Eyeless jack x reader

By EyelessJack2209

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This is not your ordinary x reader where you go to college go in the forest almost die by jack and your in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

chapter 4

121 2 12
By EyelessJack2209

Jenny stared at you before forming a big smile on her face " sure No problem June and sorry for acting crazy its just once something is mine its mine " putting that extra emphasis on mine had you taken aback a bit.

you smiled at her not sure to take that negatively or positively  "okay good yea you can have jack all you want"

your mind screamed at you to stop talking to her and run away, it kinda hurt that you 'gave' jack to her you really started to like him but he lied and you did not want someone killing you over a lying boy.

you went to go walk away when she called out to you " oh hey June I have a question" she was so calm it sent chills down your spine

your mind pondered "fuck what does she want now"

you turned to her almost falling over your eyes barley open fuck I can't do shit high "Do you wanna go to the cafe for lunch later?"

your heart said yes but your mind said no, if you said no she would get mad, if you said yes this might be the chance she has been waiting to grab and kill you.

You smile at her and nodded at the thought of food making you happy before walking away again.

Once you left the class you ran to your room, you have never ran so fast in your life everything seemed to slow down but you had one main goal, Get To April. Your lungs and legs were burning as you tried to hurry up but it was impossible. you ran down the corrordor running past the cafes, making a left than a right. you just wanted to see April. She was your only friend right now. yes you had just met her but she was funny, chill, and she had no problem telling you about what ever truth you wanted to know. And that's what you loved the truth

your mother came into your room and hugged you tightly. "is everything okay mommy?'

your mother nodded before walking to your closet  "im just going to borrow this okay sweetie?"

she grabbed your metal baseball bat before heading outside the door "when I say lock the door lock the door okay." you nodded and walked behind her "lock the door"

you started to tremble you heard the sense of worry in her throat.

The front door opened "where is she" a husk voice spoke out

"no where for you to find her" your mother spat

"oh really do you want to see about that" the voice spoke once more

all you heard next was a loud crack

Running to the east wing you slammed the door open, your arms almost numb from such force, thinking about the last time you came through here, all you could think about was jenny, how she tormented you with the knife and how she was arguing with jack. poor jack. You ran past students who were now staring but you didn't care you need to get to your room. Your breathing got heavy as the adrenaline started to run out but you were still determined. Every step felt like your fibula and tibia were rubbing against each other trying to fight one another no longer working in unison.

Passing building 1 no one was there  which shocked you,  no bitches wow your mind processed. passing building 2 the same thing at least there was no jenny this  time. you finally made it to your building once running in there you made a sharp right and ran to the very end of the hall you bolted being so close but so far. Your raged breaths came to a holt as you ran to the last door on left slamming your key in the door almost breaking it.  you almost hit the wall because of the speed you decided to run at.  You were never really good as stoping. you basically threw yourself into the room "APRILLLLLLLL" you screamed gasping for air desperately trying to level out your breathing. The room was small but not too small it was a creamy eggshell color will a bright purple couch and a small tv in the living room. It smelt like weed and perfume

you see a girl with long brown straight hair come out her room rubbing her eyes "hey how did the edibles hit"

you rolled your eyes you grabbed her and shook her awake

" I     HAVE      TO       GO       TO      LUNCH        WITH     JENNY      WHAT    THE      FUCK "

her laughing stops as she just stares at you "wtf how?"

"so I was high as fuck  in class and jenny kept staring at me and shit so at the end of class  I had the balls to go up to her so I went up to her and-"

april interrupted you "dumbfuck"

"NOT THE POINT anyways so I told her I don't want jack long story short I basically I guess 'gave' jack back to her when I never had him in the first place ANYWAYS and she wanted to go to lunch so I was scared and high and food sounded really good so I said yes because WHAT IF SHE KILLED ME. oh god what is she poisons my food."

"calm down sugar," Aprils soothing voice powered over yours
You took deep breaths waiting for her to begin
"first what your going to do is smoke a blunt with me because shit bitch second your going to get ready and your going to look like a badass and make her jelly then your going to sit with her DO NOT I repeat DO NOT show her your weakness, she is doing this to get a response out of you. Shes a crazy wacko she likes attention and people fearing her.  you are going to act like this is normal and if you see jack don't talk to him. in fact forget him all together the dick aint that good."  she spoke

you started to calm down and you hugged her "lets go smoke that blunt girl"

you rolled the blunt and lit it up and took a couple hits before multitasking to get ready "April do you have makeup or anything all my shit is at my house still?"

"si go into the bathroom and its in the first drawer on the left."

"bitch did you just say si?" you questioned

"duh its yes in Spanish and come hit this" she laughed

you laughed your ass off, you made your way to her taking 3 big puffs before heading back to the bathroom. you turned on the faucet before gathering some cold water in your hands and lathering some into your hair. you crunched your curls between your hands to make them spring to life. you added some fresh mascara over the dry mascara. you took some highlight and added a little to your cheeks, arch of the eyebrow and your nose.

you came back to April to see most the blunt gone "hey! Im not high enough yet"

she laughed "you were to busy getting ready princess have the rest of it" you rolled your eyes before taking the blunt that was almost a roach. you smoked the shit out of it before ashing it out. you grabbed your keys and your card "April when I get back were going to my house to get my shit okay?"

she nodded "go get killed already"

"stoppppppppp" you grunted before closing the door and locking it.

Walking down the hall to the exit you felt great, you looked great. you got out of building 3 making your way to the entrance of the east wing. to your luck jack came running "june!!!"

He stopped right in front of you but you didn't care you moved out the way "by the way I finished the assignment after we turn it in don't talk to me" (were just gonna pretend on that) you walked away leaving him with his mouth open. you saw jenny coming out of the second building and you met up with her "ready for lunch?" she nodded

Jack watched you as you and Jenny met up.

"was that jack?" she questioned with a hint of anger in her voice

"yea but I basically told him to fuck off" you scolded still mad at her for basically making you do that

"uh June are you high you smell like weed" you nodded as she laughed

why was she being so nice, why was she breaking up your friendship with jack, why was she making everything so complicated why was she being so fake why did she make me feel so uneasy.

You looked up to see that you guys had arrived too bad you lost your appetite from being so nervous but you couldn't show it, listen to what April said was going through your mind. if you didn't get anything she would probably notice and think its from you being nervous since she just wanted to kill you and all.  But if your too calm she might have to step up her game and actually cause harm to you.

ughhhh mind stop thinking so into this crazy bitch. you argued with yourself.

when reaching the counter jenny was staring at you, you order a dark roast coffee with 2 sugar 3 cream, and a big bowl of fruit. you loved fruit.

jenny didn't get anything which shocked you. what was this for then well shit you already bought food now you had to eat it. you guys sat down at a table and everyone was staring probably wondering why you were with jenny.  This made you nervous you started tapping your feet and gazing your eyes around the room while you ate some fruit. you were about to say something when a football player came over in his jersey and he whispered in your ear "why are you with her she's crazy you know that right if you need help here's my number" he placed a piece of paper on the table giving you a wink before walking away.

jenny just looked at you and laughed "what was that about?" she was acting so calm, so smoothly. like nothing was a problem in the world she was probably a sociopath who mocked peoples feelings but really was nothing but ruthless.

"oh he was just hitting on me and gave me his number" you lied

she laughed "so did you like jack?" So bluntly

you almost chocked on your fruit. "no"
'What's with this bitch' you questioned yourself

"I told you I thought he was cute  we only met twice, I don't really know much about him" you sighed

"good " she whispered

"I need him"

you stopped eating and looked at her "what do you need him for?" Highly confused

This made you uneasy Very uneasy what could she need him for, to kill him? sacrifice? Trick him into marriage? The possibilities with her are endless

she just stared at you "look how beautiful it is outside." Tension was growing but you wanted to know what she needed him for. She know she had spoken to much but it was too late now. you put down your fork adrenaline coursing through your veins   "jenny, what do you need jack for?" you didn't know why you cared so much you barely knew jack.

"why should you care, you don't care about him you don't know him like I do why do you need to know?" she seemed offended

"oh maybe because I am a human being and I get curious and what do you mean "like I do" girl you've only known him for 3 months summer stop acting like your his world your not. "you scoffed

"well June have you ever heard of curiosity killed the cat" she growled

"yes I have Jenny but to bad im not a cat, and I wont be killed because I'll kill who ever the fuck is trying to kill me." you growled  now growing agitated with the topic. You see why she brought you here was was testing you, testing your limits seeing what your all about.

"so I am going to ask one more fucking time, what the hell do you need jack for, are you planning on killing him with your psycho fucking self? huh Jenny? or maybe your going to kidnap him for yourself." your voice was getting louder as people started to look at you

" stop acting like you fucking run this school because your warped on your boy toy. Stop trying to scare people acting like your going to kill them. If you want to kill someone so bad come on Jenny try and fucking kill me because im tired of your shit."

everyone was staring now some people even walked over to view the show. you stood up slamming  your chair behind you standing in front of her. "are you going to fucking do something Jenny huh or are you just going to stalk jack because that's all your good at"

you don't know where this wave of adrenaline  kicked in  you were too caught in your thoughts when she punched you dead in your face. you herd a loud crack and everyone said ooo. you put your hand to your nose to hear a chuckle out of her. you tighten your fist and punched her in the gut. she went down to grab her stomach when you grab her by her hair and banged her head against the table.

she growled grabbing you hand digging her nails into your hand making you bleed. you banged her head into the table again before kicking her away . Crimson blood was dripping down your face and down your hands as you walked up to her "stop fucking with people, stop acting like your a fucking badass, and leave jack the fuck alone." you spat your blood on her and walked away

Everyone's eyes were pouring into your head, some of them smirked but dared not to say anything. Walking to the nearest bathroom you walked into the stall it was fairly clean and broke down crying. Being high or not high the pain was just now hitting you. your nose was throbbing and all you tasted was the metallic blood which clouded your nose.

Crying wasn't going to help you. It was just going to make your eyes puffy and give you a headache you leave the stall and look at your self in the mirror. your nose was swollen and purple with blood dripping out of it. your grabbed a couple napkins and headed back to your dorm room to grab april. Entering the east wing you see april walking down the hall. She came running to you "bitch whatever you did everyone is talking about it what the fuck happen?"
"Omg your nose "she yelped going to touch it

I winced in pain

you sighed "ill explain on the way to my house" she nodded

you grabbed her hand and pulled you guys to student parking unlocking your car you and April get in before you almost cried again. she hugged you "take your time"

you turned and looked at her" first of all this fucking bitch had me sit down and have lunch with her to talk about jack acting if I liked him and it pissed me off. Then this guy came up to me trying to save me from her it was kinda funny I have his number anyways besides the point she pissed me off we started arguing she punched me I punched her and banged her head into the table a couple times and kicked her."

"uhh June all I have to say is fuck yea for being a badass but now you have to watch out, remember when I told you she killed someone. That person was Melissa, she was a lot like you in a way. A lot happen over summer a lot when jack started talking to Melissa Jenny thought she had to get involved but however Melissa stood up to her and fought her and won. but look where Melissa is now. Dead. "

The car was quiet. you started up your car before heading to your house


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