Heart of the forest

By AmyWildstyle

397 3 3

16 year-old Allison Palazzola lived most of her life as a sort of wallflower, with a perfect life yet nothing... More

Welcome to Jonesburg
North shore high
The wolf boy
What waits in the woods
The cry
Night of the Lycans
The game trail
The wolf boy's name
New routine
A Lycan's howl
The first werewolf
The war of fur and blood
The shadow hawks
The blue moons
Three dreams (part 1)
Three dreams (part 2)
Three dreams (part 3)
Friends on the other side (chapter 18 1/2)
Allison Palazzola
Battle of the Alphas
Full moons
Not quite human
Allison Lycan
When it all becomes clear

An alpha's marking

22 0 0
By AmyWildstyle

Allison's POV (thursday)

"Do you want to stay with the pack tonight?" I looked up a little shocked, but this was the last person I could trust, so I gave him a sorrowful look and nodded slowly. During the walk, Ethan kept his arms wrapped around me from behind, just like the night where I joined his pack for the howl, but overall his warmth made me a little sleepy. "Sorry about this" Ethan said once we came to a stop, but before I was even able to ask him, he suddenly picked me up bridal style, and jumped down what felt like 20ft. I screamed/laughed during our fall, I could only assume we were going down the ditch to the den, but it was still fun to get a slight rush of excitement. When we finally got to the bottom of the ditch, a loud bang erupted from the ground, dear god, how powerful are Lycans? He then put me down, grabbed my hand, and began leading me to the far right of the ditch.

At one point, we came across the entrance to a large cave, but there seemed to be a lot of stairs going to the bottom where there was a faint, glowing light. After a moment of walking down the stairs, we eventually made it to the inside of the den. I immediately recognized everything in the room from the time Ethan saved me: the alpha's pedestal/resting area was in the middle back, the rock that I slept on was really close to the alpha's pedestal, the fire was in the middle, and a bunch of large, flat rocks were scattered around the walls of the cave. "Yo Lycans! Look who decided to join us tonight" Ethan howled, loud enough for the pack to hear, "Allison! great to see the alpha female again!" Alexander barked, but his words caused me to blush. "Alex, Allison is not the alpha female, you don't make the rules around here, I do" Ethan growled while I went off to the side to find a place to sit.

"Daniel stayed with you last night, didn't he?" Ethan asked me once he was done dealing with Alexander, "yeah, I returned him to the forest in the morning" I replied, "oh ok, I was wondering why he didn't come back last night. Little Daniel has quite the strong bond, doesn't he?", "yeah, he does". Ethan and I continued making small talk during my time there at the den, but after 2 hours of talking, I started letting out a lot of yawns. "You tired?" Ethan asked me, "yeah" I yawned, beginning to lay down on the rock I was sitting on, but Ethan suddenly picked me up bridal style and brought me to another part of the den. After walking up what felt like a couple of stairs, he then laid me down gently on a surface that appeared to be in a smaller cave while the floor was covered in neatly organized pillows and blankets. I got up, turned around to see where I was at, only to find myself at the top of the Alpha's pedestal, and apparently the area he dropped me off at was the Alpha's resting den. Wait, this is his.... Is he actually trying to... I turned to face Ethan while there was an awkward blush on my face, "don't think of it that way, sleeping in here is a lot better than sleeping on a rock" Ethan replied before I gave out a sigh of relief, while walking back to the miniden.

As I sat down on the bed of plush blankets, I took a moment to admire the quality of the furniture: some of the pillows were made out of really good silk while some others had soft fabrics, the blanketed ground seemed to be made out of really soft, high-quality bear fur, and the rest of the blankets were really well-made plaid quilts. "Did you buy these yourself, or did you just steal these" I asked, laying down and admiring one of the pillows, "little bit of both, Blaze loves stealing a little something from each house he visits" Ethan laughed. Grateful that he gave me a better place to rest, I got into a comfortable position and began to fall asleep, before I closed my eyes, I saw Ethan kneel down in front of me and gently stroke my hair as I began to pass out.

Ethan's POV

I had wanted to do this for a while now, now was my chance. After she fell asleep, I had to wait for the whole pack to pass out, I didn't need an omega barging into an alpha's most customary ritual. Once the pack had fallen asleep, and the den was now dim, I went up to sleeping Allison, kneeled down in front of her, and began to do what I intended. Doing so was a little hard though, I kept getting distracted by the beautiful human that was laying right in front of me, dammit! Why does she have to be so cute when she sleeps!? I then shook those thoughts out of my head and went back to doing my original plan. I brought my hand to my mouth, and used my fang to give myself a cut large enough to bleed, after letting the blood pool for a moment, I then slightly licked some of the blood off, but made sure to leave a small pool. I then dipped my finger in the mix of alpha blood/saliva, kneeled down, and dabbed the blood on the back of Allison's neck. To add a little extra, I added a tiny bit of blood to my lips before kissing her on her forehead.

The ritual was complete. This process is known as "the Alpha's marking", the alpha does it whenever they want to claim someone as theirs. Alpha's do it to it before they claim someone they care about as "secondary alpha", mainly so other werewolves can tell that they've already been claimed by an alpha. All an alpha really needs to do is to leave their scent on the person, but I added my blood, so the scent would be extra strong. Although Allison is a human, i've grown too attached to her, it's about time that I claim her as mine, and only mine.

Relieved, I laid down, facing her, to know that the person I care about is going to be here for the whole night. Still, even if I marked her, i'm still not going to force anything upon her, i'm not going to turn her into a werewolf, or make her the official alpha female if she's not ok with it. I closed my eyes, happy that I could now claim her as alpha, not a werewolf alpha, not the pack's alpha, but my alpha.

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