranune took notice "something wrong Shawn?" The leafeon darted his eye's to The ground "....nah I'm fine don't warry about it" Ramune grunts knowing something was wrong "Shawn please what's up?" He said more stern this time makimg tne leafeon flinch in suprise before he finally said "'s my brother Shadow.. He's got a problem with me being with other guy's.....says that Arceus would frown upon it" Ramune felt shocked to hear that "Shadow has a problem with you mating with guys?" The leafeon noded his head "he always has....but it's not up to him who i mate with....i can't help but to be this way. I am who i am" Ramune tryed to imagine if Blaze was like that if his older brother tryed to tell him that he couldn't be with another guy. In fact that's why Ramune didn't want anyone to know 'what if they got mad at me?..... What would Matt and Raven say to me? I know Blaze would never think less of me but what about the others?" Shawn then shook his head slowly "Ah but let's not get into it right now...." He said with more of a smile. Ramune smiled back but he still felt shaken from his dream as he remembers the look in Shadows eye's before he throw himself at Ramune with claws and teeth thena chill ran down his spin when his words echoed in his head 'you should've stayed away from my brother!' 'Would Shadow really try and kill me for being in love with Shawn?'

Blaze's P.O.V

Blaze walked towards where he knew Ramune likes to hang around 'he usually likes to sit on that rock by the river' Blaze came to see the river in sight and froze at the sight. He hasn't been there in awhile and it made his ears flatten against his head as he remembered him and Ramune when they where a lot younger when Blaze had all the time in the world to wast with his brother 'we where so close.....i remember when we use to play fight all the time...heh we use to be goof ball's. Is Ramune really a bad pokemon? It dosen't sound right the more i think about it' Blaze looked around bit didn't see the vaporeon anywhere so he decided to go look for his brother at Shawns den he often gose there after all his brother was in a relationship with the leafeon.
Blaze headed over to shawns den but he walked taking his time as he got lost i thought 'i know Shadow Probebly isn't liying....or is he? I mean Ramune isn't that disrespectful toward pray pokemon....he's not cruel like that' Blaze eye's darted towerds the trees by Shawnds den 'Ramune has no reason to act like that....i know he wants to be king but....he had his chance to kill me and he saved me instead....Julia was awful but shawn helped him get better....maybe Shadow saw a different vaporeon and thought it was Ramune?' Blaze walk in to the den and called "Hello? Ramune?! Shawn?!" But no one answers Blaze walked out after feeling fustreated. He started to head away but then heared voice. His ears twitch as he recognize Shadows voice. Blaze decided to go see if he'd seen his brother anywhere and headed towards his voice. He came to a stop by a rock and was about to call out to the umbreon until he saw the other pokemon with him. Blaze lowers himself. There was a luxray and a manecteic both looking at Shadow who was sitting in front of them "okay so this is the plan....Ramune is to strong to fight on my own...and if we attack him by the castle then we'll get a full blown war and we don't want tjar because we'll lose for sure...Matt is head of guards and it pretty talented" Blaze felt his heart starting to race and he look at the umbreon in disbelief as he listened tovwhat tgey where saying "why do you want us attacking the Prince again?" Shadow frowns and his right eye twitched and his lips curved into a snarl "Because he's a bad pokemon! He's temting my brother to.....sin, and i won't have that. Shawn means everything to me and he'll go to the golden forest with Arceus....but he can't be mate's with a guy because it's you understand whybhe need to die!" He spat in the manecteic's face. Blaze felt shocked and warried for his brother. Tve umbreon went on "that's why i lied to the king and queen...i told them Ramune was suffering his pray....and soon I'll blame him for murder making the king believe his brother is crazy and needs to be....executed by be heading" Blaze frowns 'so it was just a lie.... I have to tell Ramune....wait no I'm king I'll lock Shadow up for even thinking to doing this! I'll tell Matt to arrest him' Blaze ran away before he was seen and ran as fast as he could to the castle.


Blaze made it to the castle and glance around for the mightyanae but his eye's landed on Ramune and Shawn. The two where heading to the castle 'good maybe i could tell Ramune' Blaze ran towards them "Ramune!" He yells to get the Vaporeon's attention. Ramune turned to glance at him Shawn tilted his head looking puzzled as Blaze came to a stop un front of them "Have you seen Matt or Raven?" Ramune shook his head "No i haven't...Why? I mean you look like you've seen a gost type" Blaze swolled before saying "It's Shadow Ramune" he breathed getting both their full attention now Shawn looked warried and Ramune had this look that Blaze couldn't read "My brother, did something bad happen to him!?" Shaen said looking panicked watch made Blaze feel bad for what he was about to say was more like his brother was in truble and Shadow was the threat but how is Shawn going to react? Blaze flatted his ears against his head and shuffle his paws "No....but...he told a lie about Ramune try and make him sound bad in watch results in me arresting him...." Blaze stopped talking when Shawn growls "Oh Blaze....please my brother wouldn't do that.... Where you getting this from?" Blaze felt hus stomach clinch but then he saw Ramune looking warried as he looks at thw leafeon " sure about that Shawn?" Shaen turned to look at Ramune with disbelief "Of course!.... Ramune you don't believe this do you?" Ramune shuffled hus paws before looking at Blaze "....." Ramune looked unsure of himself but Blaze shock his head "Shawn i know it's hard to believe...and believe me i know...had had a shock likevtgat with Ramune. But Shadow is trying to spil blood" Shawn just shrugs "....okay but even if he told a lie about's not life threatening pluse your tbe king so as long as you know your brother is innocent like i know that my brother is too. Then there is no problem...and you don't need to arrest Shadow, he would never hurt another pokemon" Ramune looked to the side before saying "I'm sure Shawns right blaze" but he sounded unsure of himself 'did he believe me and is denying it?... No Ramune don't be in denial!' Blaze frowns but then Ramune speaks "Relax blaze....I'll be fine and Shadow isn't doing anything life-threatening okay and even if he was i don't think he's bet me" That's when Blaze relized all tbe electric type's but before he could say a thing they both walked away from Blaze. 'He's got all the electric types Incas he has to face ramune face to face'


Shadow's P O.V

shadow was heading back to his den feeling good he wouldn't have to warry about ramune because Blaze would arrest him. He sat beside his den and looked up as the moon that was now coming up but then he heared Shawn walking up from behind him "Ah Shawn how was your day....haven't seen you all day" Shawn sat beside him and looked at the sky "Eh it was and Ramune spent the day together"  Shadow narrowed his eye's "hmm....Shawn toy shouldn't hang around that  vaporeon...he's truble" Shawn looked annoyed with that "well to bad. I'm going to hang around him and he's not truble" Shadow glares but then relaxed "hmm okay do whatever then" he looked away 'but Ramune won't be around soon' Shawn then aaked "You wouldn't spread lies about him would you?" Shadow felt suprised to hear that and turned hus red eye's on the leafeon "What?....hell no i only told the truth about that vaporeon why?" Shawn met his eye's before saying "hmm i guess i was just thinking on what Blaze said today" this caught his attention fast "What did he say?" Shawn answers fast "that you told him that Ramune was a bad pokemon and that you wanted him arrested....and then i think about how you hate him....because you think mating with another guy is a sin" Shadow pinned his ears back but shook his head "nah i did no such thing" he mumbles 'How did Blaze know?...gurr my plan is wreaked now!... I'll have to go to plan B....i most get my electric friends and make a plot for Ramune... I won't have him around my brother even if it means to kill him' Shawn then started to walk away "Alright well I'm off to bed" Shawn gaze towards him "uh your den is over here" Shawn looked at him "yea about that... I'm going to sleep in Ramune's den tonight" Shadow shote up with anger but also because he was confused "b-but his den's under water" Shawn smiles "heh yea he's moving to land so we can be together.... Isn't that sweet of him" Shadow felt discussed with this but didn't comment he just turnedvaway and listens to his brother walk away.
'Okay thats it!'
Shadow sprens to his paws and dashed away to his meeting placevand called out to his election friends "ethen. Hunter" a manecteic and luxray standing in front of him now "yes Shadow what is it?" Shadows red eye's where filled with darkness "Ramunes life has to come to an end tomarrow....we attack him tomarrow we lead him to this place where the king won't find him...but we need all of us to kill him" they both noded their heads to the plot.

Blaze P.O.V

Blaze walked in the moon light with Matt by his side he had finshed telling Matt of what he heared Shadow talking about. Matt let a snarl out "hmff i knew something was off with that umbreon... how dare he lie about the Prince" Blaze noded his head feeling warred "yes that's why i want you and your pack to find him and arrest him" Matt frowns "i thought Shawn told you not to" Blaze glares at the mightyanae "yea but I'm king not him....i know he dosen't want to believe it but....i kniw what i saw and heared and i won't have this! I wabt peace but pokemon like him need to learen" Matt grunted "so let me guess. You don't want him dead just locked up for a moon?" Blaze shook his head "....i want him to leave everfree forever" Matt noded his head "Ah yes your majusty that's a wise choice" Blaze noded his head "yes.... And maybe get Raven to find Ramune...just to be sure he's okay' Matt noded his head "yes...we'll start our search tomorrow.....hey Blaze maybe you'd wanna come with us. Let Emma get use to being Queen" Blaze smiles "....yea okay i want to make sure that Shadow leaves anyways"


Blaze walked into his room where Emna was waiting "Ah your back.." Sge purred but Blaze felt stressed with the thought that Shadow was out to get his brother 'Sure Ramune and i don't see eye to eye but he's my brother...the only blood i have now. He promised me he'd be here for me as I'll always be there for him and that i will'
Emma walked up to him "oh Blaze your stressed...maybe you should get some rest it's late anyways" she said and walked him to their bed blaze smiled at hus mate "Thsnks Emma....and yes i am stressed, it's just.. I got a lot on my mind right now but.. By tomarrow things should be fine....i hope" he says before laying down and closeing his eye's to find sleep.

Ramune's P.O.V

The sun was raising and Ramune could feel the heat on his back he felt uncomfortable he didn't much care for the dry heat 'gah i need water...why did i sleep out of water?' Ramune lifted his head to see shawn was cuddling close to him then remebered why 'Shawn can't breath under water....i wish he was a vaporeon' Ramune then gave him lick on the head and then got up slowly so he wouldn't wake him. He headed outside a d towareds the river to getva drink and a little swim before he heared a voice "hey Ramune!" Ramune got out of the water and found him gazing at Shadow the umbreon. Ramune backed up feeling nervous remebering what Blaze had said that he's told lies to make ramune look bad 'but is it true?.... Blaze wouldn't lie....and my dream. Shadow will sink low.... it just can't be true, but it adds up... it makes sense' Ramune frowns not wanting to believe it but the image of Shadow vicious glare and his rash word's 'you should've stayed away from my brother!' Ramune shivers knowing shadow was against gay pokemon. But when Ramune met his gaze it wasn't one of hate or evil it was a friendly one and he smiles at him making Ranune unsure on what to think. "Hey....Shadow what are you doing here?" The umbreon walks up to him "well we don't really talk often...and well your with my brother lot's i thought It would be nice to go on a hunt together to well know more about each other if we're going to be family" Ramune stared at him in deep thought 'How could shadow possibly be making lies about me....or even hating on being gay? He seens so friendly.... Should i go with him? I mean what's the worst that could happen?' Ramune noded his head "yeah sure sounds like a good idea to me" Shadow smiled "great...let's go i know a great hunting spot" he then took lead and Ranune follows but something strong was telling him to turn back but he just ignore it but that's when he saw what looked like a jolteon with a disappoint face. Tbis made Ramune come to a stop and he turen his head towards the jolteon to see that it had vanished 'i swear....that looked just like dad' but he then again ran after shadow 'but even if Shadow is bad i can take him down anyday'
He then kept walking after the umbreon. Soon a cave came into view and that's when Ramune started thinking again 'i never been here before...what part of tje forest is this?' Shadow then says "just on the other side of this tunnel ah it's such a good spot for hunting" he said looking pleased but Ramune felt a bit nervous 'what if shadow dose attack me? What if I'm forced to....kill him....would Shawn hate me?' The umbreon and vaporeon walked in to the dark tunnel and Ramune narrowed his eyes to see better 'why dosen't he turn his lights on for me?.....and....he seems.... Oh-no i shouldn't have followed him'
Ramune stops and so dose shadow he turns his glowing red gaze "why  aren't you coming Ramune?....why'd you stop?" The vaporeon says in a colder voice "Shadow why you doing this? I know your taking me to a quiet place so you can attack me" Shadow looked shocked and disbelief "What?! Now Ramune why would i do that when you mean everything to my little brother?" Ramune felt a sudden anger towerds the umbreon "i don't know why would you?.....why are you? You can't stop him from falling for a guy it's just how he is and you can never chsnge him!" Ramune spat the words out and Shadows fur rippled along his back and his gaze sharpens with rage "YES I CAN!" to Ramunes shock his gaze looked the same crom his dream only this time it was happening for real. Then the words flew out "you should a stsyed away" Ramune felt a chill 'Holy Mew? Is this real am i dreaming again?' But he deep down knew this was all real then lime his dream Shadow throw himself at the vopreon and Ramune felt to shocked to move and was tbrown to the hard ground. Shadow grabed hold of his lage and dragged him outside the cave and throw him on the grass. Ramune finally made a move and lashed his clows at Shadows face gitting him in his right eye. Blood was seen running down the umbreons face before his red glaze was back on Ramune "Big mistake!" He hissed looking pissed off. Ramune felt no fear though 'oh he has no idea how much i enjoy fighting!' Ramune spun to his paws and used hydro pump hitting Shadow to the ground then he jumps on top holding him down "Shadow I'm giving you a chance...don't do dosen't have to end like this, i know deep down inside, you don't want this either..."  But Shadow just let out a disturbing laugh out "heheh-Bahahah! oh Ramune and i thought your brother was the stupid one don't know me what i can do or what i don't know me at all!" He then use duble kick throwing Ramun off of him and using shadow ball Ramune tryed to move awsy but wasn't fast enough and got hit but not knacked over "Fine have it your way!" Ramune snarls then used ice beam hitting Shadow again the umbreon looked week and Ramune ran towerds him with his clows out but only to be hit my a thounder bolt. Ramune lost balance and fell to the ground. He turned his head to see what had hit him and to his disarm there where at less four electric types glaring at him. Ramune's eye's turned cold with hate 'i should've known...but i won't go without a fight! They want me dead well l'm at less taking Shadow with me!' Ramune stood up only to be kicked down again and he felt electric run throw him and realized they where all using thunder bolt on him at once. Ramune let out a cry of pain it felt like his vains where on fire and every thing seemed to be getting blurry and  the air was getting thinner 'i can't keep this i..i got to get up....shadow....' But then he heared a yell "STOP RIGHT NOW!" Ramune closed his eye's to blackness feeling the weekness taking over him 'Blaze? that you?'

Blaze's P.O.V

Blaze walked beside the big mightyanae. Matt and his pack where sniffing out for Shadow but they couldn't seem to find his sent or even Ramune seemed to be nowhere not even neer his rock 'and it's not like him to sleep in so he wouldn't be in his den....and Raven had said she got some off their mightyanaes to check the waters for him but....he's nowhere to be found...just like Shadow' Matt the grunted "i...i think your right to be warried....where could theu have gone?" Matt looked consernd and Vlaze felt his heart drop 'i...i can't lose Ramune! He's my brother.....he's our best fighter... my best friend...even if we have our difference we alway come throw in the end' Blaze frowns feeling sick. Boris looked at him "your majusty don't warry we will find him....and even if we don't the Prince is a strong fighter that umbreon won't stand a chance against him" Blaze nodee wanting to belive that then he saw Shawn running towerds them with a panicked look "BLAZE MATT!!!" he yelled and Blaze met his golden gaze "What? What's wrong Shawn?" Tbe leafeon gave a sad look ".....your right...i know where they are" Blaze felt his heart race "What!? You do! How?!" Shawn lowers his head "i thought about it and i got warried so....i followed him...he took Ramune to cave of death...they call it that cuz a lot of pokemon go there to kill or to lay down and die....i fear Ramine is in trouble you gotta follow me quickly!" And with that they ran after the leafeon. Blaze was praying all the way for the safety of his brother 'but how must Shawn feel? His older brother betrayed him....that most be the worst feeling ever'
Soon a tunnel came to view and Shawn noded "go throw there to the other side....that's where they are!" Blaze noded and took tbe lead With Matt behind him and tbe rest following. Shawn also went in but he looked upset and scared to find out what his brother mught have done to his love.
Blaze burst into the light to see his brother being attacked by four electric types while Shadow watched with a cold glare. Ramune had claps to the ground and there where wonds all over him. Blaze felt his temperature raise with anger "STOP RIGHT NOW! Blaze yelled as loud as he could to vet there attention but only Shadow looked and the umbreon looked surprise "Shawn?" Blaze looked beside him to see Shawn with a horrified expression "Shadow!? could you?" He said with a whimper. And Shadows gaze softens " weren't supposed to fine out" Shawn looked upset but then it changed to a look of hate before Blaxe could say anything the leafeon jumped at the electric types and clowed one in the face stoping him fron he electric moves then he glanced at Blaze and Matt "What are you waiting for? Get him! And do wgatever it take!" Blaze felt bad though he could still hear the hurt in the leafeon and spotted a few teardrop but said nothing soon Nlaze felt someone push him to the ground and looked uo to see Shadow clowing at him and hissing "Ramune must die!"  Blaze pushed him off and noticed his eye was bleading so Blaze use fire blast hitting Shadow then pinned him down and scratched his other eye hoping to blind him them pushed his head to the ground "you mess with my brother you mess with me!!!" Blaze growls feeling all sorts of feeling running throw him. He then bit at Shadows front lage and pulled really jard untill he hear a loud chrack and i low cry of pain before letting go. Blaze then got off and growls "Now leave don't you ever come Back!" Blaze glares at him knowing the umbreon couldn't see. Everyone had stopped fighting the electric types ran off but Shadow lay there breathing heavy begore getti g up slowly. Shawn stared wide eye at his brother ".....shawn....please I'm sorry come with me" Sgadow breathed and Blaze turend his gaze at the leafeon who looked full of hurt and sadness "Shadow....why did you do this?...why?" Shadow spoke "i did this for you...don't you get it.. Being gay us a sin...mating with guys is come along....we're not wanted here!" Shawn looked away 'No....your not wanted...Shadow leave...but I'm staying with Ramune and you....i don't ever want to see you again, Your crazy!" Shaen said the words and the seem to echo in the air Blaze could tell it really hurt Shafow to hear this. The umbreon noded his head "....i see....well then" he then chared at Blaze and Blaze backs up in shock "You did this!" The umbreon tryed to bite Blaze throat but Blaze moves away andused flamethrower and throw Shadow against a rock. Blaze then pushed him down but he notice his head had hit the rock really hard and it was bleeding badly and he coughed up blood his nech was twisted in awkward way that told Blaze 'hes suffering....he's....going to die' Blaze place his paw on his neck and snaped it with a vary hard push killing him instantly to end his suffering. Blaze backed away after just staring at the pokemon be once thought of as a friend. Shawn sat beside him looking at his bead brother. Baze suddenly fet guilty "Shawn....I'm so sorry i...i didn't want him to die but....he did it to himself h-" but shawn put a paw up to silence him "shh. I know Blaze....he should've lefted when he was giving that chance....but that's shadow he never knows when to stop and honesty i do care we share the same blood but.....I'm not as sad knowing what he was capable of doing....all this time and i never truly knew him" Blazevthen turned his gaze to Ranune the vaporeon lay still by Matt. He looked warried "it's bad....he need a healer now" Shawn got up and ran to his side "Ramune!.....I'm hear" the leafeon fell in beside him and garbed some herbes "these should help him" he said and Blaze sat beside him looking at the wonded vaporeon. He could feel cold tears running down his face trying to think positive 'Everything...will be fine'


7 years later

Blaze sat in the flower garden by himself looking at the blue flowers when he hears paw steps behind him and smiles knowing who was behind him "Well hello there beautiful" he turns his gaze to see Emma the love of his life. The Espeon purrs happily "hello handsome heh...." She kissed him and he happily returns it. She then pulls away and sits beside him and pushed close to him. Blaze smiles feeling wermer with her beside him "So.... how dose it feel?"Blaze looked at her puzzled by the question "How dose what feel?" Emma backed off a bit and let a small giggle escaped her "you know what i mean.....there's been nothing but peace here for about seven years did it. There's no fighting, olny for sport, everyone us so happy....I'm so happy for you Bkaze" Blaze smiles  knowing that was true he had done what he had always wanted to do but he still thought "I'm just glad....tbat Shadow was the last of it....with Soul gone and Shadow dead. What could go wrong?" Then they botber hear a Voice "Hey your majustys could you come here?" The turn there gaze to see Matt standing at the entrance and the both head inside Matt was standing beside Ramune. Blaze felt happy to see his brother. Ramune smiles at him "Hey so Shawn is out with Anglica....and your not to bussy i thought you'd want to go hunting with me" the vaporeon said Blaze noded his head "yea okay....Emma I'll be back later" the espein noded her head "Alroght Blaze I'll see you later....i love you" Blaze noded "i love you too" he and Ramune then took off in to the forest togeather. Bkaze glance at him "so how do you like living in the palace?" Ramune rolled his eye's "a bit's to driy...i alway have to have my morning swim" Blaze chuckles a bit but then Blaze spotted his pray and lowers him self. Ramune went into the water to hunt. Blaze crerps fowerd and leps on it and kills it fast before he started to digging but he then suddenly felt like he was being watched he shivers and glanced around he dropped his pray in the hole and called "Ramune?"but the vaporeon wasn't around Blaze shook his head trying to forget it but then her hear movement and glanced behind him "um....hello? Is someone there?" But no answer so he turned his back on it only for a voice to answer "Yes...." Blaze tur ed his gaze in the direction of the voice to see a shiny pikachu. He gazed at Blaze before saying "I'm sorry...i didn't mean to sneak up on you" Blaze noded but he knew "your not from here. Why are you here?" The shiny pikachu looked diwn "i...i don't know..." Blaze tilted his head "what do you mean by that?" He asked feeling lost. The shiny pikachu aswers "well you see all i remember is....being attacked by a ninetales.....and now I'm here" Blaze fur ruffled "r.really?" He noded his head "yes....but...i..i think i come from a place called silver mountain do you know of this place?" Blaze shook his head "no i don't...well I'm the king of this forest....i could help you find a place to stay if you like" he noded "oh thanks so much i feel like that would help alot" Blaze noded "here follow me i know a place" Blaze then walked towards where he knew Shawns old fen was. He also knew no one lived there anymore and it was close to the palace. He stopped by the entrance "here we go and you can stay as long as you need to" Blaze said with a smilr and the pikachu smile back "thanks thats so kind your majusty" Blaze noded "anytune oh and please call me Blaze" The shiny pikachu noded his head "okay...." Bkaze then asked "um so what's your name? The shiny pikachu looked like he was in deep thought before he said
"I'm Echo"

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