Spots (mxm)

By TheoryKierei

4M 88.7K 25.1K

Book one of the Shifter Series. Arron had been asking his father if they could move for the better half of hi... More

Chapter 1: Spots
Chapter 2: Whiskers and Claws
Chapter 3: When Bathing a Cat, Don't.
Chapter 4: Tough Skin
Chapter 5: It's Always a Trap
Chapter 6: Cubs
Chapter 7: Vet
Chapter 8: Teeth
Chapter 9: Explanation
Chapter 10: Fixing the Problem?
Chapter 11: Spots and Tusks
Chapter 12: Problematic Paws
Chapter 13: Fur and Skin
Chapter 14: Cake and Frosting
Chapter 15: Can We Be Friends?
Chapter 16: Other Fun Things
Chapter 17: Gifts
Chapter 18: Birthday Date
Chapter 19: Unfriendly Reunion
Chapter 20: Something to Laugh About
Chapter 21: Larro
Chapter 22: A Phone Call
Chapter 23: Father Figure
Chapter 24: A Fun Day Out
Chapter 25: Forgiveness
Chapter 26: Leaving
Chapter 27: Wake Up Call
Chapter 28: Why Care
Chapter 30: A Little Leeway
Chapter 31: Pull it Together
Chapter 32: Spoiled Paws
Chapter 33: A Little Control
Chapter 34: Testing the Waters
Chapter 35: Oh Boy
Chapter 36: Earning a Place
Chapter 37: Taming the Lion
Chapter 38: Epi-A Wild Family

Chapter 29: You Lose Some

30.3K 1.9K 356
By TheoryKierei

Shoving his way out of the car, Rylan growled a warning as he straightened his messy shirt back down. The girl inside was a lioness from their local pride who was in heat. He'd thought that he'd do her a favor and get himself some pleasure in the process, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't even kiss her.

His lion grumbled in his head but he shoved it aside, not wanting to be reminded of why he couldn't sleep with the busty blond.

The lioness quickly got dressed and followed him up the stairs of their school as the bell rang to signal that lunch was ending. He hadn't had much of an appetite lately so he tended to skip lunch and sometimes even breakfast.

"Rylan, wait for me!" The girl called after him. No doubt she was stumbling around in her too-high heels trying to catch up to him.

That whiny voice.

Turning on her, he let his mane partially show as he growled out another warning.

"Go away!"

He knew that he shouldn't have been so mean, but he hadn't been himself lately. His eyes followed the crying girl as she ran around him back inside the building. Giving a tired sigh, Rylan turned and stalked back down the steps toward his car. He would get in trouble with his coach for skipping classes again, but he was too valuable to the team to suspend.

"Where ya going, little lion?"

Of course he'd be here.

Erin stopped a few feet in front of him as he turned around to face him. The guy seriously pissed him off, even more-so than the slutty girls that followed his tail everywhere he went, expecting to become his mate. Of all the people to touch Arron, it just had to be him.

Rylan also heard that he had asked the kid out before he'd disappeared. That alone made him want to kill him, but he was a damned elephant. Even in his human form he could handle Rylan... which was what all the bruises on his body from the past week proved. He had attacked him twice already out of sheer spite, but each time Erin easily blocked his punches and sent him flying.

"What do you want, elephant?" He ground out, not wanting to deal with him right then.

He always seemed to be the picture perfect image of calm during the stressful week. Rylan knew that it was an elephant thing not to get too caught up in stuff, but the guy hardly ever showed any kind of negative emotion at all.

"I just talked with Arron's mom." Erin said with a slight grin.

I told her to call me with information! Why did she talk to him instead?

"She didn't want to call you because you're supposed to be in class. Arron called and said that he would be home late tonight."

He's coming back tonight?

Rylan was gone in a flash, his lion having torn through his clothes without a care as it started running. If Arron was coming back that evening, he would be the first one to meet him.

Arron's mother was standing outside sweeping the porch when he arrived, panting quietly from the run. She looked up with a light chuckle and a nod before disappearing inside the house. She returned a minute later with a bowl of water that had a few ice cubes in it. As soon as it was set in front of him Rylan gulped it down, then began crunching the ice happily. It was one of his lion's few vices... it really loved ice.

When he felt a hand sifting through his partial mane he glanced up.

"He'll be home soon. I know that you missed him and that means a lot to me. I'm glad he has good friends like you and Erin."

Like Erin? That guy just wanted in his pants. And myself? I'm not his friend, I'm just, he's just...

His lion was pushing him toward the word mine, but he shoved it back.

"Rylan?" She asked, seemingly sensing that he was upset about something. 

He gave a quiet rumble before resting his head on his front paws. He didn't feel like shifting back right then to talk and she figured that out pretty quickly.

"I suppose you're here to wait for him so I'll leave you be."

With that she smiled and went back inside to finish cleaning up before her son came home.

"Alright guys, we're going to stop at the place I'll be renting for us first." Larro said.

It was already close to ten o' clock at night, but after driving the whole day they were finally close to their destination.

"Pask! Wake up. Dropping you and Tayn off in a few minutes." He yelled behind himself.

There was a grumble from the back seat and when they finally pulled into the parking lot of a nice apartment complex Pask was up and yawning. He stopped the car in front of the building on the left.

"Alright, Tayn, Pask, grab our stuff real quick and head inside, it should be unlocked with a few keys on the counter." Larro said.

Tayn nodded and set Arron's cheetah in his lap for a moment so that he could get out. He was about to shut the door so that he could get the stuff out of the trunk when Arron ran over to him.

Pausing with his hand on the door, Tayn smiled down at the kitten and patted its head. Larro could tell that they were talking telepathically, but he was surprised to know that Tayn had bonded so quickly with Arron when he was so against even talking to people in general.

After Pask and Tayn got their stuff and were safely inside, Larro pulled out of the parking lot and got him and Arron headed toward the address he had gotten from the boy's mother earlier.

Darn kid hadn't even memorized his new address yet.

"Alright, shift and get dressed if you can. We'll be at your house in about an hour or so."

The second Tayn had his and Larro's stuff he ran up the stairs to the new apartment. It was pretty darn nice inside and a bit bigger than their last one. The doorway opened into the living room right away, then the kitchen was one of those open ones only separated by the counter that wrapped around near the hall and acted as a technical wall on the left.

He quickly walked down the hall and took a right toward a shorter one before he came upon the first bedroom. It was nice, but it wasn't one of the ones with a balcony. It looked like there were two with access and one without. He was about to turn and look for the others when he heard Pask coming.

Without much thought he stepped into the room and shut the door fast. Pascal's feet paused outside it a moment later, but then continued onto the other two rooms to look around. Tayn sighed with relief hoping that he wouldn't try to bother him after that long car ride, but when he heard scratching at the door a minute later he nearly jumped. 

At least the scratches meant he was in his canine form. That was at least a little easier to deal with.

He slowly opened the door to see a fuzzy spotted face staring up at him. The hyena whimpered once before taking the edge of the shirt that Tayn was wearing and tugging. There really was no reason not to follow since he was in his animal form and not jumping at him.

He silently walked beside Pask until they stopped in the room furthest from the entrance. It was right next to the bathroom and when Tayn stepped inside he instantly felt more relaxed. The balcony. He often found himself out there at their old apartment at night when he'd had trouble sleeping. It was pretty common for him to spend several hours there each week as well. He guessed that after living in the strip joint for two years that he really had a thing for being outside, even when at home.

With calm steps he made his way out onto the balcony and took in a deep breath of fresh air. Larro had picked out a very nice place and it was close to one of the state's forests, which he couldn't wait to explore later.

There was a faint brush against his pants from Pask's nose, making him glance down at him and growl quietly. He knew what he was going to do before he nudged him again, then again.

Annoying guy.

Eventually Tayn gave in and tossed his shirt off, then yanked down his pants so that he could shift. The second he was in his hyena form he was tackled and promptly attacked Pascal back in response. He knew that he didn't play very well with anyone, much less him, but Pascal always tried, even if it ended up with him bleeding.

When he nipped at his nose Tayn ran after him, biting his haunches and tail when he didn't move fast enough. They ended up running right out the front door that had evidently not shut completely before. He didn't even realize where they were going until he slowed to catch his breath at the edge of the forest. Since he was already there, he couldn't help but flop onto his back and roll around in the leaf litter. He knew that it was childish and he was still quite annoyed with Pask, but he couldn't help that side of himself.

Hearing the snap of twigs nearby, he snapped his head up to see Pask walking closer. He noticed him staring and dropped to the ground right away. Tayn knew that he wouldn't dare come closer unless he showed that he would accept his attention, so he just continued to roll around happily. It was likely around thirty minutes later when he finally got himself up out of the leaves, shook most of them off, then sauntered over to Pask. Tayn could tell that he wanted to jump up since his tail was now thumping repeatedly on the ground with interest, but he was smart and held back that urge.

Since Tayn had the chance to approach him without the risk of being sexually assaulted for once, he very carefully began sniffing at his nose and licking at his mouth. He knew that he should have been claiming dominance in that situation instead of giving submissive signals, but he wasn't one that enjoyed being in charge. Also, just because he submitted did not mean that he wanted to be bred by anyone he cued as dominant. The second he finished licking his nose Tayn noticed him beginning to get up and abruptly snarled right in his face.

I want to do him so badly!

If Pascal actually got completely up on his four paws Tayn would have probably killed him because he would have seen his not so little problem that he wanted him to help him with. He tried to move a little higher, but Tayn snapped at him, making him drop back down with a cackle.

It's so mean to submit and then tell me I can't have any...

Pascal stayed completely still as Tayn sniffed around him. Everything about him was tense, telling him that another nip would come his way if he made the wrong move, or really any move. What he didn't expect though, was Tayn circling around him, then very hesitantly lying down right against his side.

His scent instantly filled Pask's nostrils, making his hyena nearly begin to drool.

Please don't read my thoughts. I don't want to be castrated.

The guy wasn't helping his libido calm down any as he snuggled in and rested his head on Pascal's left front leg. Why are you so cute, and vicious? Tayn's hyena was not even half the size of his own, but it was still just as masculine while at the same time being adorable, if that made any sense at all.

If Pask thought that he was hiding his perversion, he was dead wrong. Tayn could smell it radiating off of him right along with his natural musky scent. He thought that after all of those times smelling it that he'd be gagging, but he actually didn't mind it much. The guy wasn't trying to hump him or really move at all, so there was no reason to bite him just for getting turned on. He could be as hard as he wanted if he kept it to himself.

Tayn relaxed for a few minutes before one of his eyes cracked open, a confused look on his hyena's face as he got himself to his feet and quickly ran back to the apartment. He could hear Pask trying to catch up, but he managed to slip into the bathroom and lock it before he could stop him.

"Tayn! What's wrong?"

Stop banging on the door, you idiot.

"Go away!" He yelled, having shifted back.

"What did I do?" He asked, worry in his voice.

Honestly, that had been the best behavior Tayn had ever seen from him. It was his own fault that he'd freaked out.

"Nothing! Now go away." He growled back through the door.

Tayn started panting as Pascal continued to bang on the door, but he didn't think that he would go as far as to force it open. After a few more moments Tayn got himself into the shower and grabbed the stiffness between his legs. Every few months everything got uncomfortably hot and his body just got disgustingly turned on. He knew that it was a heat cycle like females shifters had, but he had no idea why he was getting them. It always messed with his head, which was why he was almost snuggling with Pask outside, but he wasn't supposed to go into heat again for at least another month considering the schedule he'd been on for it.

What the hell happened?

The rest of the drive home was bitter sweet. Arron honestly didn't want to leave Larro, but he knew that he had to go home. His mother meant the world to him.

When they pulled into the driveway he could see Rylan in the yard. That wasn't exactly expected, but he shrugged it off. The person he really wanted to see was running from the porch and he quickly jumped out of the car to meet her halfway.

"I missed you so much, sweetheart!" She said as she hugged him tightly.

"Me too." He replied quickly.

They stood there in the driveway at eleven twenty at night, just enjoying the fact that they were finally back together again.

He noticed his mother looking over his shoulder after a bit and smiled as he turned and ran back to the car, grabbing Larro from the driver's seat where he was hiding for some odd reason. Arron dragged him over to his mother and introduced them with an excited grin.

"Mom, this is the man that saved me. His name is Larro. Larro, this is my mom."

Larro knew that Arron meant well when he introduced them, but when he saw his mother's eyes widen abruptly with recognition, he knew that he would be leaving very soon. The judgment had instantly been made... and it was a shame, because he really wanted to be able to visit Arron some time and hell, his mother looked like a nice young woman worth visiting, too.

Not that way, you idiot!

Quickly shaking his head, Larro refocused his attention to see Arron now pushed behind his mother and a lion stalking over from where it had been lazily lying in the grass.

"Please leave." Arron's mother said, her tone brooking no argument. She had clearly seen or read about what he'd done in the past at so me point. It had made national headlines. 

"But mom, he saved me and brought me home! Why are you telling him to leave so suddenly?" Arron asked, clearly confused.

She wouldn't turn to look at Arron as he spoke. It was a smart move. If anyone came near his kids with his kind of history, even though he couldn't ever see the pups, he would have already killed them.

Instead of arguing anything, Larro just gave Arron a small smile and turned to grab his bag out of the car. He handed it over to Arron's mother calmly, trying to keep the tension from getting any worse. The lion had stopped a few yards away, but he knew that he was about ready to pounce if he made any kind of move toward Arron or his mother.

Well, at least he has people that care about him here, unlike when he was stuck with Marcus.

That information had Larro nodding once in goodbye before turning and shutting the passenger door, then sliding into the driver's seat. He didn't spare a glance back at Arron, because he knew that he would have gotten out of the car again just to try and hug him goodbye. Instead, he forced his car into reverse and pulled out, then floored it down the street. 

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