Broken Boundaries (2) |Sweet...

By Mikayla_Q

101K 1.9K 554

It's been a whole summer since she left, but now, Lola Carter is returning to Riverdale, and she's not taking... More



3.9K 82 3
By Mikayla_Q

"You're the man, but I got the, I got the, I got the power. You make rain, but I'll make it, I'll make it, I'll make it shower. You should know, I'm the one who's in control. I'll let you come take the wheel, as long as you don't forget"

The next day, Lola was pacing back and forth in her trailer. Today, she was supposed to go with Betty and Jughead to find the underground bunker. Granted, it was probably a hell of a lot safer in Fox Forest during the daytime than at night but Lola still couldn't get the image of the Gargoyle King out of her head.

That's why, when Cheryl called to ask her if she still had her old Vixens costume, Lola jumped at the opportunity. After sending a quick text to Jughead, she began digging through her clothes in hopes that her dad had brought her cheerleading costume when he moved into the trailer.

After much searching and throwing clothes all over the place, Lola eventually found the familiar blue, yellow and white outfit. She breathed out a sigh of relief, not caring that there were clothes hanging off of everything in her room, And pulled it on.

She felt a little uncomfortable having forgotten how revealing the costume was; the skirt just covered her butt - Even though she had shorts underneath - and there was a band of her midriff visible between it and the sleeveless top. Still, she would much rather that than searching for some underground bunker in Fox Forest.

Grabbing her phone and locking the door behind her, Lola ran off to where Veronica was waiting for her in her car. Luckily, the girl had an extra set of pom poms since Lola's dad had decided they were of no use anymore and threw them out when he moved.

"So what exactly is happening? Cheryl didn't exactly say much on the phone" Lola asked with a chuckle. Veronica smiled brightly at her but Lola would recognise that smile anywhere; it was her scheming smile. She wasn't sure if that was a good or a bad thing in this situation but she was going to take her chances.

"Can you remember the routine we choreographed to Jailhouse Rock just before you left?" she questioned as they drove through the streets. Lola smiled at the memory and nodded. It was her favourite routine they had done but they never got to perform it with the whole Black Hood thing.

"Well, there's a certain Jailbird that organised a football game and my guess is he needs a couple of cheerleaders to get everyone in the mood" Veronica stated with an excited smirk. It was then that Lola noticed where furthered going and she caught on to what Veronica was saying.

They were currently driving in the direction of the Leopald and Loeb Juvenile Detention Centre, meaning that the "Jailbird" was none other than Archie Andrew's. Soon enough, she could see the wire fences coming into view as the car slowed to a stop.

Cheryl, Josie and a few other Vixens were waiting for them there but no one seemed to have noticed them yet. Lola's jaw clenched slightly at the sight of Josie but she brushed away her anger as much as she could; she had to for Veronica and Archie's sakes.

Cheryl smiled at the two and waved while Josie looked uncomfortably to the ground, trying to avoid Lola's hard gaze. As Lola walked over to join the others, Veronica got what appeared to be an old boom box from the boot, placing it on the ground and hitting play.

As the music started to play, Lola instinctively fell into the routine with a grin on her face. She was worried that she wouldn't remember all of the steps but they all seemed to come back to her naturally. For only the second time since she came back to Riverdale - the first being when they all went to the pond - Lola felt like a regular teenager again.

Josie stepped forward, prepared to sing the first verse, and Lola found it very hard to resist the urge to trip her. Instead, she tried to focus on smiling at the inmates who didn't seem to know how to react.

"The warden threw a party in the county jail,
The prison band was there and they began to wail.
The band was jumping and the joint began to swing.
You should've heard those knocked out jailbirds sing"

Lola began to cartwheel and flip as the inmates ran to the fence, no longer too stunned and confused to move. She smiled as she noticed Archie staring at Veronica with a wide smile plastered on her face.

Her eyes drifted over the inmates until they found a familiar face: Joaquin. She smirked and sent a wink his way. However, this caused a sort of uproar among the inmates around him, each of them arguing about who she had winked at. Joaquin rolled his eyes at the idiots around him and sent a smile back as Lola giggled at the inmates.

"Let's rock, everybody, let's rock. Everybody in the whole cell block, Was dancing to the Jailhouse Rock" Lola sang with Cheryl, Veronica and Josie. She never really liked to sing, at least not on her own; she had always thought she was bad at it even if her dad and Jughead would tell her otherwise whenever they caught her.

She seemed to be enjoying the routine even more than any time she had practised it; she enjoyed it so much that she barely even noticed that it was Josie who was beside her when she went to form a circle around Veronica who was about to sing the next verse.

"Number forty-seven said to number three
'You're the cutest jailbird I ever did see
I sure would be delighted with your company

Come on and do the Jailhouse Rock with me'"

As the four girls continued to cheer and sing the chorus together, the inmates finally ran off to play football. Lola guessed it was the first time a lot of them had ever played the game before but they all seemed to be having a good time - even if it was just because they could tackle people to the ground. Either way, Lola continued to dance and smile as Cheryl stepped forward to sing the third verse.

"Spider Murphy played the tenor saxophone
Little Joe was blowing on the slide trombone
The drummer boy from Illinois went crash, boom, bang
The whole rhythm section was the Purple Gang"

As they began to sing the chorus once more, Lola noticed a dark car pull up on the road behind them. She frowned slightly at it but made sure she continued the routine without managing to step on someone or knock into them.

Her eyes widened as she saw Hiram Lodge step out of the car, his gaze alternating between the inmates and his daughter. Lola watched with a worried look on her face as Veronica ran over to her father, leaving the others to dance through the instrumental.

Lola grew increasingly worried as Veronica continued to argue with Hiram. She was supposed to sing the last verse and it didn't look like she would be back on time. Josie knew the words but she didn't know Veronica's choreography and Cheryl knew the choreography but not the words.

As they continued their routine, Lola noticed Cheryl had swapped places with the girl next to her and she shot her a questioning glance. "You have to take Veronica's place" Cheryl whispered frantically to her. Lola's eyes widened as she vigorously shook her head.

"What? No! Cheryl, I can't sing" she exclaimed, somehow managing to keep up the choreography without missing a step as she did so. Cheryl rolled her eyes at the girl. "You can't be that bad and you're the only one that knows the words and the choreography. Now go" she said firmly.

Before Lola got a second chance to protest, Cheryl had pushed her towards the centre of the group. Her eyes widened as she stopped herself from falling. With one last glance at Veronica, she knew there was no way she would be back on time. Taking in a deep breath, Lola masked her nerves with a fake smile and began to sing, hoping she didn't sound like a dying cat.

"The sad sack was a sitting on a block of stone
Way over in the corner weeping all alone
The warden said, 'Hey, buddy, don't you be no square
If you can't find a partner use a wooden chair'"

As soon as the verse was over, Lola breathed out a sigh of relief; she was so distracted that she forgot to sing the last chorus with Josi and Veronica. No one had stopped to stare in horror, which was always a good sign. In fact, it was almost the opposite.

It turned out that both Jughead and Lola's dad had been right about Lola. Josie's jaw seemed to drop as soon as she heard her former friend sing while Cheryl smirked over at the girl, neither of them realising how good she actually was.

As the song came to an end, Josie stepped forward again to sing her final line. As she did so, Lola glanced worriedly back at Veronica; she was supposed to repeat the line after Josie did and Lola wasn't sure if she had the nerve to sing again, even if it was only a single line.

Luckily for her, Veronica was running back over to them, leaving her dad behind her. She was back just on time to sing the line, shortly followed by Cheryl.

As the song finally ended, Lola almost collapsed onto the ground from a mixture of exhaustion, nerves and embarrassment; she had never sang in front of that many people before, even if most of them were inmates playing a football game.

She managed to keep herself together, however, and ran to the fence with the other cheerleaders to cheer on everyone. Lola wasn't exactly sure who she was cheering for - the teams were a mix of Ghoulies, Serpents and random criminals - but she did it with enthusiasm either way.

"Thanks for that. You were amazing" Veronica whispered into the girl's ear. Lola smiled back with a blush but didn't say anything. She was laughing and cheering as she watched everyone playing and having fun until a yell interrupted them.

"Stop the riot!" one of the guards yelled. Lola fell silent and looked around in confusion. Unless there was a group of inmates fighting somehwere where she couldn't see them, there sure as hell was no riot.

Soon after the guard yelled, an alarm started blaring through the open courtyard, followed shortly by countless guards, all armed with batons and holding shields.

Lola was frozen in her spot as she watched in horror. The guards had begun to chase the inmates who were now running towards the fence as if it could protect them. Whenever they caught up to one, the guards would start beating them with their batons.

"Archie! Let go of him!" Lola heard Veronica yelling beside her as she saw a guard attacking her ginger boyfriend. The raven-haired girl seemed to press herself closer the the fence, grabbing at it and shaking it as if we could somehow get through it to save Archie.

As Lola noticed the guards getting more aggressive, she knew that it was time to go. She put a hand on Veronica's shoulder to try and guide her back to the car but she wouldn't budge. Eventually, the rest of the cheerleaders had to help drag Veronica back to the car.

If one thing was for sure, Veronica was not going to let this go and, based on the glare she sent to her dad, Hiram had a lot more to do with it than he let on.

Liked by vlodge, cherylbombshell and 62 others
lolacarter We're the cutest jailbirds you ever did see 🐤

View all 12 comments

jugheadjones this is what you ditched us for?

mantlethemagnificent damn I should've gone for the show

lolacarter oops #sorrynotsorry @jugheadjones  I thought you were done being a perve @mantlethemagnificent

jugheadjones smh. @lolacarter  

bettycoops leave her alone Jug @jugheadjones

bettycoops Kind of wishing I dug out my cheerleading costume too

lolacarter listen to your girlfriend @jugheadjones you should have @bettycoops

cherylbombshell I'm so ready for this

ttopaz We look good

lolacarter same girl @cherylbombshell yeah we do! @ttopaz

vlodge they aren't ready for us!

lolacarter definitely not @vlodge

I don't know if I ever actually said it in Breaking Boundaries that Lola was a Vixen but it was in the instagram book in case you're confused

Also I brought back comments because why not (which you can clearly see lmao.) They probably won't be there for every chapter because I'm lazy oof

Point out spelling mistakes yeet

Ily all <3

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