you made me feel something ri...

By Tomboygirl2019

540 27 90

So this is my second story and I hope you enjoy! When dream and killer startet having feelings for each other... More

Dream and killer
Chapter 2(i Dunno a name)
Ha! {chapter 4}
There's actually a reason...
Y-You are a....?
I'm Back With A New Chapter!

Do you wanna be...

60 3 0
By Tomboygirl2019

Killer's POV:
I could feel the blush on my face. "well ummm I don't know?" I said nervous. "Killer tell me!" Dream told me. I put him down and hide my face. "awww don't hide you handsome face~"Dream told me with a blush"stop talking with me that way... "I mumbled and blushed a lot." common honey~"he said" what did you just call me???"i asked with a big blush on my face." honey~"he said" oh my god.... "I mumbled



Dream then grabbed me and kissed me really long and we both blushed like the sun." Killer?" Dream said ." yes Dreamy?"I said looking at him." do you wanna be my boyfriend?"he asked" ofc Dreamy but... "i said." what is it?"he asked me." we can't tell the others we need to hide our feelings" I told him "sure if you say so honey~" Dream said oh god is he cute.... I grabbed him and kissed him and he kissed back. "I need to go now se ya honey~!" Dream said. "okay bye Dreamy!" I said and Tp to the castle. "WHERE WERE YOU?!" Nightmare shouted at me.

Dream's POV:
I watched them and Killer didn't say a word. When everyone walked to they rooms I walked up to Nightmare and said"how dare you?"he looked a bit surprised" what are you doing here?" Nightmare asked" and what do you mean by 'how dare you'? "he also asked" how dare you to shout at killer?"I asked"oh you have a crush on him don't you? Well to bad he doesn't have feelings anymore" Nightmare said with a smile"to bad he already is my boyfriend"I said while getting a knife. "D-Dream?! Put the knife down!" nightmare said in fear. I then put the knife on his neck. "don't tell anyone and if you are rude to killer 1.more.time... You are dead!" I told him and I could tell my star eyes were red. I then Tp away.


time to see killer!!! I thought and runned to the front door

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