The Answer (Paul McCartney/Be...

By beatlelover70

2K 194 193

"Love is the answer, and you know that for sure; Love is a flower, you've got to let it grow"~JWL xxxx //WARN... More

why i'm here
what we live for
too easy to give up
lucky to be found
pulling some strings
she's different ya know
lady jane
she's gone
gonna find her
somewhere (2)
fear can taint
fear can taint (2)
in the middle


100 10 14
By beatlelover70

//WARNING//: Abuse, Rape, and suggestive themes. 

"My mother told me once that we can't survive alone, but even if we could, we wouldn't want to. Without a faction, we have no purpose and no reason to live" ~ Veronica Roth


Somewhere, Some date, 1963, Some time. 

Joan's eyes blinked open. They wandered everywhere, trying to take in her surroundings. She was in a trailer... she thought she was. She was in pain everywhere. 

'Where am I', she thought. 

She felt something sticky on her mouth. 

It had been taped shut. 

Her eyes wandered down to the rest of her body. Her arms and legs were tied up and bruised. He clothes were torn and tattered. She could taste blood on her lips. Again. 

She felt weak. Her body was covered in blood. Her skin looked pale from the blood loss and she was unhealthily thin. However, she didn't crave food or water. She craved for Eleanor. 

Oh, how she wished that Paul had been with her. She hated him for not visiting her more often.

The trailer came to a screeching halt. Joan immediately faked being unconscious. She heard the doors creak open. She heard loud footsteps that sounded's. She had no clue where she was, and how he got his hands on her. 

She felt herself being lifted. Not gracefully, but forcefully. She heard his footsteps down what seemed like pavement. She opened her eyes slightly. She saw a house, not like hers. It looked like a home. It looked well kept. 

The door opened and Glenn flung her to the floor. He ripped the tape off of her mouth. Joan gasped and sat up. 

"You thought, you could fool me?!", Glenn waved a finger at her. 

"Glenn what do you want?", Joan asked him. 

"You thought...I wouldn't find you?!", Glenn continued. 



"Glenn you shot me! I was gonna die! It's a miracle Paul found me or Eleanor would've been in an orphanage!", she said. Glenn ignored the comment and kicked her stomach. 

Glenn pulled out his knife and began using it to his full extent, draining the life that was still in her. The life that she lived only for her daughter. The life that wanted to give up so badly, but refused to at the same time.  

The last thing she saw was Glenn's bloody knife. The last thing she felt was liquid oozing into her neck...


Sometime later...

A bucket of water was thrown at Joan. She gasped and blinked her eyes open. She shivered in fright. She was left in her bra and underwear. She felt a sharp pain in her shoulders. Her arms were tied tightly above her head. Her feet were tied up as well. There was blood dripping down from her core. Tears began to flow from her face.

Glenn had raped her. 

And she couldn't do anything about it. And she couldn't have prevented it, because she was drugged. 

Trying to move seemed like a pointless task to attempt. Instead, Joan hung there, limp. Not an ounce of energy left in her. Not an ounce of reason to live in her. She figured if she held her breath long enough, she would just die. Her dignity had been washed away. 

Glenn stood in front of her. Walking towards her drunkenly, he reached out and touched her. She cried out in pain, but Joan didn't even put up a fight. She couldn't. She hadn't the strength. 

"Hmmmmm...I say us have a repeat of what we did before.", Glenn grabbed her jaw and reached into his pocket pulling out a syringe filled with some liquid. Before Joan could react, he injected it into her neck. 

Joan's eyes opened and closed randomly as he took advantage of her...again. 

"Eleanor...", she whimpered. Then it went black again. 


Some more time later.

Joan's bloodshot eyes opened. This time she was lying down on the floor. Her limbs were sprawled across.  She looked around with her eyes. Glenn wasn't there. But she couldn't escape. She couldn't move. She was in too much pain to do so.

She felt helpless and even more unworthy. She felt disgusting, having been raped twice on the same night. She was in pain all over and had no will to live. She wanted to just make him shoot her. 

'Why couldn't I have just died that night?! Why did Paul save me?! I could've been in peace right now!', she thought. Then she remembered, Eleanor. 

She thought of her. Wondering how she was doing. Then she thought about Paul. 


She liked him, but he had stopped visiting them after his girlfriend had come back. He would have saved her if he was there when Glenn came. 

But then the question sprouted in her mind. Would he have helped her? Or would he have just left her? He was a famous musician. 

'All they seek is pleasure from themselves. They play the friendly card on you, and when they find out that they can't have you, they just leave you. And then they do it to someone else', Joan remembered the lead surgeon Kelly telling her when she had inquired about Paul. 

'But, from what I can tell, your Paul is not like that. So don't be worried deary. You know how busy their lives are. He'll make time for you...hopefully" 

"Hopefully," Joan whispered.  

Just then she heard the footsteps she began to dread. Glenn thundered into the room and yanked Joan up by her hair. He looked hungrily at her naked body and Joan began to cry. He slapped her. Joan cried out in pain in her head. 

"'re awake. You missed the party."  

"Where...are...we?", Joan asked. 

Glenn dropped her down on the floor. He grabbed her neck and began to squeeze tight. Joan gagged and began to gasp for air. 

"Where.....are.............we?", she choked out. 

Glenn smirked. 

"We are somewhere your darling little Paul can and never will be able to find you." 

He let go. Joan gasped and began breathing heavily. 

"Glenn...WHERE ARE WE!", Joan gasped. 

"We...are in America." 

And then the familiar liquid oozed into her neck again...and he took advantage of her yet again. 

And then it went black...again. 


A.N: I'm back home! Regular updates can be expected. But around the second week of July, my SAT prep classed will begin, so I will only be able to update on the weekends. Thanks for all the new followers! Also, thanks to you if you added this story or any of my stories to your reading lists! This chapter is pretty short, but it's gruesome. I was iffy about making it this intense, but I gave in. Hope you like it! Continue to vote and comment!! Love y'all!



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