Chapter 6

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A loud sigh escaped your lips, while you maneuverer your car into the tight parking space.

"I am excited for this party it'll be good for you to get your mind off everything, shitttttt there is going to be so much weed ill be in heaven" April babbled she was never not in heaven.

you giggled at her statement " I have no idea what I'm going to wear, what do you even wear to parties?"

"sexy shit" she laughed "its basically a contest for girls on who can show the most skin without actually showing the goodies" she added on

"what? really?"

This earned some laughter from you as well, you stepped out the car motioning for April to do the same. You go to grab your heavy ass bags when something catches your eyes. You see Jenny trying to pull jack to the woods. You almost dropped your stuff yes you didn't care about him anymore you had only just met him, this was all to crazy but anyone to go with Jenny is a death sentence you have learned. "April look" you grabbed your new friends arm rather tightly.

She looked at you and looked back at Jack and Jenny " I am sorry June but there is nothing we can do Jenny is fucking crazy, would you rather her be dragging you into the woods?" she seemed to have a good point sorry jack....

you nodded and proceeded to grab your bags. April assisted you grabbing the remaining of your bags, you haven't even thought about your mother but time flies when your worried about someone dying especially by a crazy bitch.

You and April headed to the east wing to do to your dorm room in building 3. So much was going through your mind you really needed a blunt. You looked up from the concrete to see an empty handed Jenny and a Jack running away. you Laughed at this sight and continued walking, "at least he is safe" you muttered to yourself.

Entering the west wing April opened the door for you, but something seemed off, a freezing gust of wind almost knocked you and April of your feet.

"its freakishly cold in here" she growled

"and I hate the cold"

you turned and looked at her, "were almost there you big baby" she was shivering all ready

"you act like were in the tundra" you laughed trying to shake off the cold, man it was pretty cold in here and this school doesn't have enough money for good air condition.

April picked up her pace as you guys enter building 3 walking down the long hallway to room 124. The hallway was dim on it got even colder. You strained your eyes to look for your key but April beat you to it. " I D O N T L I K E C O L D" you growled

Opening the door to your nice sized dorm room, you expected it to be cold but it wasn't it was actually kind of hot.

You and April exchanged looks before stepping into the dark living quarters. you pressed the light switch lighting up the whole place each light being somewhat delayed from the other. you ran to your room to drop the heavy bags. " I never want to do that again all my energy gone " you sighed laying on your bed.

April shrugged her shoulders and went to her room for a brief second and came back with a half gallon bag full of weed. " Ready to roll" she had an evil grin on her face

"we are getting high asf" she giggled

"shouldn't we get ready first then get high so we don't fuck up our faces?" you questioned

"hmmmmmm I guess your right but we smoking at least one blunt right now you and I both need it ." you nodded to that statement because it was true you did so much happen in one day, you thought everything was good with jack but it wasn't turns out he has a crazy bitch attached to him, that crazy bitch is now gonna probably kill you, and you had a fight with your mother and had to move into this dorm the only good thing is getting fucked up at this party and meeting April of course.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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