There Will Be Freedom

By honeysbaby

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Two years have passed. Maddie and Justin are safe on their island but will the dark underworld of crime pull... More

1. Prologue
2. Mirage
3. Rio
4. Normandy
5. Paper Promises
6. Hills of Monticello
7. Return
8. Ides of March
9. Francis the Bulldog
10. The Animal Kingdom
11. White
12. Philosophy of War
13. Valentino the Python
14. Choke
15. Palm Sunday
16. The Weapons Manufacturer
17. Late Night Shopping
18. Holding the Apples Hostage
19. Spanish Heat
20. The Heist
21. Suspicion
22. Execution
23. The Time that Passes
24. Caged
25. Big Bang
26. The Lake House
27. Genesis
28. Health
29. Real Estate
30. Social Law
31. Reunion
32. Carnal
34. Black Christmas
35. Angel of Death
36. Hands of Lucifer
37. Personal Assets
38. Confessions
39. Opening Day
40. End
41. 5 Years Later
42. 5 Years Later

33. Holiday Decorations

716 13 9
By honeysbaby

Maddie's POV

"A little to the left!" I shouted, my voice carrying upwards into the cloudy sky towards the roof.

Three men, attached to the house with bungee cords, swung above the front window placing a massive wreath in place. It was at least fifteen feet across. I had to go a size up because the smaller one wasn't doing the front entrance justice.

It was starting to snow a little but wasn't that cold. I just wrapped myself up some more in my large jacket as I watched them fasten Christmas decorations to my house. Hundreds of feet of garland were being carefully draped and wreaths were going in every window. Lights weren't arriving until tomorrow, and I couldn't wait to see it all completed.

I had taken over decorating for the holidays. I always liked Christmas, but with my last five being in Brazil, I didn't really feel the need for winter festivities. Now, things were different. Freddie and his family, along with Rebecca and Greg were coming to spend a couple of days with us so I wanted the house to be perfect. I had an enormous party to plan with a guest list of over four hundred. That was more than I had at my wedding! Plus, it was the babies' first Christmas, which was a big deal for me.

I was determined to make it perfect and have the most attractive house on the block. It was a competition that I was going to win, even if it killed me. There was this bitch of a woman down the street who had a golden sleigh delivered yesterday along with a giant movable Santa.

I was going for the more classic look; forest greens and bright reds.

Justin was staying out of it all. Sometimes I thought he could give Scrooge a run for his money. He'd always liked Christmas before, but something was up that he wasn't telling me. He would always go into the hallway to whisper with Jaxon and then pretend like nothing was wrong. Liars.

But I currently couldn't think about that. I had to watch the twenty or so men crawling on top of my roof. I was worried that someone would fall. That was the last thing we needed right now.

"Ma'am, I think we're almost done for the day," one of the senior members of the group said to me. "We'll be back tomorrow with the lights."

"Thank you so much for all of this."

"Maddie!" a voice interrupted us from above.

I looked above to see Justin sticking his head out of his office window.

"What?" I called to him.

"Can you tell them to shut the fuck up? I can't get any work done with them hammering away!"

"They're almost done for the day. Hold on."

"Are you heading this whole operation?" Justin pointed to the man next to me.

"Yes, sir. We talked on the phone."

"Right, well, is there anything you can do about this noise?"

"Um... not really, sir."

"Justin, just close the window."

"Fine." He slammed it with a cantankerous gruff.

I apologetically shrugged.

Justin reappeared, "And watch the dog! He's been chewing through garland for the past ten minutes!"

I ran to get Francis, who was currently gnawing to his heart's content on furry plants. Thank God they were fake.

"You know better." I lifted him up, having to use some strength. He was kind of heavy now. "I'm sorry about that."

"It's no problem." The man smiled. "Can I have you sign this?"

He held out a clipboard for me, and I maneuvered around Francis in my arms to sign it. "Is that all for today?"

"Yes, ma'am. We'll get out of your hair now."

It took the men about five minutes to clean everything up and get into their trucks. It was all so fast that I was taken off guard by their swiftness.

When I went inside, Agata was there to take Francis from me and Katy Nana handed me a steaming cup of cocoa. She made it the best. I was obsessed with the stuff.

"This is really good." I took off my jacket while trying not to spill my cup.

"My mother's recipe. Add a hint of hot sauce. Brings out of the chocolate flavor."

"I'll have to remember that."

I started to kick off my boots.

"Mr. Justin is in a well pissed off mood today." Katy Nana shook her head.

"I know. He's trying to wrap things up at work before everyone leaves for Christmas. Plus Jeremy and Pattie might show up at any moment."

"Oh, right." She nodded.

We were forbidden to talk about those two in the house. As far as I knew, Justin wasn't planning on speaking to either of them for a very long time. I thought he was being childish, but he would counter by bringing up one of my many stubborn moments. He would then distract me with angry sex. It worked every time.

"Mr. Jenks is up there now with him. I believe they would like to speak with you," Katy Nana said.

"Oh, okay. I'll be back to help you with dinner later."

"Carmela and Agata can help. You should rest."

"I'm fine. I want to help," I assured her. "Don't start without me."

She smiled as I climbed the stairs.

It took forever to get up to Justin's office. He was so far removed from everyone else, but I think he liked it that way.

When I walked in, Justin was on the phone walking around with Roman awake in the little pouch attached to his front with his glasses on, which signaled important business. Mr. Jenks, our head lawyer, was sitting in the chair in front of the desk. He nodded to me, not wanting to interrupt Justin with words.

Roman smiled the biggest smile yet when I took him from Justin. I guess he recognized me now, and I was really happy about that.

"Hi, sweetheart. Are you up from your nap?" I cradled him. "You're supposed to be asleep."

"He keeps crying horribly," Justin whispered to me, still on the phone. "Like someone's trying to stab him or something."

"Oh, poor baby. What's wrong?" I bounced him, walking around the room. "You seem fine now."

He started to kick his little legs.

I continued to talk softly as I carried him until Justin hung up.

"That boy was screeching bloody murder in his crib," he said. "Sophia couldn't even take her nap."

"Maybe he has an ear infection. I read that babies get that a lot. But he's okay right now."

"Yeah, after I went to get him. He wouldn't even stop for Katy Nana."

"He just missed his daddy, that's all."

"I'm glad you're here." Justin sat at his desk. "I need you to sign some papers."

"Okay, what about?"

"The kids' trust funds."

"Oh? And how much are they getting?" I asked, only slightly caring at this point. They were only babies, for Christ's sake.

"To start with, just over a million when they hit twenty-five. I think that's respectable, don't you?"

"Sounds like a lot."

"It grows at five-year increments. They'll get more at thirty, then thirty-five, forty, etc. By the time they're fifty, I think they'll be old enough to have it all."

"All of it? You'll want to leave some for us," I joked.

"We'll have more than enough. Trust me. Hopefully, they will let their trusts go and just live off the money they make on their own. Future generations can use this money."

"So where do I need to sign?" I picked up one of his fountain pens.

Mr. Jenks jumped into action, pointing our different lines for me to place my signature. Singing Madeleine Bieber fifty times wasn't as easy as it originally sounded, especially with a squirming baby in my arms.

When we were finally done, my name was all over the documents, along with Justin's, sealing our children's' futures.

"Simple." Justin began stacking the papers up and took off his glasses. "That will be all, Jenks. Thank you for your time."

"It was my pleasure." He got up and started to put on his coat.

"Gioni will give you gingerbread before you leave." I gave him a one-armed hug.

"That won't be necessary. I'm watching my waist." He patted his overly rounded stomach.

"Then take it for your wife. Everyone gets some."

"Okay, then. Maybe I will." He smiled, waved and left the room.

"Gingerbread, Maddie? Really?" Justin rolled his eyes.

"Don't be so grumpy. You will be happy with the babies' first Christmas."

"Is that a command?"


The next morning, for the first time in a long time, I woke up without the cry of a baby. I didn't get a full eight hours, but it was better than anything I had in a while.

Justin was snoring next to me, his chest rising then falling. His face was so soft when he slept, never lined with worry or stress. I began to tenderly dance my fingers along his skin, starting at his nose. It wiggled slightly, but he didn't wake up. I then went across the forehead and slid down his cheeks, feeling the stubble under my nail.

"Justin, wake up," I said. "It's Saturday."

He was usually such a light sleeper but still didn't move.

"Justin, we have things to do." I looked at the clock. It was past ten.

I pinched his cheek lightly. He shot straight up in bed. "Is it the babies? What happened?"

"Whoa, calm down." I sat and rubbed his back. "Nothing happened."

"Maddie, you scared the shit out of me! You can't do that. I almost just killed you." He slammed his face into a pillow violently.

"I tried being subtle. You slept through that." I shrugged.

Francis was now awake in between us, stretching his limbs and smacking his chops. He went right to Justin, curling up like they were best friends.

"What's on the agenda today?" Justin asked, running his hands through his hair.

"Do you have work?"

"No. I'm off for the rest of the year."

"Really? Well, then that gives us a whole bunch of things to do."

"Keegan, Jaxon, Finn, and I are going to go cut down a tree after lunch."

"A real Christmas tree?"

"At least one has to be fresh from the woods. It's a Bieber tradition."

"Then you can help me sort out the menu for the party, and the lights come today."

He groaned, scratching Francis behind the ears. "Maddie, we agreed that I wouldn't have to do anything for this party."

"All I need is a taste tester to make sure the food is perfect. You can do that." I touched my lips to his jaw, figuring a more seductive use of persuasion would be easier.

"I just want to sit and watch TV." He stammered a little when I rubbed his leg with my hand under the sheets.

"We can do that too. Oh, and Christmas shopping."

He groaned again, but it was one of pleasure instead of frustration. I continued to kiss and touch, anywhere I could. His shirt was already off so I took advantage and licked at his skin. I pushed him against the bed, straddling his waist.

Justin pushed Francis off of the bed, and he yelped with a thud.

"That wasn't very nice," I said.

"Damn dog is always in my way." Justin brought my face to his, kissing me hard.

I dipped my head and began lightly pecking his shoulders, collarbone, and neck with wet lips.

I could feel Justin's manhood between my legs, growing harder with each passing second, and I loved that I could affect him that way. I slowly inched down his body; from his shoulders to his chest, his chest to his stomach, his stomach to his hips. I slowly dragged my tongue along his hipbone.

He tried to pull me back up to him but I wanted to go further south, so I wasn't planning on moving just yet. I inched slowly down his muscular body and felt each sinew roll under my touch.

I wasn't taking 'no' for an answer this time.

Justin was hard and proud all over, especially where I wanted him to be. Justin snatched my entire body back up and held my face in his strong hands. He had a look of determination, but I could see the lust swirling around behind the dark green color.

"You don't have to do this, Maddie," he ground out. I could tell that he wanted me to continue but his chivalry was battling his libido.

"You've done it for me," I stated simply.

"Because I wanted to," he argued.

"Well so do I. Now stop fighting me."


"But, nothing. Just let me do it."

Justin's returning smile was uneasy. I continued to stroke him the whole time, and I heard him growl in the back of his throat as my fingers gently massaged his dick through his silk pants.

"I think my body will collapse if you do that. Maddie," he whispered. "Just the thought of it is too much for me."

"That's a risk I'm willing to take," I chuckled and kissed him again.

"But don't you want some help this morning too?" he asked.

"Stop trying to distract me," I said firmly.

I started my circuit back down his body until I was positioned between his legs.

I made sure his eyes were open and he was watching as I slowly started pulling down his pants.

"Jesus," Justin hissed as he watched me. This was so much fun witnessing him squirm because it never happened.

He was leaning on his elbows, his head thrown back. I suspected that if he had to watch, he'd come sooner than he wanted. Justin was already thick and pulsing, and I bet it was painful. But he made me beg, so I was going to do the same to him.

I used the grip on the base of his cock to steady him as I took just his sensitive head into my mouth. I then started licking his tip over and over, occasionally twisting my tongue around it. I knew that would drive Justin insane, and I was proven right when he almost shredded the sheets under his hands.

"Mmm..." I hummed huskily around him.

At this point, Justin couldn't really control himself anymore. He was lying flush against the bed with his hands gripping the headboard for some form of stability. He hissed like a snake as I continued to lick his tip gently. I gripped his shaft with a little more force, and his mouth suddenly worked again.

"Please, please..." he whispered in a voice that I had to strain to hear. "Please."

"I have to hear the words, Justin," I replied coolly. "Remember that time you wouldn't let me finish for over an hour?"

"God, no. I can't wait that long. What more do you fucking want from me?" He spoke in an angry tone.

"I told you."

I took his tip out of my mouth and let go with my hands. He was left high and dry.

Justin growled at the loss of contact, and he propped himself up on his elbows to look down at me.

His face was incredibly conflicted. He was battling with telling me the truth or just taking control of the situation and plunging into me, but I wasn't going to let that happen because this was supposed to be about him, not the both of us.

"I need to hear it, Justin."

His breathing was heavy but his eyes were strong and filled with desire just like I liked them. "Suck. On. My. Cock. Now."

I took him in completely until I felt him at the back of my throat. I was surprised I didn't gag from his length, but I kept my breathing controlled through my nose. I swallowed to relax my throat and take him further in.

"Oh, Fuck!" Justin roared so loud that the bed shook.

I left him in my mouth for a minute or two, just letting the heat pool from my throat before moving my head up and down. I kept a steady level of suction as I continued to bob, move my tongue around, particularly at the head as I watched him tear at the sheets with force.

"Your fucking mouth... wet... so wet ..." he stuttered. I wanted to smile but couldn't, because I was kind of busy.

I could feel he was close as he pulsed in my mouth. I lightly bit down on the base of him and kept my teeth in contact with his shaft as I made my way back up. Faster than I could even comprehend, Justin's hands were tangled in my hair, and he began thrusting up into my mouth. I sucked as hard as I could, trying to keep him entertained.

Another second passed before Justin pushed my head down all the way. He held me there as he released a warm liquid down my throat. His body shook in a violent fit, and he lifted himself up as he sent his last wave into my mouth.

Justin started gasping, desperately trying to get his breathing back to normal. It sounded like he was drowning. He released his strong claws from my hair and let his arms fall completely to his side. I sucked him clean quickly and released him from my mouth.

He had a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead; his cheeks were flushed red.

I moved up the bed and leaned on the headboard with a very satisfied grin on my face, but he looked like he was staring at the ceiling with a blank expression on his face.

I just sucked the fuck out of Justin Bieber. I laughed because I didn't know if he would ever recover.

"What the fuck was that?" he whispered in a raspy voice.

"What?" I asked innocently.

He turned his head towards me and I saw that his eyes were deep but lifeless.

Damn, I guess I really did kill him.

"That was the best fucking thing I have ever experienced. Ever," he said emphatically, "Madeleine Bieber, where did you learn all of that?" Justin was over me in a minute, his face close to mine.

"I wasn't so innocent in high school. I just wasn't a whore like you."

"A whore? I take offense to that."

"Sorry." I pushed him off and ran towards the bathroom. I heard him quickly behind, his playful taunts and growls following me into the shower.

Agata, Carmela, and I watched Justin take the spoon into his mouth. He swished the soup on his tongue a second before swallowing.

"It's good," he concluded.

We all deflated. "Just good?" I asked.


"That's what you said about the last one, Mr. Bieber." Agata was not pleased.

"I don't really like soup." He wiped his mouth. "I thought this party was being catered, anyway?"

"I have to serve something I made myself." I ladled the next one into a bowl.

"No more. I can't." He shook his head.

"Come on, Justin. Please."

"Hearing you beg after this morning does nothing for me anymore," he said pointedly. "Now that I know how cruel you can be."

Agata and Carmela looked between us with suspicious glances.

I was about to say something before Gioni cleared his throat. "Sorry to interrupt, but the same men from yesterday are here with the decorations, Mrs. Maddie."

"Good." I set the bowl down, taking Justin's hand and leading him towards the door.

We stuffed our feet in sturdy boots and wrapped up in warm jackets. We were outside just as the trucks pulled into the driveway.

I was so excited.

"Maddie, you're starting to bounce." Justin chuckled.

"I'm a sucker for Christmas. I can't help it. We never really had enough money when I was a kid to fully decorate other than a tree and family ornaments. I'm going to make it perfect."

"Whatever you want, sweetheart." His arms wrapped around me.

The head man from yesterday stepped down from the first truck with a smile. He had gloves on his hands and a thick knitted hat on his head.

"Hello, Mrs. Bieber."

"Hi. It's Jerry, right?"

"That's right."

"And this is my husband, Justin."

"I was the grouch from upstairs," Justin joked.

Jerry nodded. "We brought lights."

"How many lights?" I asked.

"Over ten thousand. I'm not sure if we will use them all, but it looks like we might for a house of this size. They'll go on the front door, all the windows, all the way around the roof, and then on the sides of the house, as well."

"That sounds wonderful."

"How much is this costing me in electricity?" Justin's brow crinkled, doing silent calculations.

"Quite a lot, I'd assume, sir. Something of this magnitude would have to be a pretty penny."

Justin didn't look too pleased but nodded for them to continue.

He stayed outside, inspecting and giving specific instructions on how he wanted his house to be decorated. I went in to be with the babies and watched from the window.

"See daddy out there." I pointed as I held Sophia. Justin was currently running around, yelling at a guy for bringing snow onto the porch.

"You know, I might be crazy, but I think this little dude likes to poop so he can watch people squirm." Bridget finished changing Roman's diaper. She was over to help me with the guest list of the party.

"He's a boy. That's what boys do." I kissed the top of Sophia's head.

"Can we switch now? I can't change another diaper." She begged. We transferred babies.

"If you're going to have a kid of your own, you might want to get used to it now."

Bridget's face fell just slightly. "I don't think it will ever happen, Maddie."

"Don't say that. It will."

"Everyone says that, but I think we all know..."

"Bridget, I assure you that everything will work out."

She walked around her lips in a small sad frown. "Keegan and I have started looking into adoption."

"Well, that's good."

"We might ask you and Justin for a recommendation if that's okay."

"Of course it is. We would be more than happy to give you anything you need."

"It takes a long time so we're starting now, just in case." She held Sophia close to her chest. "You're so pretty. Just like your mother."

"They both look more like Justin, including the eyes."

Roman and Sophia's irises were changing. They were almost a sea-green color, mixed with the original blue. The doctor said they would darken into Justin's color very soon.

"Are you kidding me? Their faces are yours, no doubt. And the beautiful hair. So much prettier than Justin's butt-ugly face."

"Can we refrain from insulting their father in front of them?"

"They don't know. It's not their fault Justin is an ass. Thank God for you."

"Hey, you two were supposed to be downstairs five minutes ago. I've been waiting." Olivia stomped into the room. "Oh, the babies are up." She took Roman from my arms.

"Okay, I'll just look over the list and cut some people out." I picked up the guest list from the table and reviewed it.

"Auntie Olivia will buy you so many things for Christmas. What would you like? Some new shoes, a new dress?"

"Don't spoil her. I'm sure everyone will already be getting them too much." I sat in the rocking chair, marking people off the page.

"But they deserve it." Bridget set Sophia in the crib.

"Kennedy Anthis... gone." I crossed out her name violently. "She will just start drama."

"If you invite everyone from her skanky crowd, then she has to come too," Olivia informed me.

"This isn't high school, Olivia. If you don't get an invitation, suck it up and move on. I'm not having her in my house."

"I agree," Bridget said. "She's caused too much trouble for this family."

"Fine. I was trying to give the girl the benefit of the doubt." Olivia, with her all too sympathetic nature, shrugged and bit her lip.

"Actually, anyone who has slept with Justin needs to be off of this list." I used my pen to inflict justice.

"Then no one is going to be at the party." Bridget shook her head.

"What are you ladies jabbering about in here?" Jaxon came in, putting on his jacket.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To get a tree." He smiled.

"Don't let Keegan use the buzz saw. I can't drive him to the hospital again."

"I'm going to use it. Justin said I could."

"Absolutely not." I got up and pushed past him, running down the stairs. Justin was wrapping a scarf around his already windburned face.

"Oh, there you are. We're about to go get the tree." He said.

"And you'll be doing the chopping, I hope."

"I thought Jaxon could do it." He didn't seem worried at all.

"Justin, you can't let him use a saw or ax or... whatever the hell it is. He'll hurt himself."

"Maddie, you worry entirely too much." Justin kissed the top of my head. "He can chop down a tree."

"I'm ready." Jaxon bounced into the foyer. "How big do you want it, Maddie?"

"Just a small one for the living room."

"Okay, I can do that." He ran down the front steps where Finn and Keegan were waiting, one with an ax and the other with a chainsaw.

"We'll be right back, Maddie. The guys on the roof are almost done with the lights. I've already written them a check so they should be good to go." Justin shut the door.

"We're going to leave, also." Bridget and Olivia came up behind me, putting on their jackets. "We have to go shopping. You want to come?"

"No, I have too much to do," I replied regretfully. "Have fun."

"The babies are sleeping and changed," Olivia said. "We'll be back later tonight."

"Okay, bye." I waved to them as they walked down the driveway towards Bridget's red car.

For the next hour or so, I started with the decorations inside. We didn't have any previously, so I had to order boxes and boxes of everything; bulbs, lights, bows, and ornaments.

"Mrs. Maddie, I can do that if you'd like," Gioni said, holding the ladder as I climbed up high to reach the garland on the window, threading lights through.

"No, it's fine. Just don't wiggle it."

There was a loud ring throughout the house, signaling that someone was at the gate. Gioni was programmed to run and get it, totally forgetting me fifteen feet in the air.

"Hey!" I shouted.

"You can come down now, Mrs. Maddie. I won't let you fall," Carmela said.

I climbed down the ladder and sat on the couch. I was already tired, and the house wasn't even halfway done. I had three floors to complete. I needed to enlist help with this project.

"Mrs. Maddie, you have visitors at the gate." Gioni reappeared.

"Who are they?" I sighed.

"Mr. and Mrs. Bieber."

"Which Mr. and Mrs. Bieber?"

"The seniors, ma'am."

I shot off the couch, and I didn't know what to do at first. I'm sure I looked like a crazy cartoon character with my head whipping around from side to side.

"Would you like me to invite them in?" Gioni asked.

"No!" I stopped him.

Justin's words repeated in my head, "They won't step foot in my house until I deem them worthy."

"Shit!" I cursed the circumstances in front of me. Of course, they had to show up when Justin wasn't here.

I was happy that Jeremy and Pattie were back, but if Justin had bad blood with them then so did I. No matter how irrational or juvenile it may be, he was my husband and had valid reasons. I needed to stick by his decision. Then again, Pattie was a complete bitch to me and said some things that I didn't really like, but I was a forgiving person.

I walked slowly towards the door, smoothing out my clothes as I went. I put on my boots and exhaled deeply as I stepped outside. I left the door open a little in case I had to make a quick escape.

A black car was pulling up in the driveway, and my heart beat furiously in my chest. I hadn't seen them in ten months. What would I say? How should I act? The car turned off and I could see Jeremy driving through the tinted windows.

Pattie stepped out first, every bit of fashionable as I remember. Her auburn hair was perfectly placed in the wind, and her smile was blinding, more genuine than I was prepared for. I could deal with snappy Pattie, but sickeningly sweet Pattie was going to be harder to be mad at. Jeremy was just as sophisticated and handsome in his long pea coat. His blonde hair was less styled but still shiny and beautiful. They seriously looked like older models, and it made me feel slightly self-conscious.

"Hi, Maddie." Pattie clasped her hands to her heart. "You look so beautiful."

I wanted to run towards her and crumble in her arms. She was the mother I always wanted, and even though I didn't appreciate the things she said to me back at the funeral, I was ready to forgive her. I already had.

"Hi." I waved, not moving.

Jeremy wrapped an arm around Pattie, almost the same motion as Justin had done to me not an hour before. They looked happy together, nothing like when they left. It was obvious that food hadn't been a priority in the places they visited because they were a lot slimmer-nothing unhealthy, though.

"This is strange," I admitted. "Does anyone know you're back?"

"No, we came straight from the airport." Jeremy smiled. He seemed sincerely happy to see me. "I forgot how beautiful it is here in the winter."

I didn't know what to say. It was awkward because I couldn't just invite them in, and they expected me to.

"Where have you guys been?" I squeaked.

"Everywhere, Maddie. It's been the most amazing trip," Pattie sighed. "We fixed what needs to be and decided it was time to come home."

"Oh, well, a lot's been going on since you left." I rocked on my feet.

I wanted to tell them about the babies, but once again, couldn't. Justin didn't want them anywhere near our children. Out of all his decisions, that was the one I would have the most trouble with. Maybe they already knew. I hoped that was the case.

"This is quite the house," Pattie said approvingly. "It's amazing."

"It is. Justin and I are very proud of it."

"We have so much to catch up on." She stepped forward. "Jeremy and I made sure to keep the technological world at a distance. We didn't have phones or computers or anything.

"I highly doubt that." I didn't mean to say it, but my word vomit cam anyway.

"May we come in?" Pattie asked, not noticing or caring about what I just said. She was slightly confused as to why I hadn't invited her already.

"Well... Justin isn't here right now. I think it might be best if you come back later."

Her face became sad. I almost couldn't stand it. This woman had been the matriarch of a powerful family for decades. How was I supposed to turn her away?

"Pattie, I really want to talk about all of this with Justin. I'm sorry."

"Can we at least wait for him?" Jeremy asked. He was hurt by my shunning them as well.

"I'm sorry. I just can't."

"Why don't we go home and then come back later?" Jeremy tried to comfort Pattie before she started crying.

"Is this about what I said at Nicola's funeral? I'm sorry about that. I didn't mean any of it." Pattie began rambling. "I was angry and confused and hurt. I don't think you will be a bad mother. I know you'll be a great one when the time comes, and I never meant to hurt you like that. I think of you as a daughter, and I'm sorry I said those things."

"Pattie, let's go."

I was at a loss of what to say. We really needed to be sitting down for a conversation like this, out of the cold.

"Mrs. Maddie, the baby has woken up from her nap. Should I give her a bottle?" Carmela stepped out of the front door, a wiggling Sophia in her arms.

Pattie did this kind of gasping stutter that sounded like a wounded animal.

"Go back inside," I told her sternly. She did as I said quickly and left us alone again.

I kept my head down, my hair falling in front of my face.

"Maddie, who was that?" Pattie asked, her voice hoarse.

"One of the housekeepers."

"Not the girl, the baby," Jeremy interrupted. "We're not stupid. Please don't treat us like we are."

"That was my daughter," I said.

"You... and Justin had a child?" Pattie was now right in front of me.

"Twins, actually."

"Twins?" She was smiling through the tears on her face. "Two of them?"

I nodded.

"What are their names?"

"Roman and Sophia. They're so cute."

"Really? How big were they?"

"Step away from my wife and get the hell off of my porch," a deep voice said from the door. Justin strode in front of me, separating Pattie and me. "I didn't invite you, nor do I want you on my property at the moment."

"Justin, there's no need for that tone." Jeremy stepped forward.

"I'm a grown man, and I'll use whatever tone I feel appropriate."

Pattie hadn't receded. She raised her hand to touch his face. "You're still here. I thought I dreamed it for such a long time."

Justin took her hand in his. "Mother, we have a lot to talk about, but right now, I need you to leave."

"When should we come back?" Jeremy asked.

"You can make an appointment to see me like everyone else." Justin was fiercely angry.

"Why are you being like this?" Pattie backed off.

"I'm protecting my family. I don't know you two anymore, and you need to work for my forgiveness. I'm not as sympathetic as Maddie."

Pattie looked even more hurt, but Jeremy was somehow proud. His sly grin was almost identical to Justin's. It said: I taught you well.

"We can do brunch tomorrow morning," Jeremy suggested.

"No," Justin snapped. "Maddie and I are very busy with holiday preparations. We won't interrupt our day for a meeting that will clearly take longer than an hour. We're having a Christmas party if you'd like to attend. I can make sure you get an invitation."

"Thank you." Pattie smiled. "We would be more than happy to."

"Until then, goodbye." Justin wouldn't let me look behind as we went inside, and he shut the door.

He leaned against it and closed his eyes.

"Why did you do that?" I laid my head on his chest. He smelled like fresh pine.

"I won't let them hurt us again. I can't get close for them to just walk away as they did before."

"I told them about the babies. I couldn't help it."

"I know, I know." He sighed. "It's alright, We can all discuss it at dinner."

Justin instructed his brothers not to speak with Pattie or Jeremy. It was an order that had to be followed. We all got together that night and fleshed out what was to be said and what was off limits. I finally got what Justin was trying to say when he said he wanted to keep his parents at arms' length.

There was so much that had happened in the past months with business and the family that it was hard to just dump all of that on them. And anything we said would bring up confusion and more questions. We had to have some sort of plan, or we would just start going off at the mouth.

"I'm not sure I like the fact that they just showed up." Keegan crossed his arms. "What did they think was going to happen? They should have called."

"Or at least warned us," Justin agreed. "Who do they think they are?"

"That's what Jeremy wanted. Less time to prepare." Jaxon nodded. "That's his way of attack."

"I want to see them." Bridget cut everyone else off. "I don't think we should have to be so mean."

"We're not being mean. Jeremy has always taught me that family comes first and for the past seven months, he's been self-excluding himself from said family, so he needs to work to get back in." Justin had been making similar speeches all evening.

I held Roman lose to me, using him as my security blanket. I had so much I wanted to say, but couldn't really find the words. I let Roman suck on my finger, and his little hands played in my hair, calming me down for some reason.

"They knew what they were doing." Finn took a sip of beer. "They came right at Christmas. Now we look like jerks if we don't invite them to family get-togethers and act all merry around them. It's easier for them to be included."

"That's what they think," Justin scoffed. "I'm not backing down that easily without a fight."

Everyone stayed at our house that night since the snow had picked up considerably along with the wind. The news called for a blizzard by morning.

Olivia, Bridget, and I lied on my bed and ate chocolates. Justin was currently on baby duty for the night.

"I like all your decorating so far, Maddie," Olivia told me. "It's really nice."

"Thank you."

"By the time of the party, it'll be so beautiful."

"I hope so."

The conversation was weird now. Everything seemed so superficial. We should be dealing with heavier issues like Jeremy and Pattie.

"Are you satisfied with the guest list?" Bridget asked.

I nodded. "And I cut it down to three hundred. The invitations will go out in a couple of days. Did you know that Gioni can do calligraphy?"


"Yeah, he offered to write all the invitations himself."

"That's impressive."

I heard a baby cry in the distance, and my first reaction was to get up, but it subsided quickly.

Francis hopped onto the bed and put his head in my lap.

"I heard you got a cat," I said to Olivia, making stupid conversation.

"Oh, yeah. You'll have to come over and see it."

"Justin says its super fat."

"It's not that big."

We were quiet again until Bridget spoke up, "Have you ever thought about your funeral?"

"No. Why would I ever do that?" I looked at her strangely.

"It's so morbid." Olivia shuddered.

"No, it's wonderful. All your friends and family get to toast your life. Mine is going to be fabulous. I know there are going to be tons of people at my funeral."

"How can you be so sure?" I asked.

"Because I was at my funeral when I was sixteen. I saw the whole thing." She replied proudly.

Oh, brother....

Another one of Bridget's outlandish, wild, crazy stories from her youth. On many occasions, when we all got bored, we would use Bridget as our entertainment because her life was so incredibly glamorous. Half the stuff I wouldn't even believe if it weren't for the fact that most of her stories came along with pictures.

"What?" Olivia exclaimed, "You were at your funeral?"

Bridget got situated, "Well, sixteen was a very difficult time for me. My hormones were racing, my beautiful body was blossoming. I had urges and yearnings so strong that I couldn't contain myself." Her breathing began to quicken.

Here we go.

"Sometimes I'd wake up in the middle of the night just sweating, and screaming, and clawing. Like a trapped panther, unable to release the lusty, steamy passions that constantly threatened to erupt from within me." Bridget was panting at this point.

I collapsed into myself a little, "When I was sixteen, I had braces and played flute in the marching band."

Bridget took pity on me, patting my knee, "It's okay Maddie. We all went through our moments. Now, look at you. And no one even cares that your breasts are tiny."

"I beg to differ. My breasts are amazing." I argued.

"Pregnancy doesn't count. That's like natural boob jobs." She shrugged, "May I return to my story?"

Olivia and I looked at each other with dubious stares. No doubt Bridget's sixteen-year-old self was as vivacious as she described, but this story could only lead downhill from here.

"Anyway," Bridget continued, "Nothing seemed to go right that year, but the final issue occurred during junior prom. Instead of giving me the crown for Queen, they awarded it to some ugly senior with acne worse than moon craters. They made me runner up and gave me the title of Miss Congeniality instead. I was pissed. So I decided to kill myself to teach everyone a lesson."

I pinched the bridge of my nose but stayed silent.

"I faked my death in a boating accident with the guy I was seeing at the time. He helped me with all the details. Everything at the funeral went perfectly; hundreds of people and beautiful eulogies. And then when everyone was crying and grieving, I jumped out with the surprise." She began giggling, "It was wonderful."

I shook my head, "No wonder no one likes you."

"To this day, it's still the best funeral that town has ever seen. But I got arrested and my dad ended up dragging me to Catholic school for girls."

A low rumble was emitted into the air. It was strung out for a couple of long seconds and then fizzled out at the end. We looked at each other. Olivia blushed so red it was more vibrant than ketchup.

"Um, Olivia, did you just fart?" Bridget's mouth hung open.


"Yes, you did." I sat up, my laughter taking over. "You just farted."

"Your story made me uncomfortable. I don't like talking about death." She pouted.

Bridget and I were rolling on the bed in fits of silly giggles. Olivia complained that we were being unfair in judging her. Even Francis couldn't take our nonsense and waddled to his small cushiony bed in the corner of the room.

"Stop laughing at me. It was an accident."

"And it smells so bad," I gasped for air.

"It really does. Worse than anything Keegan's ever shot out of his butt."

"It does not!"

A throat cleared. "Excuse me, ladies," Justin said from the door.

I rolled over. "Hi."

"I don't mean to be rude, but I'm exhausted. Olivia and Bridget, get the fuck out."

"So much for not being rude." Bridget hopped down from the bed. "Goodnight."

"I did not fart," Olivia told me, and then Justin as if he was making assumptions in his head.

Justin closed the door softly. "She farted?"

"Yeah, it was so loud." I made room for him in bed. "We might need to wash the sheets."

"Gross." He wiggled inside the cocoon of blankets that I had created.

That night, sleep came easy, but we only got about two hours before the familiar cry of the babies woke us up. Both of them were wailing to the high heavens. Justin and I got up, coddling them for a little while. They still cried, begging for attention.

"Maddie, they're waking up the whole neighborhood." Justin looked positively haggard. I think the stubble on his jaw had grown an inch in the past hour, and his hair was more of a mess than usual.

"I love our babies more than anything, but they are driving me crazy." I tried to get Roman to suck on his pacifier, but he didn't want it.

"The crying has been getting worse."

Four hours passed, and they were still up. I rocked Roman, Justin tried his singing, we fed them, changed them - nothing worked. I was beyond exhausted and in a zombie-like state as I hummed. My brain was only half functioning.

"Please, quiet down," Justin begged.

"Okay, that's it! I can't take anymore." Keegan barged through the doors and took Roman from me without even asking. Bridget was right behind him and took Sophia. They left the room as quickly as they came.

"What just happened?" I whispered.

"I'm not sure."

Five minutes passed and miraculously, the crying stopped. It was gone, just like that. Silence throughout the house.

"Thank God," I heard Justin say. By that point, I was shutting my eyes.

I felt arms lifting me up and a second later, the soft sheets of my bed. I welcomed them and fell asleep a couple of seconds later.

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