Claim || Yoongi X Reader

De RaePDNim

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For generations, Y/N's family has served as a blood bank to the centuries-old household of seven vampires. Yo... Mais

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 11

Part 10

7.8K 182 133
De RaePDNim

As promised, part 10 in tow! Extra long one, hope you all enjoy :)


Heh. Enjoy you pervs ;)


"You know, Yoongi, I don't think you planned this out very well."

"What makes you say that, my dear?"

"I'm wearing fucking sleep shorts in the middle of an airport!"

Up until now, due to the fact that you had still been tired, Yoongi's warmth and scent had enveloped you in a state of blissful unawareness, and his fancy speeches about the places he planned to take you had done well to distract you, you hadn't even thought about your state of dress. Now that dozens of people were walking past by the minute, your incredibly informal clothing choices were starting to make you feel really self-conscious.

"I'm not even wearing a bra," you whined, crossing your arms over your loose sleep shirt. At least Yoongi had the thought to grab some sandals for you or you'd be barefoot as well.

He chuckled. "I'll get you some clothes once we land, okay?" he said, tucking you playfully underneath your chin.

You looked around at the shops surrounding your terminal, which was for a plane bound to Scotland, and you turned back to him. "There's gotta be a place in here that sells sweats and jackets and things."

"Sweats?" he asked, quirking an eyebrow. "I could get you something much nicer if you just wait until we land," he said, pouting.

You let out an exasperated sigh. "Come on. Do you really want me walking around like this in public?" You drew your arms away from your chest, enunciating your point. You weren't prepared for the way Yoongi's eyes not only darted to but lingered at your chest, and how the thin material didn't leave much to the imagination. His pupils dilated and his irises began to take on a dark scarlet hue. It made your heart stutter, and goosebumps rose on your skin. "Yoongi," you breathed, both in nervousness and in something much more carnal, an emotion you couldn't quite name, but you'd felt it before, whenever Yoongi touched you in ways that went beyond friendly. He wasn't even touching you now, but the way he was looking you, he might as well have been.

His hands were reaching up, to grab you maybe, but before he could his head snapped up, and you watched as his eyes zeroed in on a bystander who happened to be staring. The color of his eyes quickly transitioned from a smoldering scarlet to a red hot crimson, and he growled low in his throat. He reminded you of a predatory animal in that moment. The poor fool standing nearby didn't have two seconds to process his terror before he was scurrying along, trying to figure out what the hell he'd just seen.

Yoongi didn't take his eyes off of the man for one second. Even when he disappeared from view, he kept his eyes in that direction, and it made you nervous. You put a hand on his cheek. "Yoongi, love..."

He immediately turned back to you, and as your touch settled more into his system, his eyes returned to normal. He took a deep breath. "I'm fine. I'm... fine." He glanced back one more time with a disgruntled frown before taking your hand. "Sweatpants and a jacket it is then."

The plane ride wasn't bad–it was only a six hour flight, and you slept on Yoongi's shoulder the whole trip, his hand placed protectively over your now-pants-clad lower thigh. He woke you with a gentle but firm squeeze and a soft coo in your ear, and you sat up groggily. He pointed out the plane window and, rubbing the sleep from your eyes, you leaned over him to gaze down at the rolling hills of a most brilliant emerald green below. Your mouth parted in awe. "Oh."

"Beautiful, isn't it?" he murmured.

"I've never seen anything so green," you said, a hand lifting to press against the glass. You glanced up at him. "Why did you want to take me here?"

"Scotland holds some fond memories," he simply said, gazing out the window himself as he spoke. "I wanted to share them with you," he stated, turning back to smile at you.

You looped an arm through his and leaned against his shoulder. "Well, I'm excited to see what you have in store."

The plane soon landed at the Glasgow Airport, and getting through customs went relatively quickly. Yoongi briefly stopped at the airport's ATM to grab some pound bills–it was hard to pay attention to the total amount in cash, you'd stopped counting after 300–before guiding you out the doors and catching a taxi further into the city. It was a bit difficult adjusting to your surroundings, mostly due to jet lag and time zone changes–it had been nearly five in the morning when you'd departed from home, but upon entering Glasgow it was already half past three in the afternoon. It was all very eye catching and different, though–you found yourself drawn to every little thing that was different–the cars being driven, the nature, the architecture of the buildings, the advertisement signs mounted high on the buildings and the lingo that you weren't used to. You'd never seen a double-decker bus before, and you patted Yoongi's shoulder excitedly and pointed at it as it passed by.

He laughed. "If something as simple as that excites you, I get the feeling I won't have to try very hard to impress you during our stay."

"Oh, hush." You gave him an eye roll and let your bottom lip poke out. "Cut me some slack. This is kind of a dream. Plus I'd be happy even if you were only taking me to some small ice cream parlor back at home, so this is all really amazing to me."

"Duly noted." At that point the taxi driver stopped and Yoongi quickly got out of the car, offering his hand to you so you could take it and step out as well. Just outside seemed to be some kind of city center or square, with many shops lining the main street and people of all kinds walking around–people who'd set up little stands and were performing for money, people in funny costumes who children walked up to and wanted to see up close, and other things that didn't seem to have any rhyme or reason. Food was also a strong smell in the air, as restaurants and carts were seen everywhere, too. Your eyes widened in excitement at all of it.

"What is all this?" you asked.

"Buchanan Street. Kind of the tourist hub of Glasgow. I normally don't spend much time here–too much commotion–but it's as good a place as any to go shopping and find a place to eat. What I recommend at this point in time, is we explore the shops and purchase whatever clothes you think would suit you for this trip, I'll take you to dinner, and check in at the hotel I've chosen for the night. The restaurant over there," he said, pointing to your left, and you spotted a building with an outdoor setting, a sign hanging over the intricate double doors that read 'Chaophraya & Palm Sugar Lounge', "has some excellent Thai food that I think you'll like."

You smiled just thinking about it, already feeling your stomach grumble. "Can't wait."

"We'd better hurry," Yoongi said, looking down at the source of the sound. "Don't want you to be hungry for long."

You wrapped your arms around your middle, cheeks reddening. "Oh, my god, that's embarrassing," you laughed.

He took one of your hands away from your stomach and held it in his. "Don't be ashamed. It's a body's natural reaction to hunger."

"I've never heard your stomach grumble before," you noted.

His eyes darkened a bit. "No, a vampire's reaction to hunger is a lot more... rabid."

You reached up to touch the bandage on your neck, and you looked into his eyes worriedly. "Are you hungry by chance? I could–"

"No. Not in that way, at least. I took more than necessary last night, rest assured." He smiled. "Strangely, though, I find myself constantly hungry for you these days, in more ways than one."

You gulped at the possible implications, but before you could blush too much about it, he looped your hand through his arm and led you down the street.

"Where would you like to go first, my dear?"

About an hour later you were seated at one of the outside tables of Chaophraya (as requested by you, instead of sitting inside–you wanted to easily observe the lively street), shopping bags placed at the foot of your chair, adorned in an ankle-length white wrap dress with pink floral detailing. You always prided yourself on being a fast shopper, though the stunning thing to you was the amount of clothes Yoongi had been willing to buy for you. You'd protested his generosity, but he'd simply turned that away, and only got you to settle on the matter when he stated he would buy things for himself as well. So, now he was sitting across from you in medium-wash denim jeans, a navy colored blazer, and a white v-neck, the cut of it low enough that you could see the beginnings of the delicate definition of his chest. The sight made you swallow and clench your legs in a way that made your cheeks pink.

You looked up as your waiter approached your table, a man who seemed to be in his early twenties, and leaned down to place your menus in front of you. "Good evening. My name is Cameron, and I'll be your waiter for tonight. Can I get you both started with a drink?" His accent was heavy and you found that you couldn't look away as he spoke, as you were so mesmerized.

"Just water for the both of us," Yoongi answered for you, and when you met his gaze he seemed a little vexed. You gazed at him quizzically before turning back to the waiter.

"Could I have a slice of lemon in mine, please?" you asked.

Cameron gave you a soft smile. "Of course. I'll be right back with those."

After he'd left, you turned back to Yoongi and frowned at him. "What's wrong?"

"You seem rather fascinated by him," was all he said.

"He has a cool accent. I've never heard a Scottish man speak in person before today." You shrugged. "That's all."

"We're in Scotland, Y/N. Chances are you're going to hear a Scottish person speak. It's nothing interesting."

His tone, though passive, was laced with hints of sourness, and as realization hit you, you let out a surprised giggle. "Yoongi, you can't possibly be feeling jealous. Over our waiter?"

He settled further into his chair, narrowing his eyes at you. "It may seem silly to you, but while you're staring at him with those big beautiful doe eyes of yours, his heart rate increases every time he looks at you."

You scoffed. "That's ridiculous. It must be your imagination."

"I'm not imagining it!" he insisted, stunning you with his volume. A few nearby patrons turned around to see the commotion, and he slumped down in his chair abashedly.

Your mind ran back to what your mother had said about Adelaide's and Hoseok's relationship, how oftentimes Hoseok would get very upset and possessive when other males came near her. The situation before you seemed reminiscent of those words, as did what happened earlier that day in the airport. You leaned forward to place your hand on top of Yoongi's, speaking with a gentle voice. "Yoongi, he doesn't feel anything real for me. He's just a stranger. He similarly means nothing to me. I love you, and only you. Okay?"

He grumbled to himself for a moment, refusing to meet your eyes. You squeezed his hand, and when he looked up, seeing your expectant gaze, he immediately softened. He moved his hand to lace his fingers through yours, bending down to place a kiss on the back of your hand. He simply nodded, and you smiled, wriggling your fingers happily in his grip.

A moment later, Cameron returned with your drinks. After Yoongi's words, though fueled by silly misguided jealousy, you couldn't help but observe the young waiter a little closer. His eyes fell upon Yoongi's hand still intertwined with yours, and you saw a muscle in his jaw flex. It was a detail that would have completely flown beneath your radar had you not been paying attention, because as quickly as it had happened, it disappeared with his customer service-appropriate smile. "Here you are. Are the both of you ready to order?"

"I am," you responded, looking back down at your menu. "Can I get the lamb massaman curry, please?"

"Excellent choice. One of my favorites," he said to you, meeting your eyes for a bit too long before writing down your order on his notepad. You could feel Yoongi bristling across form you. The man didn't even look at the vampire when he said, "And you, sir?"

"Sirloin steak for me. Rare." Yoongi shut his menu with a snap and extended it to the waiter, similarly not looking at him. The air was filled with the tense energy of the exchange by the time Cameron left, and you simply sighed.

You'd only gotten through half of your plate by the time you felt like you couldn't eat a single bite more, and you sat back in your chair. "'M full," you said.

Yoongi gazed at you from across the table, chewing through a bite of his steak, which was definitely a tad on the bloody side. It made you smirk in amusement. "Well, I have a few places in mind that we could go after this," he said after swallowing. "Unless you're feeling tired. We could stop at the hotel and rest."

You shook your head. "My internal body clock says it's still early afternoon. I am nowhere near tired, especially considering I slept on the plane."

He smiled with amusement. "Fair enough. We should stop by, anyway, so we can drop off the things we've accumulated. Our night will be more fun if we're not weighed down by so many shopping bags."

"You're the one who suggested shopping in the first place," you pointed out.

"Well, you're the one who said we needed clothing."

"You're the one who whisked me away without packing anything," you laughed exasperatedly.

He pursed his lips at you, containing his own grin. "Fine. You win. It's set, then. We'll drop off our things at the hotel. I'll ask for the check." Yoongi raised his hand as he saw Cameron approaching and briefly explained the situation. The waiter curtly nodded his head and retreated back to the direction he came from.

As you waited, you passed the time by fiddling with the food on your plate with your fork, switching between pushing around the rice and mixing it with the curry sauce. You got a little clumsy with it, however, as you ended up flicking some of the mixture off of your plate and onto the skirt of your dress. "Shit," you cursed, placing the fork down and grabbing your napkin, wetting the corner of it with your water. "Of course," you mumbled exasperatedly.

"What is it?" Yoongi inquired.

"Oh, I'm just an idiot and got my dress dirty is all," you responded dryly. You lifted the edge of your wrap dress and dabbed at the stain with your damp napkin diligently. You hadn't realized that in doing so the draped fabric pulled apart and exposed a very long expanse of your leg until you felt a presence above you. You looked up to see Cameron, checkbook in hand, staring at your bare skin. In that moment it was obvious that his gaze was anything but professional, and you hastily covered yourself back up, feeling your cheeks redden.

"I'll take that, thank you very much." Yoongi ripped the checkbook from the young waiter's hands and shoved a handful of cash into it, snapping it back shut. The amount was obviously a lot more than your meal was worth, but in that moment Yoongi didn't seem to have a single mind about it. "Keep the change," he said with peeved finality. You had the sense to reach down and gather the shopping bags in your hands just in time to feel Yoongi's hand wrap securely around your bicep. A single look up into his eyes was confirmation enough: he was pissed.

"T-thank you, sir. Have a good evening," Cameron choked out behind you as the two of you rushed off.

The air was silent, but very tense and heated as Yoongi guided you down the few short blocks to your destination. On the way, despite his obviously sour mood, he reached down to take the majority of the bags you were holding into his hands, lightening your burden. It made your heart clench. Once inside, Yoongi made his discussion with the concierge fairly quick, securing a room and a key before taking you up the elevator to where you'd be staying.

Once inside, Yoongi threw down the bags haphazardly and pushed his fingers through his already characteristically unkempt hair. You gently placed the remaining two down on the ground by the closed door and hesitantly made your way into the room, closer to him. "Yoongi–"

"I don't remember ever feeling this kind of intense sense of possession," he interrupted, back still to you. "Lately, when I look at you, all I want to do is make sure people know that you're mine, and mine only. It drives me absolutely insane knowing that others could want you the way I do, or that they could take you out of my reach, even if it's just for a moment." He turned toward you and reached down to grip your arms with both hands. His eyes were zoned out as he continued to speak. "I knew I had to get us out of there, because if I watched him stare at you any longer I would have snapped his neck."

You swallowed and released a shaky breath at his words, unprepared for him to be so blunt. It made you nervous to think how close he'd been to taking a life, not only over something so miniscule, but in such a public place. Yet, depite the knowledge of this, you reminded yourself that nothing happened. Nobody had been hurt, Yoongi had left a hefty tip for that waiter when it wasn't expected or needed of him, and he'd even been kind enough to think about you and all the bags you'd been carrying by offering to take them from you, all in his vexed state. No matter how angry he was, due to some newfound animistic instinct he found himself overwhelmed and caught off guard by, he was still in control.

So you were not afraid.

You reached your hands up to grasp at his lapels as a way for him to feel the weight of your touch. "Hey..."

He suddenly tightened his grip on your arms and pushed you backwards until the backs of your legs hit the bed, and you had no choice but to fall back on it. You caught yourself on your forearms and gasped from the impact. "Yoong–"

"All that time I was staring at you the same way he was," he chuckled humorlessly. He knelt on the floor before you, took the edge of your dress, and flipped it to the side, exposing your leg very similarly the way it had been before. The long, deft, veiny fingers of his right hand gripped you around your thigh, and, securing his left around your other leg, he tugged you forward until you were close enough to share each other's breaths. You propped yourself up using the palms of your hands, fingers digging into the mattress. "I looked at you with the same kind of... of... desire." His thumb swept over the sensitive skin of your inner thigh, and you shivered. "And I was angry. Because I wanted you to myself. I still do. I can't stomach the thought of anyone else ever seeing you like this. You're mine." His face faltered for a moment, and he looked up at you with uncertain eyes, so deep and pleading. "Right?"

You couldn't find the words to speak, every single sensory nerve in your body focused on the small pinpoints where Yoongi's fingers pressed into your skin. Your breathing was broken, the little struggling breaths that expelled from your lips stirring the hair that fell over his forehead. As if only just then hearing the rapid beating of your heart, you watched as his eyes bloomed with realization, and he experimentally squeezed at your sensitive flesh. A small sound, somewhere between a pant and a moan, escaped your lips. Yoongi's eyes lit up like the dawn. You barely had time to process before his head was diving down, lips latching on to your inner thigh.

You choked on a sharp inhale of breath, head snapping back. Yoongi's mouth on your skin was nothing new to you, but usually it was accompanied by the sharp sensation of his incisors delving into you, and in a much less intimate location. This was different. This was overwhelming. This was his mouth on the sensitive skin most people never even looked at, sucking gently and kissing deftly, tongue following the trail his lips drew. Your hand moved of its own volition to lock itself in the roots of Yoongi's hair, anchoring you to him. You tried your best to focus on the irregular texture of the ceiling so as not to fade into oblivion.

Yoongi growled softly against you, lips tickling gently as he spoke. "You're mine." You found the courage to look down at him and found that he was staring at you with those bright scarlet eyes you'd seen earlier that day. He rose up so that his face was millimeters from yours, and you swallowed. "Right?" The way he said it to you this time, it was void of any uncertainty. Rather, his voice conveyed that he demanded an answer he already knew.

You could now put a word to that thing that bloomed from your lower abdomen all the way out to the furthest nerve endings of your body, that carnal feeling that took over you whenever Yoongi looked at you like this, touched you like this: lust.

"Yes," you sighed roughly. It was not a moment later that he surged forward and kissed you, mouth molding to yours. His tongue danced along your bottom lip, begging for entrance, which you eagerly permitted. Your bodies pressed against one another as if drawn together by magnets, and you could feel his heart beating in his chest, just as you were sure he could feel yours. His hands smoothed around your body to grasp at your shoulders, trailing down to your shoulder blades and the backs of your ribs, down your waist and over your hips, until he finally landed on your ass. His grasp was firm as he pulled your groin towards his own, and your hips ground forward on instinct. A pleased sigh escaped both your lips upon impact, breaking the kiss. His scarlet eyes flickered, like the red glow of embers crackling in heat.

"Lie back on the bed," he told you on a breath of authority.

Your body moved to acquiesce, situating yourself so that you lay back against the numerous pillows. You didn't know what to do with your limbs, so you awkwardly curled your legs up beneath you and settled for placing your hands over your midsection. Thankfully, Yoongi didn't give you much time to dwell on it. Suddenly he was above you, legs straddling either side of your hips. He took your hands and moved them to rest above your head, and his hands moved to rest at the knot that held your dress closed. You swallowed.

"If I do anything that you don't want, please tell me," Yoongi said to you shakily. It was clear that he was as nervous about this as you were–perhaps for different reasons, but nervous nonetheless–the red in his eyes fading slightly because of it.

You nodded, giving your permission for him to do whatever he wished. A deep breath later, and Yoongi was pulling the ties apart, parting your dress and revealing your body to him, clad in nothing else but your underwear and bra, both white cotton. You wanted to look away and spare yourself the embarrassment–your body wasn't perfect by any means, not to your eyes–but you couldn't help but stare at his face like a deer in headlights, gauging his reaction. You watched as he, with face unreadable, reached his hands to glide over your skin, smoothing them over your ribs and abdomen, and upward towards your chest. You heard an intake of breath and were shocked to discover that it did not come from your own mouth but his. Then, his hands closed over your bra-covered breasts, grasping them firmly. This time sound came pouring out of your own mouth, something resembling a whine, as your eyelids fluttered. His eyes shot up to yours, and you watched as the heat returned to them with red ferocity.

He dove down to press his open mouth to your collarbone, hands curling around your body to rest on your back, pulling you to him. Your hands found his hair unbidden again, and you let out a sigh at the contact. His tongue traced down your chest, stopping at the edge of your bra, and by the way he was sucking on your skin you knew that he was leaving marks without having to look. You felt his hands grip at the back of your bra, but instead of unclasping the device he simply ripped it apart. Your desire to protest was swallowed when he tossed the now useless fabric aside and moved his tongue over your exposed nipple, sucking it into his mouth.

"Oh, my god," you choked, clenching your fingers tightly in his hair. He growled against you and grasped at your waist, and you automatically arced your back, pelvis driving up against him. His attention was soon diverted to your other nipple, and he latched onto it, worrying it as much as the previous. You could feel yourself beginning to pool below, his ministrations sending waves of arousal straight to your core.

By the time he broke away your nipples were deliciously sore and your could feel that your panties were definitely soaked on some level. Yoongi's attention was divided between looking at your flushed body and the expression on your face, which you were sure conveyed just what he was doing to you. "You are more beautiful," he began, voice gruff and hands far from delicate in their exploration of your body, "more delicious, than I had ever imagined."

"You've thought about this before?" you asked huskily.

"I may be a vampire, but I am still a man," he answered with a smirk. "I've dreamed of having you in every way possible. You consume my every thought. Sometimes I fear my desire for you in its intensity."

Your entire being called out to him, because god, you understood. In this moment, you wanted him so badly you feared you might combust.

You were suddenly acutely aware of just how little skin Yoongi was showing, and you were overcome with a desire to see him completely bare before you.

"Yoongi," you murmured, stilling his hands.

He looked up at you, eyes wide and worried. "What is it, love?"

You give him a soft smile in reassurance before telling him, reaching a hand up to rest on his abdomen, "I want to touch you."

His eyes flickered, and he wordlessly took your hands and helped you sit up, sitting back and pulling you so you rested in his lap. Your hands rested atop his shoulders as you came face to face with him. For a moment you forgot your mission as you stared into his eyes, the way they glittered. Most people would associate this vibrant shade of red with something sinister, and considering his species, you could understand why, but to you he was anything but menacing. He was the love of your life. The hands that held you now were strong but gentle, capable, loving. He had always been the man you'd needed in every stage of your life.

Your mother had wanted to part you from him. There was no way in hell that was ever going to happen.

You leaned in to kiss him fully, and he immediately responded, sighing into your mouth. Tongues intertwined with ease, and instead of a battle it was a dance, an equal exchange of energy and lust and caresses between you. His hands dropped down to grasp your ass, kneading the flesh, and you whined against his lips. Slowly, as you began to grind down against him in reaction to his ministrations, you sensed a hardness beneath your clothed core that you hadn't noticed before. It took a moment, but as realization dawned on you that it was his erection, you began to remember your original mission behind getting in this position in the first place. You hungered for him in that moment in a way that you hadn't felt before–almost like you were the predator and he was the prey.

You broke the kiss and stilled your hips, and he looked up at you with haze-filled curiosity. You moved your hands to the lapels of his blazer and began to slide the fabric away from and off of his shoulders. He jumped in to help shuck it off, tossing the forgotten jacket on the floor. Your hands didn't waste time in finding the bottom hem of his shirt and tugging it upward. The two of you got that out of the way in record time as well, and you were left staring at the exposed pale expanse of his torso. It was a sight that not long ago you never thought about seeing, and more recently, a sight that no amount of imagining about did any justice. He was toned in a way that wasn't considered athletic–his edges were too soft and refined for that. He was delicate in a way that wasn't fragile. He was... beautiful. There was no other word for it. Whatever god or science was behind the makings of this man, you knew that painstaking effort had gone into creating something so perfect.

"You're staring as if I might disappear," he chuckled, and you broke your gaze away from his chest and abdomen to look up at him. "It's starting to make me nervous." He said it in a way that didn't resemble nervousness in any way, but you could tell from the shifting of his eyes that he was on edge a little, still trying to decipher your reaction.

In response to his words, your hands finally reached forward to touch his bare skin, starting at his collarbones and skirting over his chest. He had a sharp intake of breath when your nails dragged playfully across his nipples, and you bit down an amused giggle. You leaned down to press an open-mouthed kiss to his jugular. He was quiet and still, but you could tell from the way he'd halted his breathing that he was affected. You were determined, however, to pull sounds from his throat, eager to hear the way they would bend and morph over his tongue. So you let your nails rake down over his abdomen, and you moved your mouth to suck the skin at his chest.

When your tongue danced over one of his nipples, his entire body jerked. "God," he grunted, fingers digging into your ass reflexively. You took it as encouragement, as you experimentally moved your mouth to the other, pressing your tongue flat against it and dragging across it. You were rewarded with a guttural groan, as well as the feeling of his cock twitching harshly from beneath his pants, against your clothed core. You lifted your head to look at him with wide eyes, and he had a look that seemed like he would be embarrassed if he weren't so obviously wrapped up in his own arousal. Still, you felt it necessary to reassure him that your reaction was nothing but positive. Desperate, even.

"Yoongi, can I touch you?" you asked him, eyes pleading, hands resting at the button of his jeans to clarify what you meant exactly. "Here?"

He swallowed harshly, and he ground out, "Please," before lowering his hands to unbutton his pants himself. You didn't protest–you could almost see the haze surrounding him, and it was obvious that thing he wanted most at this moment was for you to touch him, and he wanted it now.

He pulled himself out, and you leaned forward to rest your forehead against his as you gazed down. You didn't know what to expect–you'd stumbled across a porn video or two in your recent years, and talk about sex was nothing new in high school, but you'd never experienced the cherry popping event before. So obviously, your experience on dicks was minimal. You certainly hadn't expected to practically salivate at the sight of him. You reached forward to touch him gently, but you hadn't expected him to feel so heavy in your hand. It was an incredibly satisfying weight, and the contrasting textures of the soft skin and his underlying rigidity made your heart stutter. He was also beautifully swollen, veins standing out and head bright red. A drop of precum leaked out of the slit, and the sight of it gave you the courage to fully grasp him without Yoongi's assistance. You slid your hand up his shaft with a firm grip and let your thumb swipe over the bead, massaging it into the head.

"Fuck," he moaned, reaching up with a hand to grasp your head at the roots of your hair and draw your mouth to his. Only, instead of kissing you, his mouth hung millimeters from yours, as your hand hadn't stilled on him, keeping its languid pace, almost subconsciously. His eyes gazed into yours as you continued to blindly work him, not really knowing what you were doing, but somehow clumsily succeeding to make him fall apart, using contextual clues like the way his body twitched and his breathing accelerated.. You could see the effect you were having on him, and while it took you aback, not used to seeing Yoongi so transparent, it boosted your ego, and you bit your lip.

"Does it feel good?" you asked him sweetly.

"So good," he breathed, lips brushing against yours, eyelids fluttering.

You couldn't help the whimper that left your lips, your pussy clenching. You didn't quite understand how he hadn't even touched you, yet you were so hot at your core that you felt you might explode.

Yoongi growled against you and suddenly seized you by the waist, throwing you off of him. You looked up at him as you bounced erratically on the bed, alarmed, but he didn't give you space to doubt for long as he began to strip down completely in front of you. You dared to say he was taking his sweet time about it, too. All the while he was staring you down with eyes so alluring you couldn't look away. You found you couldn't breathe once he was bare before you, in all his statuesque beauty.

His tongue trailed along his bottom lip, and he spoke. "Do you realize," he murmured darkly, reaching for your legs and pulling you to the edge of the bed, and you let out a yelp in surprise, "that I've been able to smell you ever since we walked in the door? You've been wet for that long, are you aware of that?" He knelt on the floor before you and grabbed your thighs, spreading them purposefully. His hands came straight to the underwear still covering your core, fingers dancing along the hem. "And I didn't want to be too presumptuous–I didn't want to assume what I could and couldn't take from you. But as you sit here basically bathing me in your hormone-enriched scent, I can't help but think that you want this as badly as I do." His fingers dipped down to trace over your clothed core, and the sound of your soaked underwear pressing against you, though a bit muted, was incredibly lewd, and you whimpered. "Well?" he asked, a devious smile beginning to grace his lips. "What do you think, my love?"

"Oh my god, Yoongi," you moaned as he continued his ministrations, his fingers catching your clit several times.

"What was that?"

"Please," you begged, voice barely audible.

"Please, what? Use your words properly." At this point your eyes had shut and your head had dipped back, but you just knew he was grinning wildly.

"Please touch me. I... I-I can't take you teasing me like this..." you whined.

"Oh, well then, since you asked so nicely..." His strong fingers moved to rip the clothing barrier away from you, and all at once you were revealed to him. You had just enough time to jerk your head up to look at him before he was dipping a finger inside of you, slowly, until he hit the base of his knuckle.

You let out a disbelieving sound, trying to adjust to the feeling overwhelming you at that moment. The sensation was so foreign and so surprising that it took you a few seconds to process. Yoongi was as watchful as ever, analyzing your face for telltale signs of how you were feeling. It occurred to you, thinking back over your sex education in school as well as other somewhat unorthodox places, that if he were penetrating you this far inside, you should have felt your hymen break. However, you recalled a faint memory of trying out a tampon for the first time, and the sharp pain you'd felt when inserting it. You'd been afraid to try tampons for a while after that, until you asked your mom about it and she explained the biological reasoning behind your pain. She assured you that if you tried again it would be fine, and you discovered she was right. This turned out to be a lifesaver for your future menstruations because it made the whole ordeal a lot easier to deal with.

And it was a good thing, too, that there was no hymen to deal with now, as you knew that blood was usually involved with breaking the hymen. It could make this situation complicated with any blood involved.

A few seconds later you felt the foreignness of it all fade and you were left with the beautiful sensation of the stretch, and your breath caught. You didn't understand it completely, but you knew you wanted more. "Yoongi," you pleaded, not really knowing what for.

Thankfully he did.

He started to pull out of you, and just before his finger left you, he pushed it back in, and the dragging of your opening against him, slicked by your arousal, was another sensation entirely. Your breathing was loud and messy as he continued, pumping in and out of you slowly. Soon it wasn't enough, and just as you were about to say more, he added another finger and slowly pushed it in next to the first. This was a bit more uncomfortable, and your face twisted a bit as your body accommodated the intrusion. Yoongi looked at you with a bit of concern, but you simply shook your head and encouraged him to keep going. He began to pump his two fingers inside you, this time at a bit of a faster pace, scissoring them as a way to help you adjust to the stretch. It wasn't long after that you relaxed into it, and breathless sighs began to leave your mouth at his ministrations. It amazed you how knowledgeable and attentive he was about properly taking care of the female body, and you wondered for a brief moment if he'd done this before, and how many times. The thought made a crease form in between your brows.

All thoughts concerning the matter ceased when his lips lowered to wrap around your clit, sucking it into his mouth.

"Fuck!" you cried out, fingers grasping the sheets beneath you. With the added stimulation, it was no longer just intriguing sensations circulating within you, it was red hot pleasure, and it began to overwhelm you. He released your clit with a pop and began to swipe his tongue across it in rough flicks, keeping his now steady pace with his fingers. You reached forward to grasp Yoongi by his hair, fingers scraping against his scalp, not only as a way to anchor yourself to reality but as a way to keep him anchored to you. "Don't stop. God, please don't stop..."

He groaned against you, a promise of acquiescence. You no longer had the strength to keep your head up, so you let it fall back again into the mattress. You felt that you could spend forever here, his mouth and hands on you, the heavy aura and scent of sex in the air. His tongue worked you so beautifully, dipping down to collect the juices pooling around his fingers and then back up to torture your clit. It was enough of a distraction for him to sneak a third finger inside you, but this time stopping halfway inside so that you could adjust easier. His mouth returned to suck on your clit harshly as he pushed them in until the three fingers were seated fully inside you.

You couldn't help but let out a whine of discomfort this time, and you were thankful for his attempt to numb the pain that this third addition brought. It was more difficult to process, and you panted heavily.

What was strange, though, was the fact that it still felt good. You didn't know being filled like this could feel so satisfying, so gratifying, so different from anything you'd ever felt. You liked it.

So when Yoongi asked, "Are you alright, Y/N?" lips drawing away from you for a moment to gauge your face, you nodded and tugged on his hair lightly, pulling him up to meet you. You sat up with his help, his fingers still deeply embedded within you. The position had you on the edge of the bed, perched above him. He was looking up at you with such adoration, and it took you aback given the mood of the situation you two were in, and you couldn't help but nuzzle his nose with your own.

"Yes," you whispered, drawing him in to kiss him, and he sighed into your mouth. The hand that was unoccupied wrapped around the back of your neck, thumb stroking the bottom of your jaw. It was a kiss that was simultaneously sweet and passionate, and the taste of yourself on his lips was strangely exciting to you. Sweet quickly faded into lust, though, as Yoongi's fingers pressed into you as a reminder of their presence. His thumb shifted to stroke your clit as he fingered you steadily, catching your bottom lip in his teeth. You broke away, your head falling back on a breathy moan. Yoongi wasn't satisfied with his lips being away from you, it seemed, as he immediately licked a trail up your neck and latched his mouth to a spot beneath your jaw. You rested your hands behind his neck, threading your fingers through his hair, and his hand moved from your neck to your thigh, keeping you spread open. You could feel yourself building towards something, anticipating a climax, and you debated letting it just wash over you. "Yoongi," you panted. "I'm... I think I'm close."

Yoongi's reaction was immediate. His fingers hooked up harshly inside you, making you cry out and look down at him. His eyes bore into yours, though heavily lidded. "Let me be inside you, love," he said.

You couldn't help it as you grinned. "You are, though."

Another sharp hook inside you, and you choked on a moan. His voice was low but amused when he responded. "I'm sure you grasp my meaning."

You did, and you were eager to comply, nodding your head. "Yes," you said. "Please. I want you."

He grinned. "What a coincidence, because I want you, too."

"Oh, dear god," you laughed, rolling your eyes, but the laughter soon died down as he pulled his fingers out of you, leaving an emptiness that caught your breath as you clenched around nothing. He worked the wrap dress that was still barely hanging off your shoulders away from your body, and he moved the both of you fully onto the bed. He braced himself on his elbows above you as you lay on your back, looking up at him in quiet anticipation.

He reached down to swipe his fingers through your folds one last time, eliciting a whine from you, before grasping himself and lining up with your entrance. He looked up at your face in earnest. "Don't look away from me."

You didn't say anything, simply kept your eyes locked on his. You couldn't look away even if you tried, smoldering as they were. A breath later and he was slowly pushing inside you, a stretch bigger than his previous preparations had administered on you, and your hands reached up to grasp at his shoulders reflexively, nails digging into his skin. You couldn't help the whine that escaped your lips. He leaned down to press kisses all over your face, whispering apologies and promises of making it better. You simply shook your head at him, though, wrapping your arms around him and drawing him in even further. It was minutely painful and uncomfortable, but this moment was amazing, and you felt nothing but joy. He had to understand that. "I have never felt more complete than I do now," you told him. "Don't apologize. I'm perfect, don't worry."

The sigh he released seemed to convey depths of untainted bliss. "You are," he murmured, leaning in to press a lingering kiss to your lips. "You are so brilliantly perfect."

It was easy to give in to it all, to adjust, to beg Yoongi to continue, because you had never been more comfortably vulnerable and never as exquisitely needy as you were in that moment. As you wrapped your legs around him, he began to grind into you, slow and deep, and the friction was sharp but delicious. It was even more satisfying to listen to the way Yoongi lost himself in the sensation of you, gripping you and letting his beautiful sounds tumble into your mouth, in the air, in the crook of your neck. You began to rock up into him after the soreness faded and all that was left was the feeling of fullness and the wonderful friction. His response was exuberant as he increased his pace little by little, leaving love bites all along the expanse of your collarbones.

Somewhere along the way Yoongi moved to change positions, backing up to kneel above you and positioning your feet flat on the bed so you had to raise your hips to meet him. The angle brought him deeper into you, making you groan, and as he began to move again you inwardly praised his thinking, as you got a mouthwatering view of the way his abdomen flexed as he thrust into you. Sweat had collected on his forehead and made the hair surrounding his face damp. His bottom lip poked out as he breathed heavily. It was a beautiful rosy color, due to all the work it had done on your body. A rivulet of sweat left a trail from the side of his face down into the well of his collarbone, and you had an insatiable need to lick it up.

He caught sight of the way you were ogling him and let out a breathless laugh, contrasting with the way he was fucking you. "What is that look?" he pondered aloud.

"You consume me," you responded, voice uneven. You reached out to touch his stomach, feeling the muscles work underneath the surface of his skin. "God, it's so much... I... Nothing could ever compare to this, to you."

"You give me too much credit, my love," he grunted, gripping your hips tightly and increasing the power of his thrusts, making you let out a litany of moans. "I don't think you understand just how heavily you have put me under your spell. I am the one who is swallowed whole by you."

"Maybe we're both destined to burn," you said to him, the words more hopeful than should probably be normal.

He bit his lip but couldn't contain the grin threatening to spread over his face. "Well, if it's an inferno you wish for, I'd be more than happy to give it to you." His hand slid slightly from your hip, thumb dipping around to swipe over your swollen clit, and your back arched.

"Ahhh... shit... Yoongi, god, I'm gonna get close again."

"Good. Let yourself approach that cliff, and then let yourself fall. Let me hear your exquisite moans, love."

He didn't have to tell you twice. As he worked you to your peak, you felt yourself seize up in a way you hadn't expected. The pleasure thus far had been like molten lava, flowing over you in a slow, ever-present heat. In the moment that you felt your orgasm wash over you, fire ignited in your veins. Yoongi made good on his promise of burning you alive. It was a red hot pleasure that exploded in your core and ran rampant through the rest of your body, and you thought perhaps you might not be able to take it. "Ahh! Hah... Yoongi, I–Ohhh...."

He was there, holding your body steadfast, growling with satisfaction. His grip on you kept you grounded. You could tell as you clenched around him that he was close, too. "Yes. Oh, god, you are absolutely breathtaking. The way your body grips me, Y/N... Shit." A thrust or two more and then he was pulling out, gripping himself and coaxing his release onto your skin. You watched, basking in the aftermath of your high, as his face contorted in his own pleasure–eyes squeezed shut, mouth hanging open, jaw flexing. As he came down, he slowly opened his eyes, and you observed that they were returning to their characteristic dark midnight color. The way he looked at you in that moment, like you'd just saved his life, stunned you into silence. He was quick to fall forward and capture your mouth with his, telling you without words the depths of feeling that were in his heart.

It was a moment you never wanted to forget.

Yoongi POV

By now the sun had set on the horizon, and the dim glow of twilight was the only thing that lit the room as Yoongi lay next to Y/N, her head nestled on his chest, body pressed into his own. His fingers were running through her hair gently as he listened to the relaxed sound of her heartbeat.

After he had rushed to clean her body of the remnants of their escapades with a damp washcloth, he had tucked her safely into his arms, and they had been comfortably silent ever since. Their internal clocks were still in the early afternoon hours, but after that evening, it seemed they were both feeling fatigued. Yet even as a half an hour passed, with neither of them speaking, they didn't sleep. For him, it was because his thoughts kept drifting back to Hoseok, to the rest of his family, no doubt at this point desperately wondering where they were. He felt a pang of guilt at that, at causing his brothers to worry; he wouldn't be surprised if their worry had morphed into resentment at him for causing so much trouble. More than that, though, he felt guilty causing Y/N's mother so much worry. No doubt she was devastated because of her daughter's disappearance. Yoongi had left their cellphones back home, so there was no way to know where they were, no way to contact them.

Yet he couldn't stop the feeling of panic that crept up his throat and threatened to suffocate him at the thought of taking her back and potentially being parted from her.

As Yoongi tried to distract himself by analyzing Y/N's body language and breathing, he suspected her head was busy with thoughts as well. "What is on your mind, love?" he asked quietly.

She turned her head to look up at him, and her warm breath washed over his face soothingly as she spoke. "I was thinking about Mom. She's probably really worried."

He nodded slowly, frowning. "Yes. I've probably done a lot of damage taking you away from her like this."

She shook her head. "No, nothing that can't be fixed. I know why you took me away, Yoongi. If we hadn't left, we might have been parted forever."

My intentions were a lot more selfish than that, he thought to himself. The words he said following were hard to get out, but he said them anyway. "Are you sure you want to be here with me now? I could take you home, with your mother, where you belong."

"I belong with you," she insisted, eyes bright. "I don't want to leave. Not yet."

"Neither do I," he said desperately. "If I'm completely honest, I never do. But I know that eventually we'll have to."

She slowly nodded, looking sad. "Yes. I suppose." Her hand flexed where it rested on his abdomen. "But not yet."

He couldn't help but smile a little at that. Stubborn girl. Just about as stubborn as he was. "Alright. Not yet."

There was a moment of pause as they slipped into their own thoughts. A moment later, Yoongi felt her stir again, and he looked back down into her curious eyes.

"Yoongi," she began, "how long have you loved me?"

It took him a moment to answer, and he thought as he brushed her hair away from her face with his fingertips. "I'm not sure," he answered. "I don't think there is a single moment where I realized I was in love with you. I just suddenly came to life and eventually realized that it was because of you." He paused. "I think, though, that I somehow always knew that one day I would love you."

Her brow creased. "What do you mean?"

He thought for a moment, trying to think of the best way to explain. "Do you remember," he finally began, "the first time we spoke face to face?"

A grin broke across her face. "Yes. I could never forget. Those doorknobs were so high up, but it was worth the effort trying to break in, because that piano was perhaps the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen."

He smiled back at her fondly. "I was so stunned to see you there in my room, and the sight of your tiny body seated at the piano, little fingers pressing the keys, intrigued me. You were something I'd never encountered in my life before–a human I wanted to spend my time with. Your curiosity, childlike innocence, and outlandishly stubborn demeanor struck something deep within me. At the time I chalked it down to my animalistic hunger, to my excitement in the idea of one day getting to taste your blood, and that was partially true."

"You thirsted for my blood, Yoongi?" she questioned, though she had a light smirk on her face.

"Of course. I still do." His thumb played at her bottom lip, and more of her warm scent washed over him as she breathed out. "Even then, your scent was maddening. But it seems that even I'm not that much of a monster as to feed on a child."

"You've never been a monster, Yoongi," she exhorted. "Not to me. You're an angel."

"You're perhaps the only person in the world who has ever made that comparison," he laughed. He looked at her pointedly. "We've veered off track."

"Right, sorry," she nodded, doing her best to contain her amusement. "Continue your story."

Yoongi hummed. "Have you ever heard of the Japanese expression 'Koi no Yokan'?"

She pursed her lips and shook her head. "No, I don't think I have. Why?"

He gave her a soft smile. "The literal translation of it is 'Premonition of Love', meaning that, different from love at first sight, it doesn't mean that upon first meeting love exists. Rather, it implies the knowledge that future love is inevitable."

Her eyes were bright, reminding him so much of the way they looked when he first saw her. "And you felt that for me?"

"Yes. At that time I was not capable of love, aside from the love I have for my brothers. Not to mention you were only a child. If you had not come into my life, however, and nurtured me with your natural ability to captivate, perhaps I would have stayed that way–unable to form connections of true meaning with anyone. But from that moment on I gravitated toward you, knowing you were the solution to my solitude but not grasping why." He felt shy for some reason in that moment, and he dropped his gaze from hers. "I must have been destined to love you."

In his peripherals he could see the gentle tug of the corners of her lips upward, and he felt the soft touch of her fingertips on his cheekbone. "I wouldn't have pegged you as a guy who believed in destiny."

"Certainly not," he said, looking back up at her with mock stoicism, before he melted slightly. "Not until you came into my life, anyway."

"That's such a goofy thing to say," she said, giggling. "Though, perhaps I can forgive you for that, given that I might be one of those saps who fell in love at first sight."

He laughed. "You're kidding."

"Not at all!" she insisted. "I didn't know it myself for a long time, but it's silly of me to say that I wasn't completely enraptured by you after we first met. You were basically half the reason I even wanted to learn how to play piano."

He gaped at her, shocked but wholly amused. "Y/N, that's bad form. I'm ashamed."

"Hey, I couldn't help it! When a man as beautiful as you walks into a girl's life, she can't exactly stay away," she giggled. "More than that, though, I was enraptured with how lovely you were in your art. I was also... mystified by your solitude. I'd never seen a more lonely person, and I didn't understand it. It caught me, and soon I found myself wanting to soothe the ache that surrounded you. I knew that my place was with you, in whatever way that came to be. What I didn't expect was that you ended up filling a hole in my heart." Her eyes glistened, and her bottom lip trembled. "I don't think anyone has ever loved someone more than I love you, Yoongi."

The change in mood took him aback, and her words made his throat burn with swallowed tears. He leaned forward to catch the ones that fell from the corners of her eyes with his lips, kissing them away. "I can think of an exception," was all he said softly.

"Impossible," she laughed tearily. "There's a lot of scientific evidence that goes into this."

"I'm sure. But I'll tell you a secret–I never studied science." Yoongi leaned in and kissed her fully, his heart bigger than the sun in that moment. He decided that nothing else mattered as much as this feeling, being here with her and holding her close. He'd gladly be damned to hell if it meant he was able to love her this much, for whatever amount of time he had.

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