Little Wolf (Sansa/Petyr)

By paigelindssay

22.7K 631 27

What if Sansa had not pushed Petyr away? What if she had entertained the idea of fulfilling his dream? Could... More

Changing Ambitions
Evening by the Fire
Knowledge is Power
Playing Games
A Mild Inconvenience
Decision Making
The Arrival
Women of Power
The Feast
Ruined Plans
Wounded Ego
Unharnessed Power
Money Matters
The Announcement
The Fire
A Boy's Proposal
Three Days
Venturing North
Home Early
The Queen's Choice
Asking Questions
The Wedding

A Moment Together

535 16 1
By paigelindssay

Daenerys had ordered portraits of her suitors and Jorah had obliged. When they finally arrived, she and Jorah laid them out on the floor and examined them.
"He is rather handsome." Jorah pointed out a Dothraki Khal, with a strong jawline and deep eyes.
"I suppose." She replied. She sat back and looked at them. They all looked almost right, but none of them gained her attraction. She sighed when she realised what the matter was.
"They are not him." She stated and Jorah looked at her with pity and adoration in his eyes.
"They were never going to be." He added. Khal Drogo was a magnificent man and Jorah knew that she would never find a Khal to match him. He noticed the tear rolling down her cheek and asked her if she wanted him to leave.
"No, stay." She caught his arm and pulled him down to her level. He was warm and comforting. She wrapped her arms around his bicep and wept quietly, feeling the deep thud of his heart.

Daenerys was unaware of the audience she had. Sansa had been on her way to deliver a dress to the Queen when she noticed the conversation and stood for a moment to listen in. She felt such pity for Daenerys, but she could not stop herself from listening at the door.

Petyr saw her there, stood with a dress clutched in her arms. She was eavesdropping and he knew it. He had not planned to see her today but he had a little time before his next arrangement and this opportunity was too good to miss.

Sansa did not feel him behind her.
"It's very rude to listen in to the Queen's conversations you know?" He whispered in her ear and she jumped out of her skin. She had been caught.
"I was waiting for our appointment." She justified herself, turning slowly to face him.
"Ah I see, and that is why you are clutching that dress so tight?" He jested her. She looked down to the ground. She knew what she had been doing was wrong, but she had wished that she could have been caught by anyone else but him.

Petyr revelled in the power he had over Sansa. She pouted and looked down at the floor and he looked at her, for a long while, perhaps longer than necessary. He leant into her ear and watched her quiver.
"Don't worry, little wolf. I will keep your secret." He then placed a soft kiss behind her ear and left her, walking at pace to his next engagement.

After Petyr was gone, Sansa was called in by Daenerys for her dress fitting.
"This is warmer than the others. I like it." Daenerys smiled, snuggling into the fabric.
"I am glad. I have also been working on the quilt that you asked for. That should be done soon." Sansa smiled down at the Queen.
"Very good. That is all for today, Sansa." Sansa curtsied and left. Apart from her sewing work she was unsure what to do with herself for the remainder of the day.

Tyrion sat with the Queen in the afternoon.
"Are you warming up at all?" He asked her.
"Yes, little by little." She replied, smiling down at him.
"Very good. And I hear that your dragons are doing very well in their new home." He nodded to her.
"Oh, I am so glad." Daenerys smiled, snuggling into her fur shawl.
"I relish every piece of good news I receive lately." She sighed.
"You know, things are not all bad. The restoration of the Red Keep will allow it to stand for longer and it has produced jobs for many. And, despite my protestations, the Vale is really very nice. Baelish is working harder than a dog to ensure that things are running smoothly and progress is being made." Tyrion sung praises of the work being done. Daenerys grimaced, thinking of Petyr working so hard, knowing that he would not be seeing Sansa in the process. Something had to be done.

Petyr had just finished his meeting with his informant from the Red Keep and he was now enjoying a very short break, before having a meeting with the Queen. He was shocked to find that it was Daenerys that came to him.
"Your Majesty." She placed a hand up.
"Please, stay seated." She implored him. She sat opposite him and relaxed back into her seat.
"Now, I do not want to hear about the finances of the seven kingdoms; I do not want to hear about the restoration of the Red Keep. I am here to tell you that you are to do no work for the next three days. That you are to read and relax and bathe and lounge about the Vale to your heart's content. I can not have you overworked, Baelish." Petyr could not believe his ears.
"But the work-"
"It shall be sorted by the members of the small council. For now, you must take your mind off of work." She stood.
"I hope I shall not see you for the next three days, enjoy yourself." She smiled, before leaving him. It took Petyr a moment to understand what had happened, before he was up, running to his chamber to change and relax.

Sansa took her afternoon tea with Tyrion.
"How is your brother?" He asked.
"Yes, he is very well from what I am told. I believe Tormund is to be staying with us once again very soon." Sansa smiled down at her cup, knowing that this would bring Brienne a great amount of joy.
"I am glad to hear of that. He is a very likeable man." Tyrion added and Sansa was glad that Tormund had made a good impression.

Gretchen had been visited by Lord Baelish while she was washing Lady Sansa's clothes.
"Do you know where Lady Sansa is?" He asked her and Gretchen replied that she was at tea with Lord Tyrion.
"Very good. Could you go and tell her that I request her company before dinner, please?" Petyr asked.
"Yes, of course, my Lord." She curtsied and Petyr made his way to his chambers to slumber for a short while.

Sansa was shocked to see Gretchen interrupt her tea with Tyrion.
"My Lady, I am sorry, but I am here to tell you that Lord Baelish has requested your company before dinner." Sansa flushed and placed a hand over her mouth.
"I am currently having tea with Lord Tyrion, but I shall go straight after. Thank you, Gretchen." Sansa smiled at the girl, before she left.

Tyrion watched as the girl left. He wished she had stayed just a moment longer. He had never seen Sansa's maid before, but he could not take his eyes off of her. She was beautiful, dressed in modest clothes with her dirty blonde hair piled in complicated braids onto her head. She must have been a few years older than Sansa, still youthful with skin like snow and eyes clear and green. He tucked this niggling desire into the back of his mind and returned to his conversation with Sansa, but it was there, even if tucked away.

Sansa had gone to Petyr after her tea with Tyrion. She knocked at his door; however, when she gained no response, she pushed the door open. Petyr laid on the bed, fast asleep, relaxation falling over his face. Sansa smiled down at him. He had been working so hard and he deserved to have a break. She did not want to disturb him. So she removed her dress and corset and slid into the bed next to him. She heard his sigh and felt his arms wrap around her and she smiled, finally, since being at the Vale, they were having a moment together.

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