You and I Will Fall in Love...

By katiedidthatt

51.4K 1.7K 1.1K

Welcome to the 1940's. It's the peak of war time and poverty is at an all-time high. Steve Rogers is the kid... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 // The End

Chapter 15

1.7K 61 46
By katiedidthatt

Steve finally had an opportunity to talk to Bruce and Tony about creating a surprise for the depressed boy lying in his bed currently. Ever since Bucky opened up to Steve about how he hated his metal arm, Steve has been thinking about how to help the man get a new arm. By no means was Steve an inventor, but he had a couple friends that he knew could get the job done. Steve felt bad asking Tony for a favor for Bucky seeing as Bucky killed his parents, but Tony still was not aware. Despite it feeling wrong, Steve decided that he'd first get a new arm for Bucky and then he'd work on talking to Tony.

          "Tony, can you and Bruce do a favor for me? I can repay you, I promise." Steve said whilst he approached the billionaire scientist.

          "I'm a very busy man, Steve. My bottle of scotch won't drink it all itself. What do you need?" Tony took a swig out of his glass and looked at Steve.

          "I need you and Bruce to make a new arm for Bucky. He doesn't like the memories that are associated with his current one and I want to gift him a new one. Can you do it?"

          "Why do you need me and Bruce? I'm fully capable of designing things without the green bean in here," huffed Tony.

          "We don't need any secret blasters or arms that can also turn into guns. I just want a simple design that won't remind him of The Winter Soldier."

          "Seriously? No blasters? Not cool, Rogers."

          "Look, if you do this for me, I'll get you a hot date tonight for a movie night with the whole team." Steve winked at Tony.

Tony contemplated this for a few seconds.

          "Fine, whatever, but they better be hot."

Steve chuckled and walked away to let Tony do his work. He couldn't wait to tell Bucky about this, but figured it would be better to be saved for a birthday present. March 17th was the older soldier's birthday and it was only about 5 days away. Steve was in no worry that Tony wouldn't finish the arm in time. He'd probably have it done in a day or so considering the little amount of sleep that the billionaire usually got. They'd tried to coax him into sleeping more, but his stubbornness won the fight and he got to stay up as late as he wanted. They really should have a bedtime for the man.

Steve tiptoed into the room that he shared with Bucky and smiled at the sleeping figure in his bed. Bucky was his boyfriend now. They weren't able to use that title back in the 40's, but now they could love each other freely. If someone wanted to say something about it, then two men injected with the super serum would answer to them. Steve carefully approached the man in his bed and brushed his shoulder-length hair out of his face.

          "Hey beautiful," crooned Steve softly.

          "Go away," grumbled the sleepy boy.

          "Make me." Steve said before climbing into bed with the other boy.

Bucky swiftly shoved Steve out of the bed and Steve painfully landed on the floor.

          "Come here, jerk." Steve growled before sitting on Bucky and tickling the boy underneath him.

          "Steve! Stop!" laughed Bucky as he tried to shove the younger man off of him.

          "We're having a movie night with the other Avengers, come on." Steve pressed a kiss to Bucky's cheek before sliding off of him.

          "Steve...they don't like me." Bucky frowned as he thought about what the other Avengers would say about him joining them.

          "They love you, Buck. They know that all of that HYDRA stuff wasn't your fault. They've all heard countless stories from me about what you were like before I lost you. Kind, funny, handsome, and all mine." Steve smiled as he planted kisses all over Bucky's face, saving his lips for last.

When Steve finally convinced Bucky to get up and join the rest of the team, they walked into the living room to see everyone already sitting down. Clint sat on one of the love seats with Pietro, his arm swung around the young speedster. Next to them sat Natasha and Wanda, their hands laced together. Steve spotted Tony trying to impress the guest that Steve had invited for him. Stephen Strange was way out of Tony's league, but he appeared to be enjoying the flirts coming from the billionaire. Bruce had excused himself earlier, claiming that he had work to do in his lab. Thor sat on the other love seat with his brother, talking very loudly about how nobody could pick up his hammer. Steve nodded a hello to everyone as he led Bucky to one of the sofas and sat down.

They all decided to watch a Disney movie after Steve refused to watch any violent movies so that Bucky didn't have another panic attack. He was glad that most people in the tower were in relationships so that nobody would judge when he put his arm around Bucky and kissed him in front of everyone. The older boy was slightly embarrassed by this, but Steve just chuckled and kissed him more.

After the movie was over, everyone parted ways and went back to their respective rooms. Pietro picked Clint up and ran back to Clint's room, Nat and Wanda stumbled back to Nat's room whilst kissing; Tony managed to convince Stephen to stay the night, claiming that his portaling was too difficult and that it was too late. Steve and Bucky remained lying on the couch because Bucky claimed he was too tired to move. Steve walked over to the stereo in the lounge and clicked on music from the 40's.

          "James Buchanan Barnes, can I have this dance?" Steve smiled and held his hand out to a sleepy Bucky.

         "Steven Grant Rogers, only if you let me sleep afterwards." Bucky chuckled and grabbed Steve's hand.

With one of their hands holding the other man's and their other arms wrapped around each other, the boys danced slowly to the music playing softly from the speakers. Steve pressed kisses onto the top of Bucky's head and Bucky slowly dozed off in the golden boy's embrace. With a smile, Steve carried Bucky back to his bed and let the exhausted boy finally sleep.

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